Ruby library for slicing images for use by the zoomifier flash application
Updated 2023-07-23 23:00:59 +00:00
A really cool Vagrant/Gulp setup for running WordPress with lots of fun addons.
Updated 2023-07-23 22:58:58 +00:00
Stupid-simple Rack-based Markdown w/ syntax highlighting browser
Updated 2023-07-23 22:55:02 +00:00
VIew helpers for building views that are easily inspected via Capybara so you don't have to care about markup.
Updated 2023-07-23 22:54:44 +00:00
(PROJECT NEEDS NEW MAINTAINER) Seed Fu-like functionality for Mongoid
Updated 2023-07-23 22:54:16 +00:00
Rails 3+ templating system with JSON, XML and Plist support.
Updated 2023-07-23 22:24:19 +00:00
Qwandry gives you a single way to easily open all your projects and libraries.
Updated 2023-07-23 22:23:08 +00:00
A ClojureScript-based processor and viewer for directories of pictures/photos.
Updated 2023-07-23 22:21:16 +00:00
Common methods for bootstrapping, pre-commit testing, and Gemfile management? Sign me up!
Updated 2023-07-23 22:20:59 +00:00
Ruby gem for building nanDECK directive definition files
Updated 2023-07-23 22:20:43 +00:00
Just jQuery for Sprockets. No Rails bits, no strange dependencies.
Updated 2023-07-23 22:16:05 +00:00
Image definitions I've made public for experimentation or whatever
Updated 2023-07-23 22:14:24 +00:00
Reload your Jasmine suite in Firefox via MozRepl and get success/failure information
Updated 2023-07-23 22:12:43 +00:00
Jasmine reporters wrapped in a crunchy jasmine-headless-webkit shell
Updated 2023-07-23 22:12:26 +00:00