2012-12-04 06:06:22 +00:00
*foreplay.txt* Clojure REPL tease
Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
You need Clojure runtime files to use this plugin. Try VimClojure. You don't
need the interactive stuff.
CLASSPATH *foreplay-classpath*
Upon loading a Clojure buffer, the 'path' option is automatically set to your
class path. The class path is found by `lein classpath`, `mvn
dependency:build-classpath`, or failing both of those, $CLASSPATH.
2013-01-07 01:19:16 +00:00
This behavior is going away soon. Install classpath.vim if you'd like to keep
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2013-01-07 01:19:16 +00:00
2012-12-04 06:06:22 +00:00
LEININGEN *foreplay-leiningen*
Leiningen support is currently bare bones. If a Leiningen project is found,
'makeprg' will be set to "lein".
Leiningen 2.x writes to target/repl-port when `lein repl` is invoked. If this
file is found, an nREPL connection will be established automatically.
CONNECTING TO A REPL *foreplay-connect*
:Connect {proto}://{host}:{port}
Connect to a REPL server.
:Connect Interactively prompt for the options to connect to a
REPL server.
The REPL is used for the commands below. If no REPL is found for the current
2013-01-07 01:19:16 +00:00
buffer and classpath.vim is installed, java (or $JAVA_CMD) is invoked
directly, which can be quite slow depending on your setup.
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The only adapter shipped with foreplay.vim is for nREPL. You need Ruby
2013-01-09 05:41:46 +00:00
installed and either |if_pyth| or the ruby command in your PATH.
(This curious combination is an accident of history.)
2012-12-04 06:06:22 +00:00
DOCUMENTATION *foreplay-documentation*
:Doc {symbol} Show the docs for the given symbol.
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:Javadoc {class} Open the java docs for the given class in a browser.
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K Look up docs for keyword under cursor.
:FindDoc {arg} Wrapper around (clojure.repl/find-doc ...).
:Apropos {arg} Wrapper around (clojure.repl/apropos ...).
:Source {symbol} Show the source for the given symbol.
[d Show source for keyword under cursor.
NAVIGATING *foreplay-navigating*
These commands will never use a remote REPL, only a local one, as file paths
on a remote server wouldn't be very useful locally.
[<C-D> Jump to the source of the keyword under the cursor.
<C-W><C-D> Jump to the source of the keyword under the cursor in
<C-W>d a split.
gf Go to the file for the namespace under the cursor.
:Djump {symbol} Jump to the definition for the given symbol.
:Dsplit {symbol} Jump to the definition for the given symbol in a
2013-01-25 17:26:53 +00:00
:A In a test file, edit the implementation, and vice
versa. Basically adds or removes -test from the end
of the current namespace and searches for it in the
class path.
:AS Like :A, but in a split.
:AV Like :A, but in a vertical split.
:AT Like :A, but in a tab.
2012-12-04 06:06:22 +00:00
EVALUATING CODE *foreplay-eval*
All code is evaluated in the namespace of the current file, requiring it if
necessary. If the current file sits outside the class path (project.clj, for
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example), the user namespace is used instead. If an exception occurs, the
stack trace is loaded into the |location-list|. Use |:lopen| to view it.
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:Require [ns] Require :reload the given/current namespace.
:Require! [ns] Require :reload-all the given/current namespace.
:Eval Eval/print the outermost expression for the current
:{range}Eval Eval/print the given range.
:Eval {expr} Eval/print the given expression.
:[range]Eval! Eval the given range or outermost expression and
replace it with its result.
:[range]Eval! {expr} Eval the given expression and insert it after
the given range or current line.
cp{motion} Eval/print the code indicated by {motion}.
cpp Eval/print the inner-most expr at the cursor.
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cpr Eval a require :reload form.
cpR Eval a require :reload-all form.
2012-12-04 06:06:22 +00:00
c!{motion} Eval/replace the code indicated by {motion}.
c!! Eval/replace the inner-most expr at the cusror.
cqp Bring up a prompt for code to eval/print.
cqc Bring up a |command-line-window| for code to
eval/print. Equivalent to cqp<C-F>i.
cq{motion} Bring up a |command-line-window| with text indicated
by {motion} prepopulated.
2013-01-13 15:49:54 +00:00
:Last Open the result of the last evaluation in the preview
window. Use :2Last to get the next-to-last result,
and so on. Once the window is open, cycle to older
and newer entries with |:lprevious| and |:lnext|.
2012-12-04 06:06:22 +00:00
And insert mode:
<C-R>( Evaluate the given expression and insert the result.
There's omnicomplete on |CTRL-X_CTRL-O|, which works in Clojure buffers and
in the |command-line-window|, and tab complete at the cqp prompt.
ABOUT *foreplay-about*
Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub: