Big refactor of GH-PAGES. Now with happy layout-ness

This commit is contained in:
Davis W. Frank, dwfrank 2010-09-17 17:56:51 -07:00
parent ce86a96b3a
commit 0f86dbb31c
24 changed files with 504 additions and 260 deletions

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<li><a href="download.html">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="release-notes.html">Release Notes</a></li>
<li><a href="user-guide.html">User Guide</a></li>
<li><a href="background.html">Background</a></li>
<li><a href="suites-and-specs.html">Suites and Specs</a></li>
<li><a href="matchers.html">Matchers</a></li>
<li><a href="before-and-after.html">Before and After</a></li>
<li><a href="spies.html">Spies</a></li>
<li><a href="async.html">Asynchronous Specs</a></li>
<li><a href="gem.html">Using the Jasmine Gem</a></li>
<li><a href="jsdoc/index.html">API Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="">Contributor Guide</a></li>
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Simple DOM-less
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title: Asynchronous Specs with Jasmine

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title: Before and After a Jasmine Spec

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title: Jasmine Downloads
## Downloads
These files are for the standalone release, meant for inclusion on a static HTML page and manual management of files.
For a using Jasmine with Ruby on Rails, other Ruby frameworks, within Continuous Integration environments, or to gain
more dynamic source and test file loading, see [Using the Jasmine Gem](gem.html).
<td class="link"><a href='downloads/'></a></td>
<td class="version">1.0.0</td>
<td class="size">20k</td>
<td class="date">2010/09/14 12:54:38 PDT</td>
<td class="sha">1866f654a3ad0ab9109393ce31d6613c77916607</td>
<tr class="rc">
<td class="link"><a href='downloads/'></a></td>
<td class="version">1.0.0.rc1</td>
<td class="size">19k</td>
<td class="date">2010/08/26 13:09:41 PDT</td>
<td class="sha">20e7da22bc7ce3433331a5ad44eb199f4ff34065</td>
<td class="link"><a href='downloads/'></a></td>
<td class="version">0.11.1</td>
<td class="size">18k</td>
<td class="date">2010/06/25 16:05:30 PDT</td>
<td class="sha">26998c7ca047e47f84c382a4efeb1dc5cb8661a6</td>

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title: Using the Jasmine Gem

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title: "Jasmine: Javascript Testing Framework"
<style type="text/css">
h2 { border-top: none; }
describe("Jasmine", function() {
it("makes testing JavaScript awesome!", function() {
<li><a href="user-guide.html"><b>User Guide</b></a></li>
<li><a href="release-notes.html">Release Notes</a></li>
<li><a href="jsdoc/index.html">API Documentation</a></li>
<li><a href="">Contributor Guide</a></li>
<h4>For pure JavaScript projects:</h4>
<table id="standalone-downloads">
<td class="link"><a href='downloads/'></a></td>
<td class="version">1.0.0</td>
<td class="size">20k</td>
<td class="date">2010/09/14 12:54:38 PDT</td>
<td class="sha">1866f654a3ad0ab9109393ce31d6613c77916607</td>
<tr class="rc">
<td class="link"><a href='downloads/'></a></td>
<td class="version">1.0.0.rc1</td>
<td class="size">19k</td>
<td class="date">2010/08/26 13:09:41 PDT</td>
<td class="sha">20e7da22bc7ce3433331a5ad44eb199f4ff34065</td>
<td class="link"><a href='downloads/'></a></td>
<td class="version">0.11.1</td>
<td class="size">18k</td>
<td class="date">2010/06/25 16:05:30 PDT</td>
<td class="sha">26998c7ca047e47f84c382a4efeb1dc5cb8661a6</td>
<h4>For Rails integration:</h4>
> gem install jasmine
> script/generate jasmine
> rake spec
For more details on integration with various flavors of Ruby and Rails see <a href="">Jasmine Gem</a>.
<h4><i>More environment integrations on the way!</i></h4>
<p style="float: right">
<span class="small">Powered by &nbsp; <a href=""><img src="images/pivotal_logo.gif" alt="Pivotal Labs" style="vertical-align: middle;"></a></span>
<b>Discussion:</b> <a href=""></a>
<br/><b>Group email:</b> <a href=""></a>
<br/><b>Current build status</b> of Jasmine is visible at <a href=""></a>
<br/><b>Pivotal Tracker project:</b> <a href=""></a>
<br/><b>Twitter:</b> <a href="">@JasmineBDD</a>

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title: "Jasmine: BDD for Javascript"
# BDD for your JavaScript
Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing your JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other
JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.
{% highlight javascript %}
describe("Jasmine", function() {
it("makes testing JavaScript awesome!", function() {
{% endhighlight %}
## Adding Jasmine to your Rails project
{% highlight sh %}
$ gem install jasmine
$ script/generate jasmine
$ rake spec
{% endhighlight %}
Jasmine can be run by on a static web page, on your Continuous Integration environment, or with [node.js](
See more in the documentation.
## Support
__Discussion:__ [Google Group](
__Group email:__ [](
__Current Build Status:__ [Jasmine at Pivotal Labs CI](
__Project Backlog:__ [Jasmine on Pivotal Tracker](
__Twitter:__ [@JasmineBDD](

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title: Jasmine Matchers

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title: Jasmine Release Notes
<h1>Release Notes</h1>
<div class="wikistyle">
# Release Notes
<div class="release">
<h2>Release 1.0 — September 14, 2010</h2>
<h3>Jasmine Core</h3>
## Release 1.0 — September 14, 2010
### Jasmine Core
#### Features
<li><code>waitsFor()</code> arguments can now be specified in any order. Timeout and message are optional.</li>
<li>The default <code>waitsFor()</code> timeout period is now specified in <code>env.defaultTimeoutInterval</code>; the default value is 5 seconds.</li>
<li>Added link to jasmine site from html runner.</li>
<li>Added license file to standalone distribution.</li>
<li>New friendly version number.</li>
<h4>Bugs fixed:</h4>
#### Bugs fixed
<li><code>waitsFor()</code> hanged forever if latch function never returned true.</li>
<li>The <code>not.toThrow()</code> matcher threw an exception when used with no args.</li>
<li>The <code>toThrow()</code> matcher, when inverted, gave misleading failure messages.</li>
<li>Spy matchers, when inverted, gave misleading failure messages.</li>
#### Deprecations
<li>Deprecated <code>waits()</code> block in favor of <code>waitsFor()</code>; <code>waits()</code> will be removed in a future release.</li>
<li>Deprecated <code>toNotBe()</code>, <code>toNotEqual()</code>, <code>toNotMatch()</code>, and <code>toNotContain()</code> matchers; they will be removed in a future release.</li>
<li>Console X was removed from the distribution as it was no longer used.</li>
<li>To give us some flexibility for future features, wrapped matcher functions now return <code>undefined</code> (they previously returned <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>, but this was undocumented).</li>
<h3>Jasmine Gem</h3>
### Jasmine Gem
#### Features
<li>Jasmine now supports JRuby.</li>
<li>Jasmine now supports Ruby 1.9.</li>
<h4>Bugs fixed:</h4>
#### Bugs fixed
<li>Various generator issues fixed.</li>
<h4>Known issues:</h4>
#### Known issues
<li>Rails 3 and RSpec 2 are not yet fully supported.</li>
## Release 0.11.1 — June 25, 2010
<div class="release">
<h2>Release 0.11.1 — June 25, 2010</h2>
<h3>Jasmine Core</h3>
### Jasmine Core
##### Features
<li>Jasmine no longer logs "Jasmine Running…" messages to the log by default. This can be enabled in runner.html by adding 'trivialReporter.logRunningSpecs = true;'.</li>
<li>The <code>wasCalled()</code>, <code>wasCalledWith()</code>, <code>wasNotCalled()</code> and <code>wasNotCalledWith()</code> matchers have been deprecated. The new matchers <code>toHaveBeenCalled()</code> and <code>toHaveBeenCalledWith()</code> have been added. You can use the <code>not</code> prefix to achieve equivalent of the <code>wasNot…()</code> expectation (e.g. <code>not.toHaveBeenCalled()</code>).</li>
#### Notables
<li>A barebones version of Jasmine is now available on <a href=""></a>.</li>
## Release 0.11.0 — June 23, 2010
### Jasmine Core
<div class="release">
<h2>Release 0.11.0 — June 23, 2010</h2>
<h3>Jasmine Core</h3>
#### Features
<li>The version number has been removed from the generated single-file /lib/jasmine.js. We're also now uploading this file, with the version number in the filename, to github's Downloads page.</li>
<li>Old-style matchers (those using, from before 0.10.x) are no longer supported. See the <span class="caps">README</span> for instructions on writing new-style matchers.</li>
<li><strong>jasmine.log</strong> pretty-prints its parameters to the spec's output.</li>
<li>Jasmine no longer depends on 'window'.</li>
<li><span class="caps">HTML</span> runner should show number of passes/fails by spec, not expectation.</li>
<li>Small modification to JsApiReporter data format.</li>
<h4>Bugs fixed:</h4>
#### Bugs fixed:
<li>If multiple beforeEach blocks were declared, they were executed in reverse order.</li>
<li>Specs with duplicate names confused TrivialReporter output.</li>
<li>Errors in describe functions caused later tests to be weirdly nested.</li>
<li>Nested specs weren't reported properly by the JsApiReporter.</li>
<h4>Known issues:</h4>
#### Known issues:
<li>If you turn on the mock clock, you'll get a spurious log message at the end of your spec.</li>

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title: Jasmine Spies

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title: Jasmine Suites & Specs

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@ -2,24 +2,21 @@
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title: Jasmine User Guide
Quick Start
# Quick Start
#### For JavaScript-only projects:
## For JavaScript-only projects:
1. Get the latest standalone release from the [downloads page](index.html).
2. Open `SpecRunner.html` in your favorite browser.
#### Other distributions:
## Other distributions:
* For integration with the Ruby environment, including automated execution with Selenium, please use the [jasmine gem](
### Which Release Should I Use?
# Which Release Should I Use?
Please use the latest version unless you have a good reason not to. Some of this documentation may not be applicable to older versions. Please see [Release Notes](release-notes.html) for change information.
Why Another JavaScript TDD/BDD Framework?
# Why Another JavaScript TDD/BDD Framework?
There are some great JavaScript testing frameworks out there already, so why did we write another?
@ -27,33 +24,31 @@ None of the existing frameworks quite worked the way we wanted. Many only work f
So we decided to start from scratch.
Enter Jasmine
# Enter Jasmine
Jasmine is our dream JavaScript testing framework. It's heavily influenced by, and borrows the best parts of, ScrewUnit, JSSpec, [JSpec](, and of course RSpec.
Jasmine was designed with a few principles in mind. We believe that a good JavaScript testing framework:
* should not be tied to any browser, framework, platform, or host language.
* should have idiomatic and unsurprising syntax.
* should work anywhere JavaScript can run, including browsers, servers, phones, etc.
* shouldn't intrude in your application's territory (e.g. by cluttering the global namespace).
* should play well with IDEs (e.g. test code should pass static analysis).
* should not be tied to any browser, framework, platform, or host language.
* should have idiomatic and unsurprising syntax.
* should work anywhere JavaScript can run, including browsers, servers, phones, etc.
* shouldn't intrude in your application's territory (e.g. by cluttering the global namespace).
* should play well with IDEs (e.g. test code should pass static analysis).
Some of our goals while writing Jasmine:
* it should encourage good testing practices.
* it should integrate easily with continuous build systems.
* it should be simple to get started with.
* it should encourage good testing practices.
* it should integrate easily with continuous build systems.
* it should be simple to get started with.
The result is Jasmine, and we love test-driving our code with it. Enjoy.
How To
# How To
There is a simple example of how to use Jasmine in the /example directory, but here's more information.
### Specs
## Specs
Each spec is, naturally, a JavaScript function. You tell Jasmine about a spec with a call to `it()` with a description string and the function. The string is a description of a behavior that you want your production code to exhibit; it should be meaningful to you when reading a report.
@ -62,7 +57,7 @@ Each spec is, naturally, a JavaScript function. You tell Jasmine about a spec w
### Expectations
## Expectations
Within your spec you will express expectations about the behavior of your application code. This is done using the `expect()` function and any of various expectation matchers, like this:
@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ Within your spec you will express expectations about the behavior of your applic
Results of the expectations will be reported to you when the spec is run.
#### Expectation Matchers
### Expectation Matchers
Jasmine has several built-in matchers. Here are a few: