a bunch of cleanup, reworking xml parsing and ui changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-js ../htdocs/harmoniouscode.js
-main JavaScriptTarget
-resource ../data/functions_tokens_cache.hxd
-resource ../data/constant_tokens_cache.hxd
-resource ../data/all_tokens.hxd
-cp ../src
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-main MyTests
-neko ../neko/my_tests.n
-resource ../data/functions_tokens_cache.hxd
-resource ../data/constant_tokens_cache.hxd
-resource ../data/all_tokens.hxd
-cp ../src
@ -12,10 +12,11 @@
<div id="form" style="display: none">
<div id="form-holder">
<form action="" method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
<textarea name="source" id="source" rows="15" cols="80"></textarea><br />
<textarea name="source" id="source"></textarea><br />
<input id="analyze-code-button" type="button" value="Analyze Code" onclick="JavaScriptTarget.do_analysis(this.form.elements.source)" />
<div id="processing"></div>
<div id="output"></div>
<div id="permanent-ignore" style="display: none">
To permanently ignore tokens (and globally ignore modules), do one of the following:
@ -7,13 +7,18 @@ body, td, div, li, p, span {
font-size: 12px;
h1 {
text-align: center
div#form-holder {
text-align: center
input#analyze-code-button {
width: 200px;
width: 750px;
padding: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
div#loading {
@ -63,13 +68,32 @@ th.is-filtering {
color: blue;
textarea#source {
width: 750px;
height: 250px;
div#footer {
text-align: center;
font-size: 10px;
color: #555;
font-style: oblique
font-style: oblique;
border-top: solid #555 1px;
padding-top: 5px;
margin-top: 5px
span.ignore-code-holder {
font-family: monospace
div#processing, div#code-announcement {
text-align: center;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold
div#code-announcement {
border-bottom: solid #555 1px;
margin-bottom: 5px
@ -20,16 +20,9 @@ class CodeParser {
Load all possible token processors from disk.
public function load_processors_from_disk() {
for (processor_type_name in processor_types) {
var processor : TokenProcessor = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(processor_type_name), []);
if (!processor.load_from_cache()) {
this.token_processors.set(processor_type_name, processor);
public function load_all_processors_from_disk() {
for (processor in TokenProcessor.load_all_from_cache()) {
this.token_processors.set(Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(processor)), processor);
@ -38,12 +31,8 @@ class CodeParser {
Load all possible token processors form haXe Resources.
public function load_processors_from_resources() {
for (processor_type_name in processor_types) {
var processor : TokenProcessor = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(processor_type_name), []);
this.token_processors.set(processor_type_name, processor);
for (processor in TokenProcessor.load_all_from_resource()) {
this.token_processors.set(Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(processor)), processor);
@ -118,10 +107,12 @@ class CodeParser {
if (!tokens_found.exists(token)) {
if (!flattened_tokens.exists(token)) {
for (token_processor in this.token_processors.iterator()) {
if ((token_processor.get_default_token_type() == FunctionToken) == is_function) {
if (token_processor.tokenHash.exists(token)) {
results.push(token_processor.tokenHash.get(token).toResult()); break;
tokens_found.set(token, true);
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
class ConstantTokenProcessor extends TokenProcessor {
public static var cachePath : String = "../data/constant_tokens_cache.hxd";
override public function get_cache_path() { return ConstantTokenProcessor.cachePath; }
override public function get_default_token_type() { return ConstantToken; }
public static var source_path : String = "../data";
@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
class FunctionTokenProcessor extends TokenProcessor {
public static var cachePath : String = "../data/functions_tokens_cache.hxd";
override public function get_cache_path() { return FunctionTokenProcessor.cachePath; }
public static var sourcePath : String = "../data/phpdoc_function_versions.xml";
public static var source_path : String = "../data/phpdoc_function_versions.xml";
override public function get_default_token_type() { return FunctionToken; }
#if neko
public override function populate_from_file() {
public function populate_from_string(s : String) {
this.tokenHash = new Hash<Token>();
for (child in Xml.parse(s).firstElement()) {
var tokens_parsed = 0;
// haXe XML parsing is slow, as it uses a custom XML parser.
// so I'll use a custom XML parser for this data.
/*var start = Date.now();
var first_element = Xml.parse(s).firstElement();
var end = Date.now();
trace(end.getTime() - start.getTime());
for (child in first_element) {
if (child.nodeType == Xml.Element) {
if (child.nodeName == "function") {
var version = child.get("from");
@ -19,9 +27,45 @@ class FunctionTokenProcessor extends TokenProcessor {
version = ~/\:/.replace(version, " ");
var token = child.get("name");
this.tokenHash.set(token, new FunctionToken(child.get("name"), version));
var s_length = s.length;
var i = 0;
var version_regexp = ~/from=\'([^\']*)\'/i;
var token_regexp = ~/name=\'([^\']*)\'/i;
while (i < s_length) {
var new_i = s.indexOf("<function", i);
if (new_i != -1) {
var tag_end = s.indexOf(">", new_i);
if (tag_end != -1) {
var tag = s.substr(new_i, tag_end - new_i + 1);
if (version_regexp.match(tag) && token_regexp.match(tag)) {
var version = version_regexp.matched(1);
var token = token_regexp.matched(1);
version = ~/PECL /.replace(version, "");
version = ~/\:/.replace(version, " ");
this.tokenHash.set(token, new FunctionToken(token, version));
i = tag_end;
} else {
} else {
} else {
trace("tokens parsed: " + tokens_parsed);
@ -91,14 +91,12 @@ class JavaScriptTarget {
static public function display_version_information() {
var version_info = new CodeVersionInformation(current_results, ignored_modules);
var output = "Your code in requires the following minimum PHP & PECL module versions:";
var output = "<div id=\"code-announcement\">Your code requires the following minimum PHP & PECL module versions:</div>";
var minimum = version_info.final_versions.get("minimum");
output += "<form action=\"\" onsubmit=\"return false\">";
output += "<ul>";
var all_modules_hash = new Hash<Bool>();
for (module in minimum.keys()) { all_modules_hash.set(module, true); }
@ -291,8 +289,20 @@ class JavaScriptTarget {
static public function do_analysis(textarea) {
show_only_modules = new Hash<Bool>();
js.Lib.document.getElementById('processing').innerHTML = "Analyzing code...";
untyped {
js.Lib.document.getElementById('analyze-code-button').disabled = true;
haxe.Timer.delay(function() {
js.Lib.document.getElementById('processing').innerHTML = "";
untyped {
js.Lib.document.getElementById('analyze-code-button').disabled = false;
}, 100);
static public function toggle_module_and_redraw(module : String) {
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ class MyTests {
static function main() {
var r = new haxe.unit.TestRunner();
r.add(new TestToken());
r.add(new TestTokenProcessor());
r.add(new TestFunctionToken());
r.add(new TestFunctionTokenProcessor());
r.add(new TestConstantToken());
@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
class RegenerateDataFiles {
public static function main() {
var functionProcessor = new FunctionTokenProcessor();
if (!functionProcessor.load_from_cache()) {
neko.Lib.print("Regenerating functions cache...\n");
var constantProcessor = new ConstantTokenProcessor();
if (!constantProcessor.load_from_cache()) {
neko.Lib.print("Regenerating constants cache...\n");
public static function main() { TokenProcessor.save_all_to_cache(); }
@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ class TestCodeParser extends haxe.unit.TestCase {
#if neko
function testCodeParserLoadTokens() {
var p = new CodeParser();
function testProcessCode() {
var p = new CodeParser();
for (code in test_code) {
var result = p.parse(code[0]);
@ -12,22 +12,4 @@ class TestFunctionTokenProcessor extends haxe.unit.TestCase {
public function testGenerateSampleToken() {
public function testSerializeInfo() {
var test_xml = "<versions> <function name='one' from='PHP 4, PHP 5' /> <function name='two' from='PHP 4, PHP 5' /> </versions>";
var target_token_hash = "{one => { version => PHP 4, PHP 5, token => one }, two => { version => PHP 4, PHP 5, token => two }}";
assertEquals(target_token_hash, token_processor.tokenHash.toString());
var unwound_tokens = token_processor.unwind_tokens();
assertTrue(unwound_tokens.toString().length < target_token_hash.length);
token_processor = new FunctionTokenProcessor();
assertEquals(target_token_hash, token_processor.tokenHash.toString());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
class TestTokenProcessor extends haxe.unit.TestCase {
function testSerializeMultipleProcessors() {
var token_processor_one = new TokenProcessor();
token_processor_one.tokenHash.set("one", new Token("one", "version one"));
token_processor_one.tokenHash.set("two", new Token("two", "version one"));
token_processor_one.tokenHash.set("three", new Token("three", "version two"));
var token_processor_two = new TokenProcessor();
token_processor_two.tokenHash.set("four", new Token("four", "version one"));
token_processor_two.tokenHash.set("five", new Token("five", "version two"));
token_processor_two.tokenHash.set("six", new Token("six", "version three"));
var normalized_data = TokenProcessor.normalize_processors([token_processor_one, token_processor_two]);
assertEquals("{0 => TokenProcessor, 1 => TokenProcessor}", normalized_data.get("types").toString());
assertEquals("{version one => 0, version two => 1, version three => 2}".length, normalized_data.get("versions").toString().length);
var trap_invalid = true;
try {
TokenProcessor.unnormalize_processors(new Hash<Hash<Dynamic>>());
trap_invalid = false;
} catch (e : Dynamic) {}
var unnormalized_processors = TokenProcessor.unnormalize_processors(normalized_data);
assertTrue(unnormalized_processors.length == 2);
@ -1,47 +1,109 @@
import FunctionTokenProcessor;
import ConstantTokenProcessor;
class TokenProcessor {
public var tokenHash : Hash<Token>;
public static var cachePath : String = null;
public static var cache_path : String = "../data/all_tokens.hxd";
public function new() { this.tokenHash = new Hash<Token>(); }
public function get_cache_path() { return TokenProcessor.cachePath; }
public function get_default_token_type() { return Token; }
public static var all_token_processors = [ "FunctionTokenProcessor", "ConstantTokenProcessor" ];
#if neko
public function load_from_cache() : Bool {
if (neko.FileSystem.exists(this.get_cache_path())) {
return true;
public static function load_all_from_cache() : Array<TokenProcessor> {
if (neko.FileSystem.exists(cache_path)) {
return unnormalize_processors(haxe.Unserializer.run(neko.io.File.getContent(cache_path)));
} else {
return false;
return null;
public function save_to_cache() {
var fh = neko.io.File.write(this.get_cache_path(), true);
public static function save_all_to_cache() {
if (!neko.FileSystem.exists(cache_path)) {
var all_processors = new Array<TokenProcessor>();
for (processor_class in all_token_processors) {
var processor : TokenProcessor = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(processor_class), []);
var fh = neko.io.File.write(cache_path, true);
public function populate_from_file() {}
public function load_from_resource() {
public static function load_all_from_resource() {
return unnormalize_processors(haxe.Unserializer.run(haxe.Resource.getString(cache_path)));
public function unwind_tokens() : Hash<String> {
var unwound_tokens = new Hash<String>();
for (token in this.tokenHash.keys()) {
unwound_tokens.set(token, this.tokenHash.get(token).version);
public static function normalize_processors(processors : Array<TokenProcessor>) : Hash<Hash<Dynamic>> {
if (processors.length == 0) { throw "no processors specified"; }
var normalized_data = new Hash<Hash<Dynamic>>();
var types = new Hash<String>();
var all_versions_with_index = new Hash<Int>();
var version_index = 0;
for (i in 0...processors.length) {
var i_string = Std.string(i);
var tokens_with_version_index = new Hash<Int>();
types.set(i_string, Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(processors[i])));
for (token in processors[i].tokenHash.keys()) {
var version = processors[i].tokenHash.get(token).version;
if (!all_versions_with_index.exists(version)) {
all_versions_with_index.set(version, version_index);
return unwound_tokens;
tokens_with_version_index.set(token, all_versions_with_index.get(version));
public function populate_from_unwound_tokens(unwound_tokens : Hash<String>) {
this.tokenHash = new Hash<Token>();
var token_type = get_default_token_type();
for (token in unwound_tokens.keys()) {
this.tokenHash.set(token, Type.createInstance(token_type, [ token, unwound_tokens.get(token) ]));
normalized_data.set("processor-" + i_string, tokens_with_version_index);
trace("Unique version strings: " + version_index);
var flipped_versions = new Hash<String>();
for (version in all_versions_with_index.keys()) {
flipped_versions.set(Std.string(all_versions_with_index.get(version)), version);
normalized_data.set("versions", flipped_versions);
normalized_data.set("types", types);
return normalized_data;
public static function unnormalize_processors(normalized_data : Hash<Hash<Dynamic>>) : Array<TokenProcessor> {
var unnormalized_processors = new Array<TokenProcessor>();
if (!normalized_data.exists("versions")) { throw "versions not defined"; }
if (!normalized_data.exists("types")) { throw "types not defined"; }
var versions = normalized_data.get("versions");
var types = normalized_data.get("types");
for (type_key in types.keys()) {
var i = Std.parseInt(type_key);
var processor : TokenProcessor = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass(types.get(type_key)), []);
var processor_key = "processor-" + type_key;
if (!normalized_data.exists(processor_key)) { throw "processor " + type_key + " not defined"; }
var processor_tokens = normalized_data.get(processor_key);
var token_type = processor.get_default_token_type();
for (token in processor_tokens.keys()) {
var version_lookup = Std.string(processor_tokens.get(token));
processor.tokenHash.set(token, Type.createInstance(token_type, [token, versions.get(version_lookup)]));
return unnormalized_processors;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user