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# I have a penchant for setting up all my projects so they work the same.
I like to do these things in all my projects:
* Have all my tests run before committing. I don't like buying ice cream for the team on test failures.
* If I'm developing gems alongside this project, I use a `Gemfile.penchant` to get around the "one gem, one source" issue in
current versions of Bundler.
* If I'm moving to different machines or (heaven forbid!) having other developers work on the project, I want to make
getting all those local gems as easy as possible.
This gem makes that easier!
## What's it do?
Installs a bunch of scripts into the `scripts` directory of your project:
* `gemfile` which switches between `Gemfile.penchant` environments
* `install-git-hooks` which will do just what it says
* `hooks`, several git hooks that the prior script symlinks into .git/hooks for you
* `initialize-environment`, which bootstraps your local environment so you can get up and running
## Gemfile.penchant?!
Yeah, it's a `Gemfile` with some extras:
``` ruby
source :rubygems
gem 'rails', '3.2.3'
# expands to:
# gem 'rake'
# gem 'nokogiri'
# gem 'rack-rewrite'
gems 'rake', 'nokogiri', 'rack-rewrite'
no_deployment do
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec', '~> 2.6.0'
dev_gems = %w{flowerbox guard-flowerbox}
env :local do
# expands to:
# gem 'flowerbox', :path => '../flowerbox'
# gem 'guard-flowerbox', :path => '../guard-flowerbox'
gems dev_gems, :path => '../%s'
env :remote do
# expands to:
# gem 'flowerbox', :git => 'git://'
# gem 'guard-flowerbox', :git => 'git://'
gems dev_gems, :git => 'git://'
# only expanded on Mac OS X
os :darwin do
gem 'rb-fsevent'
# only expanded on Linux
os :linux do
gems 'rb-inotify', 'ffi'
Use `script/gemfile local` to get at the local ones, and `script/gemfile remote` to get at the remote ones.
It then runs `bundle install`.
You can also run `penchant gemfile ENV`.
### Deployment mode
Use `no_deployment` blocks to indicate gems that shouldn't even appear in `Gemfiles` destined for
remote servers. *Very* helpful when you have OS-specific gems and are developing on one platform
and deploying on another, or if you don't want to deal with the dependencies for your testing
``` ruby
no_deployment do
os :darwin do
gems 'growl_notify', 'growl', 'rb-fsevent'
os :linux do
gem 'libnotify', :require => nil
group :test do
# ... all your testing libraries you won't need on the deployed end ...
Run `penchant gemfile ENV --deployment` to get this behavior. This is run by default when the
pre-commit git hook runs, but only after the default Rake task passes.
## initialize-environment
Get new developers up to speed fast! `script/initialize-environment` does the following when run:
* Check out any remote repos found in `Gemfile.penchant` to the same directory where your current project lives.
That way, you can have your `Gemfile.penchant` set up as above and everything works cleanly.
* Runs `script/gemfile remote` to set your project to using remote repositories.
* Runs `rake bootstrap` for the project if it exists.
### After-`gemfile` hooks?
Drop a file called `.penchant` in your project directory. It'll get executed every time you switch environments using
Penchant. I use it to tell my Hydra clients to sync and update their Gemfiles, too:
``` ruby
# rake knows if you need "bundle exec" or not.
rake "hydra:sync hydra:remote:bundle"
### What environment are you currently using in that Gemfile?
`head -n 1` that puppy, or `penchant gemfile-env`.
## git hook?!
It runs `penchant gemfile remote` then runs `bundle exec rake`. Make sure your default Rake task for the project runs your
tests and performs any other magic necessary before each commit. Your re-environmented Gemfile and Gemfile.lock will be added
to your commit if they've changed.
### Skipping all that Rake falderal?
Do it Travis CI style: stick `[ci skip]` in your commit message. That's why the meat of hte git hooks resides in
`commit-msg` and not `pre-commit`: you need the commit message before you can determine if the tests should be run
based on the commit message. Weird, I know.
## How?!
* `gem install penchant`
* `cd` to your project directory
And then one of the following:
* `penchant install` for a new project (`--dir=WHEREVER` will install the scripts to a directory other than `$PWD/scripts`)
* `penchant update` to update the installation (`--dir=WHEVEVER` works here, too)
* `penchant convert` for an existing project (`--dir=WHEVEVER` works here, too)