
134 lines
4.2 KiB

Locomotive.Views.InlinEditor ||= {}
#= require ./toolbar_view
class Locomotive.Views.InlinEditor.ApplicationView extends Backbone.View
el: 'body'
initialize: ->
@iframe = @$('#page iframe')
@toolbar_view = new Locomotive.Views.InlinEditor.ToolbarView(target: @iframe)
render: ->
set_page: (attributes) ->
@page = new Locomotive.Models.Page(attributes)
window.foo = @page
@toolbar_view.model = @page
@$('#toolbar .inner').html(@toolbar_view.refresh().render().el)
decorate_iframe: ->
console.log('decorating iframe')
iframe = @iframe
iframe.load =>
# add js / css
doc = iframe[0].contentWindow.document
window.addJavascript doc, '/assets/locomotive/aloha/lib/aloha.js',
'data-aloha-plugins': 'common/format,common/highlighteditables,common/list,common/link,common/undo,common/paste'
window.addStylesheet doc, '/assets/locomotive/aloha/css/aloha.css'
# bind the resize event. When the iFrame's size changes, update its height
iframe_content = iframe.contents().find('body')
iframe_content.resize ->
elem = $(this)
if elem.outerHeight(true) > $('body').outerHeight(true) # Resize the iFrame.
iframe.css height: elem.outerHeight(true)
# Resize the iFrame immediately.
# render: ->
# super
# console.log('rendering')
# @enable_iframe_auto_height()
# @foo()
# @toolbar_view = new Locomotive.Views.
# set_page: (attributes) ->
# @page = new Locomotive.Models.Page(attributes)
# window.foo = @page
# @$('#toolbar .inner').html(ich.toolbar(@page.toJSON()))
# enable_iframe_auto_height: ->
# console.log('decorating iframe')
# console.log(@$('#page iframe html'))
# # @$('#page iframe').iframeAutoHeight
# # debug: true
# # callback: (callbackObject) =>
# # $('body').css('overflow': 'visible')
# iframe = @$('#page iframe')
# iframe.load =>
# iframe_content = iframe.contents().find('body')
# # Bind the resize event. When the iframe's size changes, update its height as
# # well as the corresponding info div.
# iframe_content.resize ->
# elem = $(this)
# # Resize the IFrame.
# if elem.outerHeight(true) > $('body').outerHeight(true)
# iframe.css height: elem.outerHeight(true)
# # Update the info div width and height.
# # $('#iframe-info').text( 'IFRAME width: ' + elem.width() + ', height: ' + elem.height() );
# # Resize the Iframe and update the info div immediately.
# iframe_content.resize()
# foo: ->
# @$('#page iframe').load =>
# # console.log 'iframe loaded'
# doc = @$('#page iframe')[0].contentWindow.document
# script = doc.createElement('script')
# script.type = 'text/javascript'
# script.src = '/assets/locomotive/aloha/lib/aloha.js'
# script.setAttribute('data-aloha-plugins', 'common/format,common/highlighteditables,common/list,common/link,common/undo,common/paste')
# doc.body.appendChild(script)
# stylesheet = doc.createElement('link')
# stylesheet.style = 'text/css'
# stylesheet.href = '/assets/locomotive/aloha/css/aloha.css'
# stylesheet.media = 'screen'
# stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet'
# doc.head.appendChild(stylesheet)
# # <link href="/assets/locomotive/aloha/css/aloha.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
# # {{ '/assets/locomotive/aloha/css/aloha.css' | stylesheet_tag }}
# # $("body", doc).append(script)
# # $('body', doc).append('<script src="assets/locomotive/aloha/lib/aloha.js" data-aloha-plugins="common/format,common/highlighteditables,common/list,common/link,common/undo,common/paste,common/block"></script>')
# # <script src="/assets/locomotive/aloha/lib/aloha.js" data-aloha-plugins="common/format,common/highlighteditables,common/list,common/link,common/undo,common/paste,common/block"></script>
# # $('body', doc).append('<p>Hello world</p>');
# # register_page_content: (iframe) ->
# #
# #
# # console.log 'he he'