2009-10-06 22:26:31 -04:00

139 lines
5.1 KiB

class WDTSDisplayFilters {
* Build the opener/closer for transcripts.
function the_transcript_opener($content = '') {
ob_start(); ?>
<div class="wdts-transcript-opener" style="display:none"> [
<a href="#" class="wdts-opener"><?php _e('Show transcripts') ?></a>
<a href="#" class="wdts-closer"><?php _e('Hide transcripts') ?></a>
] </div>
<?php return ob_get_clean();
* Handle the_media_transcript filter.
* @param string $transcript The transcription text.
* @return string The processed transcription text.
function the_media_transcript($transcript, $content = "") {
$content = do_shortcode($transcript);
$options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options');
if ($options['use_nl2br']) { $content = nl2br($content); }
return array($transcript, '<div class="wdts-transcript">' . $content . '</div>');
* Handle the_language_name filter.
* @param string $language The name of the language.
* @return string The processed language name.
function the_language_name($language, $content = "") {
return array($language, '<h3 class="wdts-transcript-language">' . sprintf(apply_filters('the_transcript_format_string'), $language) . '</h3>');
* Handle showing the header above a bundle of live transcripts.
function the_transcript_language_name($language_format, $code, $content) {
if (is_null($language_format)) { $language_format = apply_filters('the_transcript_format_string', ''); }
$language_options = new WDTSLanguageOptions();
return array($language_format, $code, '<h3 class="wdts-transcript-language">' . sprintf($language_format, $language_options->get_language_name($code)) . '</h3>');
* The format string used to display ither a single or multiple language transcript header.
function the_transcript_format_string($content) {
return __('Transcript: %s', 'what-did-they-say');
* The script.aculo.us effects to use when fancy effects are enabled.
function the_transcript_transition_effect($is_opening = true, $content) {
if ($is_opening) {
return array(true, "function(t) { new Effect.BlindDown(t, { duration: 0.25 }); }");
} else {
return array(false, "function(t) { new Effect.BlindUp(t, { duration: 0.25 }); }");
* Handle the_matching_transcript_excerpts.
function the_matching_transcript_excerpts($transcripts, $search_string = '', $content = "") {
$options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options');
if ($options['search_integration']) {
if (!empty($search_string)) {
$language_options = new WDTSLanguageOptions();
$options = get_option('what-did-they-say-options');
foreach ($transcripts as $transcript) {
if (($pos = strpos($transcript['transcript'], $search_string)) !== false) {
$l = strlen($transcript['transcript']) - 1;
echo '<div class="transcript-match">';
echo '<h4>' . sprintf(__("%s transcript excerpt:", 'what-did-they-say'), $language_options->get_language_name($transcript['language'])) . '</h4>';
echo '<p>';
$start_ellipsis = $end_ellipsis = true;
foreach (array(
'start' => -1,
'end' => 1
) as $variable => $direction) {
${$variable} = $pos + ($options['excerpt_distance'] * $direction);
if ($variable == "end") { ${$variable} += strlen($search_string); }
if (${$variable} < 0) { ${$variable} = 0; $start_ellipsis = false; }
if (${$variable} > $l) { ${$variable} = $l; $end_ellipsis = false; }
$output = "";
if ($start_ellipsis) { $output .= "..."; }
$output .= str_replace($search_string, "<strong>" . $search_string . "</strong>", trim(substr($transcript['transcript'], $start, $end - $start)));
if ($end_ellipsis) { $output .= "..."; }
echo $output;
echo '</p>';
echo '</div>';
return array($transcripts, $search_string, ob_get_clean());
* Filter for dialog short code.
function filter_shortcode_dialog($name, $direction, $speech, $content) {
$content = '<div class="wdts-dialog"><span class="wdts-name">' . $name . '</span>';
if (!empty($direction)) {
$content .= ' <span class="wdts-direction">' . $direction . '</span>';
$content .= ' <span class="wdts-speech">' . $speech . '</span></div>';
return array($name, $direction, $speech, $content);
* Filter for scene heading short code.
function filter_shortcode_scene_heading($description, $content) {
return array($description, '<div class="wdts-scene-heading">' . $description . '</div>');
* Filter for scene action short code.
function filter_shortcode_scene_action($description, $content) {
return array($description, '<div class="wdts-scene-action">' . $description . '</div>', );