Would run `/usr/local/bin/awesome party extreme` every two hours. `:task` is always replaced with the first argument, and any additional `:whatevers` are replaced with the options passed in or by variables that have been defined with `set`.
If a `:path` is not set it will default to the directory in which `whenever` was executed. `:environment` will default to 'production'. `:output` will be replaced with your output redirection settings which you can read more about here: <http://github.com/javan/whenever/wiki/Output-redirection-aka-logging-your-cron-jobs>
All jobs are by default run with `bash -l -c 'command...'`. Among other things, this allows your cron jobs to play nice with RVM by loading the entire environment instead of cron's somewhat limited environment. Read more: <http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2010/09/07/rvm-and-cron-in-production>
And you'll see your `schedule.rb` converted to cron sytax. Note: running `whenever` with no options does not display your current crontab file, it simply shows you the output of converting your `schedule.rb` file.
The capistrano variable `:stage` should be the one holding your environment name. This will make the correct `:environment` available in your `schedule.rb`.
If your production environment uses RVM (Ruby Version Manager) you will run into a gotcha that causes your cron jobs to hang. This is not directly related to Whenever, and can be tricky to debug. Your .rvmrc files must be trusted or else the cron jobs will hang waiting for the file to be trusted. A solution is to disable the prompt by adding this line to your user rvm file in `~/.rvmrc`
This tells rvm to trust all rvmrc files, which is documented here: http://wayneeseguin.beginrescueend.com/2010/08/22/ruby-environment-version-manager-rvm-1-0-0/
This will simply show you your `schedule.rb` file converted to cron syntax. It does not read or write your crontab file. Run `whenever --help` for a complete list of options.
Whenever was created for use at Inkling (<http://inklingmarkets.com>). Their take on it: <http://blog.inklingmarkets.com/2009/02/whenever-easy-way-to-do-cron-jobs-from.html>
Compatible with Ruby 1.8.7-1.9.2, JRuby, and Rubinius. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/javan/whenever.png)](http://travis-ci.org/javan/whenever)