65 lines
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65 lines
1.7 KiB
require 'spec_helper'
describe Layout do
it 'should have a valid factory' do
Factory.build(:layout).should be_valid
# ## validations ##
# it 'should validate presence of content_for_layout in value' do
# layout = Factory.build(:layout, :value => 'without content_for_layout')
# layout.should_not be_valid
# layout.errors[:value].should == ["should contain 'content_for_layout' liquid tag"]
# end
# context 'dealing with page parts' do
# before(:each) do
# @layout = Factory.build(:layout)
# end
# it 'should have 2 parts' do
# @layout.send(:build_parts_from_value)
# @layout.parts.size.should == 2
# @layout.parts.first.name.should == 'Body'
# @layout.parts.first.slug.should == 'layout'
# @layout.parts.last.name.should == 'Left sidebar'
# @layout.parts.last.slug.should == 'left_sidebar'
# end
# it 'should not add parts to pages if layout does not change' do
# @layout.stubs(:value_changed?).returns(false)
# page = Factory.build(:page, :layout => @layout, :site => nil)
# page.expects(:update_parts!).never
# @layout.pages << page
# @layout.save
# end
# it 'should add parts to pages if layout changes' do
# @layout.value = @layout.value + "..."
# page = Factory.build(:page, :layout => @layout, :site => nil)
# page.expects(:update_parts!)
# @layout.pages << page
# @layout.save
# end
# end
# context 'parsing liquid template' do
# before(:each) do
# @layout = Factory.build(:layout)
# end
# it 'should not raise an error if template is empty' do
# @layout.template.should be_nil
# end
# end