
161 lines
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2015-04-30 13:54:25 +00:00
jQuery( function ( $ ) {
$( 'a.activate-option' ).click( function(){
var link = $( this );
if ( link.hasClass( 'clicked' ) ) {
link.removeClass( 'clicked' );
else {
link.addClass( 'clicked' );
$( '.toggle-have-key' ).slideToggle( 'slow', function() {});
return false;
$('.akismet-status').each(function () {
var thisId = $(this).attr('commentid');
$(this).prependTo('#comment-' + thisId + ' .column-comment');
$('.akismet-user-comment-count').each(function () {
var thisId = $(this).attr('commentid');
$(this).insertAfter('#comment-' + thisId + ' .author strong:first').show();
$('#the-comment-list').find('tr.comment, tr[id ^= "comment-"]').find('.column-author a[title]').each(function () {
// Comment author URLs are the only URL with a title attribute in the author column.
var thisTitle = $(this).attr('title');
var thisCommentId = $(this).parents('tr:first').attr('id').split("-");
$(this).attr("id", "author_comment_url_"+ thisCommentId[1]);
if (thisTitle) {
$( '<a href="#" class="remove_url">x</a>' )
.attr( 'commentid', thisCommentId[1] )
.attr( 'title', WPAkismet.strings['Remove this URL'] )
$('.remove_url').live('click', function () {
var thisId = $(this).attr('commentid');
var data = {
action: 'comment_author_deurl',
_wpnonce: WPAkismet.comment_author_url_nonce,
id: thisId
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
data: data,
beforeSend: function () {
// Removes "x" link
$("a[commentid='"+ thisId +"']").hide();
// Show temp status
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId).html( $( '<span/>' ).text( WPAkismet.strings['Removing...'] ) );
success: function (response) {
if (response) {
// Show status/undo link
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId)
.attr('cid', thisId)
$( '<span/>' ).text( WPAkismet.strings['URL removed'] )
.append( ' ' )
$( '<span/>' )
.text( WPAkismet.strings['(undo)'] )
.addClass( 'akismet-span-link' )
return false;
$('.akismet_undo_link_removal').live('click', function () {
var thisId = $(this).attr('cid');
var thisUrl = $(this).attr('href');
var data = {
action: 'comment_author_reurl',
_wpnonce: WPAkismet.comment_author_url_nonce,
id: thisId,
url: thisUrl
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
data: data,
beforeSend: function () {
// Show temp status
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId).html( $( '<span/>' ).text( WPAkismet.strings['Re-adding...'] ) );
success: function (response) {
if (response) {
// Add "x" link
$("a[commentid='"+ thisId +"']").show();
// Show link. Core strips leading http://, so let's do that too.
$("#author_comment_url_"+ thisId).removeClass('akismet_undo_link_removal').text( thisUrl.replace( /^http:\/\/(www\.)?/ig, '' ) );
return false;
$('a[id^="author_comment_url"], tr.pingback td.column-author a:first-of-type').mouseover(function () {
var wpcomProtocol = ( 'https:' === location.protocol ) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
// Need to determine size of author column
var thisParentWidth = $(this).parent().width();
// It changes based on if there is a gravatar present
thisParentWidth = ($(this).parent().find('.grav-hijack').length) ? thisParentWidth - 42 + 'px' : thisParentWidth + 'px';
if ($(this).find('.mShot').length == 0 && !$(this).hasClass('akismet_undo_link_removal')) {
var self = $( this );
$('.widefat td').css('overflow', 'visible');
$(this).css('position', 'relative');
var thisHref = $.URLEncode( $(this).attr('href') );
$(this).append('<div class="mShot mshot-container" style="left: '+thisParentWidth+'"><div class="mshot-arrow"></div><img src="//'+thisHref+'?w=450" width="450" class="mshot-image" style="margin: 0;" /></div>');
setTimeout(function () {
self.find( '.mshot-image' ).attr('src', '//'+thisHref+'?w=450&r=2');
}, 6000);
setTimeout(function () {
self.find( '.mshot-image' ).attr('src', '//'+thisHref+'?w=450&r=3');
}, 12000);
} else {
$(this).find('.mShot').css('left', thisParentWidth).show();
}).mouseout(function () {
$('.checkforspam:not(.button-disabled)').click( function(e) {
$('.checkforspam-spinner').addClass( 'spinner' );
akismet_check_for_spam(0, 100);
function akismet_check_for_spam(offset, limit) {
'action': 'akismet_recheck_queue',
'offset': offset,
'limit': limit
function(result) {
if (result.processed < limit) {
else {
akismet_check_for_spam(offset + limit, limit);
// URL encode plugin
jQuery.extend({URLEncode:function(c){var o='';var x=0;c=c.toString();var r=/(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/;
while(x<c.length){var m=r.exec(c.substr(x));
if(m!=null && m.length>1 && m[1]!=''){o+=m[1];x+=m[1].length;
}else{if(c[x]==' ')o+='+';else{var d=c.charCodeAt(x);var h=d.toString(16);
o+='%'+(h.length<2?'0':'')+h.toUpperCase();}x++;}}return o;}