results directory is now relative to directory tests are executed in

This commit is contained in:
Derek Ekins 2011-07-18 10:29:50 +01:00
parent b4efbd2d50
commit 455fa3674f
3 changed files with 20 additions and 715 deletions

View File

@ -3,642 +3,21 @@ require 'cucumber/formatter/html'
module Hydra module Hydra
module Formatter module Formatter
class PartialHtml < Cucumber::Formatter::Html class PartialHtml < Cucumber::Formatter::Html
# def initialize(step_mother, path_or_io, options)
# @io = ensure_io(path_or_io, "html")
# @step_mother = step_mother
# @options = options
# @buffer = {}
# @builder = create_builder(@io)
# @feature_number = 0
# @scenario_number = 0
# @step_number = 0
# @header_red = nil
# @delayed_messages = []
# @img_id = 0
# end
# def embed(src, mime_type, label)
# case(mime_type)
# when /^image\/(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)/
# embed_image(src, label)
# end
# end
# def embed_image(src, label)
# id = "img_#{@img_id}"
# @img_id += 1
# @builder.span(:class => 'embed') do |pre|
# pre << %{<a href="" onclick="img=document.getElementById('#{id}'); = ( == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none');return false">#{label}</a><br>&nbsp;
# <img id="#{id}" style="display: none" src="#{src}"/>}
# end
# end
def before_features(features) def before_features(features)
# we do not want the default implementation as we will write our own header
#@step_count = get_step_count(features)
## <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
# :html,
# '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN',
# ''
#@builder << '<html xmlns ="">'
# @builder.head do
# @builder.meta(:content => 'text/html;charset=utf-8')
# @builder.title 'Cucumber'
# inline_css
# inline_js
#@builder << '<body>'
#@builder << "<!-- Step count #{@step_count}-->"
#@builder << '<div class="cucumber">'
#@builder.div(:id => 'cucumber-header') do
# @builder.div(:id => 'label') do
# @builder.h1('Cucumber Features')
# end
# @builder.div(:id => 'summary') do
# @builder.p('',:id => 'totals')
# @builder.p('',:id => 'duration')
# @builder.div(:id => 'expand-collapse') do
# @builder.p('Expand All', :id => 'expander')
# @builder.p('Collapse All', :id => 'collapser')
# end
# end
end end
def after_features(features) def after_features(features)
#print_stats(features) # we do not want the default implementation as we will write our own footer
#@builder << '</div>'
#@builder << '</body>'
#@builder << '</html>'
end end
# def before_feature(feature)
# @exceptions = []
# @builder << '<div class="feature">'
# end
# def after_feature(feature)
# @builder << '</div>'
# end
# def before_comment(comment)
# @builder << '<pre class="comment">'
# end
# def after_comment(comment)
# @builder << '</pre>'
# end
# def comment_line(comment_line)
# @builder.text!(comment_line)
# end
# def after_tags(tags)
# @tag_spacer = nil
# end
# def tag_name(tag_name)
# @builder.text!(@tag_spacer) if @tag_spacer
# @tag_spacer = ' '
# @builder.span(tag_name, :class => 'tag')
# end
# def feature_name(keyword, name)
# lines = name.split(/\r?\n/)
# return if lines.empty?
# @builder.h2 do |h2|
# @builder.span(keyword + ': ' + lines[0], :class => 'val')
# end
# @builder.p(:class => 'narrative') do
# lines[1..-1].each do |line|
# @builder.text!(line.strip)
# end
# end
# end
# def before_background(background)
# @in_background = true
# @builder << '<div class="background">'
# end
# def after_background(background)
# @in_background = nil
# @builder << '</div>'
# end
# def background_name(keyword, name, file_colon_line, source_indent)
# @listing_background = true
# @builder.h3 do |h3|
# @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword')
# @builder.text!(' ')
# @builder.span(name, :class => 'val')
# end
# end
# def before_feature_element(feature_element)
# @scenario_number+=1
# @scenario_red = false
# css_class = {
# Ast::Scenario => 'scenario',
# Ast::ScenarioOutline => 'scenario outline'
# }[feature_element.class]
# @builder << "<div class='#{css_class}'>"
# end
# def after_feature_element(feature_element)
# @builder << '</div>'
# @open_step_list = true
# end
# def scenario_name(keyword, name, file_colon_line, source_indent)
# @builder.span(:class => 'scenario_file') do
# @builder << file_colon_line
# end
# @listing_background = false
# @builder.h3(:id => "scenario_#{@scenario_number}") do
# @builder.span(keyword + ':', :class => 'keyword')
# @builder.text!(' ')
# @builder.span(name, :class => 'val')
# end
# end
# def before_outline_table(outline_table)
# @outline_row = 0
# @builder << '<table>'
# end
# def after_outline_table(outline_table)
# @builder << '</table>'
# @outline_row = nil
# end
# def before_examples(examples)
# @builder << '<div class="examples">'
# end
# def after_examples(examples)
# @builder << '</div>'
# end
# def examples_name(keyword, name)
# @builder.h4 do
# @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword')
# @builder.text!(' ')
# @builder.span(name, :class => 'val')
# end
# end
# def before_steps(steps)
# @builder << '<ol>'
# end
# def after_steps(steps)
# @builder << '</ol>'
# end
# def before_step(step)
# @step_id = step.dom_id
# @step_number += 1
# @step = step
# end
def after_step(step) def after_step(step)
#move_progress # need an alterantive way of incrementing progress/outputing stats
end end
# def before_step_result(keyword, step_match, multiline_arg, status, exception, source_indent, background) def percent_done
# @step_match = step_match 0
# @hide_this_step = false
# if exception
# if @exceptions.include?(exception)
# @hide_this_step = true
# return
# end
# @exceptions << exception
# end
# if status != :failed && @in_background ^ background
# @hide_this_step = true
# return
# end
# @status = status
# return if @hide_this_step
# set_scenario_color(status)
# @builder << "<li id='#{@step_id}' class='step #{status}'>"
# end
# def after_step_result(keyword, step_match, multiline_arg, status, exception, source_indent, background)
# return if @hide_this_step
# # print snippet for undefined steps
# if status == :undefined
# step_multiline_class = @step.multiline_arg ? @step.multiline_arg.class : nil
# @builder.pre do |pre|
# pre << @step_mother.snippet_text(@step.actual_keyword,step_match.instance_variable_get("@name") || '',step_multiline_class)
# end
# end
# @builder << '</li>'
# print_messages
# end
# def step_name(keyword, step_match, status, source_indent, background)
# @step_matches ||= []
# background_in_scenario = background && !@listing_background
# @skip_step = @step_matches.index(step_match) || background_in_scenario
# @step_matches << step_match
# unless @skip_step
# build_step(keyword, step_match, status)
# end
# end
# def exception(exception, status)
# build_exception_detail(exception)
# end
# def extra_failure_content(file_colon_line)
# @snippet_extractor ||=
# "<pre class=\"ruby\"><code>#{@snippet_extractor.snippet(file_colon_line)}</code></pre>"
# end
# def before_multiline_arg(multiline_arg)
# return if @hide_this_step || @skip_step
# if Ast::Table === multiline_arg
# @builder << '<table>'
# end
# end
# def after_multiline_arg(multiline_arg)
# return if @hide_this_step || @skip_step
# if Ast::Table === multiline_arg
# @builder << '</table>'
# end
# end
# def doc_string(string)
# return if @hide_this_step
# @builder.pre(:class => 'val') do |pre|
# @builder << string.gsub("\n", '&#x000A;')
# end
# end
# def before_table_row(table_row)
# @row_id = table_row.dom_id
# @col_index = 0
# return if @hide_this_step
# @builder << "<tr class='step' id='#{@row_id}'>"
# end
# def after_table_row(table_row)
# return if @hide_this_step
# print_table_row_messages
# @builder << '</tr>'
# if table_row.exception
# do
# => @col_index.to_s, :class => 'failed') do
# @builder.pre do |pre|
# pre << format_exception(table_row.exception)
# end
# end
# end
# set_scenario_color_failed
# end
# if @outline_row
# @outline_row += 1
# end
# @step_number += 1
# move_progress
# end
# def table_cell_value(value, status)
# return if @hide_this_step
# @cell_type = @outline_row == 0 ? :th : :td
# attributes = {:id => "#{@row_id}_#{@col_index}", :class => 'step'}
# attributes[:class] += " #{status}" if status
# build_cell(@cell_type, value, attributes)
# set_scenario_color(status)
# @col_index += 1
# end
# def puts(message)
# @delayed_messages << message
# #@builder.pre(message, :class => 'message')
# end
# def print_messages
# return if @delayed_messages.empty?
# #@builder.ol do
# @delayed_messages.each do |ann|
# => 'step message') do
# @builder << ann
# end
# end
# #end
# empty_messages
# end
# def print_table_row_messages
# return if @delayed_messages.empty?
# => 'message') do
# @builder << @delayed_messages.join(", ")
# end
# empty_messages
# end
# def empty_messages
# @delayed_messages = []
# end
# protected
# def build_exception_detail(exception)
# backtrace =
# @builder.div(:class => 'message') do
# message = exception.message
# if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) && message.include?('Exception caught')
# matches = message.match(/Showing <i>(.+)<\/i>(?:.+)#(\d+)/)
# backtrace += ["#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{matches[1]}:#{matches[2]}"]
# message = message.match(/<code>([^(\/)]+)<\//m)[1]
# end
# @builder.pre do
# @builder.text!(message)
# end
# end
# @builder.div(:class => 'backtrace') do
# @builder.pre do
# backtrace = exception.backtrace
# backtrace.delete_if { |x| x =~ /\/gems\/(cucumber|rspec)/ }
# @builder << backtrace_line(backtrace.join("\n"))
# end
# end
# extra = extra_failure_content(backtrace)
# @builder << extra unless extra == ""
# end
# def set_scenario_color(status)
# if status == :undefined or status == :pending
# set_scenario_color_pending
# end
# if status == :failed
# set_scenario_color_failed
# end
# end
# def set_scenario_color_failed
# @builder.script do
# @builder.text!("makeRed('cucumber-header');") unless @header_red
# @header_red = true
# @builder.text!("makeRed('scenario_#{@scenario_number}');") unless @scenario_red
# @scenario_red = true
# end
# end
# def set_scenario_color_pending
# @builder.script do
# @builder.text!("makeYellow('cucumber-header');") unless @header_red
# @builder.text!("makeYellow('scenario_#{@scenario_number}');") unless @scenario_red
# end
# end
# def get_step_count(features)
# count = 0
# features = features.instance_variable_get("@features")
# features.each do |feature|
# #get background steps
# if feature.instance_variable_get("@background")
# background = feature.instance_variable_get("@background")
# background.init
# background_steps = background.instance_variable_get("@steps").instance_variable_get("@steps")
# count += background_steps.size
# end
# #get scenarios
# feature.instance_variable_get("@feature_elements").each do |scenario|
# scenario.init
# #get steps
# steps = scenario.instance_variable_get("@steps").instance_variable_get("@steps")
# count += steps.size
# #get example table
# examples = scenario.instance_variable_get("@examples_array")
# unless examples.nil?
# examples.each do |example|
# example_matrix = example.instance_variable_get("@outline_table").instance_variable_get("@cell_matrix")
# count += example_matrix.size
# end
# end
# #get multiline step tables
# steps.each do |step|
# multi_arg = step.instance_variable_get("@multiline_arg")
# next if multi_arg.nil?
# matrix = multi_arg.instance_variable_get("@cell_matrix")
# count += matrix.size unless matrix.nil?
# end
# end
# end
# return count
# end
# def build_step(keyword, step_match, status)
# step_name = step_match.format_args(lambda{|param| %{<span class="param">#{param}</span>}})
# @builder.div(:class => 'step_name') do |div|
# @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword')
# @builder.span(:class => 'step val') do |name|
# name << h(step_name).gsub(/&lt;span class=&quot;(.*?)&quot;&gt;/, '<span class="\1">').gsub(/&lt;\/span&gt;/, '</span>')
# end
# end
# step_file = step_match.file_colon_line
# step_file.gsub(/^([^:]*\.rb):(\d*)/) do
# step_file = "<a href=\"txmt://open?url=file://#{File.expand_path($1)}&line=#{$2}\">#{$1}:#{$2}</a> "
# end
# end
# @builder.div(:class => 'step_file') do |div|
# @builder.span do
# @builder << step_file
# end
# end
# end
# def build_cell(cell_type, value, attributes)
# @builder.__send__(cell_type, attributes) do
# @builder.div do
# @builder.span(value,:class => 'step param')
# end
# end
# end
# def inline_css
# => 'text/css') do
# @builder << + '/cucumber.css')
# end
# end
# def inline_js
# @builder.script(:type => 'text/javascript') do
# @builder << inline_jquery
# @builder << inline_js_content
# end
# end
# def inline_jquery
# + '/jquery-min.js')
# end
# def inline_js_content
# <<-EOF
#SCENARIOS = "h3[id^='scenario_']";
#$(document).ready(function() {
# $(SCENARIOS).css('cursor', 'pointer');
# $(SCENARIOS).click(function() {
# $(this).siblings().toggle(250);
# });
# $("#collapser").css('cursor', 'pointer');
# $("#collapser").click(function() {
# $(SCENARIOS).siblings().hide();
# });
# $("#expander").css('cursor', 'pointer');
# $("#expander").click(function() {
# $(SCENARIOS).siblings().show();
# });
#function moveProgressBar(percentDone) {
# $("cucumber-header").css('width', percentDone +"%");
#function makeRed(element_id) {
# $('#'+element_id).css('background', '#C40D0D');
# $('#'+element_id).css('color', '#FFFFFF');
#function makeYellow(element_id) {
# $('#'+element_id).css('background', '#FAF834');
# $('#'+element_id).css('color', '#000000');
# end
def move_progress
#@builder << " <script type=\"text/javascript\">moveProgressBar('#{percent_done}');</script>"
end end
# def percent_done
# result = 100.0
# if @step_count != 0
# result = ((@step_number).to_f / @step_count.to_f * 1000).to_i / 10.0
# end
# result
# end
# def format_exception(exception)
# (["#{exception.message}"] + exception.backtrace).join("\n")
# end
# def backtrace_line(line)
# line.gsub(/\A([^:]*\.(?:rb|feature|haml)):(\d*).*\z/) do
# "<a href=\"txmt://open?url=file://#{File.expand_path($1)}&line=#{$2}\">#{$1}:#{$2}</a> "
# else
# line
# end
# end
# end
# def print_stats(features)
# @builder << "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('duration').innerHTML = \"Finished in <strong>#{format_duration(features.duration)} seconds</strong>\";</script>"
# @builder << "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('totals').innerHTML = \"#{print_stat_string(features)}\";</script>"
# end
# def print_stat_string(features)
# string =
# string << dump_count(@step_mother.scenarios.length, "scenario")
# scenario_count = print_status_counts{|status| @step_mother.scenarios(status)}
# string << scenario_count if scenario_count
# string << "<br />"
# string << dump_count(@step_mother.steps.length, "step")
# step_count = print_status_counts{|status| @step_mother.steps(status)}
# string << step_count if step_count
# end
# def print_status_counts
# counts = [:failed, :skipped, :undefined, :pending, :passed].map do |status|
# elements = yield status
# elements.any? ? "#{elements.length} #{status.to_s}" : nil
# end.compact
# return " (#{counts.join(', ')})" if counts.any?
# end
# def dump_count(count, what, state=nil)
# [count, state, "#{what}#{count == 1 ? '' : 's'}"].compact.join(" ")
# end
# def create_builder(io)
# => io, :indent => 0)
# end
# class SnippetExtractor #:nodoc:
# class NullConverter; def convert(code, pre); code; end; end #:nodoc:
# begin; require 'syntax/convertors/html'; @@converter = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax "ruby"; rescue LoadError => e; @@converter =; end
# def snippet(error)
# raw_code, line = snippet_for(error[0])
# highlighted = @@converter.convert(raw_code, false)
# highlighted << "\n<span class=\"comment\"># gem install syntax to get syntax highlighting</span>" if @@converter.is_a?(NullConverter)
# post_process(highlighted, line)
# end
# def snippet_for(error_line)
# if error_line =~ /(.*):(\d+)/
# file = $1
# line = $2.to_i
# [lines_around(file, line), line]
# else
# ["# Couldn't get snippet for #{error_line}", 1]
# end
# end
# def lines_around(file, line)
# if File.file?(file)
# lines ="\n")
# min = [0, line-3].max
# max = [line+1, lines.length-1].min
# selected_lines = []
# selected_lines.join("\n")
# lines[min..max].join("\n")
# else
# "# Couldn't get snippet for #{file}"
# end
# end
# def post_process(highlighted, offending_line)
# new_lines = []
# highlighted.split("\n").each_with_index do |line, i|
# new_line = "<span class=\"linenum\">#{offending_line+i-2}</span>#{line}"
# new_line = "<span class=\"offending\">#{new_line}</span>" if i == 2
# new_lines << new_line
# end
# new_lines.join("\n")
# end
# end
end end
end end
end end

View File

@ -3,64 +3,39 @@ module Hydra #:nodoc:
module Listener #:nodoc: module Listener #:nodoc:
# Output a textual report at the end of testing # Output a textual report at the end of testing
class CucumberHtmlReport < Hydra::Listener::Abstract class CucumberHtmlReport < Hydra::Listener::Abstract
## Initialize a new report
#def testing_begin(files)
# @report = { }
## Log the start time of a file
#def file_begin(file)
# @report[file] ||= { }
# @report[file]['start'] =
## Log the end time of a file and compute the file's testing
## duration
#def file_end(file, output)
# @report[file]['end'] =
# @report[file]['duration'] = @report[file]['end'] - @report[file]['start']
# output the report
def testing_end def testing_end
end end
end end
class CombineHtml class CombineHtml
def initialize def initialize
@io ='/home/derek/out/report.html', "w") @results_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'results')
@io =, 'report.html'), "w")
@builder = create_builder(@io) @builder = create_builder(@io)
end end
def generate def generate
puts "write header"
before_features before_features
puts "combine"
combine_features combine_features
puts "write footer"
after_features after_features
@io.flush @io.flush
@io.close @io.close
puts "finished"
FileUtils.rm_r File.join(@results_path, 'features')
def wait_for_two_seconds_while_files_are_written
sleep 2
end end
def combine_features def combine_features
sleep 10 wait_for_two_seconds_while_files_are_written
Dir.glob('/home/derek/out/features/*.html').each do |feature| Dir.glob(File.join(@results_path, 'features/*.html')).each do |feature|
puts "Reading #{feature}" feature, "rb") do |f| feature, "rb") do |f|
f.each_line do |line| f.each_line do |line|
puts line
@builder << line @builder << line
end end
end end
@ -68,7 +43,6 @@ module Hydra #:nodoc:
end end
def before_features def before_features
# <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> # <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
@builder.declare!( @builder.declare!(
@ -104,7 +78,6 @@ module Hydra #:nodoc:
end end
def after_features def after_features
@builder << '</div>' @builder << '</div>'
@builder << '</body>' @builder << '</body>'
@builder << '</html>' @builder << '</html>'
@ -165,55 +138,6 @@ module Hydra #:nodoc:
end end
def move_progress
def percent_done
result = 100.0
def format_exception(exception)
(["#{exception.message}"] + exception.backtrace).join("\n")
def backtrace_line(line)
line.gsub(/\A([^:]*\.(?:rb|feature|haml)):(\d*).*\z/) do
"<a href=\"txmt://open?url=file://#{File.expand_path($1)}&line=#{$2}\">#{$1}:#{$2}</a> "
def print_stats
#@builder << "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('duration').innerHTML = \"Finished in <strong>#{format_duration(features.duration)} seconds</strong>\";</script>"
#@builder << "<script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('totals').innerHTML = \"#{print_stat_string(features)}\";</script>"
def print_stat_string(features)
string =
string << dump_count(@step_mother.scenarios.length, "scenario")
scenario_count = print_status_counts{|status| @step_mother.scenarios(status)}
string << scenario_count if scenario_count
string << "<br />"
string << dump_count(@step_mother.steps.length, "step")
step_count = print_status_counts{|status| @step_mother.steps(status)}
string << step_count if step_count
def print_status_counts
counts = [:failed, :skipped, :undefined, :pending, :passed].map do |status|
elements = yield status
elements.any? ? "#{elements.length} #{status.to_s}" : nil
return " (#{counts.join(', ')})" if counts.any?
def dump_count(count, what, state=nil)
[count, state, "#{what}#{count == 1 ? '' : 's'}"].compact.join(" ")
def create_builder(io) def create_builder(io) => io, :indent => 0) => io, :indent => 0)

View File

@ -170,8 +170,10 @@ module Hydra #:nodoc:
cuke_formatter = cuke_formatter =
@cuke_runtime, hydra_response, @cuke_configuration.options @cuke_runtime, hydra_response, @cuke_configuration.options
) )
results_directory = "#{Dir.pwd}/results/features"
FileUtils.mkdir_p results_directory
html_formatter = html_formatter =
@cuke_runtime, "/home/derek/out/features/#{file.split('/').last}#{'%H%M%S')}.html", @cuke_configuration.options @cuke_runtime, "#{results_directory}/#{file.split('/').last}#{'%H%M%S')}.html", @cuke_configuration.options
) )
cuke_runner ||= cuke_runner ||=