2010-10-27 02:11:44 +02:00

161 lines
5.6 KiB

- inline editing (http://www.aloha-editor.com/wiki/index.php/Aloha_PHP_Example)
- html view in the aloha popup
- editable elements should wrap a tag: div, h1, ...etc (default span)
- edit images (upload new ones, ...etc) => wait for aloha or send them an email ?
- import tool:
- add samples option
- remove existing pages / contents option
- do not override existing site name
- page templatized (tied to content type)
- samples
- cosmetic / ui bugs / bugs:
- increase the input field for domain names
- drag&drop for assets ('last' class issue)
- paginate is not working
- segmentation with with_scope
- asset whitelist
- api
- handle html request (for now, it's just json)
- refactor slugify method (use parameterize + create a module)
- [content types] the "display column" selector should not include file types
- global regions: keyword in editable element (http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Updating)
- write my first tutorial about locomotive
- installation guide
- detect if new installation
- no-site error redirects to the first step
- steps:
0/ welcome: domains, ...etc
1/ Create account
2/ Create new site (name, subdomain)
3/ Import theme (worker or list of sites from fs)
! add dom_id and css_class fields in page (body structure ?)
- notify accounts when new instance of models (opt): none, one or many accounts. Used for contact form.
- new custom field types:
- belongs_to => association
- cucumber features for admin pages
- validation for custom fields
- switch to list (theme assets / assets ?). delete all in once (with checkbox) or see details (updated_at, size, ...etc)
- custom fields: accepts_nested_attributes weird behaviour when creating new content type + adding random fields
- import / export site
- asset collections: custom resizing if image
- super_finder
- better icons for mime type
- traffic statistics
- Worker => Heroku / S3 (not so sure finally)
- asset picker (content instance)
- page with regexp url ?
- page redirection (option)
- automatic update !
- page not found (front) => if logged in, link to create the page
x tiny mce or similar for custom field text type.
x refactor custom field types
x new custom field types
x boolean
x enable/disable text formatting
x custom fields for asset collections
x [BUG] impossible to remove many assets in an asset collection
x new custom field type: date
x missing key: en, admin, theme_assets, images, no_items
x new custom field type: file
x update custom_fields plugin
x locomotive ui
x liquid templates
x rss parser
x localize application in French
x default
x devise
x carrierwave
x localize devise emails
x admin
x change credits in the admin footer
x license
x textile filter
x [bug] varnish can not be refreshed in heroku so "max-age" has to be disabled => modify cache strategy
x "remember me" should always be enabled
x sitemap
x refactoring admin crud (pages + layouts + snippets)
x flash messages in French
x save layout / snippet / page / stylesheet / javascript with CMD + S (ajax)
x change action icons according to the right action [Sacha]
x publish event when saving form in ajax (for instance, in order to update account name or site name)
x page templatized (bound to a model)
x theme asset picker when editing layout / snippet
x templatized: do not display content with visible / active set to false
x theme assets: disable version if not image (handled by the new version of Carrierwave)
x rack app to map pretty asset url to S3 => shortcut urls instead
x site selector (cross domain authentication)
x nice error page
x nice 404 page (admin section)
x liquid inheritance
x bug editable_xxx disabled for nil block
! duplicated block name
x display liquid errors
x theme assets selector in page editor
x saving page in ajax
x editable_long_text tag
x blocking issue when modifying the parent of 2 templates => one of the 2 children has reference of the first child
x editable_file tag
x stylish file field
x remove not used editable element all in once
x default content from parent editable element
x unable to upload/remove editable file
x customize tinyMCE: no html popup => div popup, nice icons
x add images / files inside long text element (back-office side at first ?)
x create a repo for a tool "a la" vision
x asset collections => liquid
x images tag to write
! apply http://github.com/flori/json/commit/2c0f8d2c9b15a33b8d10ffcb1959aef54d320b57
x snippet dependencies => do not work correctly
? google analytics tag
x mask internal asset_collections
x refactor ui for the theme assets page
x fix assets liquid tags / filters
x upload and insert new images in a css or js from the ui is broken
x proxy for fonts (http://markevans.github.com/dragonfly/file.Rails3.html)
x order yaml file (http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/120295)
x fix tests
x inline editing (http://www.aloha-editor.com/wiki/index.php/Aloha_PHP_Example)
x spinner
x save automatically (callback) => store modifications
x admin buttons
x edit page
x save / cancel
x back to back-office => admin settings of the page
(- duplicate page ?)
(- super bonus statistics)
x locale
x store page toolbar status in cookie
x trim short text content
x namespace js functions
x import tool:
x select field (see custom fields and nocoffee theme) ?
x disable sub tasks by passing options
x exceptions
x page to import theme
x contents: group_by, oder_by, api_enabled
x folders for theme assets
x theme assets whitelist
x fonts
x asset collections
x rewrite the unzip process (for the import)
x bug with asset collections (assets disappear if we save the collection ?!)