2009-11-24 17:39:44 -05:00

395 lines
12 KiB

= Introduction
This is the 10gen-supported Ruby driver for MongoDB[].
Here is a quick code sample. See the MongoDB Ruby Tutorial
( for much more.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
include Mongo
@db ='sample-db')
@coll = db.collection('test')
3.times do |i|
@coll.insert({'a' => i+1})
puts "There are #{@coll.count()} records. Here they are:"
@coll.find().each { |doc| puts doc.inspect }
= Installation
The driver's gems are hosted on Gemcutter[]. If you haven't
installed a gem from Gemcutter before, you'll need to set up Gemcutter first:
$ gem install gemcutter
$ gem tumble
Once you've installed Gemcutter, install the mongo gem as follows:
$ gem install mongo
For a significant performance boost, you should also install the driver's C
$ gem install mongo_ext
=== From the GitHub source
The source code is available at
You can either clone the git repository or download a tarball or zip file.
Once you have the source, you can use it from wherever you downloaded it or
you can install it as a gem from the source by typing
$ rake gem:install
To install the C extensions from source, type this instead:
$ rake gem:install_extensions
That's all there is to it!
= Examples
For extensive examples, see the MongoDB Ruby Tutorial
Bundled with the dirver are many examples in the "examples" subdirectory. Samples include using
the driver and using the GridFS class GridStore. MongoDB must be running for
these examples to work, of course.
Here's how to start MongoDB and run the "simple.rb" example:
$ cd path/to/mongo
$ ./mongod run
... then in another window ...
$ cd path/to/mongo-ruby-driver
$ ruby examples/simple.rb
See also the test code, especially test/test_db_api.rb.
= GridStore
The GridStore class is a Ruby implementation of MongoDB's GridFS file storage
system. An instance of GridStore is like an IO object. See the RDocs for
details, and see examples/gridfs.rb for code that uses many of the GridStore
features (metadata, content type, rewind/seek/tell, etc).
Note that the GridStore class is not automatically required when you require
'mongo'. You also need to require 'mongo/gridfs'
Example code:, 'filename', 'w') { |f|
f.puts "Hello, world!"
}, 'filename, 'r') { |f|
puts # => Hello, world!\n
}, 'filename', 'w+') { |f|
f.puts "But wait, there's more!"
}, 'filename, 'r') { |f|
puts # => Hello, world!\nBut wait, there's more!\n
= Notes
== Thread Safety
The driver is thread safe.
== Connection Pooling
As of 0.18, the driver implements connection pooling. By default, only one
socket connection will be opened to MongoDB. However, if you're running a
multi-threaded application, you can specify a maximum pool size and a maximum
timeout for waiting for old connections to be released to the pool.
To set up a pooled connection to a single MongoDB instance:
@conn ="localhost", 27017, :pool_size => 5, :timeout => 5)
A pooled connection to a paired instance would look like this:
@conn ={:left => ["", 27017],
:right => ["", 27017]}, nil,
:pool_size => 20, :timeout => 5)
Though the pooling architecure will undoubtedly evolve, it owes much credit
to the connection pooling implementations in ActiveRecord and PyMongo.
== Using with Phusion Passenger
When passenger is in smart spawning mode you need to be sure that child
processes forked by passenger will create a new connection to the database.
activerecord-mongo-adapter handles this for you, so if you are using that
you shouldn't need to worry about it. Otherwise you'll either need to use
conservative spawning[]
or handle reconnecting when passenger forks a new process:
if defined?(PhusionPassenger)
PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting_worker_process) do |forked|
if forked
# Call db.connect_to_master to reconnect here
The above code should be put in _environment.rb_ or an initialization
See this thread[]
for more details on this issue.
== String Encoding
The BSON ("Binary JSON") format used to communicate with Mongo requires that
strings be UTF-8 (
Ruby 1.9 has built-in character encoding support. All strings sent to Mongo
and received from Mongo are converted to UTF-8 when necessary, and strings
read from Mongo will have their character encodings set to UTF-8.
When used with Ruby 1.8, the bytes in each string are written to and read from
Mongo as-is. If the string is ASCII all is well, because ASCII is a subset of
UTF-8. If the string is not ASCII then it may not be a well-formed UTF-8
== Primary Keys
The field _id is a primary key. It is treated specially by the database, and
its use makes many operations more efficient. The value of an _id may be of
any type. The database itself inserts an _id value if none is specified when
a record is inserted.
=== Primary Key Factories
A primary key factory is a class you supply to a DB object that knows how to
generate _id values. If you want to control _id values or even their types,
using a PK factory lets you do so.
You can tell the Ruby Mongo driver how to create primary keys by passing in
the :pk option to the Connection#db method.
include Mongo
db ='dbname', :pk =>
A primary key factory object must respond to :create_pk, which should take a
hash and return a hash which merges the original hash with any primary key
fields the factory wishes to inject. NOTE: if the object already has a primary
key, the factory should not inject a new key; this means that the object is
being used in a repsert but it already exists. The idea here is that whenever
a record is inserted, the :pk object's +create_pk+ method will be called and
the new hash returned will be inserted.
Here is a sample primary key factory, taken from the tests:
class TestPKFactory
def create_pk(row)
row['_id'] ||=
Here's a slightly more sophisticated one that handles both symbol and string
keys. This is the PKFactory that comes with the MongoRecord code (an
ActiveRecord-like framework for non-Rails apps) and the AR Mongo adapter code
(for Rails):
class PKFactory
def create_pk(row)
return row if row[:_id]
row.delete(:_id) # in case it exists but the value is nil
row['_id'] ||=
A database's PK factory object may be set either when a DB object is created
or immediately after you obtain it, but only once. The only reason it is
changeable at all is so that libraries such as MongoRecord that use this
driver can set the PK factory after obtaining the database but before using it
for the first time.
== The DB Class
=== Primary Key factories
See the section on "Primary Keys" above.
=== Strict mode
Each database has an optional strict mode. If strict mode is on, then asking
for a collection that does not exist will raise an error, as will asking to
create a collection that already exists. Note that both these operations are
completely harmless; strict mode is a programmer convenience only.
To turn on strict mode, either pass in :strict => true when obtaining a DB
object or call the :strict= method:
db ='dbname', :strict => true)
# I'm feeling lax
db.strict = false
# No, I'm not!
db.strict = true
The method DB#strict? returns the current value of that flag.
== Cursors
Random cursor fun facts:
- Cursors are enumerable.
- The query doesn't get run until you actually attempt to retrieve data from a
- Cursors have a to_a method.
= Testing
If you have the source code, you can run the tests.
$ rake test
This will run both unit and functional tests. If you want to run these
$ rake test:unit
$ rake test:functional
If you want to test replica pairs, you can run the following tests
$ rake test:pair_count
$ rake test:pair_insert
$ rake test:pair_query
It's also possible to test replica pairs with connection pooling:
$ rake test:pooled_pair_insert
All tests now require shoulda and mocha. You can install these gems as
$ gem install shoulda
$ gem install mocha
The tests assume that the Mongo database is running on the default port. You
can override the default host (localhost) and port (Connection::DEFAULT_PORT) by
using the environment variables MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST and
The project mongo-qa ( contains many more
Mongo driver tests that are language independent. To run thoses tests as part
of the "rake test" task, download the code "next to" this directory. So, after
installing the mongo-qa code you would have these two directories next to each
$ ls
$ rake test
The tests run just fine if the mongo-qa directory is not there.
Additionally, the script bin/validate is used by the mongo-qa project's
validator script.
= Documentation
This documentation is available online at You can
generate the documentation if you have the source by typing
$ rake rdoc
Then open the file html/index.html.
= Release Notes
= Credits
Adrian Madrid,
* bin/mongo_console
* examples/benchmarks.rb
* examples/irb.rb
* Modifications to examples/simple.rb
* Found plenty of bugs and missing features.
* Ruby 1.9 support.
* Gem support.
* Many other code suggestions and improvements.
Aman Gupta,
* Collection#save
Jon Crosby,
* Some code clean-up
John Nunemaker,
* Collection#create_index takes symbols as well as strings
* Fix for Collection#save
* Add logger convenience methods to connection and database
David James,
* Fix dates to return as UTC
Paul Dlug,
* Generate _id on the client side if not provided
* Collection#insert and Collection#save return _id
Durran Jordan,
* DB#collections
* Support for specifying sort order as array of [key, direction] pairs
Cyril Mougel,
* Initial logging support
* Test case
Jack Chen, chendo on github
* Test case + fix for deserializing pre-epoch Time instances
Michael Bernstein, mrb on github
* #sort method for Cursor instances
Paulo Ahahgon, pahagon on github
* removed hard limit
Les Hill, leshill on github
* OrderedHash#each returns self
Sean Cribbs, seancribbs on github
* Modify standard_benchmark to allow profiling
Sunny Hirai
* Suggested hashcode fix for Mongo::ObjectID
* Noted index ordering bug.
= License
Copyright 2008-2009 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.