2010-10-12 15:39:28 -04:00

823 lines
26 KiB

package org.jbson;
import static org.bson.BSON.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import org.jruby.util.Pack;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.bson.BSONEncoder;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaEmbedUtils;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.*;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.parser.ReOptions;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.bson.BSONObject;
import org.bson.types.*;
import org.bson.BSON;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
* this is meant to be pooled or cached
* there is some per instance memory for string conversion, etc...
public class RubyBSONEncoder extends BSONEncoder {
static final boolean DEBUG = false;
static final Map _runtimeCache = new HashMap();
private Ruby _runtime;
private RubyModule _rbclsByteBuffer;
private RubyModule _rbclsDBRef;
private RubyModule _rbclsInvalidDocument;
private RubyModule _rbclsInvalidKeyName;
private RubyModule _rbclsRangeError;
private RubySymbol _idAsSym;
private RubyString _idAsString;
private RubyString _tfAsString;
private boolean _check_keys;
private boolean _move_id;
private static final int BIT_SIZE = 64;
private static final long MAX = (1L << (BIT_SIZE - 1)) - 1;
private static final BigInteger LONG_MAX = BigInteger.valueOf(MAX);
private static final BigInteger LONG_MIN = BigInteger.valueOf(-MAX - 1);
public RubyBSONEncoder(Ruby runtime, boolean check_keys, boolean move_id){
_check_keys = check_keys;
_move_id = move_id;
_runtime = runtime;
_rbclsByteBuffer = _lookupConstant( _runtime, "BSON::ByteBuffer" );
_rbclsDBRef = _lookupConstant( _runtime, "BSON::DBRef" );
_rbclsInvalidDocument = _lookupConstant( _runtime, "BSON::InvalidDocument" );
_rbclsInvalidKeyName = _lookupConstant( _runtime, "BSON::InvalidKeyName" );
_rbclsRangeError = _lookupConstant( _runtime, "RangeError" );
_idAsSym = _lookupSymbol( _runtime, "_id" );
_tfAsString = _lookupString( _runtime, "_transientFields" );
if(_idAsString == null) {
_idAsString = _runtime.newString( "_id" );
public RubyString encode( Object arg ) {
RubyHash o = (RubyHash)arg;
BasicOutputBuffer buf = new BasicOutputBuffer();
set( buf );
putObject( o );
RubyString b = RubyString.newString(_runtime, buf.toByteArray());
return b;
public void set( OutputBuffer out ){
if ( _buf != null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "in the middle of something" );
_buf = out;
public void done(){
_buf = null;
* @return true if object was handled
protected boolean handleSpecialObjects( String name , RubyObject o ){
return false;
/** Encodes a <code>BSONObject</code>.
* This is for the higher level api calls
* @param o the object to encode
* @return the number of characters in the encoding
public int putObject( RubyObject o ) {
return putObject( null, o );
* this is really for embedded objects
int putObject( String name , RubyObject o ){
if ( o == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "can't save a null object" );
final int start = _buf.getPosition();
byte myType = OBJECT;
if ( o instanceof RubyArray )
myType = ARRAY;
if ( handleSpecialObjects( name , o ) )
return _buf.getPosition() - start;
if ( name != null ){
_put( myType , name );
final int sizePos = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.writeInt( 0 ); // leaving space for this. set it at the end.
List transientFields = null;
boolean rewriteID = _move_id && ( myType == OBJECT && name == null );
if ( myType == OBJECT ) {
if ( rewriteID ) {
if ( _rbHashHasKey( (RubyHash)o, "_id" ) ) {
_putObjectField( "_id" , _rbHashGet( (RubyHash)o, _idAsString ) );
else if ( ( _rbHashHasKey( (RubyHash)o, _idAsSym )) ) {
_putObjectField( "_id" , _rbHashGet( (RubyHash)o, _idAsSym ) );
RubyObject temp = (RubyObject)_rbHashGet( (RubyHash)o, _tfAsString );
if ( temp instanceof RubyArray )
transientFields = (RubyArray)temp;
else {
if ( _rbHashHasKey( (RubyHash)o, "_id" ) && _rbHashHasKey( (RubyHash)o, _idAsSym ) ) {
// Not sure we should invoke this way. Depends on if we can access the OrderedHash.
RubyArray keys = (RubyArray)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod( _runtime, o , "keys" , new Object[] {}
, Object.class);
for (Iterator<RubyObject> i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object hashKey =;
// Convert the key into a Java String
String str = "";
if( hashKey instanceof String) {
str = hashKey.toString();
else if (hashKey instanceof RubyString) {
str = ((RubyString)hashKey).asJavaString();
else if (hashKey instanceof RubySymbol) {
str = ((RubySymbol)hashKey).asJavaString();
// If we're rewriting the _id, we can move on.
if ( rewriteID && str.equals( "_id" ) )
RubyObject val = (RubyObject)_rbHashGet( (RubyHash)o, hashKey );
_putObjectField( str , (Object)val );
// Make sure we're within the 4MB limit
if ( _buf.size() > 4 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument,
"Document is too large (" + _buf.size() + "). BSON documents are limited to 4MB (" +
4 * 1024 * 1024 + ").");
_buf.write( EOO );
_buf.writeInt( sizePos , _buf.getPosition() - sizePos );
return _buf.getPosition() - start;
protected void _putObjectField( String name , Object val ) {
if( _check_keys )
testValidKey( name );
testNull( name );
if ( name.equals( "_transientFields" ) )
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.out.println( "\t put thing : " + name );
if( val == null )
System.out.println( "\t class : null value" );
System.out.println( "\t class : " + val.getClass().getName() );
if ( name.equals( "$where") && val instanceof String ) {
_put( CODE , name );
_putValueString( val.toString() );
if ( val instanceof String )
putString(name, val.toString() );
else if ( val instanceof Number ) {
if ( ( val instanceof Float ) || ( val instanceof Double ) ) {
_put( NUMBER , name );
_buf.writeDouble( ((Number)val).doubleValue() );
else {
long longVal = ((Number)val).longValue();
if (longVal >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && longVal <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
_put( NUMBER_INT , name );
_buf.writeInt( (int)longVal );
else {
_put( NUMBER_LONG , name );
_buf.writeLong( longVal );
else if ( val instanceof Boolean )
putBoolean(name, (Boolean)val);
else if ( val instanceof Map )
putMap( name , (Map)val );
else if ( val instanceof Iterable)
putIterable( name , (Iterable)val );
else if ( val instanceof byte[] )
putBinary( name , (byte[])val );
else if ( val == null )
else if ( val.getClass().isArray() )
putIterable( name , Arrays.asList( (Object[])val ) );
else if ( val instanceof RubyObject ) {
if ( val instanceof RubyString ) {
putRubyString(name, ((RubyString)val).getUnicodeValue() );
else if (val instanceof RubySymbol) {
putSymbol(name, new Symbol(val.toString()));
else if ( val instanceof RubyFixnum ) {
long jval = ((RubyFixnum)val).getLongValue();
if (jval >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && jval <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
_put( NUMBER_INT , name );
_buf.writeInt( (int)jval );
else {
_put( NUMBER_LONG , name );
_buf.writeLong( jval );
else if ( val instanceof RubyFloat ) {
double doubleValue = ((RubyFloat)val).getValue();
_put( NUMBER , name );
_buf.writeDouble( doubleValue );
else if ( val instanceof JavaProxy ) {
Object obj = ((JavaProxy)val).getObject();
if ( obj instanceof ArrayList ) {
putIterable( name, ((ArrayList)obj));
else {
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument,
"Got a JavaProxy object which can't be serialized as a BSON type." );
else if ( val instanceof RubyNil )
else if ( val instanceof RubyTime )
putDate( name , ((RubyTime)val).getDateTime().getMillis() );
else if ( val instanceof RubyBoolean )
putBoolean(name, (Boolean)((RubyBoolean)val).toJava(Boolean.class));
else if ( val instanceof RubyRegexp )
putRubyRegexp(name, (RubyRegexp)val );
else if (val instanceof RubyBignum) {
BigInteger big = ((RubyBignum)val).getValue();
if( big.compareTo(LONG_MAX) > 0 || big.compareTo(LONG_MIN) < 0 ) {
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsRangeError , "MongoDB can only handle 8-byte ints" );
else {
long jval = big.longValue();
_put( NUMBER_LONG , name );
_buf.writeLong( jval );
// This is where we handle special types defined in the Ruby BSON.
else {
String klass = JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime, val,
"class", new Object[] {}, Object.class).toString();
if( klass.equals( "BSON::ObjectId" ) ) {
putRubyObjectId(name, (RubyObject)val );
else if( klass.equals( "BSON::ObjectID" ) ) {
putRubyObjectId(name, (RubyObject)val );
else if( klass.equals( "Java::JavaUtil::ArrayList" ) ) {
putIterable(name, (Iterable)val );
else if ( klass.equals( "BSON::Code" ) ) {
putRubyCodeWScope(name, (RubyObject)val );
else if ( klass.equals( "BSON::Binary" ) ) {
putRubyBinary( name , (RubyObject)val );
else if ( klass.equals("BSON::MinKey") ) {
_put( MINKEY, name );
else if ( klass.equals("BSON::MaxKey") ) {
_put( MAXKEY, name );
else if ( klass.equals("BSON::DBRef") ) {
RubyHash ref = (RubyHash)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime, val,
"to_hash", new Object[] {}, Object.class);
putMap( name , (Map)ref );
else if ( klass.equals("Date") || klass.equals("DateTime") ||
klass.equals("ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone") ) {
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument,
klass + " is not currently supported; use a UTC Time instance instead.");
else {
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument,
"Cannot serialize " + klass + " as a BSON type; " +
"it either isn't supported or won't translate to BSON.");
else {
String klass = JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime, val,
"class", new Object[] {}, Object.class).toString();
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument,
"Cannot serialize " + klass + " as a BSON type; " +
"it either isn't supported or won't translate to BSON.");
private void testNull(String str) {
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
for(int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++ ) {
if(bytes[j] == '\u0000') {
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument, "Null not allowed");
// Make sure that name contains no null bytes, '.'s
// and doesn't start with a '$'.
private void testValidKey(String str) {
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();
if( bytes[0] == 36 )
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidKeyName, "$ not allowed in key name.");
for(int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++ ) {
if(bytes[j] == '\u0000')
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidDocument, "Null not allowed");
if(bytes[j] == 46)
_rbRaise( (RubyClass)_rbclsInvalidKeyName, ". not allowed in key name.");
private void putIterable( String name , Iterable l ){
_put( ARRAY , name );
final int sizePos = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.writeInt( 0 );
int i=0;
for ( Object obj: l ) {
_putObjectField( String.valueOf( i ) , obj );
_buf.write( EOO );
_buf.writeInt( sizePos , _buf.getPosition() - sizePos );
private void putMap( String name , Map m ){
_put( OBJECT , name );
final int sizePos = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.writeInt( 0 );
RubyArray keys = (RubyArray)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod( _runtime, m , "keys" , new Object[] {} , Object.class);
for (Iterator<RubyObject> i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object hashKey =;
// Convert the key into a Java String
String str = "";
if( hashKey instanceof String) {
str = hashKey.toString();
else if (hashKey instanceof RubyString) {
str = ((RubyString)hashKey).asJavaString();
else if (hashKey instanceof RubySymbol) {
str = ((RubySymbol)hashKey).asJavaString();
RubyObject val = (RubyObject)_rbHashGet( (RubyHash)m, hashKey );
_putObjectField( str , (Object)val );
//for ( Map.Entry entry : (Set<Map.Entry>)m.entrySet() )
// _putObjectField( entry.getKey().toString() , entry.getValue() );
_buf.write( EOO );
_buf.writeInt( sizePos , _buf.getPosition() - sizePos );
protected void putNull( String name ){
_put( NULL , name );
protected void putUndefined(String name){
_put(UNDEFINED, name);
protected void putTimestamp(String name, BSONTimestamp ts ){
_put( TIMESTAMP , name );
_buf.writeInt( ts.getInc() );
_buf.writeInt( ts.getTime() );
protected void putRubyCodeWScope( String name , RubyObject code ){
_put( CODE_W_SCOPE , name );
int temp = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.writeInt( 0 );
String code_string = (String)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime, code,
"code", new Object[] {}, Object.class);
_putValueString( code_string );
putObject( (RubyObject)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime, code, "scope", new Object[] {}, Object.class) );
_buf.writeInt( temp , _buf.getPosition() - temp );
protected void putCodeWScope( String name , CodeWScope code ){
_put( CODE_W_SCOPE , name );
int temp = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.writeInt( 0 );
_putValueString( code.getCode() );
_buf.writeInt( temp , _buf.getPosition() - temp );
protected void putBoolean( String name , Boolean b ){
_put( BOOLEAN , name );
_buf.write( b ? (byte)0x1 : (byte)0x0 );
protected void putDate( String name , long millis ){
_put( DATE , name );
_buf.writeLong( millis );
private void putRubyBinary( String name , RubyObject binary ) {
RubyArray rarray = (RubyArray)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime,
binary, "to_a", new Object[] {}, Object.class);
Long rbSubtype = (Long)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime,
binary, "subtype", new Object[] {}, Object.class);
long subtype = rbSubtype.longValue();
byte[] data = ra2ba( rarray );
if ( subtype == 2 ) {
putBinary( name, data );
else {
_put( BINARY , name );
_buf.writeInt( data.length );
_buf.write( (byte)subtype );
_buf.write( data );
protected void putBinary( String name , byte[] data ){
_put( BINARY , name );
_buf.writeInt( 4 + data.length );
_buf.write( B_BINARY );
_buf.writeInt( data.length );
int before = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.write( data );
int after = _buf.getPosition();
com.mongodb.util.MyAsserts.assertEquals( after - before , data.length );
protected void putBinary( String name , Binary val ){
_put( BINARY , name );
_buf.writeInt( val.length() );
_buf.write( val.getType() );
_buf.write( val.getData() );
protected void putUUID( String name , UUID val ){
_put( BINARY , name );
_buf.writeInt( 4 + 64*2);
_buf.write( 3 );// B_UUID );
_buf.writeLong( val.getMostSignificantBits());
_buf.writeLong( val.getLeastSignificantBits());
protected void putSymbol( String name , Symbol s ){
_putString(name, s.getSymbol(), SYMBOL);
protected void putRubyString( String name , String s ) {
_put( STRING , name );
_putValueString( s );
protected void putString(String name, String s) {
_putString(name, s, STRING);
private void _putString( String name , String s, byte type ){
_put( type , name );
_putValueString( s );
private void putRubyObjectId( String name, RubyObject oid ) {
_put( OID , name );
RubyArray roid = (RubyArray)JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(_runtime, oid,
"data", new Object[] {}, Object.class);
byte[] joid = ra2ba( (RubyArray)roid );
_buf.writeInt( convertToInt(joid, 0) );
_buf.writeInt( convertToInt(joid, 4) );
_buf.writeInt( convertToInt(joid, 8) );
private void putRubyRegexp( String name, RubyRegexp r ) {
RubyString source = (RubyString)r.source();
_put( REGEX , name );
_put( (String)((RubyString)source).toJava(String.class) );
int regexOptions = (int)((RubyFixnum)r.options()).getLongValue();
String options = "";
if( (regexOptions & ReOptions.RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE) != 0 )
options = options.concat( "i" );
if( (regexOptions & ReOptions.RE_OPTION_MULTILINE) != 0 )
options = options.concat( "m" );
if( (regexOptions & ReOptions.RE_OPTION_EXTENDED) != 0 )
options = options.concat( "x" );
_put( options );
// ---------------------------------------------
// Ruby-based helper methods.
// Converts four bytes from a byte array to an int
private int convertToInt(byte[] b, int offset) {
int intVal = ((b[offset + 3] & 0xff) << 24) | ((b[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((b[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((b[offset] & 0xff));
return intVal;
// Ruby array to byte array
private byte[] ra2ba( RubyArray rArray ) {
int len = rArray.getLength();
byte[] b = new byte[len];
int n = 0;
for ( Iterator<Object> i = rArray.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Object value =;
b[n] = (byte)((Long)value).intValue();
return b;
// Helper method for getting a value from a Ruby hash.
private IRubyObject _rbHashGet(RubyHash hash, Object key) {
if (key instanceof String) {
return hash.op_aref( _runtime.getCurrentContext(), _runtime.newString((String)key) );
else {
return hash.op_aref( _runtime.getCurrentContext(), (RubyObject)key );
// Helper method for checking whether a Ruby hash has a certain key.
private boolean _rbHashHasKey(RubyHash hash, String key) {
RubyBoolean b = hash.has_key_p( _runtime.newString( key ) );
return b == _runtime.getTrue();
private boolean _rbHashHasKey(RubyHash hash, RubySymbol sym) {
RubyBoolean b = hash.has_key_p( sym );
return b == _runtime.getTrue();
// Helper method for setting a value in a Ruby hash.
private IRubyObject _rbHashSet(RubyHash hash, String key, IRubyObject value) {
return hash.op_aset( _runtime.getCurrentContext(), _runtime.newString( key ), value );
// Helper method for returning all keys from a Ruby hash.
private RubyArray _rbHashKeys(RubyHash hash) {
return hash.keys();
// Helper for raising a Ruby exception and aborting serialization.
private RaiseException _rbRaise( RubyClass exceptionClass , String message ) {
throw new RaiseException( _runtime, exceptionClass, message, true );
// ----------------------------------------------
* Encodes the type and key.
protected void _put( byte type , String name ){
_buf.write( type );
_put( name );
* Encodes the type and key without checking the validity of the key.
protected void _putWithoutCheck( byte type , String name ){
_buf.write( type );
_put( name );
protected void _putValueString( String s ){
int lenPos = _buf.getPosition();
_buf.writeInt( 0 ); // making space for size
int strLen = _put( s );
_buf.writeInt( lenPos , strLen );
void _reset( Buffer b ){
b.limit( b.capacity() );
* puts as utf-8 string
protected int _put( String str ){
int total = 0;
final int len = str.length();
int pos = 0;
while ( pos < len ){
_reset( _stringC );
_reset( _stringB );
int toEncode = Math.min( _stringC.capacity() - 1, len - pos );
_stringC.put( str , pos , pos + toEncode );
CoderResult cr = _encoder.encode( _stringC , _stringB , false );
if ( cr.isMalformed() || cr.isUnmappable() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "malforumed string" );
if ( cr.isOverflow() )
throw new RuntimeException( "overflor should be impossible" );
if ( cr.isError() )
throw new RuntimeException( "should never get here" );
if ( ! cr.isUnderflow() )
throw new RuntimeException( "this should always be true" );
total += _stringB.position();
_buf.write( _stringB.array() , 0 , _stringB.position() );
pos += toEncode;
_buf.write( (byte)0 );
return total;
public void writeInt( int x ){
_buf.writeInt( x );
public void writeLong( long x ){
_buf.writeLong( x );
public void writeCString( String s ){
_put( s );
protected OutputBuffer _buf;
private CharBuffer _stringC = CharBuffer.wrap( new char[256 + 1] );
private ByteBuffer _stringB = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[1024 + 1] );
private CharsetEncoder _encoder = Charset.forName( "UTF-8" ).newEncoder();
static final Map _getRuntimeCache(Ruby runtime) {
// each JRuby runtime may have different objects for these constants,
// so cache them separately for each runtime
Map cache = (Map) _runtimeCache.get( runtime );
if(cache == null) {
cache = new HashMap();
_runtimeCache.put( runtime, cache );
return cache;
static final RubyModule _lookupConstant(Ruby runtime, String name)
Map cache = (Map) _getRuntimeCache( runtime );
RubyModule module = (RubyModule) cache.get( name );
if(module == null && !cache.containsKey( name )) {
module = runtime.getClassFromPath( name );
cache.put( name, module );
return module;
static final RubySymbol _lookupSymbol(Ruby runtime, String name)
Map cache = (Map) _getRuntimeCache( runtime );
RubySymbol symbol = (RubySymbol) cache.get( name );
if(symbol == null && !cache.containsKey( name )) {
symbol = runtime.newSymbol( name );
cache.put( name, symbol );
return symbol;
static final RubyString _lookupString(Ruby runtime, String name)
Map cache = (Map) _getRuntimeCache( runtime );
RubyString string = (RubyString) cache.get( name );
if(string == null && !cache.containsKey( name )) {
string = runtime.newString( name );
cache.put( name, string );
return string;