2012-04-24 13:52:59 -04:00

149 lines
6.4 KiB

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<title>Exp Series Performance Tests</title>
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="exp_series.js"></script>
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body {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 16px;
margin: 50px;
max-width: 1000px;
div.graph {
<h1>Exp Series Performance Tests</h1>
x-axis is power of 2, log base 2 of size<br>
y-axis is operations per user-time CPU-second<br>
Note that this is not operations per real-time second that include DB real-time<br>
<div id="placeholder"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function genOpXY(a, xMax, plotSpec, xKey, yKey) {
var genOpA = $.grep(a, function(e, i){
if (e.exp2 > xMax) return false;
for (var key in plotSpec) {
if (e[key] != plotSpec[key]) return false;
return true;
return $.map(genOpA, function(e, i){return [[e[xKey], e[yKey]]];});
function flotSeries(expSeries, xMax, labelSpec, plotSpecs) {
return $.map(plotSpecs, function(plotSpec, i){
var base = plotSpec.base; var gen = plotSpec.generator; var op = plotSpec.operation;
return {
label: labelSpec + ': ' + plotSpec[labelSpec],
data: genOpXY(expSeries, xMax, plotSpec, 'exp2', 'ops'),
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
$(function () {
function xExpTicks(axis) {
var res = [];
for (var i = axis.min; i <= axis.max; i++) {
res.push([i, i + ':' + Math.pow(2,i)]);
return res;
function doPlot(title, series) {
var id = title.replace(/\W/g,'_');
$("#placeholder").append('<h1>' + title + '</h1><div id="' + id + '" class="graph"></div>');
$.plot($('#' + id),
xaxis: { ticks: xExpTicks },
yaxes: [ { min: 0 } ],
legend: { position: 'ne' }
// comment pending
var graph = [
[ 'value_string_size insert C versus Ruby', 14, 'mongo_driver_mode',
{ base:2, generator:'value_string_size', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'value_string_size', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'ruby' }
[ 'key_string_size insert C versus Ruby', 14, 'mongo_driver_mode',
{ base:2, generator:'key_string_size', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'key_string_size', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'ruby' }
[ 'array_size_fixnum insert C versus Ruby', 12, 'mongo_driver_mode',
{ base:2, generator:'array_size_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'array_size_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'ruby' }
[ 'hash_size_fixnum insert C versus Ruby', 12, 'mongo_driver_mode',
{ base:2, generator:'hash_size_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'hash_size_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'ruby' }
[ 'array_nest_fixnum base 2 insert C versus Ruby', 12, 'mongo_driver_mode',
{ base:2, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode:'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode:'ruby' }
[ 'hash_nest_fixnum base 2 insert C versus Ruby', 12, 'mongo_driver_mode',
{ base:2, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'ruby' }
[ 'array_nest_fixnum insert C by base', 12, 'base',
{ base:2, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:4, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:8, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:16, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:32, generator:'array_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' }
[ 'hash_nest_fixnum insert C by base', 12, 'base',
{ base:2, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:4, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:8, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:16, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:32, generator:'hash_nest_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' }
[ 'array_size_fixnum versus hash_size_fixnum insert C', 12, 'generator',
{ base:2, generator:'array_size_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' },
{ base:2, generator:'hash_size_fixnum', operation:'insert', mongo_driver_mode: 'c' }
$.each(graph, function(i, e){
var title, xMax, labelSpec, plotSpecs;
title = e[0]; xMax = e[1]; labelSpec = e[2]; plotSpecs = e[3]; //[title, xMax, labelSpec, plotSpecs] = e;
var series = flotSeries(expSeries, xMax, labelSpec, plotSpecs);
doPlot(title, series);