<?php_e('Below are the typical usage patterns of <strong>What Did They Say?!?</strong>:','what-did-they-say')?>
<h4><?php_e('A single user updating their own transcripts','what-did-they-say')?></h4>
<?php_e('If you\'re the only user of the site, you would edit the <strong>Approved transcripts</strong> of each post. You don\'t need to enable transcript submissions for any of your posts.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('All users need to have enough permissions to <strong>Approve Transcripts</strong>.','what-did-they-say')?>
<h4><?php_e('Multiple users who directly update transcripts on posts','what-did-they-say')?></h4>
<?php_e('If you trust the other users on your site, you all would edit the <strong>Approved transcripts</strong> of each post. Again, you don\'t need to enable transcript submissions for any of your posts.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('All users need to have enough permissions to <strong>Approve Transcripts</strong>.','what-did-they-say')?>
<h4><?php_e('Multiple users, some of which submit transcripts and some that approve transcripts','what-did-they-say')?></h4>
<?php_e('The users who are allowed to submit transcripts get the <strong>Submit Transcripts</strong> capability.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('The users who aprove transcripts get the <strong>Approve Transcripts</strong> capability.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('For posts where users are allowed to submit transcripts, a user with Approve Transcripts needs to enable <strong>Allow new transcripts for this post</strong>.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('Transcript submitters need to submit transcripts from the post directly, not from the Admin interface.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('Transcript submitters submit their transcripts to the queue, making them <strong>Queued Transcripts</strong>.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('Submitters can edit and delete their own transcripts while they\'re in the queue. Once they\'re approved, they can no longer be edited by the submitter.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('Transcript approvers can approve, edit, or delete queued transcripts of any users.','what-did-they-say')?>
<?php_e('Once a transcript is approved, it\'s removed from the queue and made live on the site.','what-did-they-say')?>