
2330 lines
67 KiB

* Gentics Aloha Simple Table Plugin
* Register the SimpleTablePlugin as GENTICS.Aloha.Plugin
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin = new GENTICS.Aloha.Plugin('com.gentics.aloha.plugins.SimpleTable', 'table');
// I M P O R T A N T
// if you want to disable ff table resize handles this has to be executed onload
// document.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, false );
// the call will fail if used outside of onload, and has to be surrounded by try/catch
// but it's proven to work!
/* -- ATTRIBUTES -- */
* The Create-Layer Object of the SimpleTablePlugin
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.createLayer = undefined;
* Configure the available languages
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.languages = ['en', 'de'];
* An Array which holds all newly created tables contains DOM-Nodes of
* table-objects
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.TableRegistry = new Array();
* Holds the active table-object
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable = undefined;
* parameters-objects for tables
* @param className
* The class of activated tables
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.parameters = {
className : 'GENTICS_Aloha_SimpleTable', // class of editable tables
classSelectionRow : 'GENTICS_Aloha_SimpleTable_selectColumn', // class for the upper table-row to select columns
classSelectionColumn : 'GENTICS_Aloha_SimpleTable_selectRow', // class for the left bound table-cells to select rows
classLeftUpperCorner : 'GENTICS_Aloha_SimpleTable_leftUpperCorner', // class for the left upper corner cell
classTableWrapper : 'GENTICS_Aloha_SimpleTable_wrapper', // class of the outest table-wrapping div
classCellSelected : 'GENTICS_Aloha_Cell_selected', // class of cell which are selected (row/column selection)
selectionArea : 10 // width/height of the selection rows (in pixel)
* The configuration-object for the implementer of the plugin. All keys of the
* "parameters" object could be overwritten within this object and will simply
* be used instead.
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.config = new Object();
/* -- END ATTRIBUTES -- */
/* -- METHODS -- */
* Init method of the Table-plugin transforms all tables in the document and
* sets the initialized flag to true
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.init = function() {
// disable this plugin
// add reference to the create layer object
this.createLayer = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer();
var that = this;
// subscribe for the 'editableActivated' event to activate all tables in the editable
GENTICS.Aloha.EventRegistry.subscribe(GENTICS.Aloha, 'editableCreated', function(event, editable) {
// add a mousedown event to all created editables to check if
editable.obj.bind('mousedown', function(jqEvent) {
if (!editable.floatingMenu.isActive) {
editable.obj.find('table').each(function() {
// instantiate a new table-object
var table = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table(this);
table.parentEditable = editable;
// activate the table
// add the activated table to the TableRegistry
// call initButtons when event enableCreated is triggered
GENTICS.Aloha.EventRegistry.subscribe(GENTICS.Aloha, 'editableCreated', this.initCreateTableButton);
// disable advanced table handles in firefox
// try/catch since opera won't like this
$(document).ready(function () {
// document.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, false );
this.initialized = true;
* initialize the buttons and register them on floating menu
* @param event event object
* @param editable current editable object
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.initCreateTableButton = function (event, editable) {
var buttons = new Array();
var sep = new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'separator',
title : 'Separator',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_separator',
onClick : function(){}
var table = new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'table',
status : 'released',
title : 'Insert table',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_button_table',
onClick : function() {
editable.floatingMenu.registerButtons(GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin, buttons);
* This function adds the createDialog to the calling element
* @param callingElement
* The element, which was clicked. It's needed to set the right
* position to the create-table-dialog.
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.createDialog = function(callingElement) {
// set the calling element to the layer the calling element mostly will be
// the element which was clicked on it is used to position the createLayer
this.createLayer.set('target', callingElement);
// show the createLayer
* Creates a normal html-table, "activates" this table and inserts it into the
* active Editable
* @param cols
* number of colums for the created table
* @param cols
* number of rows for the created table
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.createTable = function(cols, rows) {
// Check if there is an active Editable and that it contains an element (= .obj)
if (GENTICS.Aloha.activeEditable != null && typeof GENTICS.Aloha.activeEditable.obj != 'undefined') {
// create a dom-table object
var table = document.createElement('table');
var tableId = table.id = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.getNewTableID();
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
// create "rows"-number of rows
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
// create "cols"-number of columns
for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
var text = document.createTextNode('\u00a0');
var td = document.createElement('td');
// insert at current cursor position
// if the table is inserted
var tableReloadedFromDOM = document.getElementById(tableId);
var tableObj = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table(tableReloadedFromDOM);
tableObj.parentEditable = GENTICS.Aloha.activeEditable;
// transform the table to be editable
// tableObj.activate();
// after creating the table, trigger a click into the first cell to
// focus the content
// for IE set a timeout of 10ms to focus the first cell, other wise it
// won't work
// if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
// window.setTimeout(function() { tableObj.cells[0].wrapper.get(0).focus(); }, 20);
// } else {
// tableObj.cells[0].wrapper.get(0).focus();
// }
// no active editable => error
} else {
this.error('There is no active Editable where the table can be inserted!');
* Inserts the given element at the cursor position of the current active Editable
* @param elementThe element which should be inserted (a DOM-object)
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.insertAtCursorPos = function(element) {
// check if the element-parameter is set
if (typeof element != 'undefined') {
// check if there is an active editable
if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.activeEditable.obj != 'undefined'){
var range, html;
// insertion for IE
if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
range = GENTICS.Aloha.Editable.range;
html = (element.nodeType == 3) ? element.data : element.outerHTML;
// insertion for other browser
} else if (window.getSelection && window.getSelection().getRangeAt){
range = GENTICS.Aloha.Editable.range;
// insertion didn't work trigger ERROR to user!
} else {
this.error("Table couldn't be inserted");
this.warn('No active Editable => do nothing.');
this.error('This method didn\'t get an element to insert!');
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.setFocusedTable = function(focusTable) {
for (var i = 0; i < GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.TableRegistry.length; i++) {
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.TableRegistry[i].hasFocus = false;
if (typeof focusTable != 'undefined') {
focusTable.hasFocus = true;
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable = focusTable;
* Calls the GENTICS.Aloha.log function with 'error' level
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.log
* @param msg
* The message to display
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.error = function(msg) {
GENTICS.Aloha.Log.error(this, msg);
* Calls the GENTICS.Aloha.log function with 'debug' level
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.log
* @param msg
* The message to display
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.debug = function(msg) {
GENTICS.Aloha.Log.debug(this, msg);
* Calls the GENTICS.Aloha.log function with 'info' level
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.log
* @param msg
* The message to display
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.info = function(msg) {
GENTICS.Aloha.Log.info(this, msg);
* Calls the GENTICS.Aloha.log function with 'info' level
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.log
* @param msg
* The message to display
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.log = function(msg) {
GENTICS.Aloha.log('log', this, msg);
* The "get"-method returns the value of the given key.
* First it searches in the config for the property.
* If there is no property with the given name in the
* "config"-object it returns the entry associated with
* in the parameters-object
* @param property
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.get = function (property) {
if (this.config[property]) {
return this.config[property];
if (this.parameters[property]) {
return this.parameters[property];
return undefined;
* The "set"-method takes a key and a value. It checks if there is a
* key-value pair in the config-object. If so it saves the data in the
* config-object. If not it saves the data in the parameters-object.
* @param key the key which should be set
* @param value the value which should be set for the associated key
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.set = function (key, value) {
if (this.config[key]) {
this.config[key] = value;
this.parameters[key] = value;
* Make the given jQuery object (representing an editable) clean for saving
* Find all tables and deactivate them
* @param obj jQuery object to make clean
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.makeClean = function (obj) {
// find all table tags
obj.find('table').each(function() {
// instantiate a new table-object
var table = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table(this);
// deactivate the table
* String representation of the Table-object
* @return The plugins namespace (string)
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.toString = function() {
return this.prefix;
/* -- END METHODS -- */
| GENTICS.Aloha.Table |
* Constructor of the table object
* @param table
* the dom-representation of the held table
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table = function(table) {
// set the table attribut "obj" as a jquery represenation of the dom-table
this.obj = jQuery(table);
// find the dimensions of the table
var rows = this.obj.find("tr");
var firstRow = jQuery(rows.get(0));
this.numCols = firstRow.children("td, th").length;
this.numRows = rows.length;
// init the cell-attribute with an empty array
this.cells = new Array();
// iterate over table cells and create Cell-objects
var rows = this.obj.find('tr');
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = jQuery(rows[i]);
var cols = row.children();
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
var col = cols[j];
var Cell = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell(col, this);
/* -- ATTRIBUTES -- */
* Attribute holding the jQuery-table-represenation
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.obj = undefined;
* The DOM-element of the outest div-container wrapped around the cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.tableWrapper = undefined;
* An array of all Cells contained in the Table
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.cells = undefined;
* Number of rows of the table
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.numRows = undefined;
* Number of rows of the table
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.numCols = undefined;
* This attribute holds the floatingMenu of the table-object
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.floatingMenu = undefined;
* Flag wether the table is active or not
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.isActive = false;
* Flag wether the table is focused or not
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.hasFocus = false;
* The editable which contains the table
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.parentEditable = undefined;
* Flag to check if the mouse was pressed. For row- and column-selection.
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.mousedown = false;
* ID of the column which was pressed when selecting columns
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.clickedColumnId = -1;
* ID of the row which was pressed when selecting rows
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.clickedRowId = -1;
* collection of columnindexes of the columns which should be selected
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.columnsToSelect = new Array();
* collection of rowindexes of the rows which should be selected
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.rowsToSelect = new Array();
* contains the plugin id used for interaction with the floating menu
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.fmPluginId = undefined;
/* -- END ATTRIBUTES -- */
/* -- METHODS -- */
* Wrapper-Mehotd to return a property of GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.get
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.get
* @param property
* the property whichs value should be return
* @return the value associated with the property
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.get = function(property) {
return GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.get(property);
* Wrapper-Method for GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.set
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.set
* @param key
* the key whichs value should be set
* @param value
* the value for the key
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.set(key, value);
* Transforms the existing dom-table into an editable aloha-table. In fact it
* replaces the td-elements with equivalent GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell-elements
* with attached events.
* Furthermore it creates wrapping divs to realize a click-area for row- and
* column selection and also attaches events.
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.activate = function() {
if (this.isActive) {
var that = this;
// alter the table attributes
// set an id to the table if not already set
if (this.obj.attr('id') == '') {
this.obj.attr('id', GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.getNewTableID());
// add the floating menu to the table
// this.obj.bind('keydown', function(jqEvent){
// if (!jqEvent.ctrlKey && !jqEvent.shiftKey) {
// if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0 && GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length > 0) {
// GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][0].firstChild.focus();
// }
// }
// });
// handle click event of the table
this.obj.bind('click', function(e){
// stop bubbling the event to the outer divs, a click in the table
// should only be handled in the table
return false;
this.obj.bind('mousedown', function(jqEvent) {
// focus the table if not already done
if (!that.hasFocus) {
// // if a mousedown is done on the table, just focus the first cell of the table
// setTimeout(function() {
// var firstCell = that.obj.find('tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)').children('div[contentEditable=true]').get(0);
// GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.unselectCells();
// jQuery(firstCell).get(0).focus();
// }, 5);
// stop bubbling and default-behaviour
return false;
// ### create a wrapper for the table (@see HINT below)
// wrapping div for the table to suppress the display of the resize-controls of
// the editable divs within the cells
// var tableWrapper = jQuery('<div class="' + this.get('classTableWrapper') + '" contentEditable="false"></div>');
// wrap the tableWrapper around the table
// this.obj.wrap(tableWrapper);
// :HINT The outest div (Editable) of the table is still in an editable
// div. So IE will surround the the wrapper div with a resize-border
// Workaround => just disable the handles so hopefully won't happen any ugly stuff.
// Disable resize and selection of the controls (only IE)
// Events only can be set to elements which are loaded from the DOM (if they
// were created dynamically before) ;)
// var htmlTableWrapper = this.obj.parents('.' + this.get('classTableWrapper'));
// htmlTableWrapper.get(0).onresizestart = function(e) { return false; };
// htmlTableWrapper.get(0).oncontrolselect = function(e) { return false; };
// this.tableWrapper = this.obj.parents('.' + this.get('classTableWrapper')).get(0);
jQuery(this.cells).each(function () {
// after the cells where replaced with contentEditables ... add selection cells
// first add the additional columns on the left side
// this.attachSelectionColumn();
// // then add the additional row at the top
// this.attachSelectionRow();
// // attach events for the last cell
// this.attachLastCellEvents();
// set flag, that the table is activated
this.isActive = true;
// this.lastCellLastCaretPos = 0;
// handle cursor moves in first and last table cell
// e.keyCode: left = 37, up = 38, right = 39, down = 40
// this.obj.find('tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(2)').css('background', 'blue');
// this.obj.find('tr:last td:last div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').bind('keyup', function (e) {
// GENTICS.Aloha.Log.debug(that, 'last caret pos: ' + that.lastCellLastCaretPos + ' new: '
// + GENTICS.Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset);
// // bei den richtigen keys letze pos mit aktueller pos vergleichen
// if (that.lastCellLastCaretPos == GENTICS.Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset
// && (e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 40)) {
// alert('jump out');
// }
// that.lastCellLastCaretPos = GENTICS.Aloha.Selection.rangeObject.endOffset;
// });
// throw a new event when the table has been activated
new GENTICS.Aloha.Event(
[ this ]
* Creates a new floatingMenu with the defined buttons and attaches it to the
* Table-object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.attachFloatingMenu = function() {
// create a floating menu for the table and set it as attribute
this.floatingMenu = new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu(this.obj);
this.fmPluginId = this + this.obj.attr('id');
var that = this;
// register the fm buttons
var buttons = [
// add column (left) button
new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'addColumnLeft',
title : 'Add column left',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_Aloha_addColumnLeft',
onClick : function(){
// add column (right) button
new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'addColumnRight',
title : 'Add column right',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_Aloha_addColumnRight',
onClick : function(){
// insert row before button
new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'addRowBefore',
title : 'Insert row before',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_Aloha_addRowBefore',
onClick : function(){
// insert row after button
new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'addRowAfter',
title : 'Insert row after',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_Aloha_addRowAfter',
onClick : function(){
// delete selected rows
new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'deleteRows',
title : 'Delete selected row(s)',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_Aloha_deleteRows',
onClick : function(){
var bool = window.confirm('You are going to delete the selected rows?\nContinue?');
if (bool) {
// delete selected columns
new GENTICS.Aloha.OldFloatingMenu.Button({
name : 'deleteColumns',
title : 'Delete selected column(s)',
cssClass : 'GENTICS_Aloha_deleteColumns',
onClick : function(){
var bool = window.confirm('You are going to delete the selected columns?\nContinue?');
if (bool) {
// register the buttons for the floating menu
this.floatingMenu.registerButtons(this.fmPluginId, buttons);
// hide the buttons for deleting rows and columns
* Add the selection-column to the left side of the table and attach the events
* for selection rows
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.attachSelectionColumn = function() {
// create an empty cell
var emptyCell = jQuery('<td>');
// set the unicode '&nbsp;' code
var that = this;
var rows = this.obj.context.rows;
// add a column before each first cell of each row
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var rowObj = jQuery(rows[i]);
var columnToInsert = emptyCell.clone();
columnToInsert.css('width', this.get('selectionArea') + 'px');
// rowIndex + 1 because an addtional row is still added
var rowIndex = i + 1;
// this method sets the selection-events to the cell
* Binds the needed selection-mouse events to the given cell
* @param cell
* The jquery object of the table-data field
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.attachRowSelectionEventsToCell = function(cell){
var that = this;
// unbind eventually existing events of this cell
// prevent ie from selecting the contents of the table
cell.get(0).onselectstart = function() { return false; };
cell.bind('mousedown', function(e){
// focus the table (if not already done)
// stop bubble, otherwise the mousedown of the table is called ...
// prevent ff/chrome/safare from selecting the contents of the table
//return false;
cell.bind('mouseover', function(e) { that.rowSelectionMouseOver(e); e.preventDefault(); });
* Mouse-Down event for the selection-cells on the left side of the table
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.rowSelectionMouseDown = function (jqEvent) {
// set flag that the mouse is pressed
this.mousedown = true;
// if no cells are selected, reset the selection-array
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length == 0) {
this.rowsToSelect = new Array();
// set the origin-rowId of the mouse-click
this.clickedRowId = jqEvent.currentTarget.parentNode.rowIndex;
// set the array of to-be-selected columns
if (jqEvent.ctrlKey) {
var arrayIndex = jQuery.inArray(this.clickedRowId, this.rowsToSelect);
if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
this.rowsToSelect.splice(arrayIndex, 1);
}else if (jqEvent.shiftKey) {
this.rowsToSelect.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
var start = this.rowsToSelect[0];
var end = this.clickedRowId;
if (start > end) {
start = end;
end = this.rowsToSelect[0];
this.rowsToSelect = new Array();
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
this.rowsToSelect = [this.clickedRowId];
// do the selection
// prevent browser from selecting the table
* The mouse-over event for the selection-cells on the left side of the table.
* On mouse-over check which column was clicked, calculate the span between
* clicked and mouse-overed cell and mark them as selected
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.rowSelectionMouseOver = function (jqEvent) {
var rowIndex = jqEvent.currentTarget.parentNode.rowIndex;
// only select the row if the mouse was clicked and the clickedRowId isn't
// from the selection-row (row-id = 0)
if (this.mousedown && this.clickedRowId >= 0) {
var indexInArray = jQuery.inArray(rowIndex, this.rowsToSelect);
var start = (rowIndex < this.clickedRowId) ? rowIndex : this.clickedRowId;
var end = (rowIndex < this.clickedRowId) ? this.clickedRowId : rowIndex;
this.rowsToSelect = new Array();
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
// this actually selects the rows
* Binds the needed selection-mouse events to the given cell
* @param cell
* The jquery object of the table-data field
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.attachSelectionRow = function() {
var that = this;
// create an empty td
var emptyCell = jQuery('<td>');
// get the number of columns in the table (length of the cells in the first row)
var numColumns = this.obj.context.rows[0].cells.length;
var selectionRow = jQuery('<tr>');
selectionRow.css('height', this.get('selectionArea') + 'px');
for (var i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
var columnToInsert = emptyCell.clone();
// the first cell should have no function, so only attach the events for
// the rest
if (i > 0) {
// bind all mouse-events to the cell
// add the cell to the row
// global mouseup event to reset the selection properties
jQuery(document).bind('mouseup', function(e) {
that.mousedown = false;
that.clickedColumnId = -1;
that.clickedRowId = -1;
* Binds the events for the column selection to the given cell.
* @param cell
* the jquery object of the td-field
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.attachColumnSelectEventsToCell = function (cell) {
var that = this;
// unbind eventually existing events of this cell
// prevent ie from selecting the contents of the table
cell.get(0).onselectstart = function() { return false; };
cell.bind('mousedown', function(e) {
// focus the table
// stop bubble, otherwise the mousedown of the table is called ...
return false;
cell.bind('mouseover', function (e) {
* Mouse-down event for a columns-selection cell. It adds the index of the
* clicked column to the "columnsToSelect"-Array and calls the method which
* selects the column.
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery event-object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.columnSelectionMouseDown = function (jqEvent) {
// set the mousedown flag
this.mousedown = true;
// if no cells are selected, reset the selection-array
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length == 0) {
this.columnsToSelect = new Array();
// store the id of the column which has been originally clicked
this.clickedColumnId = jqEvent.currentTarget.cellIndex;
if (jqEvent.ctrlKey) {
var arrayIndex = jQuery.inArray(this.clickedColumnId, this.columnsToSelect);
if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
this.columnsToSelect.splice(arrayIndex, 1);
}else if (jqEvent.shiftKey) {
this.columnsToSelect.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
var start = this.columnsToSelect[0];
var end = this.clickedColumnId;
if (start > end) {
start = end;
end = this.columnsToSelect[0];
this.columnsToSelect = new Array();
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
this.columnsToSelect = [this.clickedColumnId];
// this does actually the column-selection.
// it reads the columns which should be selected from "columnsToSelect"
// prevent browser from selecting the table
* Mouseover-event for the column-selection cell. This method calcluates the
* span between the clicked column and the mouse-overed cell and selects the
* columns inbetween. and mark them as selected
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.columnSelectionMouseOver = function (jqEvent) {
var colIndex = jqEvent.currentTarget.cellIndex;
if (this.mousedown && this.clickedColumnId > 0) {
var indexInArray = jQuery.inArray(colIndex, this.columnsToSelect);
var start = (colIndex < this.clickedColumnId) ? colIndex : this.clickedColumnId;
var end = (colIndex < this.clickedColumnId) ? this.clickedColumnId : colIndex;
this.columnsToSelect = new Array();
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
* Unbinds all events of the last cell
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.releaseLastCellEvents = function() {
this.obj.find('tr:last td:last').unbind();
* Attach a keydown-event for the last cell
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.lastCellKeyDown
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.attachLastCellEvents = function() {
var that = this;
this.obj.find('tr:last td:last').bind('keydown', function(jqEvent) {
* If the tab-key was pressed in the last cell create a new row and jump into
* the first cell of the next row.
* Only add a new row if no addtional key was pressed (shift, alt, ctrl)
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.lastCellKeyDown = function(jqEvent) {
var KEYCODE_TAB = 9;
// only add a row on a single key-press of tab (so check if alt-, shift- or
// ctrl-key are NOT pressed)
if (KEYCODE_TAB == jqEvent.keyCode && !jqEvent.altKey && !jqEvent.shiftKey && !jqEvent.ctrlKey) {
// add a row after the current row (false stands for not highlighting the new row)
// stop propagation because this should overwrite all other events
// for ie make a special case ... focus the first cell of the new row
if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
this.obj.find('tr:last td:nth-child(1) div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus();
return false;
* Deletes the selected rows. If no row are selected, delete the row, where the
* cursor is positioned. If all rows of the table should be deleted, the whole
* table is deletet and removed from the tableRegistry.
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.deleteRows = function() {
var rowIDs = new Array();
// flag if the table should be deleted
var deleteTable = false;
// if a selection was made, delete the selected cells
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length; i++) {
// if no rows were selected, delete the row, where the cursor is placed in
}else if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell != 'undefined') {
// if all rows should be deleted, set flag to remove the WHOLE table
if (rowIDs.length == this.numRows) {
deleteTable = true;
// delete the whole table
if (deleteTable) {
if (window.confirm('You have selected all rows to be deleted. This will delete the table.\nContinue?')) {
rowIDs.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
// check which cell should be focused after the deletion
var focusRowId = rowIDs[0];
if (focusRowId > (this.numRows - rowIDs.length)) {
focusRowId --;
// release the events of the last cell
// get all rows
var rows = this.obj.find('tr');
var rows2delete = new Array();
// build the array with the row-ids of th rows which should be deleted
for (var i = 0; i < rowIDs.length; i++) {
// delete cells from cells-array
for (var i = 0; i < rows2delete.length; i ++) {
var cols = rows2delete[i].children("td").toArray();
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
for (var m = 0; m < this.cells.length; m ++) {
if (cols[j] == this.cells[m].obj.get(0)) {
this.cells.splice(m, 1);
m = this.cells.length;
// remove the rows
for (var i = 0; i < rows2delete.length; i++) {
// reduce the attribute storing the number of rows in the table
this.numRows -= rows2delete.length;
if (jQuery.browser.msie){
setTimeout(this.obj.find('tr:nth-child(' + (focusRowId + 1) + ') td:nth-child(2) div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus, 5);
this.obj.find('tr:nth-child(' + (focusRowId + 1) + ') td:nth-child(2) div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus();
// re-attach the events for the last cell
// finally unselect the marked cells
* Deletes the selected columns. If no columns are selected, delete the column, where the
* cursor is positioned. If all columns of the table should be deleted, the whole
* table is deleted from the dom and removed from the tableRegistry.
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.deleteColumns = function() {
var colIDs = new Array();
// flag if the table should be deleted
var deleteTable = false;
// if a selection was made, delete the selected cells
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length; i++) {
// if no columns were selected, delete the column, where the cursor is placed in
}else if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell != 'undefined') {
// if all columns should be deleted, set flag to remove the WHOLE table
if (colIDs.length == this.numCols) {
deleteTable = true;
// delete the whole table
if (deleteTable) {
if (window.confirm('You have selected all columns to be deleted. This will delete the table.\nContinue?')) {
colIDs.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
// check which cell should be focused after the deletion
var focusColID = colIDs[0];
if (focusColID > (this.numCols - colIDs.length)) {
focusColID --;
// release the events of the last cell
// get all rows to iterate
var rows = this.obj.find('tr');
var cols2delete = new Array();
// build the array with the row-ids of th rows which should be deleted
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cells = jQuery(rows[i]).children("td").toArray();
for (var j = 0; j < colIDs.length; j++) {
// delete cells from cells-array
for (var i = 0; i < cols2delete.length; i ++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.cells.length; j++) {
if (cols2delete[i] == this.cells[j].obj.get(0)) {
this.cells.splice(j, 1);
j = this.cells.length;
// remove the columns
for (var i = 0; i < cols2delete.length; i++) {
// reduce the attribute storing the number of rows in the table
this.numCols -= colIDs.length;
if (jQuery.browser.msie){
setTimeout(this.obj.find('tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(' + (focusColID + 1) + ') div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus, 5);
this.obj.find('tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(' + (focusColID + 1) + ') div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus();
// re-attach the events for the last cell
* Deletes the table from the dom and remove it from the tableRegistry.
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.deleteTable = function() {
var deleteIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.TableRegistry.length; i++){
if (GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.TableRegistry[i].obj.attr('id') == this.obj.attr('id')) {
deleteIndex = i;
if (deleteIndex >= 0) {
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.TableRegistry.splice(i, 1);
delete this;
* Wrapper function for this.addRow to add a row before the active row
* @param highlightNewRows flag if the newly created rows should be marked as selected
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addRow
* @return
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addRowsBefore = function(highlightNewRows) {
this.addRows('before', highlightNewRows);
* Wrapper function for this.addRow to add a row after the active row
* @param highlightNewRows flag if the newly created rows should be marked as selected
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addRow
* @return
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addRowsAfter = function(highlightNewRows) {
this.addRows('after', highlightNewRows);
* Adds new rows to the table. If rows were selected, the new rows will be
* inserted before/after the first/last selected row. If no rows are selected, a
* new row will be inserted before/after the row of the currently selected cell.
* As well the row-selection events have to be bound again.
* @param position
* could be 'after' or 'before'. defines the position where the new
* rows should be inserted
* @param highlightNewRows
* flag if the newly created rows should be marked as selected
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addRows = function(position, highlightNewRows) {
if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable != 'undefined') {
// release listening events of the last cell
var that = this;
var numCols = this.numCols;
// number of rows to insert
var rowsToInsert = 1;
// index where new rows should be inserted
var rowId = 1;
// if rows were selected take the amount of selected cells for the new rows
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0) {
rowsToInsert = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length;
// get the index where the new rows should be inserted
switch (position) {
case 'before':
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length){
rowId = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][0].parentNode.rowIndex;
case 'after':
var lastRow = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length - 1;
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[lastRow].length){
rowId = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[lastRow][0].parentNode.rowIndex;
// no rows selected, insert 1 new row before/after the row of the last active cell
}else if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell != 'undefined') {
rowId = GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell.obj.context.parentNode.rowIndex;
// the new row index for the created row
var newRowIndex = rowId;
// if the new rows should be inserted after the last selected row
// increase the rowindex will be one more than the actual row
if (position == 'after') {
newRowIndex += 1;
var rowIdArray = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < rowsToInsert; j++) {
var insertionRow = jQuery('<tr>');
// create the first column, the "select row" column
var selectionColumn = jQuery('<td>');
for (i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
var newCol = jQuery('<td>');
var cell = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell(newCol.get(0), GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable);
var currentRow = jQuery(GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable.obj.find("tr").get(rowId));
switch (position) {
case 'before':
case 'after':
this.warn(this, 'Wrong call of GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addRow!');
newRowIndex ++;
this.numRows ++;
this.rowsToSelect = rowIdArray;
if (highlightNewRows) {
// re-attach events of the last cell
* Wrapper method to add columns on the right side
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.addColumns
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addColumnsRight = function () {
* Wrapper method to add columns on the left side
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.addColumns
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addColumnsLeft = function() {
* Inserts new columns into the table. Either on the right or left side. If
* columns are selected, the amount of selected columns will be inserted on the
* 'right' or 'left' side. If no cells are selected, 1 new column will be
* inserted before/after the column of the last active cell.
* As well all column-selection events must be bound to the firsts row-cell.
* @param position
* could be 'left' or 'right'. defines the position where the new
* columns should be inserted
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.addColumns = function (position) {
if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable != 'undefined') {
// release listening events of the last cell
var that = this;
// amount of columns to insert
var columnsToInsert = 1;
// index of the column from where the new columns should be inserted
var colId = 1;
// if columns are selected, get the column-index of the column on the left/right selected end
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0) {
columnsToInsert = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length;
switch (position) {
case 'left':
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length){
colId = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][0].cellIndex;
case 'right':
var lastColumn = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length - 1;
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length){
colId = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][lastColumn].cellIndex;
// otherwise take the column-index of the last active cell
}else if (typeof GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell != 'undefined') {
colId = GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell.obj.context.cellIndex;
// the new col index for the created column
var newColId = colId;
var emptyCell = jQuery('<td>');
var rows = this.obj.find('tr');
var colIdArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){
var currentColId = newColId;
var row = rows[i];
for (var j = 0; j < columnsToInsert; j++) {
var cell = emptyCell.clone();
// this is the first row, so make a column-selection cell
if (i == 0) {
cellObj = new GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell(cell.get(0), GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.activeTable);
cell = cellObj.obj;
var insertionColumn = jQuery(jQuery(row).find("td").get(newColId));
switch (position) {
case 'left':
if (jQuery.inArray(currentColId, colIdArray) < 0) {
case 'right':
if (jQuery.inArray((currentColId + 1), colIdArray) < 0) {
colIdArray.push(currentColId + 1);
currentColId ++;
this.numCols += columnsToInsert;
this.columnsToSelect = colIdArray;
// re-attach events of the last cell
* Helper method to set the focus-attribute of the table to true
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.focus = function() {
if (!this.hasFocus) {
if (!this.parentEditable.isActive) {
// TODO workaround - fix this. the selection is updated later on by the browser
// using setTimeout here is hideous, but a simple execution-time call will fail
setTimeout('GENTICS.Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(false, true)', 50);
* Helper method to set the focus-attribute of the table to false
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.focusOut = function() {
if (this.hasFocus) {
this.hasFocus = false;
* Marks all cells of the specified column as marked (adds a special class)
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.selectColumns = function() {
// get the class which selected cells should have
var selectClass = this.get('classCellSelected');
// unselect selected cells
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectionType = 'col';
this.columnsToSelect.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
var rows = this.obj.find("tr").toArray();
// first row is the selection row (dump it => not needed)
var toSelect = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){
var rowCells = rows[i].cells;
var selectedCellsInCol = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < this.columnsToSelect.length; j++) {
var colIndex = this.columnsToSelect[j];
var cell = rowCells[colIndex];
if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
// setTimeout(jQuery(cell).children('div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus, 5);
* Marks all cells of the specified row as marked (adds a special class)
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.selectRows = function() {
// get the class which selected cells should have
var selectClass = this.get('classCellSelected');
// unselect selected cells
this.rowsToSelect.sort(function(a,b){return a - b;});
for (var i = 0; i < this.rowsToSelect.length; i++) {
var rowId = this.rowsToSelect[i];
var rowCells = jQuery(this.obj.find('tr').get(rowId).cells).toArray();
// shift the first element (which is a selection-helper cell)
if (i == 0) {
if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
// setTimeout(jQuery(rowCells[0]).children('div.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable').get(0).focus, 5);
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectionType = 'row';
* Deactivation of a Aloha-Table. Clean up ... remove the wrapping div and the
* selection-helper divs
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.deactivate = function() {
if (GENTICS.Aloha.trim(this.obj.attr('class')) == '') {
// unwrap the selectionLeft-div if available
if (this.obj.parents('.' + this.get('classTableWrapper')).length){
// remove the selection row
this.obj.find('tr.' + this.get('classSelectionRow') + ':first').remove();
// remove the selection column (first column left)
var that = this;
jQuery.each(this.obj.context.rows, function(){
jQuery(this).children('td.' + that.get('classSelectionColumn')).remove();
// remove the "selection class" from all td and th in the table
this.obj.find('td, th').removeClass(this.get('classCellSelected'));
// wrap the inner html of the contentEditable div to its outer html
for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) {
var Cell = this.cells[i];
* toString-method for GENTICS.Aloha.Table object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'GENTICS.Aloha.Table';
/* -- END METHODS -- */
| GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell |
* The constructor for the Cell-Objects takes a DOM td-object, attaches
* events, adds an wrapper into the cell and returns the modified td-object as
* DOM representation
* @param originalTd
* The original td-field which should will be transformed
* @param colId
* the internal id of the corresponding col (begin with 0)
* @param rowId
* the internal id of the corresponding row (begin with 0)
* @param tableObj
* GENTICS.Aloha.Table-Object which contains the cell
* @return the created table-data field as DOM-representation
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell = function(originalTd, tableObj) {
this.obj = jQuery(originalTd);
this.tableObj = tableObj;
/* -- ATTRIBUTES -- */
* Reference to the jQuery-representation of the wrapping table
* @see GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.table
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.tableObj = undefined;
* Reference to the jQuery td-Object of the cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.obj = undefined;
* The jQuery wrapper of the cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.wrapper = undefined;
* Flag if the cell has focus
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.hasFocus = false;
* The jQuery wrapper of the cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.activeCell = undefined;
* The jQuery wrapper of the cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell = undefined;
/* -- END ATTRIBUTES -- */
* Focus method for the contentediable div within a table data-field. The method
* requires the event-property Cell as a GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell object. If the
* Cell wasn't activated yet it does all relevant actions to activate the cell.
* @param e
* the jquery event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.editableFocus = function(e) {
// only do activation stuff if the cell don't has the focus
if (!this.hasFocus) {
// set an internal flag to focus the table
// set the clicked cell active as the active cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.activeCell = this;
// set the clicked cell active as the last active cell (the difference
// to activeCell is that lastActiveCell won't be reset on blur)
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.lastActiveCell = this;
// add an active-class
// set the focus flag
this.hasFocus = true;
// select the whole content in the table-data field
* Blur event for the contenteditable div within a table-data field. The method
* requires the event-property Cell as a GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell object. It
* sets the hasFocus flag of the cell to false and removes the "active"
* css-class.
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.editableBlur = function(jqEvent){
// no active cell
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.activeCell = undefined;
// reset the focus of the cell
this.hasFocus = false;
// remove "active class"
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.activate = function() {
// create the editable wrapper for the cells
// var wrapper = jQuery('<div>');
// wrapper.attr('contentEditable', 'true');
// wrapper.addClass('GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable');
// var that = this;
// // attach events to the editable div-object
// wrapper.bind('focus', function(jqEvent) { that.editableFocus(jqEvent); });
// wrapper.bind('mousedown', function(jqEvent) { that.editableMouseDown(jqEvent); });
// wrapper.bind('blur', function(jqEvent) { that.editableBlur(jqEvent); });
// wrapper.bind('keyup', function(jqEvent) { that.editableKeyUp(jqEvent); });
// wrapper.bind('keydown', function(jqEvent) { that.editableKeyDown(jqEvent); });
// this.obj.bind('mousedown', function(jqEvent) {
// setTimeout(function() {
// that.wrapper.trigger('focus');
// }, 1);
// // unselect cells
// GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.unselectCells();
// jqEvent.stopPropagation();
// });
// this.obj.get(0).onselectstart = function (jqEvent) { return false; };
// // wrap the created div into the contents of the cell
// this.obj.wrapInner(wrapper);
// // set contenteditable wrapper div
// this.wrapper = this.obj.children();
// this.wrapper.get(0).onselectstart = function() {
// window.event.cancelBubble = true;
// };
return this;
* The deactivate method removes the contenteditable helper div within the
* table-data field and wraps the innerHtml to the outerHTML
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.deactivate = function() {
var wrapper = this.obj.children('.GENTICS_Table_Cell_editable');
if (wrapper.length) {
// get the inner html of the contenteditable div
var innerHtml = wrapper.html();
// remove the contenteditable div and its attached events
// remove the click event of the
if (GENTICS.Aloha.trim(this.obj.attr('class')) == '') {
// set the inner html of the contenteditable div as html for the table-data
// field
* Native toString-method
* @return string name of the namespace
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell';
* Selects all inner-contens of an contentEditable-object
* @param editableNode dom-representation of the editable node (div-element)
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.selectAll = function(editableNode) {
var e = (editableNode.jquery) ? editableNode.get(0) : editableNode;
// Not IE
if (!jQuery.browser.msie) {
var s = window.getSelection();
// Safari
if (s.setBaseAndExtent) {
s.setBaseAndExtent(e, 0, e, e.innerText.length - 1);
// Firefox and Opera
else {
// workaround for bug # 42885
if (window.opera
&& e.innerHTML.substring(e.innerHTML.length - 4) == '<BR>') {
e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML + '&nbsp;';
var r = document.createRange();
// Some older browsers
else if (document.getSelection) {
var s = document.getSelection();
var r = document.createRange();
// IE
else if (document.selection) {
var r = document.body.createTextRange();
* The mouse-down event for the editable-div in the thd-field. Unselect all
* cells when clicking on the editable-div.
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.editableMouseDown = function(jqEvent) {
// deselect all highlighted cells registred in the TableHelper object
if (this.tableObj.hasFocus) {
* The key-up event for the editable-div in the td-field. Just check if the div
* is empty and insert an &nbsp;
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.editableKeyUp = function(jqEvent) {
* The key-down event for the ediable-div in the td-field. Check if the the div
* is empty and insert an &nbsp. Furthermore if cells are selected, unselect
* them.
* @param jqEvent
* the jquery-event object
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.editableKeyDown = function(jqEvent) {
if (!jqEvent.ctrlKey && !jqEvent.shiftKey) {
if (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0 && GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length > 0) {
}else if(jqEvent.shiftKey && GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length > 0){
switch (GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectionType) {
case 'row':
switch(jqEvent.keyCode) {
var firstSelectedRow = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][0].parentNode.rowIndex;
if (firstSelectedRow > 1) {
this.tableObj.rowsToSelect.push(firstSelectedRow - 1);
var lastRowIndex = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells.length - 1;
var lastSelectedRow = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[lastRowIndex][0].parentNode.rowIndex;
if (lastSelectedRow < this.tableObj.numRows) {
this.tableObj.rowsToSelect.push(lastSelectedRow + 1);
case 'col':
switch(jqEvent.keyCode) {
var firstColSelected = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][0].cellIndex;
if (firstColSelected > 1) {
this.tableObj.columnsToSelect.push(firstColSelected - 1);
var lastColIndex = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0].length - 1;
var lastColSelected = GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.selectedCells[0][lastColIndex].cellIndex;
if (lastColSelected < this.tableObj.numCols) {
this.tableObj.columnsToSelect.push(lastColSelected + 1);
return false;
* The custom keyup event for a table-cell Checks if the cell is empty and
* inserts a space (\u00a0)
* @param e
* the event object which is given by jquery
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.Cell.prototype.checkForEmptyEvent = function(jqEvent) {
// get the editable contents
var text = this.wrapper.text();
// if empty insert a blank space and blur and focus the wrapper
if (text == ''){
/* -- END METHODS -- */
| GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer |
* Dummy initialize of the CreateLayer object
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer = function(){};
/* -- ATTRIBUTES -- */
* Internal configuration of the create-table panel
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.parameters = {
elemId: 'GENTICS_Aloha_SimpleTable_createLayer', // id of the create-table panel
className: 'GENTICS_Table_Createdialog', // class-name of the create-table panel
numX: 10, // Number of cols in the create-layer
numY: 10, // Number of rows in the create-layer vertically
layer: undefined, // Attribute holding the create-layer
target: undefined // the clicktarget which was clicked on (mostly the button of the floatingmenu)
* The configuration-object for the implementer of the plugin. All keys of
* the "parameters" object could be overwritten within this object and will
* simply be used instead.
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.config = new Object();
* Flag wether the CreateLayer is currently visble or not
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.visible = false;
/* -- END ATTRIBUTES -- */
/* -- METHODS -- */
* This function checks if there is an create-table-layer. If no layer exists, it creates one and puts it into the configuration.
* If the layer was already created it sets the position of the panel and shows it.
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.show = function(){
var layer = this.get('layer');
// create the panel if the layer doesn't exist
if (layer == null) {
}else {
// or reposition, cleanup and show the layer
this.visible = true;
* Creates the div-layer which holds a table with the given number of rows and cols.
* It sets click and mouseover-events to the table data fields
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.create = function () {
var that = this;
var layer = jQuery('<div></div>');
layer.id = this.get('elemId');
var table = jQuery('<table></table>');
table.css('width', (this.get('numX') + 6) * 15);
var tr;
var td;
for (var i = 0; i < this.get('numY'); i++) {
tr = jQuery('<tr></tr>');
for (var j = 0; j < this.get('numX'); j++) {
td = jQuery('<td>\u00a0</td>');
if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
td.bind('mouseover', {rowId: i, colId: j}, function(e) {
that.handleMouseOver(e, table);
td.bind('click', {rowId: i, colId: j}, function(e){
var rows = e.data.rowId + 1;
var cols = e.data.colId + 1;
GENTICS.Aloha.SimpleTablePlugin.createTable(cols, rows);
// set attributes
this.set('layer', layer);
// stop bubbling the click on the create-dialog up to the body event
layer.bind('click', function(e) {
// append layer to body and
// hide the create layer if user clicks anywhere in the body
jQuery('body').append(layer).bind('click', function(e) {
if (e.target != that.get('target') && that.visible) {
* handles the mose over state for a cell
* @param e event object
* @param table the aeffected table
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.handleMouseOver = function(e, table) {
var rowId = e.data.rowId;
var colId = e.data.colId;
var innerRows = table.find('tr');
for (var n = 0; n <= innerRows.length; n++) {
var innerCells = jQuery(innerRows[n]).find('td');
for (var k = 0; k <= innerCells.length; k++) {
if (n <= rowId && k <= colId) {
} else {
* Sets the "left" and "top" style-attributes according to the clicked target-button
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.setPosition = function() {
var targetObj = jQuery(this.get('target'));
var pos = targetObj.offset();
this.get('layer').css('left', pos.left + 'px');
this.get('layer').css('top', (pos.top + targetObj.height()) + 'px');
* Hides the create-table panel width the jQuery-method hide()
* @see jQuery().hide()
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.hide = function() {
this.visible = false;
* The "get"-method returns the value of the given key. First it searches in the
* config for the property. If there is no property with the given name in the
* "config"-object it returns the entry associated with in the parameters-object
* @param property
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.get = function(property) {
// return param from the config
if (this.config[property]) {
return this.config[property];
// if config-param was not found return param from the parameters-object
if (this.parameters[property]) {
return this.parameters[property];
return undefined;
* The "set"-method takes a key and a value. It checks if there is a key-value
* pair in the config-object. If so it saves the data in the config-object. If
* not it saves the data in the parameters-object.
* @param key
* the key which should be set
* @param value
* the value which should be set for the associated key
GENTICS.Aloha.Table.CreateLayer.prototype.set = function (key, value) {
// if the key already exists in the config-object, set it to the config-object
if (this.config[key]) {
this.config[key] = value;
// otherwise "add" it to the parameters-object
this.parameters[key] = value;
/* -- END METHODS -- */
| GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper |
* The TableHelper object is a helper-object which consists of static/global attributes and functions
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper = function(){};
/* -- ATTRIBUTES -- */
* Gives the type of the cell-selection
* possible values are "row" or "col"
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.prototype.selectionType = undefined;
* Holds all currently selected table cells as an array of DOM "td" representations
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.prototype.selectedCells = new Array();
/* -- END ATTRIBUTES -- */
/* -- METHODS -- */
* This method removes the "selected" class from all selected cells
* @return void
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.prototype.unselectCells = function(){
if (this.selectedCells.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedCells.length; i++) {
this.selectedCells = new Array();
this.selectionType = undefined;
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper.prototype.getNewTableID = function() {
var idPrefix = 'GENTICS_Table_';
var factor = 1000000;
for (this.tableCounter; true; this.tableCounter ++) {
var id = idPrefix + (Math.ceil(Math.random() * factor));
// fill up the id with zeros
for (var j = id.length; j < idPrefix.length + factor.toString().length; j++) {
id += '0';
if (!jQuery('#' + id).length) {
return id;
/* -- END METHODS -- */
* Initialize a new Object from the same object to get access to the prototype methods
GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper = new GENTICS.Aloha.TableHelper();