There are some situations when you want to test-drive JavaScript, but you don't want to be bothered with or even have an explicit document. You have no DOM to work with and thus lack HTML elements on which to hang event handlers. You may need to make asynchronous calls (say, to an AJAX API) and cannot mock/stub them.
Jasmine is yet another JavaScript testing framework. It's *heavily* influenced by JSSpec, ScrewUnit & [JSpec](, which are all influenced by RSpec. But each of those was lacking in some way: JSSpec & ScrewUnit require a DOM. JSpec's DOM-less assumption was a great start, but it needed asynchronous support.
Each spec is, naturally, a JavaScript function. You tell Jasmine about this spec with a call to `it()` with a name and the function. The string is a description that will be helpful to you when reading a report.
Well, say you need to make a call that is asynchronous - an AJAX API, or some other JavaScript library. That is, the call returns immediately, yet you want to make expectations 'at some point in the future' after some magic happens in the background.
The name is so that reporting is more descriptive.
Suites are executed in the order in which `describe()` calls are made, usually in the order in which their script files are included.
### Runner
You don't need a DOM to run your tests, but you do need a page on which to load & execute your JS. Include the `jasmine.js` file in a script tag as well as the JS file with your specs. You can also use this page for reporting. More on that in a moment.
If a reporter exists on the Jasmine instance (named `jasmine`), it will be called when each spec, suite and the overall runner complete. If you're at the single-spec result level, you'll get a spec description, whether it passed or failed, and what the failure message was. At the suite & runner report level, you'll get the total specs run so far, the passed counts, failed counts, and a description (of the suite or runner).
There is a `Jasmine.Reporters` namespace for you to see how to handle reporting. See the file `json_reporter.js`, which takes the results objects and turns them into JSON strings, for two examples of how to make the results callbacks work for you.
A Matcher has a method name, takes an expected value as it's only parameter, has access to the actual value in this, and then makes a call to with true/false with a failure message. Here's the definition of should\_equal():
Sometimes it's hard to test a framework with the framework itself. Either the framework isn't mature enough or it just hurts your head. Jasmine is affected by both.
So we made a little bootstrappy test reporter that lets us test Jasmine's pieces in isolation. See test/bootstrap.js. Feel free to use the bootstrap test suite to test your custom Matchers or extensions/changes to Jasmine.
Your contributions are welcome. Please submit tests with your pull request.
## Maintainers
* [Davis W. Frank](, Pivotal Labs
* A big shout out to the various JavaScript test framework authors, especially TJ for [JSpec]( - we played with it a bit before deciding that we really needed to roll our own.
* Thanks to Pivot [Jessica Miller]( for our fancy pass/fail/pending icons
* Huge contributions have been made by [Christian Williams](, [Erik Hanson](, [Adam Abrons]( and [Carl Jackson](, and many other Pivots.