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# Guard support for jasmine-headless-webkit
Add running your Jasmine specs to your `Guardfile` via [`jasmine-headless-webkit`]( Nice!
``` ruby
guard 'jasmine-headless-webkit' do
watch(%r{^app/assets/javascripts/(.*)\..*}) { |m| newest_js_file("spec/javascripts/#{m[1]}_spec") }
`gem install guard-jasmine-headless-webkit` and then `guard init jasmine-headless-webkit` in your project directory to get started.
You should also put it in your `Gemfile` because, hey, why not, right?
Output is colored by default. If you want it not colored, place a `--no-colors` option into the project's or your
home folder's `.jasmine-headless-webkit` file.
## `guard` options
* `:all_on_start => false` to not run everything when starting, just like `guard-rspec`.
* `:valid_extensions => %w{js coffee}` to only trigger `run_on_change` events for files with these extensions. Forces Guard to re-run all tests when any other matched file changes.
* All other options from `Jasmine::Headless::Runner`: (see the [list of available options](
## Using with .erb files in the Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline and/or Jammit
If your code required Jammit or ERB templates, which aren't directly supported by `jasmine-headledd-webkit`,
use [`guard-rails-assets`]( chained in before `guard-jasmine-headless-webkit` to precompile your application
code for testing:
``` ruby
guard 'rails-assets' do
guard 'jasmine-headless-webkit' do
... specs ...
Do the same for Jammit, using [`guard-jammit`](
### `guard-jammit` and Jammit >= 0.6.0
Jammit >= 0.6.0 changed how it determines the Rails environment. Use [my fork of `guard-jammit`]( until it's fixed upstream.
## What's the deal with `newest_js_file`?
Since one could, theoretically, have a CoffeeScript app file and a JavaScript spec file (or vice versa), the search for the correct matching
file is a little more complicated. `newest_js_file` extends the Guard DSL to search the given path for the newest `.js` or `.coffee` file:
#=> search for Dir['spec/javascripts/models/my_model*.{js,coffee}'] and return the newest file found
If you 100% know you won't need that support, modify your `Guardfile` as appropriate.
## License
This library is released under the MIT license: