minor: yardoc for Connection

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Kyle Banker 2010-01-07 12:37:53 -05:00
parent 16eae214bd
commit b82e29f313

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ require 'thread'
module Mongo
# A connection to MongoDB.
# Instantiates and manages connections to MongoDB.
class Connection
# Abort connections if a ConnectionError is raised.
@ -39,63 +39,54 @@ module Mongo
# Counter for generating unique request ids.
@@current_request_id = 0
# Creates a connection to MongoDB. Specify either one or a pair of servers,
# Create a connection to MongoDB. Specify either one or a pair of servers,
# along with a maximum connection pool size and timeout.
# == Connecting
# If connecting to just one server, you may specify whether connection to slave is permitted.
# In all cases, the default host is "localhost" and the default port, is 27017.
# In all cases, the default host is "localhost" and the default port is 27017.
# When specifying a pair, pair_or_host, is a hash with two keys: :left and :right. Each key maps to either
# * a server name, in which case port is 27017,
# * a port number, in which case the server is "localhost", or
# * an array containing [server_name, port_number]
# === Options
# @param [String, Hash] pair_or_host See explanation above.
# @param [Integer] port specify a port number here if only one host is being specified. Leave nil if
# specifying a pair of servers in +pair_or_host+.
# :slave_ok :: Defaults to +false+. Must be set to +true+ when connecting
# to a single, slave node.
# @option options [Boolean] :slave_ok (false) Must be set to +true+ when connecting
# to a single, slave node.
# @option options [Logger, #debug] :logger (nil) Logger instance to receive driver operation log.
# @option options [Boolean] :auto_reconnect DEPRECATED. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Pairs+in+Ruby
# @option options [Integer] :pool_size (1) The maximum number of socket connections that can be opened to the database.
# @option options [Float] :timeout (5.0) When all of the connections to the pool are checked out,
# this is the number of seconds to wait for a new connection to be released before throwing an exception.
# :logger :: Optional Logger instance to which driver usage information
# will be logged.
# :auto_reconnect :: DEPRECATED. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Pairs+in+Ruby
# :pool_size :: The maximum number of socket connections that can be opened
# that can be opened to the database.
# :timeout :: When all of the connections to the pool are checked out,
# this is the number of seconds to wait for a new connection
# to be released before throwing an exception.
# Note that there are a few issues when using connection pooling with Ruby 1.9 on Windows. These
# @example Note that there are a few issues when using connection pooling with Ruby 1.9 on Windows. These
# should be resolved in the next release.
# === Examples:
# @example localhost, 27017
# Connection.new
# # localhost, 27017
# Connection.new
# @example localhost, 27017
# Connection.new("localhost")
# # localhost, 27017
# Connection.new("localhost")
# @example localhost, 3000, max 5 connections, with max 5 seconds of wait time.
# Connection.new("localhost", 3000, :pool_size => 5, :timeout => 5)
# # localhost, 3000, max 5 connections, with max 5 seconds of wait time.
# Connection.new("localhost", 3000, :pool_size => 5, :timeout => 5)
# @example localhost, 3000, where this node may be a slave
# Connection.new("localhost", 3000, :slave_ok => true)
# # localhost, 3000, where this node may be a slave
# Connection.new("localhost", 3000, :slave_ok => true)
# # A pair of servers. The driver will always talk to master.
# # On connection errors, Mongo::ConnectionFailure will be raised.
# # See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Pairs+in+Ruby
# Connection.new({:left => ["db1.example.com", 27017],
# @example A pair of servers. The driver will always talk to master.
# # On connection errors, Mongo::ConnectionFailure will be raised.
# @see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Pairs+in+Ruby Replica pairs in Ruby
# Connection.new({:left => ["db1.example.com", 27017],
# :right => ["db2.example.com", 27017]})
# A pair of servers, with connection pooling. Not the nil param placeholder for port.
# Connection.new({:left => ["db1.example.com", 27017],
# :right => ["db2.example.com", 27017]}, nil,
# :pool_size => 20, :timeout => 5)
# @example A pair of servers with connection pooling enabled. Note the nil param placeholder for port.
# Connection.new({:left => ["db1.example.com", 27017],
# :right => ["db2.example.com", 27017]}, nil,
# :pool_size => 20, :timeout => 5)
def initialize(pair_or_host=nil, port=nil, options={})
@nodes = format_pair(pair_or_host, port)
@ -123,7 +114,7 @@ module Mongo
warn(":auto_reconnect is deprecated. see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Pairs+in+Ruby")
# Slave ok can be true only if one node is specified
# slave_ok can be true only if one node is specified
@slave_ok = options[:slave_ok] && @nodes.length == 1
@logger = options[:logger] || nil
@options = options
@ -132,8 +123,10 @@ module Mongo
connect_to_master if should_connect
# Returns a hash with all database names and their respective sizes on
# disk.
# Return a hash with all database names
# and their respective sizes on disk.
# @return [Hash]
def database_info
doc = self['admin'].command(:listDatabases => 1)
returning({}) do |info|
@ -141,39 +134,57 @@ module Mongo
# Returns an array of database names.
# Return an array of database names.
# @return [Array]
def database_names
# Returns the database named +db_name+. The slave_ok and
# See DB#new for other options you can pass in.
# Return a database with the given name.
# See DB#new for valid options hash parameters.
# @param [String] db_name a valid database name.
# @return [Mongo::DB]
def db(db_name, options={})
DB.new(db_name, self, options.merge(:logger => @logger))
# Returns the database named +db_name+.
# Shortcut for returning a database. Use DB#db to accept options.
# @param [String] db_name a valid database name.
# @return [Mongo::DB]
def [](db_name)
DB.new(db_name, self, :logger => @logger)
# Drops the database +name+.
# Drop a database.
# @param [String] name name of an existing database.
def drop_database(name)
self[name].command(:dropDatabase => 1)
# Copies the database +from+ on the local server to +to+ on the specified +host+.
# Copy the database +from+ on the local server to +to+ on the specified +host+.
# +host+ defaults to 'localhost' if no value is provided.
def copy_database(from, to, host="localhost")
# @param [String] from name of the database to copy from.
# @param [String] to name of the database to copy to.
# @param [String] from_host host of the 'from' database.
def copy_database(from, to, from_host="localhost")
oh = OrderedHash.new
oh[:copydb] = 1
oh[:fromhost] = host
oh[:fromhost] = from_host
oh[:fromdb] = from
oh[:todb] = to
# Increments and returns the next available request id.
# Increment and return the next available request id.
# return [Integer]
def get_request_id
request_id = ''
@id_lock.synchronize do
@ -182,13 +193,17 @@ module Mongo
# Returns the build information for the current connection.
# Get the build information for the current connection.
# @return [Hash]
def server_info
db("admin").command({:buildinfo => 1}, {:admin => true, :check_response => true})
# Gets the build version of the current server.
# Returns a ServerVersion object for comparability.
# Get the build version of the current server.
# @return [Mongo::ServerVersion]
# object allowing easy comparability of version.
def server_version
@ -196,11 +211,13 @@ module Mongo
## Connections and pooling ##
# Sends a message to MongoDB.
# Send a message to MongoDB, adding the necessary headers.
# Takes a MongoDB opcode, +operation+, a message of class ByteBuffer,
# +message+, and an optional formatted +log_message+.
# Sends the message to the databse, adding the necessary headers.
# @param [Integer] operation a MongoDB opcode.
# @param [ByteBuffer] message a message to send to the database.
# @param [String] log_message text version of +message+ for logging.
# @return [True]
def send_message(operation, message, log_message=nil)
@logger.debug(" MONGODB #{log_message || message}") if @logger
packed_message = add_message_headers(operation, message).to_s
@ -212,9 +229,14 @@ module Mongo
# Sends a message to the database, waits for a response, and raises
# an exception if the operation has failed.
# Takes a MongoDB opcode, +operation+, a message of class ByteBuffer,
# +message+, the +db_name+, and an optional formatted +log_message+.
# Sends the message to the database, adding the necessary headers.
# @param [Integer] operation a MongoDB opcode.
# @param [ByteBuffer] message a message to send to the database.
# @param [String] db_name the name of the database. used on call to get_last_error.
# @param [String] log_message text version of +message+ for logging.
# @return [Array]
# An array whose indexes include [0] documents returned, [1] number of document received,
# and [3] a cursor_id.
def send_message_with_safe_check(operation, message, db_name, log_message=nil)
message_with_headers = add_message_headers(operation, message)
message_with_check = last_error_message(db_name)
@ -235,9 +257,14 @@ module Mongo
# Sends a message to the database and waits for the response.
# Takes a MongoDB opcode, +operation+, a message of class ByteBuffer,
# +message+, and an optional formatted +log_message+. This method
# also takes an options socket for internal use with #connect_to_master.
# @param [Integer] operation a MongoDB opcode.
# @param [ByteBuffer] message a message to send to the database.
# @param [String] log_message text version of +message+ for logging.
# @param [Socket] socket a socket to use in lieu of checking out a new one.
# @return [Array]
# An array whose indexes include [0] documents returned, [1] number of document received,
# and [3] a cursor_id.
def receive_message(operation, message, log_message=nil, socket=nil)
packed_message = add_message_headers(operation, message).to_s
@logger.debug(" MONGODB #{log_message || message}") if @logger
@ -252,8 +279,10 @@ module Mongo
# Creates a new socket and tries to connect to master.
# Create a new socket and attempt to connect to master.
# If successful, sets host and port to master and returns the socket.
# @raise [ConnectionFailure] if unable to connect to any host or port.
def connect_to_master
@host = @port = nil