262 lines
8.2 KiB
262 lines
8.2 KiB
var foo = bar = null;
var locale = 'en';
// var foo = null;
var allTranslations = {
'en': {
'home': 'admin',
'edit': 'edit',
'save': 'save',
'cancel': 'cancel',
'back': 'edition done',
'saving': 'saving'
'fr': {
'home': 'admin',
'edit': 'editer',
'save': 'sauver',
'cancel': 'annuler',
'back': 'fin mode edition',
'saving': 'sauvegarde en cours'
var prepareForm = function(jEvent, aEvent) {
// console.log('foo !!!');
// console.log(ui.editable.getContents());
$('#page-toolbar li.save, #page-toolbar li.cancel, #page-toolbar li.sep:eq(1)').show();
var element = $(aEvent.editable.obj[0]);
// var id = element.attr('data-element-id');
var index = element.attr('data-element-index');
// console.log('id = ' + id + ', index = ' + index);
// if ($('#page-toolbar form editable-' + index).length > 0) return;
// $('#page-toolbar form').append("\
// <input id='editable-" + index +"' class='auto' type='hidden' name='page[editable_elements_attributes][" + index + "][id]' value='" + id + "' />\
// <input class='auto' type='hidden' name='page[editable_elements_attributes][" + index + "][_index]' value='" + index + "' />\
// <input class='auto' type='hidden' name='page[editable_elements_attributes][" + index + "][content]' />\
// ");
// $('#page-toolbar form input:last').val(aEvent.editable.getContents());
var input = $('#page-toolbar form #editable-' + index);
input.attr('name', input.attr('name').replace('_index', 'content'));
input.val(aEvent.editable.getContents().replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, ""));
$('#page-toolbar').css('right', 0);
$('#page-toolbar .drawer a').removeClass('off');
// foo = $(this);
// $(foo.editable.obj[0])
// console.log($(this).attr('data-element-id'));
// bar = a;
// foo = ui;
var displaySpinner = function() {
$('#page-toolbar li.save, #page-toolbar li.cancel, #page-toolbar li.sep:eq(1)').hide();
$('#page-toolbar .spinner').show();
var resetForm = function() {
$('#page-toolbar form input.auto').each(function() {
$(this).attr('name', $(this).attr('name').replace('content', '_index'));
$('#page-toolbar li.save, #page-toolbar li.cancel, #page-toolbar li.sep:eq(1), #page-toolbar li.spinner').hide();
if (typeof GENTICS != 'undefined') {
GENTICS.Aloha.settings = {
errorhandling : false,
ribbon: false,
"plugins": {
// "com.gentics.aloha.plugins.GCN": {
// "enabled": false
// },
"com.gentics.aloha.plugins.Format": {
config : [ 'b', 'i', 'u','del','sub','sup', 'p', 'title', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'pre', 'removeFormat'],
editables : {
'.editable-short-text' : [ 'b', 'i', 'u' ]
"com.gentics.aloha.plugins.Link": {
// all elements with no specific configuration may insert links
config : [ 'a' ],
editables : {
'.editable-short-text' : [ ]
"com.gentics.aloha.plugins.List": {
config : [ 'ul' ],
editables : {
'.editable-short-text' : [ ]
GENTICS.Aloha.EventRegistry.subscribe(GENTICS.Aloha, "editableDeactivated", prepareForm);
var editingMode = false;
var buildPageToolbar = function() {
var fullpath = $('meta[name=page-fullpath]').attr('content');
var showPageUrl = $('meta[name=page-url]').attr('content');
var editPageUrl = $('meta[name=edit-page-url]').attr('content');
var nbElements = parseInt($('meta[name=page-elements-count]').attr('content'));
var translations = allTranslations[locale];
editingMode = typeof showPageUrl != 'undefined';
var style = editingMode ? '' : "style='display: none'"
var formContentHTML = "<input type='hidden' name='_method' value='put' />";
for (var i = 0; i < nbElements; i++) {
formContentHTML += "<input class='auto' id='editable-" + i + "' type='hidden' name='page[editable_elements_attributes][" + i + "][_index]' value='' />";
$('body').prepend("<div id='page-toolbar'>\
<li class='drawer'><a href='#'><span> </span></a></li>\
<li class='link home'><a href='" + editPageUrl + "'><span>" + translations['home'] + "</span></a></li>\
<li class='sep'><span> </span></li>\
<li class='link edit' style='" + (editingMode ? 'display: none' : '') + "'><a href='#'><span>" + translations['edit'] + "</span></a></li>\
<li class='link save' style='display: none'><a href='#'><span>" + translations['save'] + "</span></a></li>\
<li class='link cancel' style='display: none'><a href='#'><span>" + translations['cancel'] + "</span></a></li>\
<li class='link spinner' style='display: none'><a href='#'><span><img src='/images/admin/form/spinner.gif' /><em>" + translations['saving'] + "</em></span></a></li>\
<li class='sep' style='display: none'><span> </span></li>\
<li class='link back' style='" + (editingMode ? '' : 'display: none') + "'><a href='#'><span>" + translations['back'] + "</span></a></li>\
<form action='" + showPageUrl + "' accept-charset='UTF-8' method='post'>\
" + formContentHTML + "\
// build the form
$('#page-toolbar form').live('submit', function (e) {
}).bind('ajax:complete', function() {
// console.log('ajax:complete');
}).bind('ajax:loading', function() {
// console.log('ajax:failure');
}).bind('ajax:failure', function() {
// console.log('ajax:failure');
// events: save
$('#page-toolbar').find('.save').click(function(e) {
$('#page-toolbar form').submit();
// events: edit
$('#page-toolbar').find('.edit').click(function() {
url = window.location.href;
if (url.charAt(url.length - 1) == '/') url += 'index';
url = url.replace('#', '');
window.location.href = url + '/edit';
// events: cancel
$('#page-toolbar').find('.cancel').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
window.location.href = window.location.href;
// events: back
$('#page-toolbar').find('.back').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
window.location.href = fullpath;
// drawer
$('#page-toolbar .drawer a').eq(0).click(function(e) {
var self = $(this);
var max = $('#page-toolbar').width() - 17;
if ($(this).hasClass('off'))
$('#page-toolbar').animate({ 'right': 0 }, 300, function() {
$.cookie('inline_editor_off', '0');
$('#page-toolbar').animate({ 'right': -max }, 300, function() {
$.cookie('inline_editor_off', '1');
e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
locale = $('meta[name=locale]').attr('content');
if ($.cookie('inline_editor_off') == '1') {
var max = $('#page-toolbar').width() - 17;
$('#page-toolbar').css('right', -max);
$('#page-toolbar .drawer a').addClass('off');
if (editingMode) {
// set locale
GENTICS.Aloha.settings['i18n'] = { 'current': locale };
// add 'edit' at the end of each url of the page
$('a').each(function() {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
if (url != '#' && /^(www|http)/.exec(url) == null && /(\/edit)$/.exec(url) == null) {
if (url == '/') url = '/index';
$(this).attr('href', url + '/edit');
// handle editable long text
$('.editable-long-text').each(function(index) {
var self = $(this);
// var postId = self.attr("data-id");
// var postField = self.attr("data-field");
// add callbacks to update post data fields:
// handle editable short text
$('.editable-short-text').each(function() {
var self = $(this);
var link = self.parents('a');
if (link.size() == 1) {
link = link.eq(0);
// disable click event and replace it by double click instead
link.click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); });
link.dblclick(function(e) { window.location.href = link.attr('href'); });