--- layout: default title: Related Projects --- # Related Projects ---- [jasmine-ajax](http://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-ajax) > AJAX mocking for Jasmine. [jasmine-dom](https://github.com/jeffwatkins/jasmine-dom) > This add-on provides a set of custom matchers for working with DOM nodes and an API for handling HTML fixtures in your spec. [jasmine-iphone](http://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-iphone) > Use Jasmine to drive your iPhone UI Automation tests. [jasmine-jstd-adapter](http://github.com/ibolmo/jasmine-jstd-adapter) > Jasmine adapter for JsTestDriver. [jasmine-jquery](http://github.com/velesin/jasmine-jquery) > jasmine-jquery provides extensions for Jasmine to support the jQuery framework and an API for handling HTML fixtures in your specs. [jasmine-maven-plugin](http://github.com/searls/jasmine-maven-plugin) > A Maven Plugin for processing JavaScript sources, specs, and executing Jasmine. [jasmine-node](http://github.com/mhevery/jasmine-node) > Makes Jasmine available in node.js. [jasmine-reporters](http://github.com/larrymyers/jasmine-reporters) > A collection of jasmine.Reporter classes that can be used with Jasmine. [jasmine-tmbundle](http://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-tmbundle) > A TextMate bundle for the Jasmine JavaScript BDD Framework. [jasmine-webos](http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine-webos/) > Jasmine webOS allows you to use Jasmine to test-drive Palm® webOS™ applications. [jazz_money](http://github.com/pivotalexperimental/jazz_money) > Run your Jasmine specs without a browser. [mootools-runner](http://github.com/mootools/mootools-runner) > The MooTools Specs runner uses Jasmine as a UnitTest-Library; it is possible to run specs via the browser, via JSTestDriver and via NodeJS. [vim snippets](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3249) > A set of Vim snipMate snippets for Jasmine ---- If you'd like your project added, email jasmine-js@googlegroups.com. Please include your project's name, a brief description, and web site/repository urls. We reserve the right to edit.