1 How the new ComicPress Works
John Bintz edited this page 2023-07-22 21:09:06 +00:00

h2. Configuration

Gone is comicpress-config.php. ComicPress 2.8 (2.9?) now stores all options in the wp_options table, and configs are updated through a theme config page:

  • Go to Appearance -> ComicPress Core
  • Change and save your settings

h2. File Management

Gone are the separate folders for comic, RSS, and archive files. ComicPress 2.8 (2.9?) now uses the Media Gallery to manage comic files, and the Uploader is extended to make this task easier:

  • Create a new post
  • Put the post in the comic category
  • Upload your comic image using the image Media Uploader, just as if you were pasting the image into your blog
  • In the image properties, choose the comic image type (comic, rss, archive) and make sure Attach image? is checked
  • Instead of clicking Insert into Post, click Save all Changes
  • Publish your comic post