Extracted Selenium location strategies to their own .js files for easier readability and editing.

This commit is contained in:
Luke Melia 2008-10-14 00:11:19 -04:00
parent 1777b59b57
commit 1af45a7a27
7 changed files with 70 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
if (locator == '*') {
return selenium.browserbot.locationStrategies['xpath'].call(this, "//input[@type='submit']", inDocument, inWindow)
var inputs = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('input');
return $A(inputs).find(function(candidate){
inputType = candidate.getAttribute('type');
if (inputType == 'submit' || inputType == 'image') {
var buttonText = $F(candidate);
return (PatternMatcher.matches(locator + '*', buttonText));
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
var allLabels = inDocument.getElementsByTagName("label");
var candidateLabels = $A(allLabels).select(function(candidateLabel){
var regExp = new RegExp('^' + locator + '\\b', 'i');
var labelText = getText(candidateLabel).strip();
return (labelText.search(regExp) >= 0);
if (candidateLabels.length == 0) {
return null;
candidateLabels = candidateLabels.sortBy(function(s) { return s.length * -1; }); //reverse length sort
var locatedLabel = candidateLabels.first();
var labelFor = locatedLabel.getAttribute('for');
if ((labelFor == null) && (locatedLabel.hasChildNodes())) {
return locatedLabel.firstChild; //TODO: should find the first form field, not just any node
return selenium.browserbot.locationStrategies['id'].call(this, labelFor, inDocument, inWindow);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
var locationStrategies = selenium.browserbot.locationStrategies;
return locationStrategies['id'].call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow)
|| locationStrategies['name'].call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow)
|| locationStrategies['label'].call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow)
|| null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
var links = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('a');
var candidateLinks = $A(links).select(function(candidateLink) {
return PatternMatcher.matches(locator, getText(candidateLink));
if (candidateLinks.length == 0) {
return null;
candidateLinks = candidateLinks.sortBy(function(s) { return s.length * -1; }); //reverse length sort
return candidateLinks.first();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
var locatorParts = locator.split('|');
var cssAncestor = locatorParts[0];
var linkText = locatorParts[1];
var matchingElements = cssQuery(cssAncestor, inDocument);
var candidateLinks = matchingElements.collect(function(ancestor){
var links = ancestor.getElementsByTagName('a');
return $A(links).select(function(candidateLink) {
return PatternMatcher.matches(linkText, getText(candidateLink));
if (candidateLinks.length == 0) {
return null;
candidateLinks = candidateLinks.sortBy(function(s) { return s.length * -1; }); //reverse length sort
return candidateLinks.first();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
var optionElements = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('option');
var locatedOption = $A(optionElements).find(function(candidate){
return (PatternMatcher.matches(locator, getText(candidate)));
return locatedOption ? locatedOption.parentNode : null;

View File

@ -87,89 +87,14 @@ module Webrat
@selenium.check("webrat=#{label_text}") @selenium.check("webrat=#{label_text}")
end end
protected protected
def define_location_strategies
@selenium.add_location_strategy('label', <<-JS)
var allLabels = inDocument.getElementsByTagName("label");
var candidateLabels = $A(allLabels).select(function(candidateLabel){
var regExp = new RegExp('^' + locator + '\\\\b', 'i');
var labelText = getText(candidateLabel).strip();
return (labelText.search(regExp) >= 0);
if (candidateLabels.length == 0) {
return null;
candidateLabels = candidateLabels.sortBy(function(s) { return s.length * -1; }); //reverse length sort
var locatedLabel = candidateLabels.first();
var labelFor = locatedLabel.getAttribute('for');
if ((labelFor == null) && (locatedLabel.hasChildNodes())) {
return locatedLabel.firstChild; //TODO: should find the first form field, not just any node
return selenium.browserbot.locationStrategies['id'].call(this, labelFor, inDocument, inWindow);
@selenium.add_location_strategy('webrat', <<-JS)
var locationStrategies = selenium.browserbot.locationStrategies;
return locationStrategies['id'].call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow)
|| locationStrategies['name'].call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow)
|| locationStrategies['label'].call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow)
|| null;
@selenium.add_location_strategy('button', <<-JS)
if (locator == '*') {
return selenium.browserbot.locationStrategies['xpath'].call(this, "//input[@type='submit']", inDocument, inWindow)
var inputs = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('input');
return $A(inputs).find(function(candidate){
inputType = candidate.getAttribute('type');
if (inputType == 'submit' || inputType == 'image') {
var buttonText = $F(candidate);
return (PatternMatcher.matches(locator + '*', buttonText));
return false;
@selenium.add_location_strategy('webratlink', <<-JS)
var links = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('a');
var candidateLinks = $A(links).select(function(candidateLink) {
return PatternMatcher.matches(locator, getText(candidateLink));
if (candidateLinks.length == 0) {
return null;
candidateLinks = candidateLinks.sortBy(function(s) { return s.length * -1; }); //reverse length sort
return candidateLinks.first();
@selenium.add_location_strategy('webratlinkwithin', <<-JS)
var locatorParts = locator.split('|');
var cssAncestor = locatorParts[0];
var linkText = locatorParts[1];
var matchingElements = cssQuery(cssAncestor, inDocument);
var candidateLinks = matchingElements.collect(function(ancestor){
var links = ancestor.getElementsByTagName('a');
return $A(links).select(function(candidateLink) {
return PatternMatcher.matches(linkText, getText(candidateLink));
if (candidateLinks.length == 0) {
return null;
candidateLinks = candidateLinks.sortBy(function(s) { return s.length * -1; }); //reverse length sort
return candidateLinks.first();
@selenium.add_location_strategy('webratselectwithoption', <<-JS)
var optionElements = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('option');
var locatedOption = $A(optionElements).find(function(candidate){
return (PatternMatcher.matches(locator, getText(candidate)));
return locatedOption ? locatedOption.parentNode : null;
def define_location_strategies
Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "location_strategy_javascript", "*.js")].sort.each do |file|
strategy_js = File.read(file)
strategy_name = File.basename(file, '.js')
@selenium.add_location_strategy(strategy_name, strategy_js)
end end
end end