2009-06-28 21:53:23 -04:00

314 lines
12 KiB

class PluginWonderful {
var $messages, $adboxes_client, $publisher_info, $member_id;
var $widget_prefix = "plugin-wonderful";
function PluginWonderful() {}
* Wrapper around file_get_contents for testing purposes.
function _retrieve_url($url) {
return @file_get_contents($url);
* Initialize the object if it isn't already.
function init() {
if (empty($this->adboxes_client)) {
$this->messages = array();
$this->adboxes_client = new PWAdboxesClient();
if (!empty($_POST)) { $this->handle_action(); }
* Wrapper around PublisherInfo generation for testing.
function _get_new_publisher_info_object() {
return new PublisherInfo();
* Check to see if the database schema needs to be updated.
function _update_database_version() {
$result = get_option('plugin-wonderful-database-version');
if (empty($result) || ($result < PLUGIN_WONDERFUL_DATABASE_VERSION)) {
if ($this->adboxes_client->initialize(true)) {
update_option('plugin-wonderful-database-version', PLUGIN_WONDERFUL_DATABASE_VERSION);
} else {
$this->messages[] = "Unable to update database schema!";
* Get publisher info (adboxes) from cache or from Project Wonderful.
* @return PublisherInfo|boolean The PublisherInfo object with adbox information, or false if there was a problem.
function _get_publisher_info() {
$this->publisher_info = false;
$member_id = get_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid');
if (is_numeric($member_id)) {
$member_id = (int)$member_id;
$this->publisher_info = $this->adboxes_client->get_ads($member_id);
$last_update = get_option('plugin-wonderful-last-update') ;
if (!is_numeric($last_update)) { $last_update = 0; }
$last_update = (int)$last_update;
if (($last_update + PLUGIN_WONDERFUL_UPDATE_TIME) < time()) {
if (($result = $this->_retrieve_url(sprintf(PLUGIN_WONDERFUL_XML_URL, (int)get_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid')))) !== false) {
$this->publisher_info = $this->_get_new_publisher_info_object();
if ($this->publisher_info->parse($result)) {
update_option('plugin-wonderful-last-update', time());
return $this->publisher_info;
function insert_rss_feed_ads($content) {
if (is_feed()) {
if ($this->publisher_info !== false) {
foreach ($this->publisher_info->adboxes as $adbox) {
if ($adbox->in_rss_feed == 1) {
if (preg_match("#<noscript>(.*)</noscript>#mis", $adbox->advancedcode, $matches) > 0) {
echo $matches[1];
return $content;
* Inject ads into the body copy of posts.
* @param string $body The body to search for PW() tags.
* @return string The modified body.
function inject_ads_into_body_copy($body) {
if ($this->publisher_info !== false) {
if (get_option("plugin-wonderful-enable-body-copy-embedding") == 1) {
return $this->publisher_info->inject_ads_into_body_copy($body, (get_option("plugin-wonderful-use-standardcode") == 1));
return $body;
function set_up_menu() {
add_options_page('Plugin Wonderful', __("Plugin Wonderful", 'plugin-wonderful'), 5, __FILE__, array($this, "plugin_wonderful_main"));
function handle_activation() {
function plugin_wonderful_main() {
function show_messages() {
if (count($this->messages) > 0) {
echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade below-h2">';
foreach ($this->messages as $message) { echo '<p>' . $message . '</p>'; }
echo '</div>';
function _create_target($name, $source) {
return dirname(__FILE__) . "/../{$source}/{$name}.php";
function _include($target) { include($target); }
function _file_exists($target) { return @file_exists($target); }
function get_view($function_name) {
$target = $this->_create_target(str_replace('plugin_wonderful_', '', $function_name), "views");
if ($this->_file_exists($target)) {
$info = get_plugin_data(realpath(__FILE__));
echo '<div class="wrap">';
echo '<div id="icon-edit" class="icon32"><br /></div>';
echo '<h2>' . __("Plugin Wonderful", 'plugin-wonderful') . '</h2>';
echo '<div style="margin-top: 20px; border-top: solid #E3E3E3 1px; overflow: hidden">';
echo '<form style="float: right; display: inline" action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"><input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="3215507"><input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt=""><img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"></form>';
echo sprintf(__('%1$s Version %2$s by %3$s', 'plugin-wonderful'), $info['Title'], $info['Version'], $info['Author']) . ' | ';
echo __('<a href="">Manage your Project Wonderful publisher account</a>', 'plugin-wonderful');
echo '<br style="clear: both" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo __("View not found: ", 'plugin-wonderful') . str_replace('plugin_wonderful_', '', $function_name);
function handle_action() {
if (!empty($_POST['_pw_nonce'])) {
if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_pw_nonce'], 'plugin-wonderful')) {
$action = "handle_action_" . str_replace("-", "_", preg_replace('#[^a-z\-]#', '', strtolower($_POST['action'])));
if (method_exists($this, $action)) { call_user_func(array($this, $action)); }
function handle_action_save_widgets() {
$new_boxes = array();
if ($this->publisher_info !== false) {
foreach ($this->publisher_info->adboxes as $box) {
if (isset($_POST['pw']['center'][$box->adboxid])) {
$this->adboxes_client->set_widget_centering($box->adboxid, true);
$box->center_widget = "1";
} else {
$this->adboxes_client->set_widget_centering($box->adboxid, false);
$box->center_widget = "0";
$new_boxes[] = $box;
$this->publisher_info->adboxes = $new_boxes;
function handle_action_change_adbox_settings() {
if ($member_id = get_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid')) {
if (isset($_POST['template_tag_id']) && is_array($_POST['template_tag_id'])) {
if (is_array($this->publisher_info->adboxes)) {
$new_boxes = array();
foreach ($this->publisher_info->adboxes as $box) {
if (isset($_POST['template_tag_id'][$box->adboxid])) {
$tag = $_POST['template_tag_id'][$box->adboxid];
$prior_value = $box->template_tag_id;
$tag = $this->adboxes_client->trim_field('template_tag_id', $tag);
$this->adboxes_client->set_template_tag($box->adboxid, $tag);
$box->template_tag_id = $tag;
if (!empty($tag) && ($prior_value != $tag)) {
$this->messages[] = sprintf(__('Template tag identifier for ad <strong>%1$s</strong> set to <strong>%2$s</strong>.', 'plugin-wonderful'), $box->adboxid, $tag);
} else {
if (!empty($prior_value) && empty($tag)) {
$this->messages[] = sprintf(__('Template tag identifier for ad <strong>%s</strong> removed.', 'plugin-wonderful'), $box->adboxid);
$new_boxes[] = $box;
$this->publisher_info->adboxes = $new_boxes;
if (is_array($this->publisher_info->adboxes)) {
$new_boxes = array();
foreach ($this->publisher_info->adboxes as $box) {
if (isset($_POST['in_rss_feed'][$box->adboxid])) {
$this->adboxes_client->set_rss_feed_usage($box->adboxid, true);
if ($box->in_rss_feed == 0) {
$this->messages[] = sprintf(__('RSS feed usage for ad <strong>%1$s</strong> enabled.', 'plugin-wonderful'), $box->adboxid);
$box->in_rss_feed = "1";
} else {
$this->adboxes_client->set_rss_feed_usage($box->adboxid, false);
if ($box->in_rss_feed == 1) {
$this->messages[] = sprintf(__('RSS feed usage for ad <strong>%1$s</strong> disabled.', 'plugin-wonderful'), $box->adboxid);
$box->in_rss_feed = "0";
$new_boxes[] = $box;
$this->publisher_info->adboxes = $new_boxes;
if (count($this->messages) == 0) {
$this->messages[] = __("No changes to adboxes were made.", 'plugin-wonderful');
function handle_action_rebuild_database() {
$this->messages[] = __("Adbox database destroyed and rebuilt.", 'plugin-wonderful');
if (get_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid') != "") {
if (($result = file_get_contents(sprintf(PLUGIN_WONDERFUL_XML_URL, (int)get_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid')))) !== false) {
$this->publisher_info = new PublisherInfo();
if ($this->publisher_info->parse($result)) {
$this->messages[] = sprintf(__('Adbox information redownloaded.', 'plugin-wonderful'), (int)$_POST['memberid']);
} else {
$this->messages[] = __("Unable to parse publisher data from Project Wonderful.", 'plugin-wonderful');
$this->publisher_info = false;
} else {
$this->messages[] = __("Unable to read publisher data from Project Wonderful.", 'plugin-wonderful');
$this->publisher_info = false;
function handle_action_change_memberid() {
if (trim($_POST['memberid'])) {
if (trim($_POST['memberid']) === (string)(int)$_POST['memberid']) {
if (($result = file_get_contents(sprintf(PLUGIN_WONDERFUL_XML_URL, (int)$_POST['memberid']))) !== false) {
$this->publisher_info = new PublisherInfo();
if ($this->publisher_info->parse($result)) {
update_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid', (int)$_POST['memberid']);
$this->messages[] = sprintf(__('Member number changed to %s and adbox information redownloaded.', 'plugin-wonderful'), (int)$_POST['memberid']);
} else {
$this->messages[] = __("Unable to parse publisher data from Project Wonderful.", 'plugin-wonderful');
update_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid', "");
$this->publisher_info = false;
} else {
$this->messages[] = __("Unable to read publisher data from Project Wonderful.", 'plugin-wonderful');
update_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid', "");
$this->publisher_info = false;
} else {
$this->messages[] = __("Member numbers need to be numeric.", 'plugin-wonderful');
update_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid', "");
$this->publisher_info = false;
} else {
$this->messages[] = __("Existing adbox information removed.", 'plugin-wonderful');
update_option('plugin-wonderful-memberid', "");
$this->publisher_info = false;
foreach (array('use-standardcode', 'enable-body-copy-embedding') as $field) {
update_option("plugin-wonderful-${field}", isset($_POST[$field]) ? "1" : "0");
function the_project_wonderful_ad($adboxid) {
$w = new PluginWonderfulWidget();
$w->widget(array(), array('adboxid' => $adboxid));