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title: Jasmine User Guide
# Quick Start
## For JavaScript-only projects:
1. Get the latest standalone release from the [downloads page](index.html).
2. Open `SpecRunner.html` in your favorite browser.
## Other distributions:
* For integration with the Ruby environment, including automated execution with Selenium, please use the [jasmine gem](http://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-gem).
# Which Release Should I Use?
Please use the latest version unless you have a good reason not to. Some of this documentation may not be applicable to older versions. Please see [Release Notes](release-notes.html) for change information.
# How To
There is a simple example of how to use Jasmine in the /example directory, but here's more information.
## Support
We now have a Google Group for support & discussion.
* Discussion: [http://groups.google.com/group/jasmine-js](http://groups.google.com/group/jasmine-js)
* Group email: <a href="mailto:jasmine-js@googlegroups.com">jasmine-js@googlegroups.com</a>
* Current build status of Jasmine is visible at [ci.pivotallabs.com](http://ci.pivotallabs.com)
* Pivotal Tracker project: [http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/10606](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/10606)
* Twitter: [@JasmineBDD](http://twitter.com/JasmineBDD)
## Maintainers
* [Davis W. Frank](mailto:dwfrank@pivotallabs.com), Pivotal Labs
* [Rajan Agaskar](mailto:rajan@pivotallabs.com), Pivotal Labs
* [Christian Williams](mailto:xian@pivotallabs.com), Pivotal Labs
## Developers
We welcome your contributions! Jasmine is currently maintained by Davis Frank ([infews](http://github.com/infews)), Rajan Agaskar ([ragaskar](http://github.com/ragaskar)), and Christian Williams ([Xian](http://github.com/Xian)). You can help us by removing all other recipients from your pull request.
## Acknowledgments
* A big shout out to the various JavaScript test framework authors, especially TJ for [JSpec](http://github.com/visionmedia/jspec/tree/master) - we played with it a bit before deciding that we really needed to roll our own.
* Thanks to Pivot [Jessica Miller](http://www.jessicamillerworks.com/) for our logo and fancy pass/fail/pending icons
* Huge contributions have been made by [Adam Abrons](mailto:adam@pivotallabs.com), [Lee Byrd](mailto:lee@pivotallabs.com), [Erik Hanson](mailto:erik@pivotallabs.com), [Carl Jackson](mailto:carl@pivotallabs.com), and many other Pivots.