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" File: taglist.vim
" Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
" Version: 4.5
" Last Modified: September 21, 2007
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Yegappan Lakshmanan
" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
" taglist.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty of any
" kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the copyright
" holder be liable for any damamges resulting from the use of this
" software.
" The "Tag List" plugin is a source code browser plugin for Vim and provides
" an overview of the structure of the programming language files and allows
" you to efficiently browse through source code files for different
" programming languages. You can visit the taglist plugin home page for more
" information:
" You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions
" or suggestions for improvement or to report bugs. Visit the following
" page for subscribing to the mailing list:
" For more information about using this plugin, after installing the
" taglist plugin, use the ":help taglist" command.
" Installation
" ------------
" 1. Download the file and unzip the files to the $HOME/.vim
" or the $HOME/vimfiles or the $VIM/vimfiles directory. This should
" unzip the following two files (the directory structure should be
" preserved):
" plugin/taglist.vim - main taglist plugin file
" doc/taglist.txt - documentation (help) file
" Refer to the 'add-plugin', 'add-global-plugin' and 'runtimepath'
" Vim help pages for more details about installing Vim plugins.
" 2. Change to the $HOME/.vim/doc or $HOME/vimfiles/doc or
" $VIM/vimfiles/doc directory, start Vim and run the ":helptags ."
" command to process the taglist help file.
" 3. If the exuberant ctags utility is not present in your PATH, then set the
" Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable to point to the location of the exuberant ctags
" utility (not to the directory) in the .vimrc file.
" 4. If you are running a terminal/console version of Vim and the
" terminal doesn't support changing the window width then set the
" 'Tlist_Inc_Winwidth' variable to 0 in the .vimrc file.
" 5. Restart Vim.
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" 6. You can now use the ":TlistToggle" command to open/close the taglist
" window. You can use the ":help taglist" command to get more
" information about using the taglist plugin.
" ****************** Do not modify after this line ************************
" Line continuation used here
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if !exists('loaded_taglist')
" First time loading the taglist plugin
" To speed up the loading of Vim, the taglist plugin uses autoload
" mechanism to load the taglist functions.
" Only define the configuration variables, user commands and some
" auto-commands and finish sourcing the file
" The taglist plugin requires the built-in Vim system() function. If this
" function is not available, then don't load the plugin.
if !exists('*system')
echomsg 'Taglist: Vim system() built-in function is not available. ' .
\ 'Plugin is not loaded.'
let loaded_taglist = 'no'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Location of the exuberant ctags tool
if !exists('Tlist_Ctags_Cmd')
if executable('exuberant-ctags')
" On Debian Linux, exuberant ctags is installed
" as exuberant-ctags
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'exuberant-ctags'
elseif executable('exctags')
" On Free-BSD, exuberant ctags is installed as exctags
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'exctags'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
elseif executable('ctags')
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags'
elseif executable('ctags.exe')
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags.exe'
elseif executable('tags')
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'tags'
echomsg 'Taglist: Exuberant ctags ( ' .
\ 'not found in PATH. Plugin is not loaded.'
" Skip loading the plugin
let loaded_taglist = 'no'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Automatically open the taglist window on Vim startup
if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Open')
let Tlist_Auto_Open = 0
" When the taglist window is toggle opened, move the cursor to the
" taglist window
if !exists('Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen')
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Process files even when the taglist window is not open
if !exists('Tlist_Process_File_Always')
let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if !exists('Tlist_Show_Menu')
let Tlist_Show_Menu = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tag listing sort type - 'name' or 'order'
if !exists('Tlist_Sort_Type')
let Tlist_Sort_Type = 'order'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tag listing window split (horizontal/vertical) control
if !exists('Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window')
let Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Open the vertically split taglist window on the left or on the right
" side. This setting is relevant only if Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window is set to
" zero (i.e. only for vertically split windows)
if !exists('Tlist_Use_Right_Window')
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Increase Vim window width to display vertically split taglist window.
" For MS-Windows version of Vim running in a MS-DOS window, this must be
" set to 0 otherwise the system may hang due to a Vim limitation.
if !exists('Tlist_Inc_Winwidth')
if (has('win16') || has('win95')) && !has('gui_running')
let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 0
let Tlist_Inc_Winwidth = 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Vertically split taglist window width setting
if !exists('Tlist_WinWidth')
let Tlist_WinWidth = 30
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Horizontally split taglist window height setting
if !exists('Tlist_WinHeight')
let Tlist_WinHeight = 10
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Display tag prototypes or tag names in the taglist window
if !exists('Tlist_Display_Prototype')
let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Display tag scopes in the taglist window
if !exists('Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope')
let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Use single left mouse click to jump to a tag. By default this is disabled.
" Only double click using the mouse will be processed.
if !exists('Tlist_Use_SingleClick')
let Tlist_Use_SingleClick = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Control whether additional help is displayed as part of the taglist or
" not. Also, controls whether empty lines are used to separate the tag
" tree.
if !exists('Tlist_Compact_Format')
let Tlist_Compact_Format = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Exit Vim if only the taglist window is currently open. By default, this is
" set to zero.
if !exists('Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow')
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Automatically close the folds for the non-active files in the taglist
" window
if !exists('Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close')
let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Close the taglist window when a tag is selected
if !exists('Tlist_Close_On_Select')
let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Automatically update the taglist window to display tags for newly
" edited files
if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Update')
let Tlist_Auto_Update = 1
" Automatically highlight the current tag
if !exists('Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag')
let Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag = 1
" Automatically highlight the current tag on entering a buffer
if !exists('Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter')
let Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter = 1
" Enable fold column to display the folding for the tag tree
if !exists('Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column')
let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 1
" Display the tags for only one file in the taglist window
if !exists('Tlist_Show_One_File')
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if !exists('Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items')
let Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items = 20
if !exists('Tlist_Max_Tag_Length')
let Tlist_Max_Tag_Length = 10
" Do not change the name of the taglist title variable. The winmanager
" plugin relies on this name to determine the title for the taglist
" plugin.
let TagList_title = "__Tag_List__"
" Taglist debug messages
let s:tlist_msg = ''
" Define the taglist autocommand to automatically open the taglist window
" on Vim startup
if g:Tlist_Auto_Open
autocmd VimEnter * nested call s:Tlist_Window_Check_Auto_Open()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Refresh the taglist
if g:Tlist_Process_File_Always
autocmd BufEnter * call s:Tlist_Refresh()
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
autocmd GUIEnter * call s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
" When the taglist buffer is created when loading a Vim session file,
" the taglist buffer needs to be initialized. The BufFilePost event
" is used to handle this case.
autocmd BufFilePost __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Vim_Session_Load()
" Define the user commands to manage the taglist window
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistToggle call s:Tlist_Window_Toggle()
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistOpen call s:Tlist_Window_Open()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" For backwards compatiblity define the Tlist command
command! -nargs=0 -bar Tlist TlistToggle
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -nargs=+ -complete=file TlistAddFiles
\ call s:Tlist_Add_Files(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=+ -complete=dir TlistAddFilesRecursive
\ call s:Tlist_Add_Files_Recursive(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistClose call s:Tlist_Window_Close()
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistUpdate call s:Tlist_Update_Current_File()
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistHighlightTag call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
\ fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), line('.'), 2, 1)
" For backwards compatiblity define the TlistSync command
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistSync TlistHighlightTag
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -nargs=* -complete=buffer TlistShowPrototype
\ echo Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=buffer TlistShowTag
\ echo Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file TlistSessionLoad
\ call s:Tlist_Session_Load(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file TlistSessionSave
\ call s:Tlist_Session_Save(<q-args>)
command! -bar TlistLock let Tlist_Auto_Update=0
command! -bar TlistUnlock let Tlist_Auto_Update=1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Commands for enabling/disabling debug and to display debug messages
command! -nargs=? -complete=file -bar TlistDebug
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
\ call s:Tlist_Debug_Enable(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistUndebug call s:Tlist_Debug_Disable()
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistMessages call s:Tlist_Debug_Show()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Define autocommands to autoload the taglist plugin when needed.
" Trick to get the current script ID
map <SID>xx <SID>xx
let s:tlist_sid = substitute(maparg('<SID>xx'), '<SNR>\(\d\+_\)xx$',
\ '\1', '')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
unmap <SID>xx
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:tlist_sid . 'Tlist_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:tlist_sid . 'Tlist_Window_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:tlist_sid . 'Tlist_Menu_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined Tlist_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined TagList_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let loaded_taglist = 'fast_load_done'
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu && has('gui_running')
call s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" restore 'cpo'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
if !exists('s:tlist_sid')
" Two or more versions of taglist plugin are installed. Don't
" load this version of the plugin.
unlet! s:tlist_sid
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if loaded_taglist != 'fast_load_done'
" restore 'cpo'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Taglist plugin functionality is available
let loaded_taglist = 'available'
"------------------- end of user configurable options --------------------
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Default language specific settings for supported file types and tag types
" Variable name format:
" s:tlist_def_{vim_ftype}_settings
" vim_ftype - Filetype detected by Vim
" Value format:
" <ctags_ftype>;<flag>:<name>;<flag>:<name>;...
" ctags_ftype - File type supported by exuberant ctags
" flag - Flag supported by exuberant ctags to generate a tag type
" name - Name of the tag type used in the taglist window to display the
" tags of this type
" assembly language
let s:tlist_def_asm_settings = 'asm;d:define;l:label;m:macro;t:type'
" aspperl language
let s:tlist_def_aspperl_settings = 'asp;f:function;s:sub;v:variable'
" aspvbs language
let s:tlist_def_aspvbs_settings = 'asp;f:function;s:sub;v:variable'
" awk language
let s:tlist_def_awk_settings = 'awk;f:function'
" beta language
let s:tlist_def_beta_settings = 'beta;f:fragment;s:slot;v:pattern'
" c language
let s:tlist_def_c_settings = 'c;d:macro;g:enum;s:struct;u:union;t:typedef;' .
\ 'v:variable;f:function'
" c++ language
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_def_cpp_settings = 'c++;n:namespace;v:variable;d:macro;t:typedef;' .
\ 'c:class;g:enum;s:struct;u:union;f:function'
" c# language
let s:tlist_def_cs_settings = 'c#;d:macro;t:typedef;n:namespace;c:class;' .
\ 'E:event;g:enum;s:struct;i:interface;' .
\ 'p:properties;m:method'
" cobol language
let s:tlist_def_cobol_settings = 'cobol;d:data;f:file;g:group;p:paragraph;' .
\ 'P:program;s:section'
" eiffel language
let s:tlist_def_eiffel_settings = 'eiffel;c:class;f:feature'
" erlang language
let s:tlist_def_erlang_settings = 'erlang;d:macro;r:record;m:module;f:function'
" expect (same as tcl) language
let s:tlist_def_expect_settings = 'tcl;c:class;f:method;p:procedure'
" fortran language
let s:tlist_def_fortran_settings = 'fortran;p:program;b:block data;' .
\ 'c:common;e:entry;i:interface;k:type;l:label;m:module;' .
\ 'n:namelist;t:derived;v:variable;f:function;s:subroutine'
" HTML language
let s:tlist_def_html_settings = 'html;a:anchor;f:javascript function'
" java language
let s:tlist_def_java_settings = 'java;p:package;c:class;i:interface;' .
\ 'f:field;m:method'
" javascript language
let s:tlist_def_javascript_settings = 'javascript;f:function'
" lisp language
let s:tlist_def_lisp_settings = 'lisp;f:function'
" lua language
let s:tlist_def_lua_settings = 'lua;f:function'
" makefiles
let s:tlist_def_make_settings = 'make;m:macro'
" pascal language
let s:tlist_def_pascal_settings = 'pascal;f:function;p:procedure'
" perl language
let s:tlist_def_perl_settings = 'perl;c:constant;l:label;p:package;s:subroutine'
" php language
let s:tlist_def_php_settings = 'php;c:class;d:constant;v:variable;f:function'
" python language
let s:tlist_def_python_settings = 'python;c:class;m:member;f:function'
" rexx language
let s:tlist_def_rexx_settings = 'rexx;s:subroutine'
" ruby language
let s:tlist_def_ruby_settings = 'ruby;c:class;f:method;F:function;' .
\ 'm:singleton method'
" scheme language
let s:tlist_def_scheme_settings = 'scheme;s:set;f:function'
" shell language
let s:tlist_def_sh_settings = 'sh;f:function'
" C shell language
let s:tlist_def_csh_settings = 'sh;f:function'
" Z shell language
let s:tlist_def_zsh_settings = 'sh;f:function'
" slang language
let s:tlist_def_slang_settings = 'slang;n:namespace;f:function'
" sml language
let s:tlist_def_sml_settings = 'sml;e:exception;c:functor;s:signature;' .
\ 'r:structure;t:type;v:value;f:function'
" sql language
let s:tlist_def_sql_settings = 'sql;c:cursor;F:field;P:package;r:record;' .
\ 's:subtype;t:table;T:trigger;v:variable;f:function;p:procedure'
" tcl language
let s:tlist_def_tcl_settings = 'tcl;c:class;f:method;m:method;p:procedure'
" vera language
let s:tlist_def_vera_settings = 'vera;c:class;d:macro;e:enumerator;' .
\ 'f:function;g:enum;m:member;p:program;' .
\ 'P:prototype;t:task;T:typedef;v:variable;' .
\ 'x:externvar'
"verilog language
let s:tlist_def_verilog_settings = 'verilog;m:module;c:constant;P:parameter;' .
\ 'e:event;r:register;t:task;w:write;p:port;v:variable;f:function'
" vim language
let s:tlist_def_vim_settings = 'vim;a:autocmds;v:variable;f:function'
" yacc language
let s:tlist_def_yacc_settings = 'yacc;l:label'
"------------------- end of language specific options --------------------
" Vim window size is changed by the taglist plugin or not
let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = -1
" Taglist window is maximized or not
let s:tlist_win_maximized = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Name of files in the taglist
let s:tlist_file_names=''
" Number of files in the taglist
let s:tlist_file_count = 0
" Number of filetypes supported by taglist
let s:tlist_ftype_count = 0
" Is taglist part of other plugins like winmanager or cream?
let s:tlist_app_name = "none"
" Are we displaying brief help text
let s:tlist_brief_help = 1
" List of files removed on user request
let s:tlist_removed_flist = ""
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Index of current file displayed in the taglist window
let s:tlist_cur_file_idx = -1
" Taglist menu is empty or not
let s:tlist_menu_empty = 1
" An autocommand is used to refresh the taglist window when entering any
" buffer. We don't want to refresh the taglist window if we are entering the
" file window from one of the taglist functions. The 'Tlist_Skip_Refresh'
" variable is used to skip the refresh of the taglist window and is set
" and cleared appropriately.
let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 0
" Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
function! s:Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
" To handle a bug in the winmanager plugin, add a space at the
" last line
call setline('$', ' ')
if s:tlist_brief_help
" Add the brief help
call append(0, '" Press <F1> to display help text')
" Add the extensive help
call append(0, '" <enter> : Jump to tag definition')
call append(1, '" o : Jump to tag definition in new window')
call append(2, '" p : Preview the tag definition')
call append(3, '" <space> : Display tag prototype')
call append(4, '" u : Update tag list')
call append(5, '" s : Select sort field')
call append(6, '" d : Remove file from taglist')
call append(7, '" x : Zoom-out/Zoom-in taglist window')
call append(8, '" + : Open a fold')
call append(9, '" - : Close a fold')
call append(10, '" * : Open all folds')
call append(11, '" = : Close all folds')
call append(12, '" [[ : Move to the start of previous file')
call append(13, '" ]] : Move to the start of next file')
call append(14, '" q : Close the taglist window')
call append(15, '" <F1> : Remove help text')
" Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()
" Toggle taglist plugin help text between the full version and the brief
" version
function! s:Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format
" In compact display mode, do not display help
" Include the empty line displayed after the help text
let brief_help_size = 1
let full_help_size = 16
setlocal modifiable
" Set report option to a huge value to prevent informational messages
" while deleting the lines
let old_report = &report
set report=99999
" Remove the currently highlighted tag. Otherwise, the help text
" might be highlighted by mistake
match none
" Toggle between brief and full help text
if s:tlist_brief_help
let s:tlist_brief_help = 0
" Remove the previous help
exe '1,' . brief_help_size . ' delete _'
" Adjust the start/end line numbers for the files
call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(0, 1, full_help_size - brief_help_size)
let s:tlist_brief_help = 1
" Remove the previous help
exe '1,' . full_help_size . ' delete _'
" Adjust the start/end line numbers for the files
call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(0, 0, full_help_size - brief_help_size)
call s:Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
" Restore the report option
let &report = old_report
setlocal nomodifiable
" Taglist debug support
let s:tlist_debug = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" File for storing the debug messages
let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
" Tlist_Debug_Enable
" Enable logging of taglist debug messages.
function! s:Tlist_Debug_Enable(...)
let s:tlist_debug = 1
" Check whether a valid file name is supplied.
if a:1 != ''
let s:tlist_debug_file = fnamemodify(a:1, ':p')
" Empty the log file
exe 'redir! > ' . s:tlist_debug_file
redir END
" Check whether the log file is present/created
if !filewritable(s:tlist_debug_file)
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: Unable to create log file '
\ . s:tlist_debug_file)
let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
" Tlist_Debug_Disable
" Disable logging of taglist debug messages.
function! s:Tlist_Debug_Disable(...)
let s:tlist_debug = 0
let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
" Tlist_Debug_Show
" Display the taglist debug messages in a new window
function! s:Tlist_Debug_Show()
if s:tlist_msg == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: No debug messages')
" Open a new window to display the taglist debug messages
new taglist_debug.txt
" Delete all the lines (if the buffer already exists)
silent! %delete _
" Add the messages
silent! put =s:tlist_msg
" Move the cursor to the first line
normal! gg
" Tlist_Log_Msg
" Log the supplied debug message along with the time
function! s:Tlist_Log_Msg(msg)
if s:tlist_debug
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if s:tlist_debug_file != ''
exe 'redir >> ' . s:tlist_debug_file
silent echon strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ': ' . a:msg . "\n"
redir END
" Log the message into a variable
" Retain only the last 3000 characters
let len = strlen(s:tlist_msg)
if len > 3000
let s:tlist_msg = strpart(s:tlist_msg, len - 3000)
let s:tlist_msg = s:tlist_msg . strftime('%H:%M:%S') . ': ' .
\ a:msg . "\n"
" Tlist_Warning_Msg()
" Display a message using WarningMsg highlight group
function! s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg a:msg
echohl None
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Last returned file index for file name lookup.
" Used to speed up file lookup
let s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache = -1
" Tlist_Get_File_Index()
" Return the index of the specified filename
function! s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fname)
if s:tlist_file_count == 0 || a:fname == ''
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
return -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the new filename is same as the last accessed filename, then
" return that index
if s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache != -1 &&
\ s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache < s:tlist_file_count
if s:tlist_{s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache}_filename == a:fname
" Same as the last accessed file
return s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" First, check whether the filename is present
let s_fname = a:fname . "\n"
let i = stridx(s:tlist_file_names, s_fname)
if i == -1
let s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache = -1
return -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Second, compute the file name index
let nl_txt = substitute(strpart(s:tlist_file_names, 0, i), "[^\n]", '', 'g')
let s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache = strlen(nl_txt)
return s:tlist_file_name_idx_cache
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Last returned file index for line number lookup.
" Used to speed up file lookup
let s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache = -1
" Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum()
" Return the index of the filename present in the specified line number
" Line number refers to the line number in the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum (' . a:lnum . ')')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" First try to see whether the new line number is within the range
" of the last returned file
if s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache != -1 &&
\ s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache < s:tlist_file_count
if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache}_start &&
\ a:lnum <= s:tlist_{s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache}_end
return s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache
let fidx = -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
" Displaying only one file in the taglist window. Check whether
" the line is within the tags displayed for that file
if s:tlist_cur_file_idx != -1
if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_start
\ && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_end
let fidx = s:tlist_cur_file_idx
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Do a binary search in the taglist
let left = 0
let right = s:tlist_file_count - 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
while left < right
let mid = (left + right) / 2
if a:lnum >= s:tlist_{mid}_start && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{mid}_end
let s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache = mid
return mid
if a:lnum < s:tlist_{mid}_start
let right = mid - 1
let left = mid + 1
if left >= 0 && left < s:tlist_file_count
\ && a:lnum >= s:tlist_{left}_start
\ && a:lnum <= s:tlist_{left}_end
let fidx = left
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_file_lnum_idx_cache = fidx
return fidx
" Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds
" Execute the specified Ex command after disabling autocommands
function! s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(cmd)
let old_eventignore = &eventignore
set eventignore=all
exe a:cmd
let &eventignore = old_eventignore
" Tlist_Skip_File()
" Check whether tag listing is supported for the specified file
function! s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ftype)
" Skip buffers with no names and buffers with filetype not set
if a:filename == '' || a:ftype == ''
return 1
" Skip files which are not supported by exuberant ctags
" First check whether default settings for this filetype are available.
" If it is not available, then check whether user specified settings are
" available. If both are not available, then don't list the tags for this
" filetype
let var = 's:tlist_def_' . a:ftype . '_settings'
if !exists(var)
let var = 'g:tlist_' . a:ftype . '_settings'
if !exists(var)
return 1
" Skip files which are not readable or files which are not yet stored
" to the disk
if !filereadable(a:filename)
return 1
return 0
" Tlist_User_Removed_File
" Returns 1 if a file is removed by a user from the taglist
function! s:Tlist_User_Removed_File(filename)
return stridx(s:tlist_removed_flist, a:filename . "\n") != -1
" Tlist_Update_Remove_List
" Update the list of user removed files from the taglist
" add == 1, add the file to the removed list
" add == 0, delete the file from the removed list
function! s:Tlist_Update_Remove_List(filename, add)
if a:add
let s:tlist_removed_flist = s:tlist_removed_flist . a:filename . "\n"
let idx = stridx(s:tlist_removed_flist, a:filename . "\n")
let text_before = strpart(s:tlist_removed_flist, 0, idx)
let rem_text = strpart(s:tlist_removed_flist, idx)
let next_idx = stridx(rem_text, "\n")
let text_after = strpart(rem_text, next_idx + 1)
let s:tlist_removed_flist = text_before . text_after
" Tlist_FileType_Init
" Initialize the ctags arguments and tag variable for the specified
" file type
function! s:Tlist_FileType_Init(ftype)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_FileType_Init (' . a:ftype . ')')
" If the user didn't specify any settings, then use the default
" ctags args. Otherwise, use the settings specified by the user
let var = 'g:tlist_' . a:ftype . '_settings'
if exists(var)
" User specified ctags arguments
let settings = {var} . ';'
" Default ctags arguments
let var = 's:tlist_def_' . a:ftype . '_settings'
if !exists(var)
" No default settings for this file type. This filetype is
" not supported
return 0
let settings = s:tlist_def_{a:ftype}_settings . ';'
let msg = 'Taglist: Invalid ctags option setting - ' . settings
" Format of the option that specifies the filetype and ctags arugments:
" <language_name>;flag1:name1;flag2:name2;flag3:name3
" Extract the file type to pass to ctags. This may be different from the
" file type detected by Vim
let pos = stridx(settings, ';')
if pos == -1
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
let ctags_ftype = strpart(settings, 0, pos)
if ctags_ftype == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
" Make sure a valid filetype is supplied. If the user didn't specify a
" valid filetype, then the ctags option settings may be treated as the
" filetype
if ctags_ftype =~ ':'
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
" Remove the file type from settings
let settings = strpart(settings, pos + 1)
if settings == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
" Process all the specified ctags flags. The format is
" flag1:name1;flag2:name2;flag3:name3
let ctags_flags = ''
let cnt = 0
while settings != ''
" Extract the flag
let pos = stridx(settings, ':')
if pos == -1
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
let flag = strpart(settings, 0, pos)
if flag == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
" Remove the flag from settings
let settings = strpart(settings, pos + 1)
" Extract the tag type name
let pos = stridx(settings, ';')
if pos == -1
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
let name = strpart(settings, 0, pos)
if name == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return 0
let settings = strpart(settings, pos + 1)
let cnt = cnt + 1
let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{cnt}_name = flag
let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{cnt}_fullname = name
let ctags_flags = ctags_flags . flag
let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_args = '--language-force=' . ctags_ftype .
\ ' --' . ctags_ftype . '-types=' . ctags_flags
let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_count = cnt
let s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_flags = ctags_flags
" Save the filetype name
let s:tlist_ftype_{s:tlist_ftype_count}_name = a:ftype
let s:tlist_ftype_count = s:tlist_ftype_count + 1
return 1
" Tlist_Detect_Filetype
" Determine the filetype for the specified file using the filetypedetect
" autocmd.
function! s:Tlist_Detect_Filetype(fname)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Ignore the filetype autocommands
let old_eventignore = &eventignore
set eventignore=FileType
" Save the 'filetype', as this will be changed temporarily
let old_filetype = &filetype
" Run the filetypedetect group of autocommands to determine
" the filetype
exe 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . a:fname
" Save the detected filetype
let ftype = &filetype
" Restore the previous state
let &filetype = old_filetype
let &eventignore = old_eventignore
return ftype
" Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype
" Get the filetype for the specified buffer
function! s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype(bnum)
let buf_ft = getbufvar(a:bnum, '&filetype')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if bufloaded(a:bnum)
" For loaded buffers, the 'filetype' is already determined
return buf_ft
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" For unloaded buffers, if the 'filetype' option is set, return it
if buf_ft != ''
return buf_ft
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Skip non-existent buffers
if !bufexists(a:bnum)
return ''
" For buffers whose filetype is not yet determined, try to determine
" the filetype
let bname = bufname(a:bnum)
return s:Tlist_Detect_Filetype(bname)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Discard_TagInfo
" Discard the stored tag information for a file
function! s:Tlist_Discard_TagInfo(fidx)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Discard_TagInfo (' .
\ s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filename . ')')
let ftype = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filetype
" Discard information about the tags defined in the file
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{a:fidx}_tag_count
let fidx_i = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . i
unlet! {fidx_i}_tag
unlet! {fidx_i}_tag_name
unlet! {fidx_i}_tag_type
unlet! {fidx_i}_ttype_idx
unlet! {fidx_i}_tag_proto
unlet! {fidx_i}_tag_searchpat
unlet! {fidx_i}_tag_linenum
let i = i + 1
let s:tlist_{a:fidx}_tag_count = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Discard information about tag type groups
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
if s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype} != ''
let fidx_ttype = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . ttype
let {fidx_ttype} = ''
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let {fidx_ttype}_offset = 0
let cnt = {fidx_ttype}_count
let {fidx_ttype}_count = 0
let j = 1
while j <= cnt
unlet! {fidx_ttype}_{j}
let j = j + 1
let i = i + 1
" Discard the stored menu command also
let s:tlist_{a:fidx}_menu_cmd = ''
" Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets
" Update the line offsets for tags for files starting from start_idx
" and displayed in the taglist window by the specified offset
function! s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(start_idx, increment, offset)
let i = a:start_idx
while i < s:tlist_file_count
if s:tlist_{i}_visible
" Update the start/end line number only if the file is visible
if a:increment
let s:tlist_{i}_start = s:tlist_{i}_start + a:offset
let s:tlist_{i}_end = s:tlist_{i}_end + a:offset
let s:tlist_{i}_start = s:tlist_{i}_start - a:offset
let s:tlist_{i}_end = s:tlist_{i}_end - a:offset
let i = i + 1
" Tlist_Discard_FileInfo
" Discard the stored information for a file
function! s:Tlist_Discard_FileInfo(fidx)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Discard_FileInfo (' .
\ s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filename . ')')
call s:Tlist_Discard_TagInfo(a:fidx)
let ftype = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filetype
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_offset
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_count
let i = i + 1
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filename
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_sort_type
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filetype
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_mtime
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_end
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_valid
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_visible
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_tag_count
unlet! s:tlist_{a:fidx}_menu_cmd
" Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display
" Remove the specified file from display
function! s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display (' .
\ s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filename . ')')
" If the file is not visible then no need to remove it
if !s:tlist_{a:fidx}_visible
" Remove the tags displayed for the specified file from the window
let start = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start
" Include the empty line after the last line also
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format
let end = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_end
let end = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_end + 1
setlocal modifiable
exe 'silent! ' . start . ',' . end . 'delete _'
setlocal nomodifiable
" Correct the start and end line offsets for all the files following
" this file, as the tags for this file are removed
call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(a:fidx + 1, 0, end - start + 1)
" Tlist_Remove_File
" Remove the file under the cursor or the specified file index
" user_request - User requested to remove the file from taglist
function! s:Tlist_Remove_File(file_idx, user_request)
let fidx = a:file_idx
if fidx == -1
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
if fidx == -1
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Remove_File (' .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_filename . ', ' . a:user_request . ')')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let save_winnr = winnr()
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum != -1
" Taglist window is open, remove the file from display
if save_winnr != winnum
let old_eventignore = &eventignore
set eventignore=all
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
call s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if save_winnr != winnum
exe save_winnr . 'wincmd w'
let &eventignore = old_eventignore
let fname = s:tlist_{fidx}_filename
if a:user_request
" As the user requested to remove the file from taglist,
" add it to the removed list
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Update_Remove_List(fname, 1)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Remove the file name from the taglist list of filenames
let idx = stridx(s:tlist_file_names, fname . "\n")
let text_before = strpart(s:tlist_file_names, 0, idx)
let rem_text = strpart(s:tlist_file_names, idx)
let next_idx = stridx(rem_text, "\n")
let text_after = strpart(rem_text, next_idx + 1)
let s:tlist_file_names = text_before . text_after
call s:Tlist_Discard_FileInfo(fidx)
" Shift all the file variables by one index
let i = fidx + 1
while i < s:tlist_file_count
let j = i - 1
let s:tlist_{j}_filename = s:tlist_{i}_filename
let s:tlist_{j}_sort_type = s:tlist_{i}_sort_type
let s:tlist_{j}_filetype = s:tlist_{i}_filetype
let s:tlist_{j}_mtime = s:tlist_{i}_mtime
let s:tlist_{j}_start = s:tlist_{i}_start
let s:tlist_{j}_end = s:tlist_{i}_end
let s:tlist_{j}_valid = s:tlist_{i}_valid
let s:tlist_{j}_visible = s:tlist_{i}_visible
let s:tlist_{j}_tag_count = s:tlist_{i}_tag_count
let s:tlist_{j}_menu_cmd = s:tlist_{i}_menu_cmd
let k = 1
while k <= s:tlist_{j}_tag_count
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag = s:tlist_{i}_{k}_tag
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_name = s:tlist_{i}_{k}_tag_name
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_type = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag(i, k)
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_ttype_idx = s:tlist_{i}_{k}_ttype_idx
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_proto = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(i, k)
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_searchpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(i, k)
let s:tlist_{j}_{k}_tag_linenum = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum(i, k)
let k = k + 1
let ftype = s:tlist_{i}_filetype
let k = 1
while k <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{k}_name
let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype} = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_offset = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_offset
let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_count = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
if s:tlist_{j}_{ttype} != ''
let l = 1
while l <= s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_count
let s:tlist_{j}_{ttype}_{l} = s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_{l}
let l = l + 1
let k = k + 1
" As the file and tag information is copied to the new index,
" discard the previous information
call s:Tlist_Discard_FileInfo(i)
let i = i + 1
" Reduce the number of files displayed
let s:tlist_file_count = s:tlist_file_count - 1
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the tags for only one file is displayed and if we just
" now removed that file, then invalidate the current file idx
if s:tlist_cur_file_idx == fidx
let s:tlist_cur_file_idx = -1
" Tlist_Window_Goto_Window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Goto the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum != -1
if winnr() != winnum
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(winnum . 'wincmd w')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Create
" Create a new taglist window. If it is already open, jump to it
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Create()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Create()')
" If the window is open, jump to it
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum != -1
" Jump to the existing window
if winnr() != winnum
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
" If used with winmanager don't open windows. Winmanager will handle
" the window/buffer management
if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
" Create a new window. If user prefers a horizontal window, then open
" a horizontally split window. Otherwise open a vertically split
" window
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
" Open a horizontally split window
let win_dir = 'botright'
" Horizontal window height
let win_size = g:Tlist_WinHeight
if s:tlist_winsize_chgd == -1
" Open a vertically split window. Increase the window size, if
" needed, to accomodate the new window
if g:Tlist_Inc_Winwidth &&
\ &columns < (80 + g:Tlist_WinWidth)
" Save the original window position
let s:tlist_pre_winx = getwinposx()
let s:tlist_pre_winy = getwinposy()
" one extra column is needed to include the vertical split
let &columns= &columns + g:Tlist_WinWidth + 1
let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = 1
let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = 0
if g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window
" Open the window at the rightmost place
let win_dir = 'botright vertical'
" Open the window at the leftmost place
let win_dir = 'topleft vertical'
let win_size = g:Tlist_WinWidth
" If the tag listing temporary buffer already exists, then reuse it.
" Otherwise create a new buffer
let bufnum = bufnr(g:TagList_title)
if bufnum == -1
" Create a new buffer
let wcmd = g:TagList_title
" Edit the existing buffer
let wcmd = '+buffer' . bufnum
" Create the taglist window
exe 'silent! ' . win_dir . ' ' . win_size . 'split ' . wcmd
" Save the new window position
let s:tlist_winx = getwinposx()
let s:tlist_winy = getwinposy()
" Initialize the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Init()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Zoom
" Zoom (maximize/minimize) the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Zoom()
if s:tlist_win_maximized
" Restore the window back to the previous size
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
exe 'resize ' . g:Tlist_WinHeight
exe 'vert resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
let s:tlist_win_maximized = 0
" Set the window size to the maximum possible without closing other
" windows
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
vert resize
let s:tlist_win_maximized = 1
" Tlist_Ballon_Expr
" When the mouse cursor is over a tag in the taglist window, display the
" tag prototype (balloon)
function! Tlist_Ballon_Expr()
" Get the file index
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(v:beval_lnum)
if fidx == -1
return ''
" Get the tag output line for the current tag
let tidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, v:beval_lnum)
if tidx == 0
return ''
" Get the tag search pattern and display it
return s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(fidx, tidx)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Check_Width
" Check the width of the taglist window. For horizontally split windows, the
" 'winfixheight' option is used to fix the height of the window. For
" vertically split windows, Vim doesn't support the 'winfixwidth' option. So
" need to handle window width changes from this function.
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Check_Width()
let tlist_winnr = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if tlist_winnr == -1
let width = winwidth(tlist_winnr)
if width != g:Tlist_WinWidth
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg("Tlist_Window_Check_Width: Changing window " .
\ "width from " . width . " to " . g:Tlist_WinWidth)
let save_winnr = winnr()
if save_winnr != tlist_winnr
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(tlist_winnr . 'wincmd w')
exe 'vert resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
if save_winnr != tlist_winnr
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
" Tlist_Window_Exit_Only_Window
" If the 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' option is set, then exit Vim if only the
" taglist window is present.
function! s:Tlist_Window_Exit_Only_Window()
" Before quitting Vim, delete the taglist buffer so that
" the '0 mark is correctly set to the previous buffer.
if v:version < 700
if winbufnr(2) == -1
if winbufnr(2) == -1
if tabpagenr('$') == 1
" Only one tag page is present
" More than one tab page is present. Close only the current
" tab page
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Init
" Set the default options for the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Init()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Init()')
" The 'readonly' option should not be set for the taglist buffer.
" If Vim is started as "view/gview" or if the ":view" command is
" used, then the 'readonly' option is set for all the buffers.
" Unset it for the taglist buffer
setlocal noreadonly
" Set the taglist buffer filetype to taglist
setlocal filetype=taglist
" Define taglist window element highlighting
syntax match TagListComment '^" .*'
syntax match TagListFileName '^[^" ].*$'
syntax match TagListTitle '^ \S.*$'
syntax match TagListTagScope '\s\[.\{-\}\]$'
" Define the highlighting only if colors are supported
if has('gui_running') || &t_Co > 2
" Colors to highlight various taglist window elements
" If user defined highlighting group exists, then use them.
" Otherwise, use default highlight groups.
if hlexists('MyTagListTagName')
highlight link TagListTagName MyTagListTagName
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
highlight default link TagListTagName Search
" Colors to highlight comments and titles
if hlexists('MyTagListComment')
highlight link TagListComment MyTagListComment
highlight clear TagListComment
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
highlight default link TagListComment Comment
if hlexists('MyTagListTitle')
highlight link TagListTitle MyTagListTitle
highlight clear TagListTitle
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
highlight default link TagListTitle Title
if hlexists('MyTagListFileName')
highlight link TagListFileName MyTagListFileName
highlight clear TagListFileName
highlight default TagListFileName guibg=Grey ctermbg=darkgray
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
\ guifg=white ctermfg=white
if hlexists('MyTagListTagScope')
highlight link TagListTagScope MyTagListTagScope
highlight clear TagListTagScope
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
highlight default link TagListTagScope Identifier
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
highlight default TagListTagName term=reverse cterm=reverse
" Folding related settings
setlocal foldenable
setlocal foldminlines=0
setlocal foldmethod=manual
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
setlocal foldlevel=9999
if g:Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column
setlocal foldcolumn=3
setlocal foldcolumn=0
setlocal foldtext=v:folddashes.getline(v:foldstart)
if s:tlist_app_name != "winmanager"
" Mark buffer as scratch
silent! setlocal buftype=nofile
if s:tlist_app_name == "none"
silent! setlocal bufhidden=delete
silent! setlocal noswapfile
" Due to a bug in Vim 6.0, the winbufnr() function fails for unlisted
" buffers. So if the taglist buffer is unlisted, multiple taglist
" windows will be opened. This bug is fixed in Vim 6.1 and above
if v:version >= 601
silent! setlocal nobuflisted
silent! setlocal nowrap
" If the 'number' option is set in the source window, it will affect the
" taglist window. So forcefully disable 'number' option for the taglist
" window
silent! setlocal nonumber
" Use fixed height when horizontally split window is used
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
if v:version >= 602
set winfixheight
if !g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window && v:version >= 700
set winfixwidth
" Setup balloon evaluation to display tag prototype
if v:version >= 700 && has('balloon_eval')
setlocal balloonexpr=Tlist_Ballon_Expr()
set ballooneval
" Setup the cpoptions properly for the maps to work
let old_cpoptions = &cpoptions
set cpoptions&vim
" Create buffer local mappings for jumping to the tags and sorting the list
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('useopen')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('newwin')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('preview')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> P
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('prevwin')<CR>
if v:version >= 700
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> t
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('checktab')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-t>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('newtab')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('useopen')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('cmd', 'toggle', '')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> + :silent! foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> - :silent! foldclose<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> * :silent! %foldopen!<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> = :silent! %foldclose<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kPlus> :silent! foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMinus> :silent! foldclose<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMultiply> :silent! %foldopen!<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Show_Info()<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> u :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Update_File()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> d :call <SID>Tlist_Remove_File(-1, 1)<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> x :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Zoom()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <Tab> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F1> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :close<CR>
" Insert mode mappings
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR>
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('useopen')<CR>
" Windows needs return
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Return>
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('useopen')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> o
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('newwin')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> p
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('preview')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> P
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('prevwin')<CR>
if v:version >= 700
inoremap <buffer> <silent> t
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('checktab')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-t>
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('newtab')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse>
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag('useopen')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> s
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('cmd', 'toggle', '')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> + <C-o>:silent! foldopen<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> - <C-o>:silent! foldclose<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> * <C-o>:silent! %foldopen!<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> = <C-o>:silent! %foldclose<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <kPlus> <C-o>:silent! foldopen<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMinus> <C-o>:silent! foldclose<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <kMultiply> <C-o>:silent! %foldopen!<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> <C-o>:call
\ <SID>Tlist_Window_Show_Info()<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
inoremap <buffer> <silent> u
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Update_File()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> d <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Remove_File(-1, 1)<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
inoremap <buffer> <silent> x <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Zoom()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> [[ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(-1)<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> ]] <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Tab> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(1)<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <F1> <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Window_Toggle_Help_Text()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> q <C-o>:close<CR>
" Map single left mouse click if the user wants this functionality
if g:Tlist_Use_SingleClick == 1
" Contributed by Bindu Wavell
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" attempt to perform single click mapping, it would be much
" nicer if we could nnoremap <buffer> ... however vim does
" not fire the <buffer> <leftmouse> when you use the mouse
" to enter a buffer.
let clickmap = ':if bufname("%") =~ "__Tag_List__" <bar> ' .
\ 'call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag("useopen") ' .
\ '<bar> endif <CR>'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n') == ''
" no mapping for leftmouse
exe ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>' . clickmap
" we have a mapping
let mapcmd = ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>'
let mapcmd = mapcmd . substitute(substitute(
\ maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n'), '|', '<bar>', 'g'),
\ '\c^<leftmouse>', '', '')
let mapcmd = mapcmd . clickmap
exe mapcmd
" Define the taglist autocommands
augroup TagListAutoCmds
" Display the tag prototype for the tag under the cursor.
autocmd CursorHold __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Window_Show_Info()
" Highlight the current tag periodically
autocmd CursorHold * silent call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(
\ fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), line('.'), 1, 0)
" Adjust the Vim window width when taglist window is closed
autocmd BufUnload __Tag_List__ call s:Tlist_Post_Close_Cleanup()
" Close the fold for this buffer when leaving the buffer
if g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
autocmd BufEnter * silent
\ call s:Tlist_Window_Open_File_Fold(expand('<abuf>'))
" Exit Vim itself if only the taglist window is present (optional)
if g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow
autocmd BufEnter __Tag_List__ nested
\ call s:Tlist_Window_Exit_Only_Window()
if s:tlist_app_name != "winmanager" &&
\ !g:Tlist_Process_File_Always &&
\ (!has('gui_running') || !g:Tlist_Show_Menu)
" Auto refresh the taglist window
autocmd BufEnter * call s:Tlist_Refresh()
if !g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
if v:version < 700
autocmd WinEnter * call s:Tlist_Window_Check_Width()
if v:version >= 700
autocmd TabEnter * silent call s:Tlist_Refresh_Folds()
augroup end
" Restore the previous cpoptions settings
let &cpoptions = old_cpoptions
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Refresh
" Display the tags for all the files in the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Refresh()')
" Set report option to a huge value to prevent informational messages
" while deleting the lines
let old_report = &report
set report=99999
" Mark the buffer as modifiable
setlocal modifiable
" Delete the contents of the buffer to the black-hole register
silent! %delete _
" As we have cleared the taglist window, mark all the files
" as not visible
let i = 0
while i < s:tlist_file_count
let s:tlist_{i}_visible = 0
let i = i + 1
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
" Display help in non-compact mode
call s:Tlist_Window_Display_Help()
" Mark the buffer as not modifiable
setlocal nomodifiable
" Restore the report option
let &report = old_report
" If the tags for only one file should be displayed in the taglist
" window, then no need to add the tags here. The bufenter autocommand
" will add the tags for that file.
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
" List all the tags for the previously processed files
" Do this only if taglist is configured to display tags for more than
" one file. Otherwise, when Tlist_Show_One_File is configured,
" tags for the wrong file will be displayed.
let i = 0
while i < s:tlist_file_count
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{i}_filename,
\ s:tlist_{i}_filetype)
let i = i + 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if g:Tlist_Auto_Update
" Add and list the tags for all buffers in the Vim buffer list
let i = 1
let last_bufnum = bufnr('$')
while i <= last_bufnum
if buflisted(i)
let fname = fnamemodify(bufname(i), ':p')
let ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype(i)
" If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(fname, ftype)
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(fname, ftype)
let i = i + 1
" If Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close option is set, then close all the folds
if g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
" Close all the folds
silent! %foldclose
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Move the cursor to the top of the taglist window
normal! gg
" Tlist_Post_Close_Cleanup()
" Close the taglist window and adjust the Vim window width
function! s:Tlist_Post_Close_Cleanup()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Post_Close_Cleanup()')
" Mark all the files as not visible
let i = 0
while i < s:tlist_file_count
let s:tlist_{i}_visible = 0
let i = i + 1
" Remove the taglist autocommands
silent! autocmd! TagListAutoCmds
" Clear all the highlights
match none
silent! syntax clear TagListTitle
silent! syntax clear TagListComment
silent! syntax clear TagListTagScope
" Remove the left mouse click mapping if it was setup initially
if g:Tlist_Use_SingleClick
if hasmapto('<LeftMouse>')
nunmap <LeftMouse>
if s:tlist_app_name != "winmanager"
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window || g:Tlist_Inc_Winwidth == 0 ||
\ s:tlist_winsize_chgd != 1 ||
\ &columns < (80 + g:Tlist_WinWidth)
" No need to adjust window width if using horizontally split taglist
" window or if columns is less than 101 or if the user chose not to
" adjust the window width
" If the user didn't manually move the window, then restore the window
" position to the pre-taglist position
if s:tlist_pre_winx != -1 && s:tlist_pre_winy != -1 &&
\ getwinposx() == s:tlist_winx &&
\ getwinposy() == s:tlist_winy
exe 'winpos ' . s:tlist_pre_winx . ' ' . s:tlist_pre_winy
" Adjust the Vim window width
let &columns= &columns - (g:Tlist_WinWidth + 1)
let s:tlist_winsize_chgd = -1
" Reset taglist state variables
if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
let s:tlist_app_name = "none"
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_window_initialized = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Refresh_File()
" List the tags defined in the specified file in a Vim window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Refresh_File (' . a:filename . ')')
" First check whether the file already exists
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(a:filename)
if fidx != -1
let file_listed = 1
let file_listed = 0
if !file_listed
" Check whether this file is removed based on user request
" If it is, then don't display the tags for this file
if s:Tlist_User_Removed_File(a:filename)
if file_listed && s:tlist_{fidx}_visible
" Check whether the file tags are currently valid
if s:tlist_{fidx}_valid
" Goto the first line in the file
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" If the line is inside a fold, open the fold
if foldclosed('.') != -1
exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldopen!"
" Discard and remove the tags for this file from display
call s:Tlist_Discard_TagInfo(fidx)
call s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(fidx)
" Process and generate a list of tags defined in the file
if !file_listed || !s:tlist_{fidx}_valid
let ret_fidx = s:Tlist_Process_File(a:filename, a:ftype)
if ret_fidx == -1
let fidx = ret_fidx
" Set report option to a huge value to prevent informational messages
" while adding lines to the taglist window
let old_report = &report
set report=99999
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
" Remove the previous file
if s:tlist_cur_file_idx != -1
call s:Tlist_Window_Remove_File_From_Display(s:tlist_cur_file_idx)
let s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_visible = 0
let s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_start = 0
let s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_end = 0
let s:tlist_cur_file_idx = fidx
" Mark the buffer as modifiable
setlocal modifiable
" Add new files to the end of the window. For existing files, add them at
" the same line where they were previously present. If the file is not
" visible, then add it at the end
if s:tlist_{fidx}_start == 0 || !s:tlist_{fidx}_visible
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format
let s:tlist_{fidx}_start = line('$')
let s:tlist_{fidx}_start = line('$') + 1
let s:tlist_{fidx}_visible = 1
" Goto the line where this file should be placed
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start - 1
let txt = fnamemodify(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, ':t') . ' (' .
\ fnamemodify(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, ':p:h') . ')'
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
silent! put =txt
silent! put! =txt
" Move to the next line
exe line('.') + 1
let file_start = s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" Add the tag names grouped by tag type to the buffer with a title
let i = 1
let ttype_cnt = s:tlist_{a:ftype}_count
while i <= ttype_cnt
let ttype = s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{i}_name
" Add the tag type only if there are tags for that type
let fidx_ttype = 's:tlist_' . fidx . '_' . ttype
let ttype_txt = {fidx_ttype}
if ttype_txt != ''
let txt = ' ' . s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{i}_fullname
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
let ttype_start_lnum = line('.') + 1
silent! put =txt
let ttype_start_lnum = line('.')
silent! put! =txt
silent! put =ttype_txt
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let {fidx_ttype}_offset = ttype_start_lnum - file_start
" create a fold for this tag type
let fold_start = ttype_start_lnum
let fold_end = fold_start + {fidx_ttype}_count
exe fold_start . ',' . fold_end . 'fold'
" Adjust the cursor position
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
exe ttype_start_lnum + {fidx_ttype}_count
exe ttype_start_lnum + {fidx_ttype}_count + 1
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
" Separate the tag types by a empty line
silent! put =''
let i = i + 1
if s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count == 0
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
silent! put =''
let s:tlist_{fidx}_end = line('.') - 1
" Create a fold for the entire file
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'fold'
exe 'silent! ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
" Goto the starting line for this file,
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
" To handle a bug in the winmanager plugin, add a space at the
" last line
call setline('$', ' ')
" Mark the buffer as not modifiable
setlocal nomodifiable
" Restore the report option
let &report = old_report
" Update the start and end line numbers for all the files following this
" file
let start = s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" include the empty line after the last line
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format
let end = s:tlist_{fidx}_end
let end = s:tlist_{fidx}_end + 1
call s:Tlist_Window_Update_Line_Offsets(fidx + 1, 1, end - start + 1)
" Now that we have updated the taglist window, update the tags
" menu (if present)
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(1)
" Tlist_Init_File
" Initialize the variables for a new file
function! s:Tlist_Init_File(filename, ftype)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Init_File (' . a:filename . ')')
" Add new files at the end of the list
let fidx = s:tlist_file_count
let s:tlist_file_count = s:tlist_file_count + 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Add the new file name to the taglist list of file names
let s:tlist_file_names = s:tlist_file_names . a:filename . "\n"
" Initialize the file variables
let s:tlist_{fidx}_filename = a:filename
let s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type = g:Tlist_Sort_Type
let s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype = a:ftype
let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = -1
let s:tlist_{fidx}_start = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_end = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_visible = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_menu_cmd = ''
" Initialize the tag type variables
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{a:ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{a:ftype}_{i}_name
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype} = ''
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count = 0
let i = i + 1
return fidx
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag
" Return the tag type for the specified tag index
function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag(fidx, tidx)
let ttype_var = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . a:tidx . '_tag_type'
" Already parsed and have the tag name
if exists(ttype_var)
return {ttype_var}
let tag_line = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{a:tidx}_tag
let {ttype_var} = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(tag_line)
return {ttype_var}
" Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype
function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(fidx, tidx)
let tproto_var = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . a:tidx . '_tag_proto'
" Already parsed and have the tag prototype
if exists(tproto_var)
return {tproto_var}
" Parse and extract the tag prototype
let tag_line = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{a:tidx}_tag
let start = stridx(tag_line, '/^') + 2
let end = stridx(tag_line, '/;"' . "\t")
if tag_line[end - 1] == '$'
let end = end -1
let tag_proto = strpart(tag_line, start, end - start)
let {tproto_var} = substitute(tag_proto, '\s*', '', '')
return {tproto_var}
" Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat
function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(fidx, tidx)
let tpat_var = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . a:tidx . '_tag_searchpat'
" Already parsed and have the tag search pattern
if exists(tpat_var)
return {tpat_var}
" Parse and extract the tag search pattern
let tag_line = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{a:tidx}_tag
let start = stridx(tag_line, '/^') + 2
let end = stridx(tag_line, '/;"' . "\t")
if tag_line[end - 1] == '$'
let end = end -1
let {tpat_var} = '\V\^' . strpart(tag_line, start, end - start) .
\ (tag_line[end] == '$' ? '\$' : '')
return {tpat_var}
" Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Return the tag line number, given the tag index
function! s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum(fidx, tidx)
let tline_var = 's:tlist_' . a:fidx . '_' . a:tidx . '_tag_linenum'
" Already parsed and have the tag line number
if exists(tline_var)
return {tline_var}
" Parse and extract the tag line number
let tag_line = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{a:tidx}_tag
let start = strridx(tag_line, 'line:') + 5
let end = strridx(tag_line, "\t")
if end < start
let {tline_var} = strpart(tag_line, start) + 0
let {tline_var} = strpart(tag_line, start, end - start) + 0
return {tline_var}
" Tlist_Parse_Tagline
" Parse a tag line from the ctags output. Separate the tag output based on the
" tag type and store it in the tag type variable.
" The format of each line in the ctags output is:
" tag_name<TAB>file_name<TAB>ex_cmd;"<TAB>extension_fields
function! s:Tlist_Parse_Tagline(tag_line)
if a:tag_line == ''
" Skip empty lines
" Extract the tag type
let ttype = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(a:tag_line)
" Make sure the tag type is a valid and supported one
if ttype == '' || stridx(s:ctags_flags, ttype) == -1
" Line is not in proper tags format or Tag type is not supported
" Update the total tag count
let s:tidx = s:tidx + 1
" The following variables are used to optimize this code. Vim is slow in
" using curly brace names. To reduce the amount of processing needed, the
" curly brace variables are pre-processed here
let fidx_tidx = 's:tlist_' . s:fidx . '_' . s:tidx
let fidx_ttype = 's:tlist_' . s:fidx . '_' . ttype
" Update the count of this tag type
let ttype_idx = {fidx_ttype}_count + 1
let {fidx_ttype}_count = ttype_idx
" Store the ctags output for this tag
let {fidx_tidx}_tag = a:tag_line
" Store the tag index and the tag type index (back pointers)
let {fidx_ttype}_{ttype_idx} = s:tidx
let {fidx_tidx}_ttype_idx = ttype_idx
" Extract the tag name
let tag_name = strpart(a:tag_line, 0, stridx(a:tag_line, "\t"))
" Extract the tag scope/prototype
if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype
let ttxt = ' ' . s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(s:fidx, s:tidx)
let ttxt = ' ' . tag_name
" Add the tag scope, if it is available and is configured. Tag
" scope is the last field after the 'line:<num>\t' field
if g:Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope
let tag_scope = s:Tlist_Extract_Tag_Scope(a:tag_line)
if tag_scope != ''
let ttxt = ttxt . ' [' . tag_scope . ']'
" Add this tag to the tag type variable
let {fidx_ttype} = {fidx_ttype} . ttxt . "\n"
" Save the tag name
let {fidx_tidx}_tag_name = tag_name
" Tlist_Process_File
" Get the list of tags defined in the specified file and store them
" in Vim variables. Returns the file index where the tags are stored.
function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Process_File (' . a:filename . ', ' .
\ a:ftype . ')')
" Check whether this file is supported
if s:Tlist_Skip_File(a:filename, a:ftype)
return -1
" If the tag types for this filetype are not yet created, then create
" them now
let var = 's:tlist_' . a:ftype . '_count'
if !exists(var)
if s:Tlist_FileType_Init(a:ftype) == 0
return -1
" If this file is already processed, then use the cached values
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(a:filename)
if fidx == -1
" First time, this file is loaded
let fidx = s:Tlist_Init_File(a:filename, a:ftype)
" File was previously processed. Discard the tag information
call s:Tlist_Discard_TagInfo(fidx)
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 1
" Exuberant ctags arguments to generate a tag list
let ctags_args = ' -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=nks '
" Form the ctags argument depending on the sort type
if s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type == 'name'
let ctags_args = ctags_args . '--sort=yes'
let ctags_args = ctags_args . '--sort=no'
" Add the filetype specific arguments
let ctags_args = ctags_args . ' ' . s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_args
" Ctags command to produce output with regexp for locating the tags
let ctags_cmd = g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd . ctags_args
let ctags_cmd = ctags_cmd . ' "' . a:filename . '"'
if &shellxquote == '"'
" Double-quotes within double-quotes will not work in the
" command-line.If the 'shellxquote' option is set to double-quotes,
" then escape the double-quotes in the ctags command-line.
let ctags_cmd = escape(ctags_cmd, '"')
" In Windows 95, if not using cygwin, disable the 'shellslash'
" option. Otherwise, this will cause problems when running the
" ctags command.
if has('win95') && !has('win32unix')
let old_shellslash = &shellslash
set noshellslash
if has('win32') && !has('win32unix') && !has('win95')
\ && (&shell =~ 'cmd.exe')
" Windows does not correctly deal with commands that have more than 1
" set of double quotes. It will strip them all resulting in:
" 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command
" operable program or batch file. To work around this, place the
" command inside a batch file and call the batch file.
" Do this only on Win2K, WinXP and above.
" Contributed by: David Fishburn.
let s:taglist_tempfile = fnamemodify(tempname(), ':h') .
\ '\taglist.cmd'
exe 'redir! > ' . s:taglist_tempfile
silent echo ctags_cmd
redir END
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Cmd inside batch file: ' . ctags_cmd)
let ctags_cmd = '"' . s:taglist_tempfile . '"'
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Cmd: ' . ctags_cmd)
" Run ctags and get the tag list
let cmd_output = system(ctags_cmd)
" Restore the value of the 'shellslash' option.
if has('win95') && !has('win32unix')
let &shellslash = old_shellslash
if exists('s:taglist_tempfile')
" Delete the temporary cmd file created on MS-Windows
call delete(s:taglist_tempfile)
" Handle errors
if v:shell_error
let msg = "Taglist: Failed to generate tags for " . a:filename
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
if cmd_output != ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(cmd_output)
return fidx
" Store the modification time for the file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = getftime(a:filename)
" No tags for current file
if cmd_output == ''
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('No tags defined in ' . a:filename)
return fidx
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Generated tags information for ' . a:filename)
if v:version > 601
" The following script local variables are used by the
" Tlist_Parse_Tagline() function.
let s:ctags_flags = s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_flags
let s:fidx = fidx
let s:tidx = 0
" Process the ctags output one line at a time. The substitute()
" command is used to parse the tag lines instead of using the
" matchstr()/stridx()/strpart() functions for performance reason
call substitute(cmd_output, "\\([^\n]\\+\\)\n",
\ '\=s:Tlist_Parse_Tagline(submatch(1))', 'g')
" Save the number of tags for this file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count = s:tidx
" The following script local variables are no longer needed
unlet! s:ctags_flags
unlet! s:tidx
unlet! s:fidx
" Due to a bug in Vim earlier than version 6.1,
" we cannot use substitute() to parse the ctags output.
" Instead the slow str*() functions are used
let ctags_flags = s:tlist_{a:ftype}_ctags_flags
let tidx = 0
while cmd_output != ''
" Extract one line at a time
let idx = stridx(cmd_output, "\n")
let one_line = strpart(cmd_output, 0, idx)
" Remove the line from the tags output
let cmd_output = strpart(cmd_output, idx + 1)
if one_line == ''
" Line is not in proper tags format
" Extract the tag type
let ttype = s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(one_line)
" Make sure the tag type is a valid and supported one
if ttype == '' || stridx(ctags_flags, ttype) == -1
" Line is not in proper tags format or Tag type is not
" supported
" Update the total tag count
let tidx = tidx + 1
" The following variables are used to optimize this code. Vim is
" slow in using curly brace names. To reduce the amount of
" processing needed, the curly brace variables are pre-processed
" here
let fidx_tidx = 's:tlist_' . fidx . '_' . tidx
let fidx_ttype = 's:tlist_' . fidx . '_' . ttype
" Update the count of this tag type
let ttype_idx = {fidx_ttype}_count + 1
let {fidx_ttype}_count = ttype_idx
" Store the ctags output for this tag
let {fidx_tidx}_tag = one_line
" Store the tag index and the tag type index (back pointers)
let {fidx_ttype}_{ttype_idx} = tidx
let {fidx_tidx}_ttype_idx = ttype_idx
" Extract the tag name
let tag_name = strpart(one_line, 0, stridx(one_line, "\t"))
" Extract the tag scope/prototype
if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype
let ttxt = ' ' . s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(fidx, tidx)
let ttxt = ' ' . tag_name
" Add the tag scope, if it is available and is configured. Tag
" scope is the last field after the 'line:<num>\t' field
if g:Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope
let tag_scope = s:Tlist_Extract_Tag_Scope(one_line)
if tag_scope != ''
let ttxt = ttxt . ' [' . tag_scope . ']'
" Add this tag to the tag type variable
let {fidx_ttype} = {fidx_ttype} . ttxt . "\n"
" Save the tag name
let {fidx_tidx}_tag_name = tag_name
" Save the number of tags for this file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count = tidx
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Processed ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count .
\ ' tags in ' . a:filename)
return fidx
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Update_File
" Update the tags for a file (if needed)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! Tlist_Update_File(filename, ftype)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_File (' . a:filename . ')')
" If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
if s:Tlist_Skip_File(a:filename, a:ftype)
" Convert the file name to a full path
let fname = fnamemodify(a:filename, ':p')
" First check whether the file already exists
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fname)
if fidx != -1 && s:tlist_{fidx}_valid
" File exists and the tags are valid
" Check whether the file was modified after the last tags update
" If it is modified, then update the tags
if s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime == getftime(fname)
" If the tags were removed previously based on a user request,
" as we are going to update the tags (based on the user request),
" remove the filename from the deleted list
call s:Tlist_Update_Remove_List(fname, 0)
" If the taglist window is opened, update it
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum == -1
" Taglist window is not present. Just update the taglist
" and return
call s:Tlist_Process_File(fname, a:ftype)
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File && s:tlist_cur_file_idx != -1
" If tags for only one file are displayed and we are not
" updating the tags for that file, then no need to
" refresh the taglist window. Otherwise, the taglist
" window should be updated.
if s:tlist_{s:tlist_cur_file_idx}_filename != fname
call s:Tlist_Process_File(fname, a:ftype)
" Save the current window number
let save_winnr = winnr()
" Goto the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Save the cursor position
let save_line = line('.')
let save_col = col('.')
" Update the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(fname, a:ftype)
" Restore the cursor position
if v:version >= 601
call cursor(save_line, save_col)
exe save_line
exe 'normal! ' . save_col . '|'
if winnr() != save_winnr
" Go back to the original window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(save_winnr . 'wincmd w')
" Update the taglist menu
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(1)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Close
" Close the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Window_Close()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Close()')
" Make sure the taglist window exists
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum == -1
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Error: Taglist window is not open')
if winnr() == winnum
" Already in the taglist window. Close it and return
if winbufnr(2) != -1
" If a window other than the taglist window is open,
" then only close the taglist window.
" Goto the taglist window, close it and then come back to the
" original window
let curbufnr = bufnr('%')
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
" Need to jump back to the original window only if we are not
" already in that window
let winnum = bufwinnr(curbufnr)
if winnr() != winnum
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
" Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window
" Mark the current window as the file window to use when jumping to a tag.
" Only if the current window is a non-plugin, non-preview and non-taglist
" window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
if getbufvar('%', '&buftype') == '' && !&previewwindow
let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Open
" Open and refresh the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Open()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Open()')
" If the window is open, jump to it
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum != -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Jump to the existing window
if winnr() != winnum
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
" Taglist plugin is no longer part of the winmanager app
let s:tlist_app_name = "none"
" Get the filename and filetype for the specified buffer
let curbuf_name = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
let curbuf_ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype('%')
let cur_lnum = line('.')
" Mark the current window as the desired window to open a file when a tag
" is selected.
call s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
" Open the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Create()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File
" Add only the current buffer and file
" If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(curbuf_name, curbuf_ftype)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(curbuf_name, curbuf_ftype)
if g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
" Open the fold for the current file, as all the folds in
" the taglist window are closed
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(curbuf_name)
if fidx != -1
exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldopen!"
" Highlight the current tag
call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(curbuf_name, cur_lnum, 1, 1)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Toggle()
" Open or close a taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Toggle()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Toggle()')
" If taglist window is open then close it.
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum != -1
call s:Tlist_Window_Close()
call s:Tlist_Window_Open()
" Go back to the original window, if Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen is not
" set
if !g:Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
" Update the taglist menu
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(0)
" Tlist_Process_Filelist
" Process multiple files. Each filename is separated by "\n"
" Returns the number of processed files
function! s:Tlist_Process_Filelist(file_names)
let flist = a:file_names
" Enable lazy screen updates
let old_lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
set lazyredraw
" Keep track of the number of processed files
let fcnt = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Process one file at a time
while flist != ''
let nl_idx = stridx(flist, "\n")
let one_file = strpart(flist, 0, nl_idx)
" Remove the filename from the list
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let flist = strpart(flist, nl_idx + 1)
if one_file == ''
" Skip directories
if isdirectory(one_file)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let ftype = s:Tlist_Detect_Filetype(one_file)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
echon "\r "
echon "\rProcessing tags for " . fnamemodify(one_file, ':p:t')
let fcnt = fcnt + 1
call Tlist_Update_File(one_file, ftype)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Clear the displayed informational messages
echon "\r "
" Restore the previous state
let &lazyredraw = old_lazyredraw
return fcnt
" Tlist_Process_Dir
" Process the files in a directory matching the specified pattern
function! s:Tlist_Process_Dir(dir_name, pat)
let flist = glob(a:dir_name . '/' . a:pat) . "\n"
let fcnt = s:Tlist_Process_Filelist(flist)
let len = strlen(a:dir_name)
if a:dir_name[len - 1] == '\' || a:dir_name[len - 1] == '/'
let glob_expr = a:dir_name . '*'
let glob_expr = a:dir_name . '/*'
let all_files = glob(glob_expr) . "\n"
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
while all_files != ''
let nl_idx = stridx(all_files, "\n")
let one_file = strpart(all_files, 0, nl_idx)
let all_files = strpart(all_files, nl_idx + 1)
if one_file == ''
" Skip non-directory names
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if !isdirectory(one_file)
echon "\r "
echon "\rProcessing files in directory " . fnamemodify(one_file, ':t')
let fcnt = fcnt + s:Tlist_Process_Dir(one_file, a:pat)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
return fcnt
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Add_Files_Recursive
" Add files recursively from a directory
function! s:Tlist_Add_Files_Recursive(dir, ...)
let dir_name = fnamemodify(a:dir, ':p')
if !isdirectory(dir_name)
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Error: ' . dir_name . ' is not a directory')
if a:0 == 1
" User specified file pattern
let pat = a:1
" Default file pattern
let pat = '*'
echon "\r "
echon "\rProcessing files in directory " . fnamemodify(dir_name, ':t')
let fcnt = s:Tlist_Process_Dir(dir_name, pat)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
echon "\rAdded " . fcnt . " files to the taglist"
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Add_Files
" Add the specified list of files to the taglist
function! s:Tlist_Add_Files(...)
let flist = ''
let i = 1
" Get all the files matching the file patterns supplied as argument
while i <= a:0
let flist = flist . glob(a:{i}) . "\n"
let i = i + 1
if flist == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Error: No matching files are found')
let fcnt = s:Tlist_Process_Filelist(flist)
echon "\rAdded " . fcnt . " files to the taglist"
" Tlist_Extract_Tagtype
" Extract the tag type from the tag text
function! s:Tlist_Extract_Tagtype(tag_line)
" The tag type is after the tag prototype field. The prototype field
" ends with the /;"\t string. We add 4 at the end to skip the characters
" in this special string..
let start = strridx(a:tag_line, '/;"' . "\t") + 4
let end = strridx(a:tag_line, 'line:') - 1
let ttype = strpart(a:tag_line, start, end - start)
return ttype
" Tlist_Extract_Tag_Scope
" Extract the tag scope from the tag text
function! s:Tlist_Extract_Tag_Scope(tag_line)
let start = strridx(a:tag_line, 'line:')
let end = strridx(a:tag_line, "\t")
if end <= start
return ''
let tag_scope = strpart(a:tag_line, end + 1)
let tag_scope = strpart(tag_scope, stridx(tag_scope, ':') + 1)
return tag_scope
" Tlist_Refresh()
" Refresh the taglist
function! s:Tlist_Refresh()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Refresh (Skip_Refresh = ' .
\ s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh . ', ' . bufname('%') . ')')
" If we are entering the buffer from one of the taglist functions, then
" no need to refresh the taglist window again.
if s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
" We still need to update the taglist menu
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(0)
" If part of the winmanager plugin and not configured to process
" tags always and not configured to display the tags menu, then return
if (s:tlist_app_name == 'winmanager') && !g:Tlist_Process_File_Always
\ && !g:Tlist_Show_Menu
" Skip buffers with 'buftype' set to nofile, nowrite, quickfix or help
if &buftype != ''
let filename = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
let ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype('%')
" If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
if s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ftype)
let tlist_win = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
" If the taglist window is not opened and not configured to process
" tags always and not displaying the tags menu, then return
if tlist_win == -1 && !g:Tlist_Process_File_Always && !g:Tlist_Show_Menu
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(filename)
if fidx == -1
" Check whether this file is removed based on user request
" If it is, then don't display the tags for this file
if s:Tlist_User_Removed_File(filename)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the taglist should not be auto updated, then return
if !g:Tlist_Auto_Update
let cur_lnum = line('.')
if fidx == -1
" Update the tags for the file
let fidx = s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
let mtime = getftime(filename)
if s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime != mtime
" Invalidate the tags listed for this file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
" Update the taglist and the window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call Tlist_Update_File(filename, ftype)
" Store the new file modification time
let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = mtime
" Update the taglist window
if tlist_win != -1
" Disable screen updates
let old_lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
set nolazyredraw
" Save the current window number
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let save_winnr = winnr()
" Goto the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if !g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag || !g:Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter
" Save the cursor position
let save_line = line('.')
let save_col = col('.')
" Update the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Open the fold for the file
exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldopen!"
if g:Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter && g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag
if g:Tlist_Show_One_File && s:tlist_cur_file_idx != fidx
" If displaying tags for only one file in the taglist
" window and about to display the tags for a new file,
" then center the current tag line for the new file
let center_tag_line = 1
let center_tag_line = 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Highlight the current tag
call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(filename, cur_lnum, 1, center_tag_line)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Restore the cursor position
if v:version >= 601
call cursor(save_line, save_col)
exe save_line
exe 'normal! ' . save_col . '|'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Jump back to the original window
if save_winnr != winnr()
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(save_winnr . 'wincmd w')
" Restore screen updates
let &lazyredraw = old_lazyredraw
" Update the taglist menu
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(0)
" Tlist_Change_Sort()
" Change the sort order of the tag listing
" caller == 'cmd', command used in the taglist window
" caller == 'menu', taglist menu
" action == 'toggle', toggle sort from name to order and vice versa
" action == 'set', set the sort order to sort_type
function! s:Tlist_Change_Sort(caller, action, sort_type)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Change_Sort (caller = ' . a:caller .
\ ', action = ' . a:action . ', sort_type = ' . a:sort_type . ')')
if a:caller == 'cmd'
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
if fidx == -1
" Remove the previous highlighting
match none
elseif a:caller == 'menu'
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'))
if fidx == -1
if a:action == 'toggle'
let sort_type = s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type
" Toggle the sort order from 'name' to 'order' and vice versa
if sort_type == 'name'
let s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type = 'order'
let s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type = 'name'
let s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type = a:sort_type
" Invalidate the tags listed for this file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
if a:caller == 'cmd'
" Save the current line for later restoration
let curline = '\V\^' . getline('.') . '\$'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
" Go back to the cursor line before the tag list is sorted
call search(curline, 'w')
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(1)
call s:Tlist_Menu_Remove_File()
call s:Tlist_Refresh()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Update_Current_File()
" Update taglist for the current buffer by regenerating the tag list
" Contributed by WEN Guopeng.
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
function! s:Tlist_Update_Current_File()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Update_Current_File()')
if winnr() == bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
" In the taglist window. Update the current file
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Update_File()
" Not in the taglist window. Update the current buffer
let filename = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(filename)
if fidx != -1
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
let ft = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype('%')
call Tlist_Update_File(filename, ft)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Update_File()
" Update the tags displayed in the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Update_File()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Update_File()')
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
if fidx == -1
" Remove the previous highlighting
match none
" Save the current line for later restoration
let curline = '\V\^' . getline('.') . '\$'
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
" Update the taglist window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
" Go back to the tag line before the list is updated
call search(curline, 'w')
" Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Return the tag type index for the specified line in the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum(fidx, lnum)
let ftype = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filetype
" Determine to which tag type the current line number belongs to using the
" tag type start line number and the number of tags in a tag type
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let start_lnum =
\ s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_offset
let end = start_lnum + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_count
if a:lnum >= start_lnum && a:lnum <= end
let i = i + 1
" Current line doesn't belong to any of the displayed tag types
if i > s:tlist_{ftype}_count
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
return ''
return ttype
" Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index()
" Return the tag index for the specified line in the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
let ttype = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum(a:fidx, a:lnum)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Current line doesn't belong to any of the displayed tag types
if ttype == ''
return 0
" Compute the index into the displayed tags for the tag type
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let ttype_lnum = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_start + s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_offset
let tidx = a:lnum - ttype_lnum
if tidx == 0
return 0
" Get the corresponding tag line and return it
return s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{ttype}_{tidx}
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line
" Highlight the current line
function! s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line()
" Clear previously selected name
match none
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Highlight the current line
if g:Tlist_Display_Prototype == 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let pat = '/\%' . line('.') . 'l\s\+\zs.*/'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let pat = '/\%' . line('.') . 'l.*/'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
exe 'match TagListTagName ' . pat
" Tlist_Window_Open_File
" Open the specified file in either a new window or an existing window
" and place the cursor at the specified tag pattern
function! s:Tlist_Window_Open_File(win_ctrl, filename, tagpat)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Open_File (' . a:filename . ',' .
\ a:win_ctrl . ')')
let prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh = s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh
let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = 1
if s:tlist_app_name == "winmanager"
" Let the winmanager edit the file
call WinManagerFileEdit(a:filename, a:win_ctrl == 'newwin')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if a:win_ctrl == 'newtab'
" Create a new tab
exe 'tabnew ' . escape(a:filename, ' ')
" Open the taglist window in the new tab
call s:Tlist_Window_Open()
if a:win_ctrl == 'checktab'
" Check whether the file is present in any of the tabs.
" If the file is present in the current tab, then use the
" current tab.
if bufwinnr(a:filename) != -1
let file_present_in_tab = 1
let i = tabpagenr()
let i = 1
let bnum = bufnr(a:filename)
let file_present_in_tab = 0
while i <= tabpagenr('$')
if index(tabpagebuflist(i), bnum) != -1
let file_present_in_tab = 1
let i += 1
if file_present_in_tab
" Goto the tab containing the file
exe 'tabnext ' . i
" Open a new tab
exe 'tabnew ' . escape(a:filename, ' ')
" Open the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Open()
let winnum = -1
if a:win_ctrl == 'prevwin'
" Open the file in the previous window, if it is usable
let cur_win = winnr()
wincmd p
if &buftype == '' && !&previewwindow
exe "edit " . escape(a:filename, ' ')
let winnum = winnr()
" Previous window is not usable
exe cur_win . 'wincmd w'
" Goto the window containing the file. If the window is not there, open a
" new window
if winnum == -1
let winnum = bufwinnr(a:filename)
if winnum == -1
" Locate the previously used window for opening a file
let fwin_num = 0
let first_usable_win = 0
let i = 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let bnum = winbufnr(i)
while bnum != -1
if getwinvar(i, 'tlist_file_window') == 'yes'
let fwin_num = i
if first_usable_win == 0 &&
\ getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') == '' &&
\ !getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow')
" First non-taglist, non-plugin and non-preview window
let first_usable_win = i
let i = i + 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let bnum = winbufnr(i)
" If a previously used window is not found, then use the first
" non-taglist window
if fwin_num == 0
let fwin_num = first_usable_win
if fwin_num != 0
" Jump to the file window
exe fwin_num . "wincmd w"
" If the user asked to jump to the tag in a new window, then split
" the existing window into two.
if a:win_ctrl == 'newwin'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
exe "edit " . escape(a:filename, ' ')
" Open a new window
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
exe 'leftabove split ' . escape(a:filename, ' ')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if winbufnr(2) == -1
" Only the taglist window is present
if g:Tlist_Use_Right_Window
exe 'leftabove vertical split ' .
\ escape(a:filename, ' ')
exe 'rightbelow vertical split ' .
\ escape(a:filename, ' ')
" Go to the taglist window to change the window size to
" the user configured value
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
if g:Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window
exe 'resize ' . g:Tlist_WinHeight
exe 'vertical resize ' . g:Tlist_WinWidth
" Go back to the file window
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
" A plugin or help window is also present
wincmd w
exe 'leftabove split ' . escape(a:filename, ' ')
" Mark the window, so that it can be reused.
call s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
if v:version >= 700
" If the file is opened in more than one window, then check
" whether the last accessed window has the selected file.
" If it does, then use that window.
let lastwin_bufnum = winbufnr(winnr('#'))
if bufnr(a:filename) == lastwin_bufnum
let winnum = winnr('#')
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
" If the user asked to jump to the tag in a new window, then split the
" existing window into two.
if a:win_ctrl == 'newwin'
" Jump to the tag
if a:tagpat != ''
" Add the current cursor position to the jump list, so that user can
" jump back using the ' and ` marks.
mark '
silent call search(a:tagpat, 'w')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Bring the line to the middle of the window
normal! z.
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the line is inside a fold, open the fold
if foldclosed('.') != -1
" If the user selects to preview the tag then jump back to the
" taglist window
if a:win_ctrl == 'preview'
" Go back to the taglist window
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the user has selected to close the taglist window, when a
" tag is selected, close the taglist window
if g:Tlist_Close_On_Select
call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Go back to the window displaying the selected file
let wnum = bufwinnr(a:filename)
if wnum != -1 && wnum != winnr()
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(wnum . 'wincmd w')
let s:Tlist_Skip_Refresh = prev_Tlist_Skip_Refresh
" Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Jump to the location of the current tag
" win_ctrl == useopen - Reuse the existing file window
" win_ctrl == newwin - Open a new window
" win_ctrl == preview - Preview the tag
" win_ctrl == prevwin - Open in previous window
" win_ctrl == newtab - Open in new tab
function! s:Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(win_ctrl)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(' . a:win_ctrl . ')')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Do not process comment lines and empty lines
let curline = getline('.')
if curline =~ '^\s*$' || curline[0] == '"'
" If inside a closed fold, then use the first line of the fold
" and jump to the file.
let lnum = foldclosed('.')
if lnum == -1
" Jump to the selected tag or file
let lnum = line('.')
" Open the closed fold
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if fidx == -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Get the tag output for the current tag
let tidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if tidx != 0
let tagpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(fidx, tidx)
" Highlight the tagline
call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line()
" Selected a line which is not a tag name. Just edit the file
let tagpat = ''
call s:Tlist_Window_Open_File(a:win_ctrl, s:tlist_{fidx}_filename, tagpat)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Window_Show_Info()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Display information about the entry under the cursor
function! s:Tlist_Window_Show_Info()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Show_Info()')
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Clear the previously displayed line
" Do not process comment lines and empty lines
let curline = getline('.')
if curline =~ '^\s*$' || curline[0] == '"'
" If inside a fold, then don't display the prototype
if foldclosed('.') != -1
let lnum = line('.')
" Get the file index
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(lnum)
if fidx == -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if lnum == s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" Cursor is on a file name
let fname = s:tlist_{fidx}_filename
if strlen(fname) > 50
let fname = fnamemodify(fname, ':t')
echo fname . ', Filetype=' . s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype .
\ ', Tag count=' . s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count
" Get the tag output line for the current tag
let tidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Index(fidx, lnum)
if tidx == 0
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Cursor is on a tag type
let ttype = s:Tlist_Window_Get_Tag_Type_By_Linenum(fidx, lnum)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if ttype == ''
let ttype_name = ''
let ftype = s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
if ttype == s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
let ttype_name = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_fullname
let i = i + 1
echo 'Tag type=' . ttype_name .
\ ', Tag count=' . s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
" Get the tag search pattern and display it
echo s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(fidx, tidx)
" Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx
" Find the tag idx nearest to the supplied line number
" Returns -1, if a tag couldn't be found for the specified line number
function! s:Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx(fidx, linenum)
let sort_type = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_sort_type
let left = 1
let right = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_tag_count
if sort_type == 'order'
" Tags sorted by order, use a binary search.
" The idea behind this function is taken from the ctags.vim script (by
" Alexey Marinichev) available at the Vim online website.
" If the current line is the less than the first tag, then no need to
" search
let first_lnum = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum(a:fidx, 1)
if a:linenum < first_lnum
return -1
while left < right
let middle = (right + left + 1) / 2
let middle_lnum = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum(a:fidx, middle)
if middle_lnum == a:linenum
let left = middle
if middle_lnum > a:linenum
let right = middle - 1
let left = middle
" Tags sorted by name, use a linear search. (contributed by Dave
" Eggum).
" Look for a tag with a line number less than or equal to the supplied
" line number. If multiple tags are found, then use the tag with the
" line number closest to the supplied line number. IOW, use the tag
" with the highest line number.
let closest_lnum = 0
let final_left = 0
while left <= right
let lnum = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Linenum(a:fidx, left)
if lnum < a:linenum && lnum > closest_lnum
let closest_lnum = lnum
let final_left = left
elseif lnum == a:linenum
let closest_lnum = lnum
let final_left = left
let left = left + 1
if closest_lnum == 0
return -1
if left >= right
let left = final_left
return left
" Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag()
" Highlight the current tag
" cntx == 1, Called by the taglist plugin itself
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" cntx == 2, Forced by the user through the TlistHighlightTag command
" center = 1, move the tag line to the center of the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Tag(filename, cur_lnum, cntx, center)
" Highlight the current tag only if the user configured the
" taglist plugin to do so or if the user explictly invoked the
" command to highlight the current tag.
if !g:Tlist_Auto_Highlight_Tag && a:cntx == 1
if a:filename == ''
" Make sure the taglist window is present
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum == -1
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Error: Taglist window is not open')
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(a:filename)
if fidx == -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the file is currently not displayed in the taglist window, then retrn
if !s:tlist_{fidx}_visible
" If there are no tags for this file, then no need to proceed further
if s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count == 0
" Ignore all autocommands
let old_ei = &eventignore
set eventignore=all
" Save the original window number
let org_winnr = winnr()
if org_winnr == winnum
let in_taglist_window = 1
let in_taglist_window = 0
" Go to the taglist window
if !in_taglist_window
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
" Clear previously selected name
match none
let tidx = s:Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx(fidx, a:cur_lnum)
if tidx == -1
" Make sure the current tag line is visible in the taglist window.
" Calling the winline() function makes the line visible. Don't know
" of a better way to achieve this.
let lnum = line('.')
if lnum < s:tlist_{fidx}_start || lnum > s:tlist_{fidx}_end
" Move the cursor to the beginning of the file
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
if foldclosed('.') != -1
call winline()
if !in_taglist_window
exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
" Restore the autocommands
let &eventignore = old_ei
" Extract the tag type
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let ttype = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Type_By_Tag(fidx, tidx)
" Compute the line number
" Start of file + Start of tag type + offset
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let lnum = s:tlist_{fidx}_start + s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset +
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_{tidx}_ttype_idx
" Goto the line containing the tag
exe lnum
" Open the fold
if foldclosed('.') != -1
if a:center
" Move the tag line to the center of the taglist window
normal! z.
" Make sure the current tag line is visible in the taglist window.
" Calling the winline() function makes the line visible. Don't know
" of a better way to achieve this.
call winline()
" Highlight the tag name
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Highlight_Line()
" Go back to the original window
if !in_taglist_window
exe org_winnr . 'wincmd w'
" Restore the autocommands
let &eventignore = old_ei
" Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line
" Get the prototype for the tag on or before the specified line number in the
" current buffer
function! Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line(...)
if a:0 == 0
" Arguments are not supplied. Use the current buffer name
" and line number
let filename = bufname('%')
let linenr = line('.')
elseif a:0 == 2
" Filename and line number are specified
let filename = a:1
let linenr = a:2
if linenr !~ '\d\+'
" Invalid line number
return ""
" Sufficient arguments are not supplied
let msg = 'Usage: Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line <filename> ' .
\ '<line_number>'
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return ""
" Expand the file to a fully qualified name
let filename = fnamemodify(filename, ':p')
if filename == ''
return ""
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(filename)
if fidx == -1
return ""
" If there are no tags for this file, then no need to proceed further
if s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count == 0
return ""
" Get the tag text using the line number
let tidx = s:Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx(fidx, linenr)
if tidx == -1
return ""
return s:Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype(fidx, tidx)
" Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line
" Get the tag name on or before the specified line number in the
" current buffer
function! Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line(...)
if a:0 == 0
" Arguments are not supplied. Use the current buffer name
" and line number
let filename = bufname('%')
let linenr = line('.')
elseif a:0 == 2
" Filename and line number are specified
let filename = a:1
let linenr = a:2
if linenr !~ '\d\+'
" Invalid line number
return ""
" Sufficient arguments are not supplied
let msg = 'Usage: Tlist_Get_Tagname_By_Line <filename> <line_number>'
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
return ""
" Make sure the current file has a name
let filename = fnamemodify(filename, ':p')
if filename == ''
return ""
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(filename)
if fidx == -1
return ""
" If there are no tags for this file, then no need to proceed further
if s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count == 0
return ""
" Get the tag name using the line number
let tidx = s:Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx(fidx, linenr)
if tidx == -1
return ""
return s:tlist_{fidx}_{tidx}_tag_name
" Tlist_Window_Move_To_File
" Move the cursor to the beginning of the current file or the next file
" or the previous file in the taglist window
" dir == -1, move to start of current or previous function
" dir == 1, move to start of next function
function! s:Tlist_Window_Move_To_File(dir)
if foldlevel('.') == 0
" Cursor is on a non-folded line (it is not in any of the files)
" Move it to a folded line
if a:dir == -1
normal! zk
" While moving down to the start of the next fold,
" no need to do go to the start of the next file.
normal! zj
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
if fidx == -1
let cur_lnum = line('.')
if a:dir == -1
if cur_lnum > s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" Move to the beginning of the current file
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
if fidx != 0
" Move to the beginning of the previous file
let fidx = fidx - 1
" Cursor is at the first file, wrap around to the last file
let fidx = s:tlist_file_count - 1
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" Move to the beginning of the next file
let fidx = fidx + 1
if fidx >= s:tlist_file_count
" Cursor is at the last file, wrap around to the first file
let fidx = 0
if s:tlist_{fidx}_start != 0
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
" Tlist_Session_Load
" Load a taglist session (information about all the displayed files
" and the tags) from the specified file
function! s:Tlist_Session_Load(...)
if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Usage: TlistSessionLoad <filename>')
let sessionfile = a:1
if !filereadable(sessionfile)
let msg = 'Taglist: Error - Unable to open file ' . sessionfile
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg(msg)
" Mark the current window as the file window
call s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
" Source the session file
exe 'source ' . sessionfile
let new_file_count = g:tlist_file_count
unlet! g:tlist_file_count
let i = 0
while i < new_file_count
let ftype = g:tlist_{i}_filetype
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_filetype
if !exists('s:tlist_' . ftype . '_count')
if s:Tlist_FileType_Init(ftype) == 0
let i = i + 1
let fname = g:tlist_{i}_filename
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_filename
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fname)
if fidx != -1
let s:tlist_{fidx}_visible = 0
let i = i + 1
" As we are loading the tags from the session file, if this
" file was previously deleted by the user, now we need to
" add it back. So remove the file from the deleted list.
call s:Tlist_Update_Remove_List(fname, 0)
let fidx = s:Tlist_Init_File(fname, ftype)
let s:tlist_{fidx}_filename = fname
let s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type = g:tlist_{i}_sort_type
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_sort_type
let s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype = ftype
let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = getftime(fname)
let s:tlist_{fidx}_start = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_end = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 1
let s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count = g:tlist_{i}_tag_count
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_tag_count
let j = 1
while j <= s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{j}_tag = g:tlist_{i}_{j}_tag
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{j}_tag_name = g:tlist_{i}_{j}_tag_name
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{j}_ttype_idx = g:tlist_{i}_{j}_ttype_idx
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{j}_tag
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{j}_tag_name
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{j}_ttype_idx
let j = j + 1
let j = 1
while j <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{j}_name
if exists('g:tlist_' . i . '_' . ttype)
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype} = g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count = g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
let k = 1
while k <= s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_{k} = g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_{k}
unlet! g:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_{k}
let k = k + 1
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype} = ''
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset = 0
let s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count = 0
let j = j + 1
let i = i + 1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" If the taglist window is open, then update it
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum != -1
let save_winnr = winnr()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Goto the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Goto_Window()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Refresh the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
" Go back to the original window
if save_winnr != winnr()
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds('wincmd p')
" Tlist_Session_Save
" Save a taglist session (information about all the displayed files
" and the tags) into the specified file
function! s:Tlist_Session_Save(...)
if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Usage: TlistSessionSave <filename>')
let sessionfile = a:1
if s:tlist_file_count == 0
" There is nothing to save
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Warning: Taglist is empty. Nothing to save.')
if filereadable(sessionfile)
let ans = input('Do you want to overwrite ' . sessionfile . ' (Y/N)?')
if ans !=? 'y'
echo "\n"
let old_verbose = &verbose
set verbose&vim
exe 'redir! > ' . sessionfile
silent! echo '" Taglist session file. This file is auto-generated.'
silent! echo '" File information'
silent! echo 'let tlist_file_count = ' . s:tlist_file_count
let i = 0
while i < s:tlist_file_count
" Store information about the file
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . "_filename = '" .
\ s:tlist_{i}_filename . "'"
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_sort_type = "' .
\ s:tlist_{i}_sort_type . '"'
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_filetype = "' .
\ s:tlist_{i}_filetype . '"'
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_tag_count = ' .
\ s:tlist_{i}_tag_count
" Store information about all the tags
let j = 1
while j <= s:tlist_{i}_tag_count
let txt = escape(s:tlist_{i}_{j}_tag, '"\\')
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_' . j . '_tag = "' . txt . '"'
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_' . j . '_tag_name = "' .
\ s:tlist_{i}_{j}_tag_name . '"'
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_' . j . '_ttype_idx' . ' = ' .
\ s:tlist_{i}_{j}_ttype_idx
let j = j + 1
" Store information about all the tags grouped by their type
let ftype = s:tlist_{i}_filetype
let j = 1
while j <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{j}_name
if s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count != 0
let txt = escape(s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}, '"\')
let txt = substitute(txt, "\n", "\\\\n", 'g')
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_' . ttype . ' = "' .
\ txt . '"'
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_' . ttype . '_count = ' .
\ s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
let k = 1
while k <= s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_count
silent! echo 'let tlist_' . i . '_' . ttype . '_' . k .
\ ' = ' . s:tlist_{i}_{ttype}_{k}
let k = k + 1
let j = j + 1
silent! echo
let i = i + 1
redir END
let &verbose = old_verbose
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Buffer_Removed
" A buffer is removed from the Vim buffer list. Remove the tags defined
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" for that file
function! s:Tlist_Buffer_Removed(filename)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Buffer_Removed (' . a:filename . ')')
" Make sure a valid filename is supplied
if a:filename == ''
" Get tag list index of the specified file
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(a:filename)
if fidx == -1
" File not present in the taglist
" Remove the file from the list
call s:Tlist_Remove_File(fidx, 0)
" When a buffer is deleted, remove the file from the taglist
autocmd BufDelete * silent call s:Tlist_Buffer_Removed(expand('<afile>:p'))
" Tlist_Window_Open_File_Fold
" Open the fold for the specified file and close the fold for all the
" other files
function! s:Tlist_Window_Open_File_Fold(acmd_bufnr)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Open_File_Fold (' . a:acmd_bufnr . ')')
" Make sure the taglist window is present
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum == -1
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: Error - Taglist window is not open')
" Save the original window number
let org_winnr = winnr()
if org_winnr == winnum
let in_taglist_window = 1
let in_taglist_window = 0
if in_taglist_window
" When entering the taglist window, no need to update the folds
" Go to the taglist window
if !in_taglist_window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(winnum . 'wincmd w')
" Close all the folds
silent! %foldclose
" Get tag list index of the specified file
let fname = fnamemodify(bufname(a:acmd_bufnr + 0), ':p')
if filereadable(fname)
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fname)
if fidx != -1
" Open the fold for the file
exe "silent! " . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . "," .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . "foldopen"
" Go back to the original window
if !in_taglist_window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Exe_Cmd_No_Acmds(org_winnr . 'wincmd w')
" Tlist_Window_Check_Auto_Open
" Open the taglist window automatically on Vim startup.
" Open the window only when files present in any of the Vim windows support
" tags.
function! s:Tlist_Window_Check_Auto_Open()
let open_window = 0
let i = 1
let buf_num = winbufnr(i)
while buf_num != -1
let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(buf_num), ':p')
let ft = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype(buf_num)
if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ft)
let open_window = 1
let i = i + 1
let buf_num = winbufnr(i)
if open_window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Toggle()
" Tlist_Refresh_Folds
" Remove and create the folds for all the files displayed in the taglist
" window. Used after entering a tab. If this is not done, then the folds
" are not properly created for taglist windows displayed in multiple tabs.
function! s:Tlist_Refresh_Folds()
let winnum = bufwinnr(g:TagList_title)
if winnum == -1
let save_wnum = winnr()
exe winnum . 'wincmd w'
" First remove all the existing folds
normal! zE
" Create the folds for each in the tag list
let fidx = 0
while fidx < s:tlist_file_count
let ftype = s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype
" Create the folds for each tag type in a file
let j = 1
while j <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{j}_name
if s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
let s = s:tlist_{fidx}_start + s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_offset
let e = s + s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
exe s . ',' . e . 'fold'
let j = j + 1
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'fold'
exe 'silent! ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
let fidx = fidx + 1
exe save_wnum . 'wincmd w'
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Adding the base menu')
" Add the menu
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Refresh\ menu :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'name')<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'order')<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu T&ags.-SEP1- :
if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Refresh\ menu
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'name')<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'order')<CR>
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
anoremenu PopUp.T&ags.-SEP1- :
let s:menu_char_prefix =
\ '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
" Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd
" Get the menu command for the specified tag type
" fidx - File type index
" ftype - File Type
" add_ttype_name - To add or not to add the tag type name to the menu entries
" ttype_idx - Tag type index
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd(fidx, ftype, add_ttype_name, ttype_idx)
" Curly brace variable name optimization
let ftype_ttype_idx = a:ftype . '_' . a:ttype_idx
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype_ttype_idx}_name
if a:add_ttype_name
" If the tag type name contains space characters, escape it. This
" will be used to create the menu entries.
let ttype_fullname = escape(s:tlist_{ftype_ttype_idx}_fullname, ' ')
" Curly brace variable name optimization
let fidx_ttype = a:fidx . '_' . ttype
" Number of tag entries for this tag type
let tcnt = s:tlist_{fidx_ttype}_count
if tcnt == 0 " No entries for this tag type
return ''
let mcmd = ''
" Create the menu items for the tags.
" Depending on the number of tags of this type, split the menu into
" multiple sub-menus, if needed.
if tcnt > g:Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items
let j = 1
while j <= tcnt
let final_index = j + g:Tlist_Max_Submenu_Items - 1
if final_index > tcnt
let final_index = tcnt
" Extract the first and last tag name and form the
" sub-menu name
let tidx = s:tlist_{fidx_ttype}_{j}
let first_tag = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{tidx}_tag_name
let tidx = s:tlist_{fidx_ttype}_{final_index}
let last_tag = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{tidx}_tag_name
" Truncate the names, if they are greater than the
" max length
let first_tag = strpart(first_tag, 0, g:Tlist_Max_Tag_Length)
let last_tag = strpart(last_tag, 0, g:Tlist_Max_Tag_Length)
" Form the menu command prefix
let m_prefix = 'anoremenu <silent> T\&ags.'
if a:add_ttype_name
let m_prefix = m_prefix . ttype_fullname . '.'
let m_prefix = m_prefix . first_tag . '\.\.\.' . last_tag . '.'
" Character prefix used to number the menu items (hotkey)
let m_prefix_idx = 0
while j <= final_index
let tidx = s:tlist_{fidx_ttype}_{j}
let tname = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{tidx}_tag_name
let mcmd = mcmd . m_prefix . '\&' .
\ s:menu_char_prefix[m_prefix_idx] . '\.' .
\ tname . ' :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Jump_To_Tag(' .
\ tidx . ')<CR>|'
let m_prefix_idx = m_prefix_idx + 1
let j = j + 1
" Character prefix used to number the menu items (hotkey)
let m_prefix_idx = 0
let m_prefix = 'anoremenu <silent> T\&ags.'
if a:add_ttype_name
let m_prefix = m_prefix . ttype_fullname . '.'
let j = 1
while j <= tcnt
let tidx = s:tlist_{fidx_ttype}_{j}
let tname = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_{tidx}_tag_name
let mcmd = mcmd . m_prefix . '\&' .
\ s:menu_char_prefix[m_prefix_idx] . '\.' .
\ tname . ' :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Jump_To_Tag(' . tidx
\ . ')<CR>|'
let m_prefix_idx = m_prefix_idx + 1
let j = j + 1
return mcmd
" Update the taglist menu with the tags for the specified file
function! s:Tlist_Menu_File_Refresh(fidx)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Refreshing the tag menu for ' . s:tlist_{a:fidx}_filename)
" The 'B' flag is needed in the 'cpoptions' option
let old_cpoptions = &cpoptions
set cpoptions&vim
exe s:tlist_{a:fidx}_menu_cmd
" Update the popup menu (if enabled)
if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
let cmd = substitute(s:tlist_{a:fidx}_menu_cmd, ' T\\&ags\.',
\ ' PopUp.T\\\&ags.', "g")
exe cmd
" The taglist menu is not empty now
let s:tlist_menu_empty = 0
" Restore the 'cpoptions' settings
let &cpoptions = old_cpoptions
" Tlist_Menu_Update_File
" Add the taglist menu
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(clear_menu)
if !has('gui_running')
" Not running in GUI mode
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Updating the tag menu, clear_menu = ' . a:clear_menu)
" Remove the tags menu
if a:clear_menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Remove_File()
" Skip buffers with 'buftype' set to nofile, nowrite, quickfix or help
if &buftype != ''
let filename = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
let ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype('%')
" If the file doesn't support tag listing, skip it
if s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ftype)
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(filename)
if fidx == -1 || !s:tlist_{fidx}_valid
" Check whether this file is removed based on user request
" If it is, then don't display the tags for this file
if s:Tlist_User_Removed_File(filename)
" Process the tags for the file
let fidx = s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
if fidx == -1
let fname = escape(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t'), '.')
if fname != ''
exe 'anoremenu T&ags.' . fname . ' <Nop>'
anoremenu T&ags.-SEP2- :
if !s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count
if s:tlist_{fidx}_menu_cmd != ''
" Update the menu with the cached command
call s:Tlist_Menu_File_Refresh(fidx)
" We are going to add entries to the tags menu, so the menu won't be
" empty
let s:tlist_menu_empty = 0
let cmd = ''
" Determine whether the tag type name needs to be added to the menu
" If more than one tag type is present in the taglisting for a file,
" then the tag type name needs to be present
let add_ttype_name = -1
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count && add_ttype_name < 1
let ttype = s:tlist_{ftype}_{i}_name
if s:tlist_{fidx}_{ttype}_count
let add_ttype_name = add_ttype_name + 1
let i = i + 1
" Process the tags by the tag type and get the menu command
let i = 1
while i <= s:tlist_{ftype}_count
let mcmd = s:Tlist_Menu_Get_Tag_Type_Cmd(fidx, ftype, add_ttype_name, i)
if mcmd != ''
let cmd = cmd . mcmd
let i = i + 1
" Cache the menu command for reuse
let s:tlist_{fidx}_menu_cmd = cmd
" Update the menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_File_Refresh(fidx)
" Tlist_Menu_Remove_File
" Remove the tags displayed in the tags menu
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Remove_File()
if !has('gui_running') || s:tlist_menu_empty
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Removing the tags menu for a file')
" Cleanup the Tags menu
silent! unmenu T&ags
if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
silent! unmenu PopUp.T&ags
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Add a dummy menu item to retain teared off menu
noremenu T&ags.Dummy l
silent! unmenu! T&ags
if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
silent! unmenu! PopUp.T&ags
call s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Remove the dummy menu item
unmenu T&ags.Dummy
let s:tlist_menu_empty = 1
" Tlist_Menu_Refresh
" Refresh the taglist menu
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Refresh()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Refreshing the tags menu')
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'))
if fidx != -1
" Invalidate the cached menu command
let s:tlist_{fidx}_menu_cmd = ''
" Update the taglist, menu and window
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Update_Current_File()
" Tlist_Menu_Jump_To_Tag
" Jump to the selected tag
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Jump_To_Tag(tidx)
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'))
if fidx == -1
let tagpat = s:Tlist_Get_Tag_SearchPat(fidx, a:tidx)
if tagpat == ''
" Add the current cursor position to the jump list, so that user can
" jump back using the ' and ` marks.
mark '
silent call search(tagpat, 'w')
" Bring the line to the middle of the window
normal! z.
" If the line is inside a fold, open the fold
if foldclosed('.') != -1
" Tlist_Menu_Init
" Initialize the taglist menu
function! s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
call s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
" Automatically add the tags defined in the current file to the menu
augroup TagListMenuCmds
if !g:Tlist_Process_File_Always
autocmd BufEnter * call s:Tlist_Refresh()
autocmd BufLeave * call s:Tlist_Menu_Remove_File()
augroup end
call s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(0)
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
" Tlist_Vim_Session_Load
" Initialize the taglist window/buffer, which is created when loading
" a Vim session file.
function! s:Tlist_Vim_Session_Load()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Vim_Session_Load')
" Initialize the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Init()
" Refresh the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
" Tlist_Set_App
" Set the name of the external plugin/application to which taglist
" belongs.
" Taglist plugin is part of another plugin like cream or winmanager.
function! Tlist_Set_App(name)
if a:name == ""
let s:tlist_app_name = a:name
" Winmanager integration
" Initialization required for integration with winmanager
function! TagList_Start()
" If current buffer is not taglist buffer, then don't proceed
if bufname('%') != '__Tag_List__'
call Tlist_Set_App('winmanager')
" Get the current filename from the winmanager plugin
let bufnum = WinManagerGetLastEditedFile()
if bufnum != -1
let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(bufnum), ':p')
let ftype = s:Tlist_Get_Buffer_Filetype(bufnum)
" Initialize the taglist window, if it is not already initialized
if !exists('s:tlist_window_initialized') || !s:tlist_window_initialized
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
call s:Tlist_Window_Init()
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh()
let s:tlist_window_initialized = 1
" Update the taglist window
if bufnum != -1
Version 4.0b3 The following changes are made in this version: 1. Delay loading of the taglist plugin to reduce the Vim startup time. 2. Support for recursively adding multiples files to the taglist using the ':TlistAddFilesRecursive' command. 3. New ':TlistOpen' command to open and jump to the taglist window. 4. New ':TlistToggle' command to supersede the ':Tlist' command. 5. New 'Tlist_Close_On_Select' option for closing the taglist window when a file is selected. 6. New 'Tlist_Auto_Update' option to enable/disable processing of newly edited files. 7. New ':TlistLock' and ':TlistUnlock' commands to lock and unlock the taglist. 8. New 'Tlist_Highlight_Tag_On_BufEnter' option to enable/disable highlighting of the current tag on entering a buffer. 9. When the taglist buffer is created from a Vim session file, update the taglist with the files from the session file. 10. Change the background color used for highlighting file names in the taglist window. 11. When <Space> is pressed on a file name or a tag type name in the taglist window, display information about the number of tags. 12. Set the 'foldlevel' option to a high value in the taglist window. 13. When refreshing the taglist window, process all the opened buffers. 14. When moving between windows, disable and enable autocommands. 15. When a file is selected from the taglist window, use a non-plugin window to edit the file. 16. If 'Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow' is set and when exiting Vim, make sure the '0 mark is set to the previous buffer. 17. When using the taglist plugin with the winmanager plugin and 'Tlist_Process_File_Always' is set or the taglist menu is enabled, sometimes, it is not possible to jump to other windows from the taglist window using the keyboard. Fixed this problem. 18. While opening files in a new window, use filenames instead of buffer numbers.
2005-12-28 00:00:00 +00:00
if !s:Tlist_Skip_File(filename, ftype) && g:Tlist_Auto_Update
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)
function! TagList_IsValid()
return 0
function! TagList_WrapUp()
return 0
" restore 'cpo'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save