Version 4.2

1. After opening a file with no tags defined in it with the
   Tlist_Compact_Format option set, if the tags are updated, the folds
   used for the files following the empty tags file are affected.
2. On MS-Windows, use a "taglist.cmd" temporary file to run exuberant
   ctags. This is to handle space characters in the file names and
   in the exuberant ctags path name.
3. In the taglist window, when a file is re-sorted or updated open the
   fold for the file.
4. When the 'shellxquote' option is set to double quotes, escape
   double quotes in the command executed for exuberant ctags.
5. On FreeBSD, exuberant ctags is installed as exctags, look for
   exctags in the PATH.
6. If two taglist plugins are present (one in the system Vim directory
   and another in the user's .vim/plugin directory), then the plugin
   in the users's .vim directory overrides the version in the system
   vim directory.
7. When the :TlistMessages command is issued display the debug
   messages in a taglist.txt buffer.
8. Clear the readonly option for the taglist buffer
9. When opening a selected file, don't use the preview window, if
This commit is contained in:
Yegappan Lakshmanan 2006-11-14 00:00:00 +00:00 committed by Able Scraper
parent 56fac4dbda
commit 569d438e14
2 changed files with 177 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
For Vim version 6.0 and above
Last change: 2006 September 6
Last change: 2006 November 14
1. Overview |taglist-intro|
2. Taglist on the internet |taglist-internet|
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ programming languages. The "Tag List" plugin provides the following features:
The home page of the taglist plugin is at:
You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions or
suggestions for improvement or to send bug reports. Visit the following page
@ -711,9 +711,9 @@ the PATH environment variable, then there is no need to set this variable.
The exuberant ctags tool can be installed under different names. When the
taglist plugin starts up, if the 'Tlist_Ctags_Cmd' variable is not set, it
checks for the names exuberant-ctags, ctags, ctags.exe and tags in the PATH
environment variable. If any one of the named executable is found, then the
Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable is set to that name.
checks for the names exuberant-ctags, exctags, ctags, ctags.exe and tags in
the PATH environment variable. If any one of the named executable is found,
then the Tlist_Ctags_Cmd variable is set to that name.
If exuberant ctags is not present in one of the directories specified in the
PATH environment variable, then set this variable to point to the location of
@ -1026,9 +1026,9 @@ The taglist plugin provides the following ex-mode commands:
Display the logged debug messages from the taglist plugin.
This command works only when logging to a script-local
Display the logged debug messages from the taglist plugin
in a window. This command works only when logging to a
script-local variable.
:TlistOpen Open and jump to the taglist window. Creates the taglist
@ -1268,6 +1268,7 @@ A. Are you using Vim version 6.0 and above? The taglist plugin relies on the
The output of the above command should contain "filetype detection:ON".
To turn on the filetype detection, add the following line to the .vimrc or
_vimrc file:
@ -1288,19 +1289,34 @@ A. Are you using Vim version 6.0 and above? The taglist plugin relies on the
Do you have the |'shellslash'| option set? You can try disabling the
|'shellslash'| option. When the taglist plugin invokes the exuberant ctags
utility with the path to the file, if the incorrect slashes are used, then
you will see errors.
you will see errors.
Check the shell related Vim options values using the following command:
:set shell? shellcmdflag? shellpipe?
:set shellquote? shellredir? shellxquote?
If these options are set in your .vimrc or _vimrc file, try removing those
Are you using a Unix shell in a MS-Windows environment? For example,
the Unix shell from the MKS-toolkit. Do you have the SHELL environment
set to point to this shell? You can try resetting the SHELL environment
If you are using a Unix shell on MS-Windows, you should try to use
exuberant ctags that is compiled for Unix-like environments so that
exuberant ctags will understand path names with forward slash characters.
Is your filetype supported by the exuberant ctags utility? The file types
supported by the exuberant ctags utility are listed in the ctags help. If a
file type is not supported, you have to extend exuberant ctags.
Run the following command from the shell and see whether you see
your tags in the output from exuberant ctags:
file type is not supported, you have to extend exuberant ctags. You can use
the following command to list the filetypes supported by exuberant ctags:
ctags --list-languages
Run the following command from the shell prompt and check whether the tags
defined in your file are listed in the output from exuberant ctags:
ctags -f - --format=2 --excmd=pattern --fields=nks <filename>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" File: taglist.vim
" Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan (yegappan AT yahoo DOT com)
" Version: 4.1
" Last Modified: September 10, 2006
" Version: 4.2
" Last Modified: November 14, 2006
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Yegappan Lakshmanan
" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
" programming languages. You can visit the taglist plugin home page for more
" information:
" You can subscribe to the taglist mailing list to post your questions
" or suggestions for improvement or to report bugs. Visit the following
@ -81,7 +81,12 @@ if !exists('loaded_taglist')
" Location of the exuberant ctags tool
if !exists('Tlist_Ctags_Cmd')
if executable('exuberant-ctags')
" On Debian Linux, exuberant ctags is installed
" as exuberant-ctags
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'exuberant-ctags'
elseif executable(' exctags')
" On Free-BSD, exuberant ctags is installed as exctags
let Tlist_Ctags_ Cmd = 'exctags'
elseif executable('ctags')
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags'
elseif executable('ctags.exe')
@ -289,35 +294,46 @@ if !exists('loaded_taglist')
command! -nargs=? -complete=file -bar TlistDebug
\ call s:Tlist_Debug_Enable(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistUndebug call s:Tlist_Debug_Disable()
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistMessages echo s:tlist_msg
command! -nargs=0 -bar TlistMessages call s:Tlist_Debug_Show()
" Define autocommands to autoload the taglist plugin when needed.
" Trick to get the current script ID
map <SID>xx <SID>xx
let s:sid = substitute(maparg('<SID>xx'), '<SNR>\(\d\+_\)xx$', '\1', '')
let s:tlist_sid = substitute(maparg('<SID>xx'), '<SNR>\(\d\+_\)xx$',
\ '\1', '')
unmap <SID>xx
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:sid . 'Tlist_* source ' .
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:tlist_sid . 'Tlist_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:sid . 'Tlist_Window_* source ' .
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:tlist_sid . 'Tlist_Window_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:sid . 'Tlist_Menu_* source ' .
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined *' . s:tlist_sid . 'Tlist_Menu_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined Tlist_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
exe 'autocmd FuncUndefined TagList_* source ' .
\ escape(expand('<sfile>'), ' ')
unlet! s:sid
let loaded_taglist = 'fast_load_done'
if g:Tlist_Show_Menu && has('gui_running')
call s:Tlist_Menu_Init()
" restore 'cpo'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
if !exists('s:tlist_sid')
" Two or more versions of taglist plugin are installed. Don't
" load this version of the plugin.
unlet! s:tlist_sid
if loaded_taglist != 'fast_load_done'
" restore 'cpo'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
@ -621,6 +637,29 @@ function! s:Tlist_Debug_Disable(...)
let s:tlist_debug_file = ''
" Tlist_Debug_Show
" Display the taglist debug message in a new window
function! s:Tlist_Debug_Show()
if s:tlist_debug == 0
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: Debug is disabled')
if s:tlist_msg == ''
call s:Tlist_Warning_Msg('Taglist: No debug messages')
" Open a new window to display the taglist debug messages
new taglist_debug.txt
" Delete all the lines (if the buffer already exists)
silent! %delete _
" Add the messages
silent! put =s:tlist_msg
" Move the cursor to the first line
normal! gg
" Tlist_Log_Msg
" Log the supplied debug message along with the time
function! s:Tlist_Log_Msg(msg)
@ -1402,6 +1441,12 @@ endfunction
function! s:Tlist_Window_Init()
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Window_Init()')
" The 'readonly' option should not be set for the taglist buffer.
" If Vim is started as "view/gview" or if the ":view" command is
" used, then the 'readonly' option is set for all the buffers.
" Unset it for the taglist buffer
setlocal noreadonly
" Set the taglist buffer filetype to taglist
setlocal filetype=taglist
@ -1510,7 +1555,8 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Init()
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(1)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> p :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(2)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> :call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(1, 1, '')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> s
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('cmd', 'toggle', '')<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> + :silent! foldopen<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> - :silent! foldclose<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> * :silent! %foldopen!<CR>
@ -1538,7 +1584,7 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Init()
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <2-LeftMouse> <C-o>:call
\ <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag(0)<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> s
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(1, 1, '')<CR>
\ <C-o>:call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('cmd', 'toggle', '')<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> + <C-o>:silent! foldopen<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> - <C-o>:silent! foldclose<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <silent> * <C-o>:silent! %foldopen!<CR>
@ -1898,17 +1944,17 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(filename, ftype)
if s:tlist_{fidx}_tag_count == 0
put =''
if g:Tlist_Compact_Format == 0
silent! put =''
let s:tlist_{fidx}_end = line('.') - 1
" Create a fold for the entire file
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'fold'
if !g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close
exe 'silent! ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
exe 'silent! ' . s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' .
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
" Goto the starting line for this file,
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start
@ -2178,6 +2224,13 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
let ctags_cmd = g:Tlist_Ctags_Cmd . ctags_args
let ctags_cmd = ctags_cmd . ' "' . a:filename . '"'
if &shellxquote == '"'
" Double-quotes within double-quotes will not work in the
" command-line.If the 'shellxquote' option is set to double-quotes,
" then escape the double-quotes in the ctags command-line.
let ctags_cmd = escape(ctags_cmd, '"')
" In Windows 95, if not using cygwin, disable the 'shellslash'
" option. Otherwise, this will cause problems when running the
" ctags command.
@ -2186,6 +2239,25 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
set noshellslash
if has('win32') && !has('win32unix') && !has('win95')
\ && (&shell =~ 'cmd.exe')
" Windows does not correctly deal with commands that have more than 1
" set of double quotes. It will strip them all resulting in:
" 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command
" operable program or batch file. To work around this, place the
" command inside a batch file and call the batch file.
" Do this only on Win2K, WinXP and above.
" Contributed by: David Fishburn.
let s:taglist_tempfile = fnamemodify(tempname(), ':h') .
\ '\taglist.cmd'
exe 'redir! > ' . s:taglist_tempfile
silent echo ctags_cmd
redir END
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Cmd inside batch file: ' . ctags_cmd)
let ctags_cmd = '"' . s:taglist_tempfile . '"'
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Cmd: ' . ctags_cmd)
" Run ctags and get the tag list
@ -2196,6 +2268,11 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
let &shellslash = old_shellslash
if exists('s:taglist_tempfile')
" Delete the temporary cmd file created on MS-Windows
call delete(s:taglist_tempfile)
" Handle errors
if v:shell_error
let msg = "Taglist: Failed to generate tags for " . a:filename
@ -2206,6 +2283,9 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
return fidx
" Store the modification time for the file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = getftime(a:filename)
" No tags for current file
if cmd_output == ''
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('No tags defined in ' . a:filename)
@ -2214,9 +2294,6 @@ function! s:Tlist_Process_File(filename, ftype)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Generated tags information for ' . a:filename)
" Store the modification time for the file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_mtime = getftime(a:filename)
if v:version > 601
" The following script local variables are used by the
" Tlist_Parse_Tagline() function.
@ -2436,6 +2513,16 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Close()
" Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window
" Mark the current window as the file window to use when jumping to a tag.
" Only if the current window is a non-plugin, non-preview and non-taglist
" window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
if getbufvar('%', '&buftype') == '' && !&previewwindow
let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
" Tlist_Window_Open
" Open and refresh the taglist window
function! s:Tlist_Window_Open()
@ -2460,9 +2547,9 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Open()
let curbuf_ftype = getbufvar('%', '&filetype')
let cur_lnum = line('.')
" Mark the current window as the desired window to open a file
" when a tag is selected
let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
" Mark the current window as the desired window to open a file when a tag
" is selected.
call s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
" Open the taglist window
call s:Tlist_Window_Create()
@ -2816,14 +2903,14 @@ endfunction
" Tlist_Change_Sort()
" Change the sort order of the tag listing
" caller == 1, taglist window
" caller == 2, taglist menu
" action == 1, toggle sort from name to order and vice versa
" action == 2, set the sort order to sort_type
" caller == 'cmd', command used in the taglist window
" caller == 'menu', taglist menu
" action == 'toggle', toggle sort from name to order and vice versa
" action == 'set', set the sort order to sort_type
function! s:Tlist_Change_Sort(caller, action, sort_type)
call s:Tlist_Log_Msg('Tlist_Change_Sort (caller = ' . a:caller .
\ ', action = ' . a:action . ', sort_type = ' . a:sort_type . ')')
if a:caller == 1
if a:caller == 'cmd'
let fidx = s:Tlist_Window_Get_File_Index_By_Linenum(line('.'))
if fidx == -1
@ -2831,14 +2918,14 @@ function! s:Tlist_Change_Sort(caller, action, sort_type)
" Remove the previous highlighting
match none
elseif a:caller == 2
elseif a:caller == 'menu'
let fidx = s:Tlist_Get_File_Index(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'))
if fidx == -1
if a:action == 1
if a:action == 'toggle'
let sort_type = s:tlist_{fidx}_sort_type
" Toggle the sort order from 'name' to 'order' and vice versa
@ -2854,13 +2941,15 @@ function! s:Tlist_Change_Sort(caller, action, sort_type)
" Invalidate the tags listed for this file
let s:tlist_{fidx}_valid = 0
if a:caller == 1
if a:caller == 'cmd'
" Save the current line for later restoration
let curline = '\V\^' . getline('.') . '\$'
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
" Go back to the cursor line before the tag list is sorted
call search(curline, 'w')
@ -2912,6 +3001,8 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Update_File()
call s:Tlist_Window_Refresh_File(s:tlist_{fidx}_filename,
\ s:tlist_{fidx}_filetype)
exe s:tlist_{fidx}_start . ',' . s:tlist_{fidx}_end . 'foldopen!'
" Go back to the tag line before the list is updated
call search(curline, 'w')
@ -3008,9 +3099,10 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Open_File(win_ctrl, filename, tagpat)
let fwin_num = i
if first_usable_win == 0 && bufname(bnum) != g:TagList_title &&
\ getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') == ''
" First non-taglist and a non-plugin window
if first_usable_win == 0 &&
\ getbufvar(bnum, '&buftype') == '' &&
\ !getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow')
" First non-taglist, non-plugin and non-preview window
let first_usable_win = i
let i = i + 1
@ -3066,7 +3158,7 @@ function! s:Tlist_Window_Open_File(win_ctrl, filename, tagpat)
" Mark the window, so that it can be reused.
let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
call s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
if v:version >= 700
" If the file is opened in more than one window, then check
@ -3249,11 +3341,9 @@ function! s:Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx(fidx, linenum)
let right = s:tlist_{a:fidx}_tag_count
if sort_type == 'order'
" Tag list sorted by order, do a binary search comparing the line
" numbers and pick a tag entry that contains the current line and
" highlight it. The idea behind this function is taken from the
" ctags.vim script (by Alexey Marinichev) available at the Vim online
" website.
" Tags sorted by order, use a binary search.
" The idea behind this function is taken from the ctags.vim script (by
" Alexey Marinichev) available at the Vim online website.
" If the current line is the less than the first tag, then no need to
" search
@ -3279,7 +3369,12 @@ function! s:Tlist_Find_Nearest_Tag_Idx(fidx, linenum)
" sorted by name, brute force method (Dave Eggum)
" Tags sorted by name, use a linear search. (contributed by Dave
" Eggum).
" Look for a tag with a line number less than or equal to the supplied
" line number. If multiple tags are found, then use the tag with the
" line number closest to the supplied line number. IOW, use the tag
" with the highest line number.
let closest_lnum = 0
let final_left = 0
while left <= right
@ -3609,9 +3704,7 @@ function! s:Tlist_Session_Load(...)
" Mark the current window as the file window
if bufname('%') !~ g:TagList_title
let w:tlist_file_window = "yes"
call s:Tlist_Window_Mark_File_Window()
" Source the session file
exe 'source ' . sessionfile
@ -3915,18 +4008,18 @@ function! s:Tlist_Menu_Add_Base_Menu()
" Add the menu
anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Refresh\ menu :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'name')<CR>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'name')<CR>
anoremenu <silent> T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'order')<CR>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'order')<CR>
anoremenu T&ags.-SEP1- :
if &mousemodel =~ 'popup'
anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Refresh\ menu
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Menu_Refresh()<CR>
anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Name
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'name')<CR>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'name')<CR>
anoremenu <silent> PopUp.T&ags.Sort\ menu\ by.Order
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort(2, 2, 'order')<CR>
\ :call <SID>Tlist_Change_Sort('menu', 'set', 'order')<CR>
anoremenu PopUp.T&ags.-SEP1- :
@ -4073,6 +4166,13 @@ function! s:Tlist_Menu_Update_File(clear_menu)
" Remove the tags menu
if a:clear_menu
call s:Tlist_Menu_Remove_File()
let fname = escape(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t'), '.')
if fname != ''
exe 'anoremenu T&ags.' . fname . ' <Nop>'
anoremenu T&ags.-SEP2- :
" Skip buffers with 'buftype' set to nofile, nowrite, quickfix or help