
297 lines
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* smartupdater - jQuery Plugin
* Version - 4.0.beta
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011 Vadim Kiryukhin
* vkiryukhin @ gmail.com
* http://www.eslinstructor.net/smartupdater/
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* $("#myObject").smartupdater({
* url : "foo.php"
* }, function (data) {
* //process data here;
* }
* );
* Public functions:
* $("#myObject").smartupdater("stop")
* $("#myObject").smartupdater("restart");
* $("#myObject").smartupdater("setTimeout",timeout);
* $("#myObject").smartupdater("alterUrl"[,"foo.php"[,data]]);
* $("#myObject").smartupdater("alterCallback"[, foo]);
* Public Attributes:
* var status = $("#myObject").smartupdater("getState");
* var timeout = $("#myObject").smartupdater("getTimeout");
(function($) {
var methods = {
init : function( options, callback) {
return this.each(function () {
var elem = this,
es = {};
elem.settings = jQuery.extend(true,{
url : '', // see jQuery.ajax for details
type : 'get', // see jQuery.ajax for details
data : '', // see jQuery.ajax for details
dataType : 'text', // see jQuery.ajax for details
minTimeout : 60000, // 1 minute
maxFailedRequests : 10, // max. number of consecutive ajax failures
maxFailedRequestsCb : false, // falure callback function
httpCache : false, // http cache
rCallback : false, // remote callback functions
selfStart : true, // start automatically after initializing
smartStop : { active: false, //disabled by default
monitorTimeout: 2500, // 2.5 seconds
minHeight: 1, // 1px
minWidth: 1 // 1px
}, options);
elem.smartupdaterStatus = {state:'',timeout:0};
es = elem.settings;
es.prevContent = '';
es.failedRequests = 0;
es.etag = '0';
es.lastModified = '0';
es.callback = callback;
es.origReq = {url:es.url,data:es.data,callback:callback};
es.stopFlag = false;
function start() {
/* check if element has been deleted and clean it up */
if(!$(elem).parents('body').length) {
elem = {};
url : es.url,
type : es.type,
data : es.data,
dataType: es.dataType,
cache : false, // MUST be set to false to prevent IE caching issue.
success: function (data, statusText, xhr) {
var dataNotModified = false,
rCallback = false,
xSmart = jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Smartupdater")),
xhrEtag, xhrLM;
if(xSmart) { // remote control
/* remote timeout */
es.minTimeout = xSmart.timeout ? xSmart.timeout : es.minTimeout;
/* remote callback */
rCallback = xSmart.callback ? xSmart.callback : false;
if(es.httpCache) { // http cache process here
xhrEtag = xhr.getResponseHeader("ETag");
xhrLM = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
dataNotModified = (es.etag == xhrEtag || es.lastModified == xhrLM) ? true : false;
es.etag = xhrEtag ? xhrEtag : es.etag;
es.lastModified = xhrLM ? xhrLM : es.lastModified;
if ( dataNotModified ||
es.prevContent == xhr.responseText ||
xhr.status == 304 ) { // data is not changed
if(!es.stopFlag) {
es.h = setTimeout(start, es.minTimeout);
} else { // data is changed
/* cache response data */
es.prevContent = xhr.responseText;
/* reset timeout */
if(!es.stopFlag) {
es.h = setTimeout(start, es.minTimeout);
/* run callback function */
if(es.rCallback && rCallback && es.rCallback.search(rCallback) != -1) {
} else {
elem.smartupdaterStatus.timeout = es.minTimeout;
es.failedRequests = 0;
error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if ( ++es.failedRequests < es.maxFailedRequests ) {
/* increment falure counter and reset timeout */
if(!es.stopFlag) {
es.h = setTimeout(start, es.minTimeout);
elem.smartupdaterStatus.timeout = es.minTimeout;
} else {
/* stop smartupdater */
elem.smartupdaterStatus.state = 'OFF';
if( typeof(es.maxFailedRequestsCb)==='function') {
es.maxFailedRequestsCb(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown);
beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
if(es.httpCache) {
/* set http cache-related headers */
xhr.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", es.etag );
xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", es.lastModified );
/* Feedback: Smartupdater sends it's current timeout to server */
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Smartupdater", '{"timeout":"'+elem.smartupdaterStatus.timeout+'"}');
elem.smartupdaterStatus.state = 'ON';
es.fnStart = start;
if(es.selfStart) {
if(es.smartStop.active) {
elem.smartupdaterStatus.smartStop = setInterval(function(){
// check if object has been deleted
if(!$(elem).parents('body').length) {
elem = {};
var $elem = $(elem);
var width = $elem.width(),
height = $elem.height(),
hidden = $elem.is(":hidden");
//element has been expanded, so smartupdater should be re-started.
if(!hidden && height > es.smartStop.minHeight && width > es.smartStop.minWidth
&& elem.smartupdaterStatus.state=="OFF") {
} else
//element has been minimized, so smartupdater should be stopped.
if( (hidden || height <= es.smartStop.minHeight || width <= es.smartStop.minWidth)
&& elem.smartupdaterStatus.state=="ON") {
},// init()
stop : function () {
return this.each(function () {
this.settings.stopFlag = true;
this.smartupdaterStatus.state = 'OFF';
restart : function () {
return this.each(function () {
this.settings.stopFlag = false;
this.settings.failedRequests = 0;
this.settings.etag = "0";
this.settings.lastModified = "0";
setTimeout : function (period) {
return this.each(function () {
this.settings.minTimeout = period;
alterCallback : function (callback) {
return this.each(function () {
this.settings.callback = callback ? callback : this.settings.origReq.callback;
alterUrl : function (url,data) {
return this.each(function () {
this.settings.url = url ? url : this.settings.origReq.url;
this.settings.data = data ? data : this.settings.origReq.data;
getTimeout : function () {
return this[0].smartupdaterStatus.timeout;
getState : function () {
return this[0].smartupdaterStatus.state;
}; //methods
jQuery.fn.smartupdater = function (options, callback) {
if ( methods[options] ) {
return methods[ options ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof options === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + options + ' does not exist on jQuery.tooltip' );