Lee Byrd & Christian Williams 01d842fdfd Removed references to 'window'; using jasmine.getGlobal() instead in order to better support non-browser environments.
Better protection around access to console.
The global object is now pretty-printed as "<global>", not "<window>".
Tests are a little closer to passing in node.js.
2010-06-22 16:22:09 -07:00

94 lines
3.4 KiB

describe("jasmine.pp", function () {
it("should wrap strings in single quotes", function() {
expect(jasmine.pp("some string")).toEqual("'some string'");
expect(jasmine.pp("som' string")).toEqual("'som' string'");
it("should stringify primitives properly", function() {
it("should stringify arrays properly", function() {
expect(jasmine.pp([1, 2])).toEqual("[ 1, 2 ]");
expect(jasmine.pp([1, 'foo', {}, jasmine.undefined, null])).toEqual("[ 1, 'foo', { }, undefined, null ]");
it("should indicate circular array references", function() {
var array1 = [1, 2];
var array2 = [array1];
expect(jasmine.pp(array1)).toEqual("[ 1, 2, [ <circular reference: Array> ] ]");
it("should stringify objects properly", function() {
expect(jasmine.pp({foo: 'bar'})).toEqual("{ foo : 'bar' }");
expect(jasmine.pp({foo:'bar', baz:3, nullValue: null, undefinedValue: jasmine.undefined})).toEqual("{ foo : 'bar', baz : 3, nullValue : null, undefinedValue : undefined }");
expect(jasmine.pp({foo: function () {
}, bar: [1, 2, 3]})).toEqual("{ foo : Function, bar : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }");
it("should stringify RegExp objects properly", function() {
it("should indicate circular object references", function() {
var sampleValue = {foo: 'hello'};
sampleValue.nested = sampleValue;
expect(jasmine.pp(sampleValue)).toEqual("{ foo : 'hello', nested : <circular reference: Object> }");
it("should indicate getters on objects as such", function() {
var sampleValue = {id: 1};
if (sampleValue.__defineGetter__) {
//not supported in IE!
sampleValue.__defineGetter__('calculatedValue', function() {
throw new Error("don't call me!");
if (sampleValue.__defineGetter__) {
expect(jasmine.pp(sampleValue)).toEqual("{ id : 1, calculatedValue : <getter> }");
else {
expect(jasmine.pp(sampleValue)).toEqual("{ id : 1 }");
it("should stringify HTML nodes properly", function() {
var sampleNode = document.createElement('div');
sampleNode.innerHTML = 'foo<b>bar</b>';
expect(jasmine.pp({foo: sampleNode})).toEqual("{ foo : HTMLNode }");
it('should not do HTML escaping of strings', function() {
expect(jasmine.pp('some <b>html string</b> &', false)).toEqual('\'some <b>html string</b> &\'');
it("should abbreviate the global (usually window) object", function() {
it("should stringify Date objects properly", function() {
var now = new Date();
expect(jasmine.pp(now)).toEqual("Date(" + now.toString() + ")");
it("should stringify spy objects properly", function() {
var TestObject = {
someFunction: function() {
spyOn(TestObject, 'someFunction');
expect(jasmine.pp(TestObject.someFunction)).toEqual("spy on someFunction");
expect(jasmine.pp(jasmine.createSpy("something"))).toEqual("spy on something");