Patch to allow running specs containing UTF-8 #47

samstokes merged 1 commits from master into master 2011-08-03 12:23:03 +00:00
samstokes commented 2011-08-03 03:58:41 +00:00 (Migrated from

Hi, I added this patch to allow running specs whose source files contain UTF-8-encoded characters. We found these specs would pass when run via a normal browser and the regular Jasmine spec server, but would fail under jasmine-headless-webkit because the headless browser was loading the source files as latin1.

The fix is to set the character encoding of the autogenerated HTML test harness to UTF-8, which causes the headless browser to assume all the loaded source files are also UTF-8. (This is the same approach as taken by the spec server.)


Sam Stokes

Hi, I added this patch to allow running specs whose source files contain UTF-8-encoded characters. We found these specs would pass when run via a normal browser and the regular Jasmine spec server, but would fail under jasmine-headless-webkit because the headless browser was loading the source files as latin1. The fix is to set the character encoding of the autogenerated HTML test harness to UTF-8, which causes the headless browser to assume all the loaded source files are also UTF-8. (This is the same approach as taken by the spec server.) ## Cheers, Sam Stokes Rapportive
johnbintz commented 2011-08-03 12:23:12 +00:00 (Migrated from

Looks great, thanks!

Looks great, thanks!
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Reference: github-migration/jasmine-headless-webkit#47
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