961 B
961 B
gem install mongoid_grid_fs
require 'mongoid-grid_fs'
g = GridFs.put readable
GridFS.get id
GridFS.delete id
mongoid_grid_fs is pure mongoid 3 / moped implementation of the mongodb grid_fs specification
ref: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/GridFS+Specification
it has the following features:
implementation is on top of mongoid for portability. moped (the drive) is barely used
simple, REST-like api
support for custom namespaces (fs.files vs. image.files)
pathnames and io-like objects can be written to the grid
auto-unique pathnames are generated (by default) to avoid collisions using #put
'path/info/a.rb' -> '$object_id/a.rb'
[] and []= methods which allow the grid to be used like a giant file hash in the sky
supprt for data_uris
<%= image_tag :src => file.data_url %>