-c/--no-colors are broken. #37

ConradIrwin merged 1 commits from master into master 2011-07-16 02:54:33 +00:00
ConradIrwin commented 2011-07-16 01:17:28 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Hi John,

The documentation says that the showColors option defaults to false and that you can override it with -c. This brings the code into line with that.


Hi John, The documentation says that the showColors option defaults to false and that you can override it with -c. This brings the code into line with that. Conrad
johnbintz commented 2011-07-16 02:54:29 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Whoa, good catch. Thanks!

Whoa, good catch. Thanks!
ConradIrwin commented 2011-07-18 02:46:18 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)

Thanks :).

Thanks :).
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Reference: github-migration/jasmine-headless-webkit#37
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