Sisyphus uses an aliased form_tag method to automatically put a *<script>...</script>* tag infront of your forms to initialize Sisyphus. It also uses an aliased FormHelper form_for method to read options.
- Move away from form_tag_helper, should be able to do it all from form_helper? Script tag can go at the end anyhow. Why aren't we doing that right now? We don't seem to have access to the same variables that the regular form_for does. Also the options array gets muddied by the FormHelper form_for call -> it removes the [:html] section (we need the id of the form for sisyphus).
- conflict resolution... i.e. you have an object edit form, the fields are populated from the DB but if you have local browser changes they may get overridden. We need a way to resolve conflicts between local and remote data -> could use a jquery based modal dialog to present the diff?