2009-03-07 21:43:20 +00:00
/** section: Ajax
* class Ajax.Updater < Ajax.Request
* A class that performs an Ajax request and updates a container’s contents
* with the contents of the response.
* `Ajax.Updater` is a subclass of [[Ajax.Request]] built for a common
* use-case.
* <h4>Example</h4>
* new Ajax.Updater('items', '/items', {
* parameters: { text: $F('text') }
* });
* This example will make a request to the URL `/items` (with the given
* parameters); it will then replace the contents of the element with the ID
* of `items` with whatever response it receives.
2008-12-11 10:45:10 +00:00
Ajax.Updater = Class.create(Ajax.Request, {
initialize: function($super, container, url, options) {
this.container = {
success: (container.success || container),
failure: (container.failure || (container.success ? null : container))
options = Object.clone(options);
var onComplete = options.onComplete;
options.onComplete = (function(response, json) {
if (Object.isFunction(onComplete)) onComplete(response, json);
$super(url, options);
updateContent: function(responseText) {
var receiver = this.container[this.success() ? 'success' : 'failure'],
options = this.options;
if (!options.evalScripts) responseText = responseText.stripScripts();
if (receiver = $(receiver)) {
if (options.insertion) {
if (Object.isString(options.insertion)) {
var insertion = { }; insertion[options.insertion] = responseText;
else options.insertion(receiver, responseText);
else receiver.update(responseText);