2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
< ? php
require_once ( '../classes/PWAdboxesClient.php' );
class TestPWAdboxesClient extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
private $database_client ;
private $sample_ad ;
function setUp () {
global $wpdb ;
$this -> database_client = new PWAdboxesClient ();
$this -> sample_ad = ( object ) array ( 'adboxid' => 1 , 'sitename' => " a " , 'url' => " http://meow.raow/ " ,
'dimensions' => " 1x1 " , 'rating' => " a " , 'category' => " a " ,
'description' => " a " , 'tags' => 'a' , 'standardcode' => 'a' ,
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
'advancedcode' => 'a' , 'adtype' => 'a' , 'template_tag_id' => 'a' ,
'in_rss_feed' => 0 );
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
function testCreateTables () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'get_var' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$wpdb -> is_mock = true ;
2009-02-18 02:25:37 +00:00
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> once ()) -> method ( 'get_var' ) -> with ( $this -> equalTo ( " SHOW TABLES LIKE { $this -> database_client -> table_name } " )) -> will ( $this -> returnValue ( array ()));
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
$this -> database_client -> initialize ();
function testDestroyTables () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'query' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$wpdb -> is_mock = true ;
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> once ()) -> method ( 'query' ) -> with ( $this -> equalTo ( " DROP TABLE { $this -> database_client -> table_name } " ));
$this -> database_client -> destroy ();
function testPostAds () {
global $wpdb ;
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'escape' , 'query' , 'get_results' ));
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$ads = $this -> getMock ( 'PublisherInfo' , array ());
$ads -> member_id = " 1 " ;
$ads -> is_valid = true ;
$ads -> adboxes = array ( $this -> sample_ad );
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 13 )) -> method ( 'escape' );
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 )) -> method ( 'query' ) -> will ( $this -> returnCallback ( array ( $this , 'postAdsCallback' )));
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 1 )) -> method ( 'get_results' ) -> will ( $this -> returnValue ( array ())) -> with ( " SELECT adboxid, template_tag_id, in_rss_feed FROM { $this -> database_client -> table_name } " );
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
$this -> database_client -> post_ads ( $ads , PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL );
function testRetrieveAds () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'get_results' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'get_results' )
2009-02-13 01:45:03 +00:00
-> with ( $this -> equalTo ( " SELECT * FROM { $this -> database_client -> table_name } ORDER BY adboxid ASC " ))
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-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( array ( $this -> sample_ad )));
$result = $this -> database_client -> get_ads ( " 1 " );
$this -> assertType ( " PublisherInfo " , $result );
function testCleanAds () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'query' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'query' )
-> with ( $this -> equalTo ( " DELETE FROM { $this -> database_client -> table_name } " ));
$this -> database_client -> clean_ads ();
function testRetrieveAdsForSpecificType () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'get_results' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$type = 10 ;
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'get_results' )
2009-02-13 01:45:03 +00:00
-> with ( $this -> equalTo ( " SELECT * FROM { $this -> database_client -> table_name } WHERE type = { $type } ORDER BY adboxid ASC " ))
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-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( array ()));
$result = $this -> database_client -> get_ads ( " 1 " , $type );
$this -> assertFalse ( $result );
function testRetrieveNoAds () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'get_results' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> once ())
-> method ( 'get_results' )
2009-02-13 01:45:03 +00:00
-> with ( $this -> equalTo ( " SELECT * FROM { $this -> database_client -> table_name } ORDER BY adboxid ASC " ))
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
-> will ( $this -> returnValue ( array ()));
$result = $this -> database_client -> get_ads ( " 1 " );
$this -> assertFalse ( $result );
function testFilterTypeFromAd () {
global $wpdb ;
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'escape' , 'query' , 'get_results' ));
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$ads = $this -> getMock ( 'PublisherInfo' , array ());
$ads -> member_id = " 1 " ;
$ads -> is_valid = true ;
$this -> sample_ad -> type = " 3 " ;
$ads -> adboxes = array ( $this -> sample_ad );
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 )) -> method ( 'query' ) -> will ( $this -> returnCallback ( array ( $this , 'postAdsFilterCallback' )));
$this -> database_client -> post_ads ( $ads , PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL );
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
function testUseTemplateTags () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'escape' , 'query' , 'get_results' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$ads = $this -> getMock ( 'PublisherInfo' , array ());
$ads -> member_id = " 1 " ;
$ads -> is_valid = true ;
$ads -> adboxes = array ( $this -> sample_ad );
$test_tag = " my_tag " ;
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> any ()) -> method ( 'escape' ) -> will ( $this -> returnCallback ( array ( $this , 'useTemplateTagsEscapeCallback' )));
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> any ()) -> method ( 'query' ) -> will ( $this -> returnCallback ( array ( $this , 'useTemplateTagsCallback' )));
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> any ()) -> method ( 'get_results' ) -> will ( $this -> returnCallback ( array ( $this , 'useTemplateTagsCallback' )));
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> database_client -> post_ads ( $ads , PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL ));
$this -> target_ad = $this -> sample_ad ;
$this -> target_ad -> template_tag_id = $test_tag ;
$this -> assertFalse ( $this -> database_client -> set_template_tag ( 0 , $test_tag ));
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> database_client -> set_template_tag ( 1 , $test_tag ));
$this -> assertEquals ( $this -> target_ad , $this -> database_client -> get_ad_by_template_tag ( 1 , $test_tag ));
$this -> has_set_template_tag = true ;
$this -> assertTrue ( $this -> database_client -> post_ads ( $ads , PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL ));
$this -> assertEquals ( $this -> target_ad , $this -> database_client -> get_ad_by_template_tag ( 1 , $test_tag ));
2009-02-18 02:25:37 +00:00
function testDataTooLarge () {
global $wpdb ;
$wpdb = $this -> getMock ( 'wpdb' , array ( 'escape' , 'query' , 'get_results' ));
$wpdb -> prefix = " wp_ " ;
$ads = $this -> getMock ( 'PublisherInfo' , array ());
$ads -> member_id = " 1 " ;
$ads -> is_valid = true ;
$large_sample_ad = array ();
foreach ( array ( 'adboxid' , 'sitename' , 'url' ,
'dimensions' , 'rating' , 'category' ,
'description' , 'tags' , 'standardcode' ,
'advancedcode' , 'adtype' , 'template_tag_id' ,
'in_rss_feed' ) as $field ) {
$large_sample_ad [ $field ] = $field . " - " . str_repeat ( " x " , 300 );
$ads -> adboxes = array (( object ) $large_sample_ad );
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 13 )) -> method ( 'escape' ) -> will ( $this -> returnCallback ( array ( $this , 'postDataTooLargeCallback' )));
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 2 )) -> method ( 'query' );
$wpdb -> expects ( $this -> exactly ( 1 )) -> method ( 'get_results' );
$this -> escape_count = 1 ;
$this -> database_client -> post_ads ( $ads , PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL );
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00
function postAdsCallback ( $query ) {
if ( strpos ( $query , " DELETE " ) === 0 ) {
return $query == ( " DELETE FROM { $this -> database_client -> table_name } WHERE type = " . PW_ADBOXES_PROJECT_WONDERFUL );
} else {
return true ;
2009-02-18 02:25:37 +00:00
function postDataTooLargeCallback ( $query ) {
$size = $this -> database_client -> schema_info [ $this -> escape_count ][ 2 ];
if ( ! empty ( $size )) {
$this -> assertTrue ( strlen ( $query ) <= $size );
$this -> escape_count ++ ;
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function postAdsFilterCallback ( $query ) {
if ( strpos ( $query , " INSERT " ) === 0 ) {
return count ( explode ( " type " , $query )) === 3 ;
} else {
return true ;
2009-02-13 01:07:23 +00:00
function useTemplateTagsCallback ( $query ) {
if ( strpos ( $query , " adboxid = '0' " ) !== false ) {
return array ();
if ( strpos ( $query , " SELECT * FROM pw_adboxes " ) !== false ) {
return array ( $this -> target_ad );
if ( strpos ( $query , " SELECT adboxid, template_tag_id, in_rss_feed " ) !== false ) {
if ( $this -> has_set_template_tag ) {
$info = new stdClass ();
$info -> adboxid = " 1 " ;
$info -> template_tag_id = " my_tag " ;
$info -> in_rss_feed = " 0 " ;
return array ( $info );
} else {
return array ();
if ( strpos ( $query , " INSERT INTO pw_adboxes " ) !== false ) {
if ( $this -> has_set_template_tag ) {
return ( strpos ( $query , " my_tag " ) > 0 ) ? 1 : false ;
} else {
return 1 ;
return array ( " item " );
function useTemplateTagsEscapeCallback ( $value ) {
return $value ;
2009-02-07 00:10:58 +00:00