93 lines
2.7 KiB
93 lines
2.7 KiB
class Locomotive.Views.ApplicationView extends Backbone.View
el: 'body'
render: ->
# render page view
if @options.view?
@view = new @options.view(@options.view_data || {})
window.Locomotive.tinyMCE.defaultSettings.language = window.locale # set the default tinyMCE language
window.Locomotive.tinyMCE.minimalSettings.language = window.locale
return @
render_flash_messages: (messages) ->
_.each messages, (couple) ->
$.growl couple[0], couple[1]
center_ui_dialog: ->
$(window).resize ->
$('.ui-dialog-content:visible').dialog('option', 'position', 'center')
add_submenu_behaviours: ->
$('#submenu ul li.hoverable').each ->
timer = null
link = $(@)
(popup = link.find('.popup')).removeClass('popup').addClass('submenu-popup'
).bind('show', ->
link.find('a').addClass('hover') & popup.css(
top: link.offset().top + link.height() - 2
left: link.offset().left - parseInt(popup.css('padding-left'))
).bind('hide', ->
link.find('a').removeClass('hover') & $(@).hide()
).bind('mouseleave', -> popup.trigger('hide')
).bind 'mouseenter', -> clearTimeout(timer)
-> popup.trigger('show')
-> timer = window.setTimeout (-> popup.trigger('hide')), 30
css = $('#submenu > ul').attr('class')
$("#submenu > ul > li.#{css}").addClass('on') if css != ''
enable_sites_picker: ->
link = @$('#sites-picker-link')
picker = @$('#sites-picker')
return if picker.size() == 0
left = link.position().left + link.parent().position().left - (picker.width() - link.width())
picker.css('left', left)
link.bind 'click', (event) ->
event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault()
enable_content_locale_picker: ->
link = @$('#content-locale-picker-link')
picker = @$('#content-locale-picker')
return if picker.size() == 0
link.bind 'click', (event) ->
event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault()
picker.find('li').bind 'click', (event) ->
locale = $(@).attr('data-locale')
window.addParameterToURL 'content_locale', locale
unique_dialog_zindex: ->
# returns the number of jQuery UI modals created in order to set a valid zIndex for each of them.
# Each modal window should have a different zIndex, otherwise there will be conflicts between them.
window.Locomotive.jQueryModals ||= 0
998 + window.Locomotive.jQueryModals++