Cleanup for distributed reads on replica sets.

This commit is contained in:
Kyle Banker 2010-11-24 13:49:34 -05:00
parent c5862da061
commit 8aaed130d6
4 changed files with 58 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# This code assumes a running replica set with at least on node at localhost:27017.
require 'mongo'
cons = []
10.times do
cons << Mongo::Connection.multi([['localhost', 27017]], :read_secondary => true)
ports = do |con|
puts "These ten connections will read from the following ports:"
p ports
100.times do |n|
cons[rand(10)]['foo']['bar'].insert({:a => n})
100.times do |n|
p cons[rand(10)]['foo']['bar'].find_one({:a => n})

View File

@ -39,20 +39,18 @@ module Mongo
MONGODB_URI_SPEC = "mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/database]"
attr_reader :logger, :size, :nodes, :auths, :primary, :secondaries, :arbiters,
:safe, :primary_pool, :secondary_pools, :read_pool
:safe, :primary_pool, :read_pool, :secondary_pools
# Counter for generating unique request ids.
@@current_request_id = 0
# Create a connection to MongoDB.
# Create a connection to single MongoDB instance.
# If connecting to just one server, you may specify whether connection to slave is permitted.
# You may specify whether connection to slave is permitted.
# In all cases, the default host is "localhost" and the default port is 27017.
# To specify more than one host pair to be used as seeds in a replica set
# or replica pair, use Connection.multi. If you're only specifying one node in the
# replica set, you can use, as any other host known to the set will be
# cached.
# To specify more than one host pair to be used as seeds in a replica set,
# use Connection.multi.
# Once connected to a replica set, you can find out which nodes are primary, secondary, and
# arbiters with the corresponding accessors: Connection#primary, Connection#secondaries, and
@ -69,12 +67,11 @@ module Mongo
# @option options [Boolean] :slave_ok (false) Must be set to +true+ when connecting
# to a single, slave node.
# @option options [Logger, #debug] :logger (nil) Logger instance to receive driver operation log.
# @option options [String] :rs_name (nil) The name of the replica set to connect to. An exception will be
# raised if unable to connect to a replica set with this name.
# @option options [Integer] :pool_size (1) The maximum number of socket connections that can be
# opened to the database.
# @option options [Float] :timeout (5.0) When all of the connections to the pool are checked out,
# @option options [Integer] :pool_size (1) The maximum number of socket connections allowed per
# connection pool. Note: this setting is relevant only for multi-threaded applications.
# @option options [Float] :timeout (5.0) When all of the connections a pool are checked out,
# this is the number of seconds to wait for a new connection to be released before throwing an exception.
# Note: this setting is relevant only for multi-threaded applications (which in Ruby are rare).
# @example localhost, 27017
@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ module Mongo
# @example localhost, 3000, where this node may be a slave
#"localhost", 3000, :slave_ok => true)
# @see Replica pairs in Ruby
# @see Replica sets in Ruby
# @raise [ReplicaSetConnectionError] This is raised if a replica set name is specified and the
# driver fails to connect to a replica set with that name.
@ -113,7 +110,7 @@ module Mongo
@id_lock =
# Pool size and timeout.
@size = options[:pool_size] || 1
@pool_size = options[:pool_size] || 1
@timeout = options[:timeout] || 5.0
# Mutex for synchronizing pool access
@ -156,20 +153,24 @@ module Mongo
# Initialize a connection to a MongoDB replica set using an array of seed nodes.
# Note that, even when connecting to a replica set, you can use specifying
# just a single node. If the replica set is up, the remaining nodes in the set will be cached
# for failover.
# The seed nodes specified will be used on the initial connection to the replica set, but note
# that this list of nodes will be replced by the list of canonical nodes returned by running the
# is_master command on the replica set.
# @param nodes [Array] An array of arrays, each of which specifies a host and port.
# @param opts Takes the same options as
# @param opts [Hash] Any of the available options that can be passed to
# @option options [String] :rs_name (nil) The name of the replica set to connect to. An exception will be
# raised if unable to connect to a replica set with this name.
# @option options [Boolean] :read_secondary (false) When true, this connection object will pick a random slave
# to send reads to.
# @example
# Connection.multi([["", 27017],
# ["", 27017]])
# Connection.multi([["", 27017], ["", 27017]])
# @example
# @example This connection will read from a random secondary node.
# Connection.multi([["", 27017], ["", 27017], ["", 27017]],
# :pool_size => 20, :timeout => 5)
# :read_secondary => true)
# @return [Mongo::Connection]
def self.multi(nodes, opts={})
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ module Mongo
new(nil, nil, opts) do |con| do |node|
con.instance_variable_set(:@replica_set, true)
con.instance_variable_set(:@read_secondaries, true) if opts[:read_secondaries]
con.instance_variable_set(:@read_secondary, true) if opts[:read_secondary]
@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ module Mongo
# @return [Boolean]
def slave_ok?
@read_secondaries || @slave_ok
@read_secondary || @slave_ok
# Send a message to MongoDB, adding the necessary headers.
@ -633,7 +634,6 @@ module Mongo
# Pick a node randomly from the set of possibly secondaries.
def pick_secondary_for_read
if (size = @secondary_pools.size) > 1
@read_pool = @secondary_pools[rand(size)]
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ module Mongo
def set_primary(node)
host, port = *node
@primary = [host, port]
@primary_pool =, host, port)
@primary_pool =, host, port, :size => @pool_size, :timeout => @timeout)
@ -718,7 +718,9 @@ module Mongo
if config['secondary']
host, port = *node
@secondaries << node unless @secondaries.include?(node)
@secondary_pools <<, host, port) if @read_secondaries
if @read_secondary
@secondary_pools <<, host, port, :size => @pool_size, :timeout => @timeout)
elsif config['arbiterOnly']
@arbiters << node unless @arbiters.include?(node)
@ -744,6 +746,9 @@ module Mongo
[host, port.to_i]
# Replace the list of seed nodes with the canonical list.
@nodes = new_nodes.clone
@nodes_to_try = new_nodes - @nodes_tried

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Mongo
@host, @port = host, port
# Pool size and timeout.
@size = options[:pool_size] || 1
@size = options[:size] || 1
@timeout = options[:timeout] || 5.0
# Mutex for synchronizing pool access

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class ConnectionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
context "connecting to a replica set" do
setup do
TCPSocket.stubs(:new).returns(new_mock_socket('localhost', 27017))
@conn = Connection.multi([['localhost', 27017]], :connect => false, :read_secondaries => true)
@conn = Connection.multi([['localhost', 27017]], :connect => false, :read_secondary => true)
admin_db = new_mock_db
@hosts = ['localhost:27018', 'localhost:27019', 'localhost:27020']