66 lines
1.8 KiB
66 lines
1.8 KiB
Flowerbox ||= {}
Flowerbox.Cucumber ||= {}
class Flowerbox.Cucumber.Reporter
hear: (event, callback) ->
switch event.getName()
when 'BeforeFeatures'
@time = (new Date()).getTime()
when 'AfterFeatures'
Flowerbox.contact("results", (new Date()).getTime() - @time)
when 'BeforeFeature'
@feature = event.getPayloadItem('feature')
when 'BeforeScenario'
@scenario = event.getPayloadItem('scenario')
when 'BeforeStep'
@step = event.getPayloadItem('step')
Flowerbox.contact("start_test", @step.getName())
when 'StepResult'
stepResult = event.getPayloadItem('stepResult')
type = "Given"
if @step.isOutcomeStep()
type = "Then"
else if @step.isEventStep()
type = "When"
file = Flowerbox.Step.matchFile(@step.getName()) || "unknown:0"
test = { passed_: false, message: 'skipped', splitName: [ @feature.getName(), @scenario.getName(), "#{type} #{@step.getName()}" ], trace: { stack: [ file ] } }
if stepResult.isSuccessful()
test.passed_ = true
else if stepResult.isPending()
test.message = "pending"
else if stepResult.isUndefined()
regexp = @step.getName()
regexp = regexp.replace(/"[^"]+"/g, '"([^"]+)"')
test.message = """
Step not defined. Define it with the following:
Flowerbox.#{type} /^#{regexp}$/, ->
else if stepResult.isFailed()
error = stepResult.getFailureException()
test.message = error.message
test.trace.stack = [ 'file:1' ]
Flowerbox.contact("finish_test", @step.getName(), [ { items_: [ test ] } ])