Would run `/usr/local/bin/awesome party extreme` every two hours. `:task` is always replaced with the first argument, and any additional `:whatevers` are replaced with the options passed in or by variables that have been defined with `set`.
If a `:path` is not set it will default to the directory in which `whenever` was executed. `:environment` will default to 'production'. `:output` will be replaced with your output redirection settings which you can read more about here: http://github.com/javan/whenever/wiki/Output-redirection-(logging-your-cron-jobs)
All jobs are by default run with `bash -l -c 'command...'`. Among other things, this allows your cron jobs to play nice with RVM by loading the entire environment instead of cron's somewhat limited environment. Read more: http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2010/09/07/rvm-and-cron-in-production
You can change this by setting your own job_template.
set :job_template, "bash -l -c ':job'"
Or set the job_template to nil to have your jobs execute normally.
And you'll see your schedule.rb converted to cron sytax. Note: running `whenever' with no options does not display your current crontab file, it simply shows you the output of converting your schedule.rb file.
Whenever was created for use at Inkling (http://inklingmarkets.com) where I work. Their take on it: http://blog.inklingmarkets.com/2009/02/whenever-easy-way-to-do-cron-jobs-from.html
Ryan Bates created a great Railscast about Whenever: http://railscasts.com/episodes/164-cron-in-ruby
It's a little bit dated now, but remains a good introduction.
== Credit
Whenever was created for use at Inkling (http://inklingmarkets.com) where I work. Their take on it: http://blog.inklingmarkets.com/2009/02/whenever-easy-way-to-do-cron-jobs-from.html