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2011-12-12 14:46:21 +00:00
# Sprockets fun!
# JST templates
# templates/cats_view.jst.ejs
@@@ html
<h1>All the cats</h1>
<h2>Owned by <%= owner %></h2>
<ul id="#cats"></ul>
<h3>List generated: <%= date %></h3>
# templates/cats_view.jst.hamljs
@@@ haml
%h1 All the cats
%h2 Owned by #{owner}
%h3 List generated: #{date}
## (no highlighting for haml :( )
# backbone/views/cats_view.js.coffee
@@@ coffeescript
#= require templates/cats_view.jst.hamljs
class window.CatsView extends Backbone.View
template: JST['templates/cats_view']
render: =>
# EJS and Eco come as part of Sprockets
# JHW supports `haml-sprockets` for `.hamljs`
@@@ ruby
gem 'jasmine-headless-webkit', '~> 0.8.0'
gem 'haml-sprockets'
!SLIDE bullets incremental
# ERB files
* app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee.erb
# ERB integrates with the host application
# Since it integrates...
# Integration testing...
# Not our domain!
# `.erb` files are actively ignored
# application.js.coffee.erb
@@@ coffeescript
window.Routes = <%= Routes.to_json %>
window.CatTypes = <%= CatType.all.to_json %>
window.DefaultCatName = <%= CatName::DEFAULT %>
# Testing code that relies on these values?
# Mock and stub it in a helper!
# spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml
@@@ yaml
spec_dir: spec/javascripts
helpers: [ "helpers/**.*" ]
# Helpers load after code-under-test, but before specs
## spec/javascripts/helpers/application_stubs.js.coffee
@@@ coffeescript
window.Routes = { what: 'ever' }
window.CatTypes = [ 'cute', 'mean' ]
window.DefaultCatName = "Fluffy"
!SLIDE bullets incremental
# Gems with JavaScript assets
* `jquery-rails`
* `backbone-rails`
@@@ coffeescript
#= require jquery
alert "this works"
# But now that we have Sprockets...
# Jasmine libraries in gems!
!SLIDE bullets incremental
# `jasmine-spec-extras`
* `jasmine-jquery`
* `sinon`
## spec/javascripts/helpers/spec_helper.js.coffee
@@@ coffeescript
#= require jasmine-jquery
#= require sinon
## spec/javascripts/backbone/views/cats\_view\_spec.js.coffee
@@@ coffeescript
describe 'CatsView', ->
it 'should fire the action', ->
spy = sinon.spy()
view.bind('meow', spy)
!SLIDE smaller
## spec/javascripts/backbone/views/cats\_view\_spec.js.coffee
@@@ coffeescript
describe 'CatsView', ->
it 'should hit the server', ->
data = [ 'cat' ]
@server.respondWith('GET', 'cats', this.validResponse(data))
# More Jasmine libraries will be added later!
!SLIDE bullets incremental
# Any of these folders in a loaded gem get added to the asset path
* app/assets/javascripts
* lib/assets/javascripts
* vendor/assets/javascripts
# Very exciting!