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Related Projects
AJAX mocking for Jasmine.
This add-on provides a set of custom matchers for working with DOM nodes and an API for handling HTML fixtures in your spec.
Use Jasmine to drive your iPhone UI Automation tests.
Jasmine adapter for JsTestDriver.
jasmine-jquery provides extensions for Jasmine to support the jQuery framework and an API for handling HTML fixtures in your specs.
A Maven Plugin for processing JavaScript sources, specs, and executing Jasmine.
Makes Jasmine available in node.js.
A collection of jasmine.Reporter classes that can be used with Jasmine.
A TextMate bundle for the Jasmine JavaScript BDD Framework.
Jasmine webOS allows you to use Jasmine to test-drive Palm® webOS™ applications.
Run your Jasmine specs without a browser.
The MooTools Specs runner uses Jasmine as a UnitTest-Library; it is possible to run specs via the browser, via JSTestDriver and via NodeJS.
A set of Vim snipMate snippets for Jasmine
If you'd like your project added, email jasmine-js@googlegroups.com. Please include your project's name, a brief description, and web site/repository urls. We reserve the right to edit.