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2013-04-30 10:07:23 -04:00
features a little cleanup, add cucumber, add support for ignoring particular browsers 2012-01-03 08:58:51 -05:00
gemfiles Appraisals and travis 2012-05-30 19:47:31 +03:00
js Adds the live_reload_port option. 2013-02-03 22:46:38 +11:00
lib skipping the testing of a method bit me. d'oh 2013-04-26 10:47:41 -04:00
skel big refactoring 2013-04-23 16:28:23 -04:00
spec skipping the testing of a method bit me. d'oh 2013-04-26 10:47:41 -04:00
.gitignore merge 2012-03-02 09:27:12 -05:00
.travis.yml Appraisals and travis 2012-05-30 19:47:31 +03:00
Appraisals Appraisals and travis 2012-05-30 19:47:31 +03:00
config.ru ensure you're actually working with real lines, not assuming the return value is an array you can mutate, fixes 2012-03-02 09:25:48 -05:00
Gemfile initial commit 2011-11-04 11:51:22 -04:00
Guardfile remove deprecated rspec option from guardfile 2012-12-13 14:49:15 -08:00
index.html a little cleanup, add cucumber, add support for ignoring particular browsers 2012-01-03 08:58:51 -05:00
LICENSE add license, fixes 2012-10-12 18:42:22 -04:00
rack-livereload.gemspec potential fix for turbolinks load order problem 2012-12-03 14:00:45 -05:00
Rakefile Appraisals and travis 2012-05-30 19:47:31 +03:00
README.md add code climate badge, since we're starting to be more awesome in that regard 2013-04-30 10:07:23 -04:00

Code Climate

Hey, you've got LiveReload in my Rack! No need for browser extensions anymore! Just plug it in your middleware stack and go! Even supports browsers without WebSockets!

Use this with guard-livereload for maximum fun!


gem install rack-livereload

Using in...


In config/environments/development.rb:

MyApp::Application.configure do
  config.middleware.insert_after(ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::LiveReload)

  # ...or, change some options...

    Rack::Lock, Rack::LiveReload,
    :min_delay => 500,
    :max_delay => 10000,
    :port => 56789,
    :host => 'myhost.cool.wow',
    :ignore => [ %r{dont/modify\.html$} ]


require 'rack-livereload'

use Rack::LiveReload
# ...or...
use Rack::LiveReload, :min_delay => 500, ...

How it works

The necessary script tag to bring in a copy of livereload.js is injected right after the opening head tag in any text/html pages that come through. The script tag is built in such a way that the HTTP_HOST is used as the LiveReload host, so you can connect from external machines (say, to mycomputer:3000 instead of localhost:3000) and as long as the LiveReload port is accessible from the external machine, you'll connect and be LiveReloading away!

Which LiveReload script does it use?

  • If you've got a LiveReload watcher running on the same machine as the app that responds to http://localhost:35729/livereload.js, that gets used, with the hostname being changed when injected into the HTML page.
  • If you don't, the copy vendored with rack-livereload is used.
  • You can force the use of either one (and save on the cost of checking to see if that file is available) with the middleware option :source => :vendored or :source => :livereload.

How about non-WebSocket-enabled browsers?

For browsers that don't support WebSockets, but do support Flash, web-socket-js is loaded. By default, this is done transparently, so you'll get a copy of swfobject.js and web_socket.js loaded even if your browser doesn't need it. The SWF WebSocket implementor won't be loaded unless your browser has no native WebSockets support or if you force it in the middleware stack:

use Rack::LiveReload, :force_swf => true

If you don't want any of the web-sockets-js code included at all, use the no_swf option:

use Rack::LiveReload, :no_swf => true

Once more browsers support WebSockets than don't, this option will be reversed and you'll have to explicitly include the Flash shim.