Use info op to drive jump to definition

This commit is contained in:
Tim Pope 2014-04-20 18:55:37 -04:00
parent e974dd4766
commit e484ad6996

View File

@ -1144,19 +1144,38 @@ augroup END
" }}}1 " }}}1
" Go to source {{{1 " Go to source {{{1
function! fireplace#source(symbol) abort function! fireplace#info(symbol) abort
let cmd = if fireplace#op_available('info')
\ '(when-let [v (resolve ' . s:qsym(a:symbol) .')]' . let response = fireplace#message({'op': 'info', 'symbol': a:symbol})[0]
\ ' (when-let [filepath (:file (meta v))]' . if type(get(response, 'value')) == type({})
\ ' [filepath' . return response.value
\ ' (:line (meta v))]))'
let result = fireplace#evalparse(cmd)
if type(result) == type([])
let file = fireplace#findresource(result[0])
if !empty(file)
return '+' . result[1] . ' ' . fnameescape(file)
endif endif
endif endif
let cmd =
\ '(if-let [m (meta (resolve ' . s:qsym(a:symbol) .'))]'
\ . ' {:name (:name m)'
\ . ' :ns (:ns m)'
\ . ' :resource (:file m)'
\ . ' :line (:line m)'
\ . ' :doc (:doc m)'
\ . ' :arglists-str (str (:arglists m))}'
\ . ' {})'
return fireplace#evalparse(cmd)
function! fireplace#source(symbol) abort
let info = fireplace#info(a:symbol)
let file = ''
if !empty(get(info, 'resource'))
let file = fireplace#findresource(info.resource)
elseif get(info, 'file') =~# '^/\|^\w:\\' && filereadable(info.file)
let file = info.file
if !empty(file) && !empty(get(info, 'line'))
return '+' . info.line . ' ' . fnameescape(file)
return '' return ''
endfunction endfunction