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No commits in common. "master" and "dispatch_escape" have entirely different histories.

8 changed files with 539 additions and 929 deletions

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@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ There's a REPL in fireplace, but you probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't
told you. Such is the way with fireplace.vim. By the way, this plugin is for
Fireplace.vim used to be called foreplay.vim, but it was renamed so Java
developers wouldn't have to speak in hushed tones.
## Installation
First, set up [cider-nrepl][]. (If you skip this step, fireplace.vim will
make do with eval, which mostly works.) Next, fireplace.vim doesn't provide
indenting or syntax highlighting, so you'll want [a set of Clojure runtime
files]( if you're on a version of
Vim earlier than 7.4. You might also want [salve.vim][] for assorted
static project support.
Fireplace.vim doesn't provide indenting or syntax highlighting, so you'll want
[a set of Clojure runtime files](
You might also want [classpath.vim][] to run code when no REPL is available.
If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend
installing [pathogen.vim](, and
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ then simply copy and paste:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
git clone git://
git clone git://
Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with
`:help fireplace`.
@ -30,24 +32,22 @@ This list isn't exhaustive; see the `:help` for details.
### Transparent setup
Fireplace.vim talks to nREPL. With Leiningen, it connects automatically based
on `.nrepl-port`, otherwise it's just a `:Connect` away. You can connect to
multiple instances of nREPL for different projects, and it will use the right
one automatically. ClojureScript support is just as seamless with
on `target/repl-port`, otherwise it's just a `:Connect` away. You can connect
to multiple instances of nREPL for different projects, and it will use the
right one automatically. ClojureScript support is just as seamless with
The only external dependency is that you have either a Vim with Python support
compiled in, or `python` in your path.
Oh, and if you don't have an nREPL connection, installing [salve.vim][]
lets it fall back to using `java clojure.main` for some of the basics, using a
class path based on your Leiningen config. It's a bit slow, but a two-second
delay is vastly preferable to being forced out of my flow for a single
command, in my book.
Oh, and if you don't have an nREPL connection, installing [classpath.vim][]
lets it fall back to using `java clojure.main`, using a class path based on
your Leiningen or Maven config. It's a bit slow, but a two-second delay is
vastly preferable to being forced out of my flow for a single command, in my
### Not quite a REPL
@ -68,24 +68,20 @@ cursor. `cqc` gives you a blank line in insert mode.
Standard stuff here. `:Eval` evaluates a range (`:%Eval` gets the whole
file), `:Require` requires a namespace with `:reload` (`:Require!` does
`:reload-all`), either the current buffer or a given argument. `:RunTests`
kicks off `(clojure.test/run-tests)` and loads the results into the quickfix
There's a `cp` operator that evaluates a given motion (`cpp` for the
innermost form under the cursor). `cm` and `c1m` are similar, but they only
run `clojure.walk/macroexpand-all` and `macroexpand-1` instead of evaluating
the form entirely.
`:reload-all`), either the current buffer or a given argument. There's a `cp`
operator that evaluates a given motion (`cpp` for the outermost form under the
cursor). `cm` and `c1m` are similar, but they only run
`clojure.walk/macroexpand-all` and `macroexpand-1` instead of evaluating the
form entirely.
Any failed evaluation loads the stack trace into the location list, which
can be easily accessed with `:lopen`.
### Navigating and Comprehending
I was brand new to Clojure when I started this plugin, so stuff that helped me
understand code was a top priority.
I'm new to Clojure, so stuff that helps me understand code is a top priority.
* `:Source`, `:Doc`, and `:FindDoc`, which map to the underlying
* `:Source`, `:Doc`, `:FindDoc`, and `:Apropos`, which map to the underlying
`clojure.repl` macro (with tab complete, of course).
* `K` is mapped to look up the symbol under the cursor with `doc`.
@ -108,13 +104,15 @@ Because why not? It works in the quasi-REPL too.
> Why does it take so long for Vim to startup?
That's either [classpath.vim][] or [salve.vim][].
See the [classpath.vim FAQ][]. You can uninstall classpath.vim if you only
care about nREPL support.
[classpath.vim FAQ]:
## Self-Promotion
Like fireplace.vim? Follow the repository on
[GitHub]( and vote for it on
[]( And if
[GitHub]( And if
you're feeling especially charitable, follow [tpope]( on
[Twitter]( and

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" Location: autoload/nrepl/fireplace.vim
" Fireplace nREPL session
if exists("g:autoloaded_fireplace_nrepl")
@ -33,33 +33,14 @@ function! fireplace#nrepl#for(transport) abort
let client = copy(s:nrepl)
let client.transport = a:transport
let client.session = client.process({'op': 'clone', 'session': 0})['new-session']
let client.describe = client.process({'op': 'describe', 'verbose?': 1})
if get(client.describe.versions.nrepl, 'major', -1) == 0 &&
\ client.describe.versions.nrepl.minor < 2
throw 'nREPL: 0.2.0 or higher required'
" Handle boot, which sets a fake.class.path entry
let response = client.process({'op': 'eval', 'code':
\ '[(System/getProperty "path.separator") (System/getProperty "fake.class.path")]', 'session': ''})
let cpath = response.value[-1][5:-2]
if cpath !=# 'nil'
let cpath = eval(cpath)
if !empty(cpath)
let client._path = split(cpath, response.value[-1][2])
\ '(do (println "success") (symbol (str (System/getProperty "path.separator") (System/getProperty "java.class.path"))))'})
let client._path = response.value[-1]
if has_key(response, 'out')
let g:fireplace_nrepl_sessions[client.session] = client
unlet client.session
if !has_key(client, '_path') && client.has_op('classpath')
let response = client.message({'op': 'classpath'})[0]
if type(get(response, 'classpath')) == type([])
let client._path = response.classpath
if !has_key(client, '_path')
let response = client.process({'op': 'eval', 'code':
\ '[(System/getProperty "path.separator") (System/getProperty "java.class.path")]', 'session': ''})
let client._path = split(eval(response.value[-1][5:-2]), response.value[-1][2])
let g:fireplace_nrepl_sessions[client.session] = client
return client
@ -87,7 +68,7 @@ function! s:nrepl_clone() dict abort
function! s:nrepl_path() dict abort
return self._path
return split(self._path[1:-1], self._path[0])
function! fireplace#nrepl#combine(responses)
@ -138,11 +119,7 @@ function! s:nrepl_eval(expr, ...) dict abort
if has_key(options, 'session')
let msg.session = options.session
if has_key(options, 'id')
let =
let = fireplace#nrepl#next_id()
let = fireplace#nrepl#next_id()
if has_key(options, 'file_path')
let msg.op = 'load-file'
let msg['file-path'] = options.file_path
@ -157,21 +134,18 @@ function! s:nrepl_eval(expr, ...) dict abort
let response = self.process(msg)
if !exists('response')
let session = get(msg, 'session', self.session)
if !empty(session)
call self.message({'op': 'interrupt', 'session': session, 'interrupt-id':}, 'ignore')
throw 'Clojure: Interrupt'
catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
if has_key(msg, 'session')
call self.message({'op': 'interrupt', 'session': msg.session, 'interrupt-id':}, 'ignore')
throw 'Clojure: Interrupt'
if has_key(response, 'ns') && empty(get(options, 'ns'))
if has_key(response, 'ns') && !has_key(options, 'ns')
let self.ns = response.ns
if has_key(response, 'ex') && !empty(get(msg, 'session', 1))
let response.stacktrace = s:extract_last_stacktrace(self, get(msg, 'session', self.session))
let response.stacktrace = s:extract_last_stacktrace(self)
if has_key(response, 'value')
@ -180,28 +154,12 @@ function! s:nrepl_eval(expr, ...) dict abort
return response
function! s:extract_last_stacktrace(nrepl, session) abort
if a:nrepl.has_op('stacktrace')
let stacktrace = a:nrepl.message({'op': 'stacktrace', 'session': a:session})
if len(stacktrace) > 0 && has_key(stacktrace[0], 'stacktrace')
let stacktrace = stacktrace[0].stacktrace
call filter(stacktrace, 'has_key(v:val, "file")')
if !empty(stacktrace)
return map(stacktrace, 'v:val.class.".".v:val.method."(".v:val.file.":".v:val.line.")"')
let format_st = '(symbol (str "\n\b" (apply str (interleave (repeat "\n") (map str (.getStackTrace *e)))) "\n\b\n"))'
let response = a:nrepl.process({'op': 'eval', 'code': '['.format_st.' *3 *2 *1]', 'ns': 'user', 'session': a:session})
let stacktrace = split(get(split(response.value[0], "\n\b\n"), 1, ""), "\n")
throw string(response)
call a:nrepl.message({'op': 'eval', 'code': '(*1 1)', 'ns': 'user', 'session': a:session})
call a:nrepl.message({'op': 'eval', 'code': '(*2 2)', 'ns': 'user', 'session': a:session})
call a:nrepl.message({'op': 'eval', 'code': '(*3 3)', 'ns': 'user', 'session': a:session})
function! s:extract_last_stacktrace(nrepl) abort
let format_st = '(clojure.core/symbol (clojure.core/str "\n\b" (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/str (clojure.core/interleave (clojure.core/repeat "\n") (clojure.core/map clojure.core/str (.getStackTrace *e)))) "\n\b\n"))'
let stacktrace = split(get(split(a:nrepl.process({'op': 'eval', 'code': '['.format_st.' *3 *2 *1]', 'session': a:nrepl.session}).value[0], "\n\b\n"), 1, ""), "\n")
call a:nrepl.message({'op': 'eval', 'code': '(nth *1 1)', 'session': a:nrepl.session})
call a:nrepl.message({'op': 'eval', 'code': '(nth *2 2)', 'session': a:nrepl.session})
call a:nrepl.message({'op': 'eval', 'code': '(nth *3 3)', 'session': a:nrepl.session})
return stacktrace
@ -213,26 +171,27 @@ function! s:nrepl_prepare(msg) dict abort
if !has_key(msg, 'id')
let = fireplace#nrepl#next_id()
if empty(get(msg, 'ns', 1))
unlet msg.ns
if empty(get(msg, 'session', 1))
unlet msg.session
elseif !has_key(self, 'session')
if &verbose
echohl WarningMSG
echo "nREPL: server has bug preventing session support"
echohl None
unlet! msg.session
elseif !has_key(msg, 'session')
let msg.session = self.session
return msg
function! fireplace#nrepl#callback(body, type, callback) abort
let response = {'body': a:body, 'type': a:type}
if has_key(g:fireplace_nrepl_sessions, get(a:body, 'session'))
let response.session = g:fireplace_nrepl_sessions[a:body.session]
call call(a:callback[0], [response] + a:callback[1:-1])
function! fireplace#nrepl#callback(body, type, fn)
let response = {'body': a:body, 'type': a:type}
if has_key(a:body, 'session')
let response.session = g:fireplace_nrepl_sessions[a:body.session]
call call(a:fn, [response])
function! s:nrepl_call(msg, ...) dict abort
@ -247,10 +206,6 @@ function! s:nrepl_message(msg, ...) dict abort
return call(, [msg, ['done'], sel] + a:000, self)
function! s:nrepl_has_op(op) dict abort
return has_key(self.describe.ops, a:op)
let s:nrepl = {
\ 'close': s:function('s:nrepl_close'),
\ 'clone': s:function('s:nrepl_clone'),
@ -258,6 +213,5 @@ let s:nrepl = {
\ 'call': s:function('s:nrepl_call'),
\ 'message': s:function('s:nrepl_message'),
\ 'eval': s:function('s:nrepl_eval'),
\ 'has_op': s:function('s:nrepl_has_op'),
\ 'path': s:function('s:nrepl_path'),
\ 'process': s:function('s:nrepl_process')}

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
" Location: autoload/nrepl/fireplace_connection.vim
" autoload/nrepl/fireplace_connection.vim
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
if exists("g:autoloaded_nrepl_fireplace_connection") || &cp
@ -13,19 +14,15 @@ endfunction
" Bencode {{{1
function! fireplace#nrepl_connection#bencode(value) abort
function! nrepl#fireplace_connection#bencode(value) abort
if type(a:value) == type(0)
return 'i'.a:value.'e'
elseif type(a:value) == type('')
return strlen(a:value).':'.a:value
elseif type(a:value) == type([])
return 'l'.join(map(copy(a:value),'fireplace#nrepl_connection#bencode(v:val)'),'').'e'
return 'l'.join(map(copy(a:value),'nrepl#fireplace_connection#bencode(v:val)'),'').'e'
elseif type(a:value) == type({})
return 'd'.join(map(
\ sort(keys(a:value)),
\ 'fireplace#nrepl_connection#bencode(v:val) . ' .
\ 'fireplace#nrepl_connection#bencode(a:value[v:val])'
\ ),'').'e'
return 'd'.join(values(map(copy(a:value),'nrepl#fireplace_connection#bencode(v:key).nrepl#fireplace_connection#bencode(v:val)')),'').'e'
throw "Can't bencode ".string(a:value)
@ -37,7 +34,14 @@ function! s:shellesc(arg) abort
if a:arg =~ '^[A-Za-z0-9_/.-]\+$'
return a:arg
elseif &shell =~# 'cmd'
throw 'Python interface not working. See :help python-dynamic'
if &shellxquote ==# '"'
return '"' . substitute(a:arg, '"', '""', 'g') . '"'
let esc = exists('+shellxescape') ? &shellxescape : '"&|<>()@^'
return &shellxquote .
\ substitute(a:arg, '['.esc.']', '^&', 'g') .
\ get({'(': ')', '"(': ')"'}, &shellxquote, &shellxquote)
let escaped = shellescape(a:arg)
if &shell =~# 'sh' && &shell !~# 'csh'
@ -57,11 +61,11 @@ function! s:id() abort
return 'fireplace-'.hostname().'-'.s:vim_id.'-'.s:id
function! fireplace#nrepl_connection#prompt() abort
function! nrepl#fireplace_connection#prompt() abort
return fireplace#input_host_port()
function! fireplace#nrepl_connection#open(arg) abort
function! nrepl#fireplace_connection#open(arg) abort
if a:arg =~# '^\d\+$'
let host = 'localhost'
let port = a:arg
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ function! s:nrepl_transport_command(cmd, args) dict abort
\ . ' ' . s:shellesc(self.port)
\ . ' ' . s:shellesc(s:keepalive)
\ . ' ' . s:shellesc(a:cmd)
\ . ' ' . join(map(copy(a:args), 's:shellesc(fireplace#nrepl_connection#bencode(v:val))'), ' ')
\ . ' ' . join(map(copy(a:args), 's:shellesc(nrepl#fireplace_connection#bencode(v:val))'), ' ')
function! s:nrepl_transport_dispatch(cmd, ...) dict abort
@ -104,12 +108,12 @@ function! s:nrepl_transport_dispatch(cmd, ...) dict abort
function! s:nrepl_transport_call(msg, terms, sels, ...) dict abort
let payload = fireplace#nrepl_connection#bencode(a:msg)
let payload = nrepl#fireplace_connection#bencode(a:msg)
let response = self.dispatch('call', payload, a:terms, a:sels)
if !a:0
return response
elseif a:1 !=# 'ignore'
return map(response, 'fireplace#nrepl#callback(v:val, "synchronous", a:000)')
return map(response, 'fireplace#nrepl#callback(v:val, "synchronous", a:1)')

compiler/lein.vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
" Vim compiler file
if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "lein"
CompilerSet makeprg=lein
CompilerSet errorformat=%+G,fireplace

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
*fireplace.txt* Clojure REPL support
*fireplace.txt* Clojure REPL tease
Author: Tim Pope <>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
While not strictly necessary, this plugin works best with the middleware
provided by <>.
You need Clojure runtime files to use this plugin. Try vim-clojure-static.
CONNECTING TO A REPL *fireplace-connect*
@ -23,31 +22,35 @@ you can connect by hand.
REPL server.
The REPL is used for the commands below. If no REPL is found for the current
buffer and 'path' contains at least one jar file, java (or $JAVA_CMD) is
invoked directly, which can be quite slow depending on your setup.
buffer and classpath.vim is installed, java (or $JAVA_CMD) is invoked
directly, which can be quite slow depending on your setup.
The only adapter shipped with fireplace.vim is for nREPL. You need either
|if_pyth| or the python command in your PATH.
*fireplace-piggieback* *fireplace-clojurescript*
ClojureScript can be evaled with Piggieback if the appropriate nREPL
middleware is loaded: Be aware that
ClojureScript is can be evaled with Piggieback if the appropriate nREPL
middleware is loaded. Be aware that
your ClojureScript files must be available on the classpath for this to work
properly, and that not all operations are supported.
:Piggieback [{env}] Create a new nREPL session and invoke
cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl with the given or
default (Rhino) environment. This will also happen
automatically on first eval in a ClojureScript buffer
if not invoked explicitly. If {env} is a number, the
piggieback repl-env will will use a cljs.repl.browser
(rather than a Rhino) env with the port set to the
number provided.
if not invoked explicitly.
:Piggieback! Terminate the most recently created piggieback
LEININGEN *fireplace-leiningen*
In addition to automatic repl connection, Clojure buffers in a Leiningen
project will automatically have their 'makeprg' set to lein and 'efm' set to
"%+G,fireplace". This combination enables `:make test` to run `lein test` and
parse the stacktraces in the results.
DOCUMENTATION *fireplace-documentation*
@ -57,16 +60,19 @@ DOCUMENTATION *fireplace-documentation*
:Javadoc {class} Open the java docs for the given class in a browser.
K Look up docs for symbol under cursor.
K Look up docs for keyword under cursor.
:FindDoc {arg} Wrapper around (clojure.repl/find-doc ...).
:Apropos {arg} Wrapper around (clojure.repl/apropos ...).
:Source {symbol} Show the source for the given symbol.
[d Show source for symbol under cursor.
[d Show source for keyword under cursor.
NAVIGATING *fireplace-navigating*
@ -75,11 +81,11 @@ These commands will never use a remote REPL, only a local one, as file paths
on a remote server wouldn't be very useful locally.
[<C-D> Jump to the source of the symbol under the cursor.
[<C-D> Jump to the source of the keyword under the cursor.
<C-W><C-D> Jump to the source of the symbol under the cursor in
<C-W><C-D> Jump to the source of the keyword under the cursor in
<C-W>d a split.
@ -92,6 +98,21 @@ gf Go to the file for the namespace under the cursor.
:Dsplit {symbol} Jump to the definition for the given symbol in a
:A In a test file, edit the implementation, and vice
versa. Basically adds or removes -test from the end
of the current namespace and searches for it in the
class path.
:AS Like :A, but in a split.
:AV Like :A, but in a vertical split.
:AT Like :A, but in a tab.
EVALUATING CODE *fireplace-eval*
All code is evaluated in the namespace of the current file, requiring it if
@ -106,7 +127,8 @@ stack trace is loaded into the |location-list|. Use |:lopen| to view it.
:Require! [ns] Require :reload-all the given/current namespace.
:Eval Eval/print the outermost form for the current line.
:Eval Eval/print the outermost expression for the current
:{range}Eval Eval/print the given range.
@ -119,25 +141,13 @@ stack trace is loaded into the |location-list|. Use |:lopen| to view it.
:[range]Eval! {expr} Eval the given expression and insert it after
the given range or current line.
:RunTests [ns] [...] Call clojure.test/run-tests on the given namespaces
and load the results into the quickfix list.
:[range]RunTests Call clojure.test/test-var on the var defined at or
above the specicied line and load the results into the
quickfix list. Typically invoked as :.RunTests to run
the test under the cursor.
:0RunTests [pattern] Call clojure.test/run-all-tests with the given pattern
and load the results into the quickfix list.
cp{motion} Eval/print the code indicated by {motion}.
cpp Eval/print the innermost form at the cursor.
cpp Eval/print the outermost form at the cursor.
cpr :Require|RunTests
cpr Eval a require :reload form.
c!{motion} Eval/replace the code indicated by {motion}.
@ -159,10 +169,6 @@ c1mm Macroexpand the innermost form at the cursor once.
cqp Bring up a prompt for code to eval/print.
cqq Bring up a |command-line-window| with innermost form
at the cursor prepopulated.
cqc Bring up a |command-line-window| for code to
eval/print. Equivalent to cqp<C-F>i.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
" Location: plugin/fireplace/zip.vim
" fireplace/zip.vim: zip.vim monkey patch to allow access from quickfix
" Maintainer: Tim Pope <>
if exists("g:loaded_zip") || &cp || v:version >= 704
if exists("g:loaded_zip") || &cp
runtime! autoload/zip.vim
" Patched to allow loading from the quickfix list. The version that ships
" with Vim 7.4 already has this change.
" Copied and pasted verbatim from autoload/zip.vim.
fun! zip#Read(fname,mode)
" call Dfunc("zip#Read(fname<".a:fname.">,mode=".a:mode.")")

View File

@ -4,10 +4,7 @@ import select
import socket
import sys
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
def noop():
@ -49,12 +46,12 @@ def bdecode(f, char=None):
key = bdecode(f, char)
d[key] = bdecode(f)
elif char == 'i':
i = ''
i = 0
while True:
char =
if char == 'e':
return int(i)
i += char
return i
i = 10 * i + int(char)
elif char.isdigit():
i = int(char)
while True:
@ -87,16 +84,13 @@ class Connection:
return self.socket.close()
def send(self, payload):
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
self.socket.sendall(bytes(payload, 'UTF-8'))
return ''
def receive(self, char=None):
f = self.socket.makefile()
while len([f], [], [], 0.1)[0]) == 0:
while len([self.socket], [], [], 0.1)[0]) == 0:
f = self.socket.makefile()
return bdecode(f)
@ -124,8 +118,8 @@ def dispatch(host, port, poll, keepalive, command, *args):
def main(host, port, keepalive, command, *args):
sys.stdout.write(vim_encode(dispatch(host, port, noop, keepalive, command, *[bdecode(StringIO(arg)) for arg in args])))
except Exception:
except Exception, e:
if __name__ == "__main__":