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default Jasmine User Guide

Quick Start

For JavaScript-only projects:

  1. Get the latest standalone release from the downloads page.
  2. Open SpecRunner.html in your favorite browser.

Other distributions:

  • For integration with the Ruby environment, including automated execution with Selenium, please use the jasmine gem.

Which Release Should I Use?

Please use the latest version unless you have a good reason not to. Some of this documentation may not be applicable to older versions. Please see Release Notes for change information.

How To

There is a simple example of how to use Jasmine in the /example directory, but here's more information.


We now have a Google Group for support & discussion.



We welcome your contributions! Jasmine is currently maintained by Davis Frank (infews), Rajan Agaskar (ragaskar), and Christian Williams (Xian). You can help us by removing all other recipients from your pull request.


  • A big shout out to the various JavaScript test framework authors, especially TJ for JSpec - we played with it a bit before deciding that we really needed to roll our own.
  • Thanks to Pivot Jessica Miller for our logo and fancy pass/fail/pending icons
  • Huge contributions have been made by Adam Abrons, Lee Byrd, Erik Hanson, Carl Jackson, and many other Pivots.