
1466 lines
53 KiB

/* The Editor object manages the content of the editable frame. It
* catches events, colours nodes, and indents lines. This file also
* holds some functions for transforming arbitrary DOM structures into
* plain sequences of <span> and <br> elements
var internetExplorer = document.selection && window.ActiveXObject && /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var webkit = /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var safari = /Apple Computers, Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);
var gecko = /gecko\/(\d{8})/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Make sure a string does not contain two consecutive 'collapseable'
// whitespace characters.
function makeWhiteSpace(n) {
var buffer = [], nb = true;
for (; n > 0; n--) {
buffer.push((nb || n == 1) ? nbsp : " ");
nb = !nb;
return buffer.join("");
// Create a set of white-space characters that will not be collapsed
// by the browser, but will not break text-wrapping either.
function fixSpaces(string) {
if (string.charAt(0) == " ") string = nbsp + string.slice(1);
return string.replace(/\t/g, function(){return makeWhiteSpace(indentUnit);})
.replace(/[ \u00a0]{2,}/g, function(s) {return makeWhiteSpace(s.length);});
function cleanText(text) {
return text.replace(/\u00a0/g, " ").replace(/\u200b/g, "");
// Create a SPAN node with the expected properties for document part
// spans.
function makePartSpan(value, doc) {
var text = value;
if (value.nodeType == 3) text = value.nodeValue;
else value = doc.createTextNode(text);
var span = doc.createElement("SPAN");
span.isPart = true;
span.currentText = text;
return span;
// On webkit, when the last BR of the document does not have text
// behind it, the cursor can not be put on the line after it. This
// makes pressing enter at the end of the document occasionally do
// nothing (or at least seem to do nothing). To work around it, this
// function makes sure the document ends with a span containing a
// zero-width space character. The traverseDOM iterator filters such
// character out again, so that the parsers won't see them. This
// function is called from a few strategic places to make sure the
// zwsp is restored after the highlighting process eats it.
var webkitLastLineHack = webkit ?
function(container) {
var last = container.lastChild;
if (!last || !last.isPart || last.textContent != "\u200b")
container.appendChild(makePartSpan("\u200b", container.ownerDocument));
} : function() {};
var Editor = (function(){
// The HTML elements whose content should be suffixed by a newline
// when converting them to flat text.
var newlineElements = {"P": true, "DIV": true, "LI": true};
function asEditorLines(string) {
var tab = makeWhiteSpace(indentUnit);
return map(string.replace(/\t/g, tab).replace(/\u00a0/g, " ").replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n").split("\n"), fixSpaces);
// Helper function for traverseDOM. Flattens an arbitrary DOM node
// into an array of textnodes and <br> tags.
function simplifyDOM(root, atEnd) {
var doc = root.ownerDocument;
var result = [];
var leaving = true;
function simplifyNode(node, top) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
var text = node.nodeValue = fixSpaces(node.nodeValue.replace(/[\r\u200b]/g, "").replace(/\n/g, " "));
if (text.length) leaving = false;
else if (isBR(node) && node.childNodes.length == 0) {
leaving = true;
else {
forEach(node.childNodes, simplifyNode);
if (!leaving && newlineElements.hasOwnProperty(node.nodeName.toUpperCase())) {
leaving = true;
if (!atEnd || !top)
simplifyNode(root, true);
return result;
// Creates a MochiKit-style iterator that goes over a series of DOM
// nodes. The values it yields are strings, the textual content of
// the nodes. It makes sure that all nodes up to and including the
// one whose text is being yielded have been 'normalized' to be just
// <span> and <br> elements.
// See the story.html file for some short remarks about the use of
// continuation-passing style in this iterator.
function traverseDOM(start){
function _yield(value, c){cc = c; return value;}
function push(fun, arg, c){return function(){return fun(arg, c);};}
function stop(){cc = stop; throw StopIteration;};
var cc = push(scanNode, start, stop);
var owner = start.ownerDocument;
var nodeQueue = [];
// Create a function that can be used to insert nodes after the
// one given as argument.
function pointAt(node){
var parent = node.parentNode;
var next = node.nextSibling;
return function(newnode) {
parent.insertBefore(newnode, next);
var point = null;
// This an Opera-specific hack -- always insert an empty span
// between two BRs, because Opera's cursor code gets terribly
// confused when the cursor is between two BRs.
var afterBR = true;
// Insert a normalized node at the current point. If it is a text
// node, wrap it in a <span>, and give that span a currentText
// property -- this is used to cache the nodeValue, because
// directly accessing nodeValue is horribly slow on some browsers.
// The dirty property is used by the highlighter to determine
// which parts of the document have to be re-highlighted.
function insertPart(part){
var text = "\n";
if (part.nodeType == 3) {
part = makePartSpan(part, owner);
text = part.currentText;
afterBR = false;
else {
if (afterBR && window.opera)
point(makePartSpan("", owner));
afterBR = true;
part.dirty = true;
return text;
// Extract the text and newlines from a DOM node, insert them into
// the document, and yield the textual content. Used to replace
// non-normalized nodes.
function writeNode(node, c, end) {
var toYield = [];
forEach(simplifyDOM(node, end), function(part) {
return _yield(toYield.join(""), c);
// Check whether a node is a normalized <span> element.
function partNode(node){
if (node.isPart && node.childNodes.length == 1 && node.firstChild.nodeType == 3) {
node.currentText = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
return !/[\n\t\r]/.test(node.currentText);
return false;
// Handle a node. Add its successor to the continuation if there
// is one, find out whether the node is normalized. If it is,
// yield its content, otherwise, normalize it (writeNode will take
// care of yielding).
function scanNode(node, c){
if (node.nextSibling)
c = push(scanNode, node.nextSibling, c);
if (partNode(node)){
afterBR = false;
return _yield(node.currentText, c);
else if (isBR(node)) {
if (afterBR && window.opera)
node.parentNode.insertBefore(makePartSpan("", owner), node);
afterBR = true;
return _yield("\n", c);
else {
var end = !node.nextSibling;
point = pointAt(node);
return writeNode(node, c, end);
// MochiKit iterators are objects with a next function that
// returns the next value or throws StopIteration when there are
// no more values.
return {next: function(){return cc();}, nodes: nodeQueue};
// Determine the text size of a processed node.
function nodeSize(node) {
return isBR(node) ? 1 : node.currentText.length;
// Search backwards through the top-level nodes until the next BR or
// the start of the frame.
function startOfLine(node) {
while (node && !isBR(node)) node = node.previousSibling;
return node;
function endOfLine(node, container) {
if (!node) node = container.firstChild;
else if (isBR(node)) node = node.nextSibling;
while (node && !isBR(node)) node = node.nextSibling;
return node;
function time() {return new Date().getTime();}
// Client interface for searching the content of the editor. Create
// these by calling CodeMirror.getSearchCursor. To use, call
// findNext on the resulting object -- this returns a boolean
// indicating whether anything was found, and can be called again to
// skip to the next find. Use the select and replace methods to
// actually do something with the found locations.
function SearchCursor(editor, string, fromCursor, caseFold) {
this.editor = editor;
this.caseFold = caseFold;
if (caseFold) string = string.toLowerCase();
this.history = editor.history;
// Are we currently at an occurrence of the search string?
this.atOccurrence = false;
// The object stores a set of nodes coming after its current
// position, so that when the current point is taken out of the
// DOM tree, we can still try to continue.
this.fallbackSize = 15;
var cursor;
// Start from the cursor when specified and a cursor can be found.
if (fromCursor && (cursor = select.cursorPos(this.editor.container))) {
this.line = cursor.node;
this.offset = cursor.offset;
else {
this.line = null;
this.offset = 0;
this.valid = !!string;
// Create a matcher function based on the kind of string we have.
var target = string.split("\n"), self = this;
this.matches = (target.length == 1) ?
// For one-line strings, searching can be done simply by calling
// indexOf on the current line.
function() {
var line = cleanText(self.history.textAfter(self.line).slice(self.offset));
var match = (self.caseFold ? line.toLowerCase() : line).indexOf(string);
if (match > -1)
return {from: {node: self.line, offset: self.offset + match},
to: {node: self.line, offset: self.offset + match + string.length}};
} :
// Multi-line strings require internal iteration over lines, and
// some clunky checks to make sure the first match ends at the
// end of the line and the last match starts at the start.
function() {
var firstLine = cleanText(self.history.textAfter(self.line).slice(self.offset));
var match = (self.caseFold ? firstLine.toLowerCase() : firstLine).lastIndexOf(target[0]);
if (match == -1 || match != firstLine.length - target[0].length)
return false;
var startOffset = self.offset + match;
var line = self.history.nodeAfter(self.line);
for (var i = 1; i < target.length - 1; i++) {
var lineText = cleanText(self.history.textAfter(line));
if ((self.caseFold ? lineText.toLowerCase() : lineText) != target[i])
return false;
line = self.history.nodeAfter(line);
var lastLine = cleanText(self.history.textAfter(line));
if ((self.caseFold ? lastLine.toLowerCase() : lastLine).indexOf(target[target.length - 1]) != 0)
return false;
return {from: {node: self.line, offset: startOffset},
to: {node: line, offset: target[target.length - 1].length}};
SearchCursor.prototype = {
findNext: function() {
if (!this.valid) return false;
this.atOccurrence = false;
var self = this;
// Go back to the start of the document if the current line is
// no longer in the DOM tree.
if (this.line && !this.line.parentNode) {
this.line = null;
this.offset = 0;
// Set the cursor's position one character after the given
// position.
function saveAfter(pos) {
if (self.history.textAfter(pos.node).length > pos.offset) {
self.line = pos.node;
self.offset = pos.offset + 1;
else {
self.line = self.history.nodeAfter(pos.node);
self.offset = 0;
while (true) {
var match = this.matches();
// Found the search string.
if (match) {
this.atOccurrence = match;
return true;
this.line = this.history.nodeAfter(this.line);
this.offset = 0;
// End of document.
if (!this.line) {
this.valid = false;
return false;
select: function() {
if (this.atOccurrence) {
select.setCursorPos(this.editor.container, this.atOccurrence.from, this.atOccurrence.to);
replace: function(string) {
if (this.atOccurrence) {
var end = this.editor.replaceRange(this.atOccurrence.from, this.atOccurrence.to, string);
this.line = end.node;
this.offset = end.offset;
this.atOccurrence = false;
// The Editor object is the main inside-the-iframe interface.
function Editor(options) {
this.options = options;
window.indentUnit = options.indentUnit;
this.parent = parent;
this.doc = document;
var container = this.container = this.doc.body;
this.win = window;
this.history = new History(container, options.undoDepth, options.undoDelay, this);
var self = this;
if (!Editor.Parser)
throw "No parser loaded.";
if (options.parserConfig && Editor.Parser.configure)
if (!options.readOnly)
select.setCursorPos(container, {node: null, offset: 0});
this.dirty = [];
this.importCode(options.content || "");
this.history.onChange = options.onChange;
if (!options.readOnly) {
if (options.continuousScanning !== false) {
this.scanner = this.documentScanner(options.passTime);
function setEditable() {
// In IE, designMode frames can not run any scripts, so we use
// contentEditable instead.
if (document.body.contentEditable != undefined && internetExplorer)
document.body.contentEditable = "true";
document.designMode = "on";
document.documentElement.style.borderWidth = "0";
if (!options.textWrapping)
container.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
// If setting the frame editable fails, try again when the user
// focus it (happens when the frame is not visible on
// initialisation, in Firefox).
try {
catch(e) {
var focusEvent = addEventHandler(document, "focus", function() {
}, true);
addEventHandler(document, "keydown", method(this, "keyDown"));
addEventHandler(document, "keypress", method(this, "keyPress"));
addEventHandler(document, "keyup", method(this, "keyUp"));
function cursorActivity() {self.cursorActivity(false);}
addEventHandler(document.body, "mouseup", cursorActivity);
addEventHandler(document.body, "cut", cursorActivity);
// workaround for a gecko bug [?] where going forward and then
// back again breaks designmode (no more cursor)
if (gecko)
addEventHandler(this.win, "pagehide", function(){self.unloaded = true;});
addEventHandler(document.body, "paste", function(event) {
var text = null;
try {
var clipboardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
if (clipboardData) text = clipboardData.getData('Text');
catch(e) {}
if (text !== null) {
if (this.options.autoMatchParens)
addEventHandler(document.body, "click", method(this, "scheduleParenHighlight"));
else if (!options.textWrapping) {
container.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
function isSafeKey(code) {
return (code >= 16 && code <= 18) || // shift, control, alt
(code >= 33 && code <= 40); // arrows, home, end
Editor.prototype = {
// Import a piece of code into the editor.
importCode: function(code) {
this.history.push(null, null, asEditorLines(code));
// Extract the code from the editor.
getCode: function() {
if (!this.container.firstChild)
return "";
var accum = [];
forEach(traverseDOM(this.container.firstChild), method(accum, "push"));
return cleanText(accum.join(""));
checkLine: function(node) {
if (node === false || !(node == null || node.parentNode == this.container))
throw parent.CodeMirror.InvalidLineHandle;
cursorPosition: function(start) {
if (start == null) start = true;
var pos = select.cursorPos(this.container, start);
if (pos) return {line: pos.node, character: pos.offset};
else return {line: null, character: 0};
firstLine: function() {
return null;
lastLine: function() {
if (this.container.lastChild) return startOfLine(this.container.lastChild);
else return null;
nextLine: function(line) {
var end = endOfLine(line, this.container);
return end || false;
prevLine: function(line) {
if (line == null) return false;
return startOfLine(line.previousSibling);
visibleLineCount: function() {
var line = this.container.firstChild;
while (line && isBR(line)) line = line.nextSibling; // BR heights are unreliable
if (!line) return false;
var innerHeight = (window.innerHeight
|| document.documentElement.clientHeight
|| document.body.clientHeight);
return Math.floor(innerHeight / line.offsetHeight);
selectLines: function(startLine, startOffset, endLine, endOffset) {
var start = {node: startLine, offset: startOffset}, end = null;
if (endOffset !== undefined) {
end = {node: endLine, offset: endOffset};
select.setCursorPos(this.container, start, end);
lineContent: function(line) {
var accum = [];
for (line = line ? line.nextSibling : this.container.firstChild;
line && !isBR(line); line = line.nextSibling)
return cleanText(accum.join(""));
setLineContent: function(line, content) {
this.replaceRange({node: line, offset: 0},
{node: line, offset: this.history.textAfter(line).length},
removeLine: function(line) {
var node = line ? line.nextSibling : this.container.firstChild;
while (node) {
var next = node.nextSibling;
if (isBR(node)) break;
node = next;
insertIntoLine: function(line, position, content) {
var before = null;
if (position == "end") {
before = endOfLine(line, this.container);
else {
for (var cur = line ? line.nextSibling : this.container.firstChild; cur; cur = cur.nextSibling) {
if (position == 0) {
before = cur;
var text = nodeText(cur);
if (text.length > position) {
before = cur.nextSibling;
content = text.slice(0, position) + content + text.slice(position);
position -= text.length;
var lines = asEditorLines(content), doc = this.container.ownerDocument;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) this.container.insertBefore(doc.createElement("BR"), before);
this.container.insertBefore(makePartSpan(lines[i], doc), before);
// Retrieve the selected text.
selectedText: function() {
var h = this.history;
var start = select.cursorPos(this.container, true),
end = select.cursorPos(this.container, false);
if (!start || !end) return "";
if (start.node == end.node)
return h.textAfter(start.node).slice(start.offset, end.offset);
var text = [h.textAfter(start.node).slice(start.offset)];
for (var pos = h.nodeAfter(start.node); pos != end.node; pos = h.nodeAfter(pos))
text.push(h.textAfter(end.node).slice(0, end.offset));
return cleanText(text.join("\n"));
// Replace the selection with another piece of text.
replaceSelection: function(text) {
var start = select.cursorPos(this.container, true),
end = select.cursorPos(this.container, false);
if (!start || !end) return;
end = this.replaceRange(start, end, text);
select.setCursorPos(this.container, end);
reroutePasteEvent: function() {
if (this.capturingPaste || window.opera) return;
this.capturingPaste = true;
var te = window.frameElement.CodeMirror.textareaHack;
te.value = "";
var self = this;
this.parent.setTimeout(function() {
self.capturingPaste = false;
if (self.selectionSnapshot) // IE hack
self.win.select.setBookmark(self.container, self.selectionSnapshot);
var text = te.value;
if (text) {
}, 10);
replaceRange: function(from, to, text) {
var lines = asEditorLines(text);
lines[0] = this.history.textAfter(from.node).slice(0, from.offset) + lines[0];
var lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
lines[lines.length - 1] = lastLine + this.history.textAfter(to.node).slice(to.offset);
var end = this.history.nodeAfter(to.node);
this.history.push(from.node, end, lines);
return {node: this.history.nodeBefore(end),
offset: lastLine.length};
getSearchCursor: function(string, fromCursor, caseFold) {
return new SearchCursor(this, string, fromCursor, caseFold);
// Re-indent the whole buffer
reindent: function() {
if (this.container.firstChild)
this.indentRegion(null, this.container.lastChild);
reindentSelection: function(direction) {
if (!select.somethingSelected(this.win)) {
else {
var start = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true),
end = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, false);
if (start === false || end === false) return;
this.indentRegion(start, end, direction);
grabKeys: function(eventHandler, filter) {
this.frozen = eventHandler;
this.keyFilter = filter;
ungrabKeys: function() {
this.frozen = "leave";
this.keyFilter = null;
setParser: function(name) {
Editor.Parser = window[name];
if (this.container.firstChild) {
forEach(this.container.childNodes, function(n) {
if (n.nodeType != 3) n.dirty = true;
// Intercept enter and tab, and assign their new functions.
keyDown: function(event) {
if (this.frozen == "leave") this.frozen = null;
if (this.frozen && (!this.keyFilter || this.keyFilter(event.keyCode, event))) {
var code = event.keyCode;
// Don't scan when the user is typing.
// Schedule a paren-highlight event, if configured.
if (this.options.autoMatchParens)
// The various checks for !altKey are there because AltGr sets both
// ctrlKey and altKey to true, and should not be recognised as
// Control.
if (code == 13) { // enter
if (event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) {
else {
else if (code == 9 && this.options.tabMode != "default" && !event.ctrlKey) { // tab
else if (code == 32 && event.shiftKey && this.options.tabMode == "default") { // space
else if (code == 36 && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey) { // home
if (this.home()) event.stop();
else if (code == 35 && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey) { // end
if (this.end()) event.stop();
// Only in Firefox is the default behavior for PgUp/PgDn correct.
else if (code == 33 && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !gecko) { // PgUp
if (this.pageUp()) event.stop();
else if (code == 34 && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !gecko) { // PgDn
if (this.pageDown()) event.stop();
else if ((code == 219 || code == 221) && event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { // [, ]
this.highlightParens(event.shiftKey, true);
else if (event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && (code == 37 || code == 39)) { // Meta-left/right
var cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container);
if (cursor === false || !this.container.firstChild) return;
if (code == 37) select.focusAfterNode(startOfLine(cursor), this.container);
else {
var end = endOfLine(cursor, this.container);
select.focusAfterNode(end ? end.previousSibling : this.container.lastChild, this.container);
else if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey) {
if ((event.shiftKey && code == 90) || code == 89) { // shift-Z, Y
else if (code == 90 || (safari && code == 8)) { // Z, backspace
else if (code == 83 && this.options.saveFunction) { // S
else if (internetExplorer && code == 86) {
// Check for characters that should re-indent the current line,
// and prevent Opera from handling enter and tab anyway.
keyPress: function(event) {
var electric = Editor.Parser.electricChars, self = this;
// Hack for Opera, and Firefox on OS X, in which stopping a
// keydown event does not prevent the associated keypress event
// from happening, so we have to cancel enter and tab again
// here.
if ((this.frozen && (!this.keyFilter || this.keyFilter(event.keyCode, event))) ||
event.code == 13 || (event.code == 9 && this.options.tabMode != "default") ||
(event.keyCode == 32 && event.shiftKey && this.options.tabMode == "default"))
else if (electric && electric.indexOf(event.character) != -1)
this.parent.setTimeout(function(){self.indentAtCursor(null);}, 0);
else if ((event.character == "v" || event.character == "V")
&& (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !event.altKey) // ctrl-V
// Mark the node at the cursor dirty when a non-safe key is
// released.
keyUp: function(event) {
// Indent the line following a given <br>, or null for the first
// line. If given a <br> element, this must have been highlighted
// so that it has an indentation method. Returns the whitespace
// element that has been modified or created (if any).
indentLineAfter: function(start, direction) {
// whiteSpace is the whitespace span at the start of the line,
// or null if there is no such node.
var whiteSpace = start ? start.nextSibling : this.container.firstChild;
if (whiteSpace && !hasClass(whiteSpace, "whitespace"))
whiteSpace = null;
// Sometimes the start of the line can influence the correct
// indentation, so we retrieve it.
var firstText = whiteSpace ? whiteSpace.nextSibling : (start ? start.nextSibling : this.container.firstChild);
var nextChars = (start && firstText && firstText.currentText) ? firstText.currentText : "";
// Ask the lexical context for the correct indentation, and
// compute how much this differs from the current indentation.
var newIndent = 0, curIndent = whiteSpace ? whiteSpace.currentText.length : 0;
if (direction != null && this.options.tabMode == "shift")
newIndent = direction ? curIndent + indentUnit : Math.max(0, curIndent - indentUnit)
else if (start)
newIndent = start.indentation(nextChars, curIndent, direction);
else if (Editor.Parser.firstIndentation)
newIndent = Editor.Parser.firstIndentation(nextChars, curIndent, direction);
var indentDiff = newIndent - curIndent;
// If there is too much, this is just a matter of shrinking a span.
if (indentDiff < 0) {
if (newIndent == 0) {
if (firstText) select.snapshotMove(whiteSpace.firstChild, firstText.firstChild, 0);
whiteSpace = null;
else {
select.snapshotMove(whiteSpace.firstChild, whiteSpace.firstChild, indentDiff, true);
whiteSpace.currentText = makeWhiteSpace(newIndent);
whiteSpace.firstChild.nodeValue = whiteSpace.currentText;
// Not enough...
else if (indentDiff > 0) {
// If there is whitespace, we grow it.
if (whiteSpace) {
whiteSpace.currentText = makeWhiteSpace(newIndent);
whiteSpace.firstChild.nodeValue = whiteSpace.currentText;
// Otherwise, we have to add a new whitespace node.
else {
whiteSpace = makePartSpan(makeWhiteSpace(newIndent), this.doc);
whiteSpace.className = "whitespace";
if (start) insertAfter(whiteSpace, start);
else this.container.insertBefore(whiteSpace, this.container.firstChild);
var fromNode = firstText && (firstText.firstChild || firstText);
select.snapshotMove(fromNode, whiteSpace.firstChild, newIndent, false, true);
if (indentDiff != 0) this.addDirtyNode(start);
// Re-highlight the selected part of the document.
highlightAtCursor: function() {
var pos = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);
var to = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, false);
if (pos === false || to === false) return false;
if (this.highlight(pos, endOfLine(to, this.container), true, 20) === false)
return false;
return true;
// When tab is pressed with text selected, the whole selection is
// re-indented, when nothing is selected, the line with the cursor
// is re-indented.
handleTab: function(direction) {
if (this.options.tabMode == "spaces")
// Custom home behaviour that doesn't land the cursor in front of
// leading whitespace unless pressed twice.
home: function() {
var cur = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true), start = cur;
if (cur === false || !(!cur || cur.isPart || isBR(cur)) || !this.container.firstChild)
return false;
while (cur && !isBR(cur)) cur = cur.previousSibling;
var next = cur ? cur.nextSibling : this.container.firstChild;
if (next && next != start && next.isPart && hasClass(next, "whitespace"))
select.focusAfterNode(next, this.container);
select.focusAfterNode(cur, this.container);
return true;
// Some browsers (Opera) don't manage to handle the end key
// properly in the face of vertical scrolling.
end: function() {
var cur = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);
if (cur === false) return false;
cur = endOfLine(cur, this.container);
if (!cur) return false;
select.focusAfterNode(cur.previousSibling, this.container);
return true;
pageUp: function() {
var line = this.cursorPosition().line, scrollAmount = this.visibleLineCount();
if (line === false || scrollAmount === false) return false;
// Try to keep one line on the screen.
scrollAmount -= 2;
for (var i = 0; i < scrollAmount; i++) {
line = this.prevLine(line);
if (line === false) break;
if (i == 0) return false; // Already at first line
select.setCursorPos(this.container, {node: line, offset: 0});
return true;
pageDown: function() {
var line = this.cursorPosition().line, scrollAmount = this.visibleLineCount();
if (line === false || scrollAmount === false) return false;
// Try to move to the last line of the current page.
scrollAmount -= 2;
for (var i = 0; i < scrollAmount; i++) {
var nextLine = this.nextLine(line);
if (nextLine === false) break;
line = nextLine;
if (i == 0) return false; // Already at last line
select.setCursorPos(this.container, {node: line, offset: 0});
return true;
// Delay (or initiate) the next paren highlight event.
scheduleParenHighlight: function() {
if (this.parenEvent) this.parent.clearTimeout(this.parenEvent);
var self = this;
this.parenEvent = this.parent.setTimeout(function(){self.highlightParens();}, 300);
// Take the token before the cursor. If it contains a character in
// '()[]{}', search for the matching paren/brace/bracket, and
// highlight them in green for a moment, or red if no proper match
// was found.
highlightParens: function(jump, fromKey) {
var self = this;
// give the relevant nodes a colour.
function highlight(node, ok) {
if (!node) return;
if (self.options.markParen) {
self.options.markParen(node, ok);
else {
node.style.fontWeight = "bold";
node.style.color = ok ? "#8F8" : "#F88";
function unhighlight(node) {
if (!node) return;
if (self.options.unmarkParen) {
else {
node.style.fontWeight = "";
node.style.color = "";
if (!fromKey && self.highlighted) {
if (!window.select) return;
// Clear the event property.
if (this.parenEvent) this.parent.clearTimeout(this.parenEvent);
this.parenEvent = null;
// Extract a 'paren' from a piece of text.
function paren(node) {
if (node.currentText) {
var match = node.currentText.match(/^[\s\u00a0]*([\(\)\[\]{}])[\s\u00a0]*$/);
return match && match[1];
// Determine the direction a paren is facing.
function forward(ch) {
return /[\(\[\{]/.test(ch);
var ch, cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);
if (!cursor || !this.highlightAtCursor()) return;
cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, true);
if (!(cursor && ((ch = paren(cursor)) || (cursor = cursor.nextSibling) && (ch = paren(cursor)))))
// We only look for tokens with the same className.
var className = cursor.className, dir = forward(ch), match = matching[ch];
// Since parts of the document might not have been properly
// highlighted, and it is hard to know in advance which part we
// have to scan, we just try, and when we find dirty nodes we
// abort, parse them, and re-try.
function tryFindMatch() {
var stack = [], ch, ok = true;
for (var runner = cursor; runner; runner = dir ? runner.nextSibling : runner.previousSibling) {
if (runner.className == className && isSpan(runner) && (ch = paren(runner))) {
if (forward(ch) == dir)
else if (!stack.length)
ok = false;
else if (stack.pop() != matching[ch])
ok = false;
if (!stack.length) break;
else if (runner.dirty || !isSpan(runner) && !isBR(runner)) {
return {node: runner, status: "dirty"};
return {node: runner, status: runner && ok};
while (true) {
var found = tryFindMatch();
if (found.status == "dirty") {
this.highlight(found.node, endOfLine(found.node));
// Needed because in some corner cases a highlight does not
// reach a node.
found.node.dirty = false;
else {
highlight(cursor, found.status);
highlight(found.node, found.status);
if (fromKey)
self.parent.setTimeout(function() {unhighlight(cursor); unhighlight(found.node);}, 500);
self.highlighted = [cursor, found.node];
if (jump && found.node)
select.focusAfterNode(found.node.previousSibling, this.container);
// Adjust the amount of whitespace at the start of the line that
// the cursor is on so that it is indented properly.
indentAtCursor: function(direction) {
if (!this.container.firstChild) return;
// The line has to have up-to-date lexical information, so we
// highlight it first.
if (!this.highlightAtCursor()) return;
var cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, false);
// If we couldn't determine the place of the cursor,
// there's nothing to indent.
if (cursor === false)
this.indentLineAfter(startOfLine(cursor), direction);
// Indent all lines whose start falls inside of the current
// selection.
indentRegion: function(start, end, direction) {
var current = (start = startOfLine(start)), before = start && startOfLine(start.previousSibling);
if (!isBR(end)) end = endOfLine(end, this.container);
do {
var next = endOfLine(current, this.container);
if (current) this.highlight(before, next, true);
this.indentLineAfter(current, direction);
before = current;
current = next;
} while (current != end);
select.setCursorPos(this.container, {node: start, offset: 0}, {node: end, offset: 0});
// Find the node that the cursor is in, mark it as dirty, and make
// sure a highlight pass is scheduled.
cursorActivity: function(safe) {
// pagehide event hack above
if (this.unloaded) {
this.win.document.designMode = "off";
this.win.document.designMode = "on";
this.unloaded = false;
if (internetExplorer) {
this.selectionSnapshot = select.getBookmark(this.container);
var activity = this.options.cursorActivity;
if (!safe || activity) {
var cursor = select.selectionTopNode(this.container, false);
if (cursor === false || !this.container.firstChild) return;
cursor = cursor || this.container.firstChild;
if (activity) activity(cursor);
if (!safe) {
reparseBuffer: function() {
forEach(this.container.childNodes, function(node) {node.dirty = true;});
if (this.container.firstChild)
// Add a node to the set of dirty nodes, if it isn't already in
// there.
addDirtyNode: function(node) {
node = node || this.container.firstChild;
if (!node) return;
for (var i = 0; i < this.dirty.length; i++)
if (this.dirty[i] == node) return;
if (node.nodeType != 3)
node.dirty = true;
allClean: function() {
return !this.dirty.length;
// Cause a highlight pass to happen in options.passDelay
// milliseconds. Clear the existing timeout, if one exists. This
// way, the passes do not happen while the user is typing, and
// should as unobtrusive as possible.
scheduleHighlight: function() {
// Timeouts are routed through the parent window, because on
// some browsers designMode windows do not fire timeouts.
var self = this;
this.highlightTimeout = this.parent.setTimeout(function(){self.highlightDirty();}, this.options.passDelay);
// Fetch one dirty node, and remove it from the dirty set.
getDirtyNode: function() {
while (this.dirty.length > 0) {
var found = this.dirty.pop();
// IE8 sometimes throws an unexplainable 'invalid argument'
// exception for found.parentNode
try {
// If the node has been coloured in the meantime, or is no
// longer in the document, it should not be returned.
while (found && found.parentNode != this.container)
found = found.parentNode;
if (found && (found.dirty || found.nodeType == 3))
return found;
} catch (e) {}
return null;
// Pick dirty nodes, and highlight them, until options.passTime
// milliseconds have gone by. The highlight method will continue
// to next lines as long as it finds dirty nodes. It returns
// information about the place where it stopped. If there are
// dirty nodes left after this function has spent all its lines,
// it shedules another highlight to finish the job.
highlightDirty: function(force) {
// Prevent FF from raising an error when it is firing timeouts
// on a page that's no longer loaded.
if (!window.select) return false;
if (!this.options.readOnly) select.markSelection(this.win);
var start, endTime = force ? null : time() + this.options.passTime;
while ((time() < endTime || force) && (start = this.getDirtyNode())) {
var result = this.highlight(start, endTime);
if (result && result.node && result.dirty)
if (!this.options.readOnly) select.selectMarked();
if (start) this.scheduleHighlight();
return this.dirty.length == 0;
// Creates a function that, when called through a timeout, will
// continuously re-parse the document.
documentScanner: function(passTime) {
var self = this, pos = null;
return function() {
// FF timeout weirdness workaround.
if (!window.select) return;
// If the current node is no longer in the document... oh
// well, we start over.
if (pos && pos.parentNode != self.container)
pos = null;
var result = self.highlight(pos, time() + passTime, true);
var newPos = result ? (result.node && result.node.nextSibling) : null;
pos = (pos == newPos) ? null : newPos;
// Starts the continuous scanning process for this document after
// a given interval.
delayScanning: function() {
if (this.scanner) {
this.documentScan = this.parent.setTimeout(this.scanner, this.options.continuousScanning);
// The function that does the actual highlighting/colouring (with
// help from the parser and the DOM normalizer). Its interface is
// rather overcomplicated, because it is used in different
// situations: ensuring that a certain line is highlighted, or
// highlighting up to X milliseconds starting from a certain
// point. The 'from' argument gives the node at which it should
// start. If this is null, it will start at the beginning of the
// document. When a timestamp is given with the 'target' argument,
// it will stop highlighting at that time. If this argument holds
// a DOM node, it will highlight until it reaches that node. If at
// any time it comes across two 'clean' lines (no dirty nodes), it
// will stop, except when 'cleanLines' is true. maxBacktrack is
// the maximum number of lines to backtrack to find an existing
// parser instance. This is used to give up in situations where a
// highlight would take too long and freeze the browser interface.
highlight: function(from, target, cleanLines, maxBacktrack){
var container = this.container, self = this, active = this.options.activeTokens;
var endTime = (typeof target == "number" ? target : null);
if (!container.firstChild)
return false;
// Backtrack to the first node before from that has a partial
// parse stored.
while (from && (!from.parserFromHere || from.dirty)) {
if (maxBacktrack != null && isBR(from) && (--maxBacktrack) < 0)
return false;
from = from.previousSibling;
// If we are at the end of the document, do nothing.
if (from && !from.nextSibling)
return false;
// Check whether a part (<span> node) and the corresponding token
// match.
function correctPart(token, part){
return !part.reduced && part.currentText == token.value && part.className == token.style;
// Shorten the text associated with a part by chopping off
// characters from the front. Note that only the currentText
// property gets changed. For efficiency reasons, we leave the
// nodeValue alone -- we set the reduced flag to indicate that
// this part must be replaced.
function shortenPart(part, minus){
part.currentText = part.currentText.substring(minus);
part.reduced = true;
// Create a part corresponding to a given token.
function tokenPart(token){
var part = makePartSpan(token.value, self.doc);
part.className = token.style;
return part;
function maybeTouch(node) {
if (node) {
var old = node.oldNextSibling;
if (lineDirty || old === undefined || node.nextSibling != old)
node.oldNextSibling = node.nextSibling;
else {
var old = self.container.oldFirstChild;
if (lineDirty || old === undefined || self.container.firstChild != old)
self.container.oldFirstChild = self.container.firstChild;
// Get the token stream. If from is null, we start with a new
// parser from the start of the frame, otherwise a partial parse
// is resumed.
var traversal = traverseDOM(from ? from.nextSibling : container.firstChild),
stream = stringStream(traversal),
parsed = from ? from.parserFromHere(stream) : Editor.Parser.make(stream);
function surroundedByBRs(node) {
return (node.previousSibling == null || isBR(node.previousSibling)) &&
(node.nextSibling == null || isBR(node.nextSibling));
// parts is an interface to make it possible to 'delay' fetching
// the next DOM node until we are completely done with the one
// before it. This is necessary because often the next node is
// not yet available when we want to proceed past the current
// one.
var parts = {
current: null,
// Fetch current node.
get: function(){
if (!this.current)
this.current = traversal.nodes.shift();
return this.current;
// Advance to the next part (do not fetch it yet).
next: function(){
this.current = null;
// Remove the current part from the DOM tree, and move to the
// next.
remove: function(){
this.current = null;
// Advance to the next part that is not empty, discarding empty
// parts.
getNonEmpty: function(){
var part = this.get();
// Allow empty nodes when they are alone on a line, needed
// for the FF cursor bug workaround (see select.js,
// insertNewlineAtCursor).
while (part && isSpan(part) && part.currentText == "") {
// Leave empty nodes that are alone on a line alone in
// Opera, since that browsers doesn't deal well with
// having 2 BRs in a row.
if (window.opera && surroundedByBRs(part)) {
part = this.get();
else {
var old = part;
part = this.get();
// Adjust selection information, if any. See select.js for details.
select.snapshotMove(old.firstChild, part && (part.firstChild || part), 0);
return part;
var lineDirty = false, prevLineDirty = true, lineNodes = 0;
// This forEach loops over the tokens from the parsed stream, and
// at the same time uses the parts object to proceed through the
// corresponding DOM nodes.
forEach(parsed, function(token){
var part = parts.getNonEmpty();
if (token.value == "\n"){
// The idea of the two streams actually staying synchronized
// is such a long shot that we explicitly check.
if (!isBR(part))
throw "Parser out of sync. Expected BR.";
if (part.dirty || !part.indentation) lineDirty = true;
from = part;
// Every <br> gets a copy of the parser state and a lexical
// context assigned to it. The first is used to be able to
// later resume parsing from this point, the second is used
// for indentation.
part.parserFromHere = parsed.copy();
part.indentation = token.indentation;
part.dirty = false;
// If the target argument wasn't an integer, go at least
// until that node.
if (endTime == null && part == target) throw StopIteration;
// A clean line with more than one node means we are done.
// Throwing a StopIteration is the way to break out of a
// MochiKit forEach loop.
if ((endTime != null && time() >= endTime) || (!lineDirty && !prevLineDirty && lineNodes > 1 && !cleanLines))
throw StopIteration;
prevLineDirty = lineDirty; lineDirty = false; lineNodes = 0;
else {
if (!isSpan(part))
throw "Parser out of sync. Expected SPAN.";
if (part.dirty)
lineDirty = true;
// If the part matches the token, we can leave it alone.
if (correctPart(token, part)){
part.dirty = false;
// Otherwise, we have to fix it.
else {
lineDirty = true;
// Insert the correct part.
var newPart = tokenPart(token);
container.insertBefore(newPart, part);
if (active) active(newPart, token, self);
var tokensize = token.value.length;
var offset = 0;
// Eat up parts until the text for this token has been
// removed, adjusting the stored selection info (see
// select.js) in the process.
while (tokensize > 0) {
part = parts.get();
var partsize = part.currentText.length;
select.snapshotReplaceNode(part.firstChild, newPart.firstChild, tokensize, offset);
if (partsize > tokensize){
shortenPart(part, tokensize);
tokensize = 0;
else {
tokensize -= partsize;
offset += partsize;
// The function returns some status information that is used by
// hightlightDirty to determine whether and where it has to
// continue.
return {node: parts.getNonEmpty(),
dirty: lineDirty};
return Editor;
addEventHandler(window, "load", function() {
var CodeMirror = window.frameElement.CodeMirror;
var e = CodeMirror.editor = new Editor(CodeMirror.options);
this.parent.setTimeout(method(CodeMirror, "init"), 0);