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10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Didier Lafforgue bf480a6df5 forgot to merge that file 2012-04-26 12:47:56 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue e5cb5d1f9a merge with master 2012-04-26 12:46:31 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue 62e2a5029d use the last version of FOG 2012-04-11 03:40:00 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue 63fd77f950 handle is unique within the scope of a site 2012-04-11 00:21:20 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue 14596a5443 fix a couple of annoying engine bugs + implement the first version of the find tag 2012-04-10 17:44:13 +02:00
did 4d1b986f1b fix broken tests + make the editing of locales more robust 2012-04-10 04:55:59 -07:00
Didier Lafforgue e26febdaf6 refactoring (wip) 2012-04-06 12:23:11 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue 260f9ae4ef one way to avoid autosave 2012-04-05 18:02:16 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue 64ea41cbcd one way to avoid autosave 2012-04-05 18:01:16 +02:00
Didier Lafforgue 64168cad37 wip 2012-04-05 17:12:26 +02:00
59 changed files with 893 additions and 855 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ gemspec # Include gemspec dependencies
# The rest of the dependencies are for use when in the locomotive development environment
group :development do
# gem 'locomotive-mongoid-tree', :path => '../gems/custom_fields' # for Developers
# gem 'custom_fields', :path => '../gems/custom_fields' # for Developers
# gem 'custom_fields', :git => 'git://', :branch => '2.0.0.rc' # Branch on Github

View File

@ -103,9 +103,7 @@ GEM
rack-test (>= 0.5.4)
selenium-webdriver (~> 2.0)
xpath (~> 0.1.4)
carrierwave (0.6.2)
activemodel (>= 3.2.0)
activesupport (>= 3.2.0)
carrierwave (0.6.1)
carrierwave-mongoid (0.1.3)
carrierwave (>= 0.5.6)
mongoid (~> 2.1)
@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ GEM
ejs (1.0.0)
erubis (2.7.0)
excon (0.13.4)
excon (0.13.3)
execjs (1.3.0)
multi_json (~> 1.0)
factory_girl (2.5.2)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,4 @@ class Locomotive.Models.Page extends Backbone.Model
delete hash['editable_elements']
hash.editable_elements = @get('editable_elements').toJSONForSave() if @get('editable_elements')? && @get('editable_elements').length > 0
delete hash['target_klass_name']
hash.target_klass_name = @get('target_klass_name') if @get('templatized') == true
class Locomotive.Models.PagesCollection extends Backbone.Collection

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class Locomotive.Views.Pages.FormView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView
# enable check boxes
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Locomotive.Views.Pages.FormView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView
@editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea input.get()[0],
mode: 'liquid'
autoMatchParens: false
lineNumbers: false
lineNumbers: true
passDelay: 50
tabMode: 'shift'
theme: 'default'
@ -109,14 +109,9 @@ class Locomotive.Views.Pages.FormView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView
url: @$('#page_slug').attr('data-url')
type: 'get'
dataType: 'json'
data: { parent_id: @$('#page_parent_id').val(), slug: @$('#page_slug').val() }
data: { parent_id: @$('#page_parent_id').val(), slug: @$('#page_slug').val(), wildcard: @model.get('wildcard') }
success: (data) =>
@$('#page_slug_input .inline-hints').html(data.url).effect('highlight')
if data.templatized_parent
@$('li#page_templatized_input, li#page_target_klass_name_input').hide()
@$('li#page_templatized_input').show() unless @model.get('redirect')
enable_response_type_select: ->
@$('li#page_response_type_input').change (event) =>
@ -126,19 +121,13 @@ class Locomotive.Views.Pages.FormView extends Locomotive.Views.Shared.FormView
@model.set redirect: false
@$('li#page_redirect_input, li#page_redirect_url_input').hide()
enable_templatized_checkbox: ->
@_enable_checkbox 'templatized',
features: ['slug', 'redirect', 'listed']
on_callback: =>
off_callback: =>
@$('li#page_templatized_input').hide() if @model.get('templatized_from_parent') == true
enable_wildcard_checkbox: ->
@_enable_checkbox 'wildcard',
features: ['redirect', 'listed']
enable_redirect_checkbox: ->
@_enable_checkbox 'redirect',
features: ['templatized', 'cache_strategy']
features: ['wildcard', 'cache_strategy']
on_callback: =>
off_callback: =>

View File

@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ ul.list {
cursor: move;
&.templatized > .inner > a {
&.wildcard > .inner > a {
padding-right: 24px;
background: transparent image-url("locomotive/list/icons/template.png") no-repeat right 2px;

View File

@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ module Locomotive
def get_path
page = => current_site.pages.find(params[:parent_id]), :slug => params[:slug].permalink).tap do |p|
page = => current_site.pages.find(params[:parent_id]), :slug => params[:slug].permalink, :wildcard => params[:wildcard]).tap do |p|
p.valid?; p.send(:build_fullpath)
render :json => { :url => public_page_url(page), :slug => page.slug, :templatized_parent => page.templatized_from_parent? }
render :json => { :url => public_page_url(page), :slug => page.slug }

View File

@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ module Locomotive
def public_page_url(page, options = {})
if content = options.delete(:content)
File.join(current_site_public_url, page.fullpath.gsub('content_type_template', ''), content._slug)
File.join(current_site_public_url, page.fullpath)
# def public_page_url(page, options = {})
# if content = options.delete(:content)
# File.join(current_site_public_url, page.fullpath.gsub('content_type_template', ''), content._slug)
# else
# File.join(current_site_public_url, page.fullpath)
# end
# end
# memberships

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Locomotive
module PagesHelper
def css_for_page(page)
%w(index not_found templatized redirect).inject([]) do |memo, state|
%w(index not_found wildcard redirect).inject([]) do |memo, state|
memo << state.dasherize if page.send(:"#{state}?")
end.join(' ')
@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ module Locomotive
def options_for_target_klass_name
base_models = do |type|
[, type.klass_with_custom_fields(:entries)]
base_models + { |name| [name.underscore.humanize, name] }
def options_for_page_cache_strategy
[t('.cache_strategy.none'), 'none'],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
module Locomotive
module Extensions
module Page
module Fullpath
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
## fields ##
field :fullpath, :localize => true
field :wildcard, :type => Boolean, :default => false
field :wildcards, :type => Array
## callbacks ##
before_validation :get_wildcards_from_parent
before_validation :add_slug_to_wildcards
before_save :build_fullpath
after_update :propagate_fullpath_changes
# before_save :set_children_autosave
# before_rearrange :foo #propagate_fullpath_changes
# after_save :propagate_fullpath_changes
# after_save { |p| puts "[after_save] #{p.fullpath} / #{p.wildcards.inspect} / #{p.wildcard?}" }
## scopes ##
# scope :fullpath, lambda { |fullpath| { :where => { :fullpath => fullpath } } } # used ?
## virtual attributes ##
attr_accessor :wildcards_hash
# def foo
# Rails.logger.debug "----> rearranging #{self.slug}.......\n\n"
# puts "[rearranging]"
# end
# This method returns true if the fullpath is enhanced
# by wildcards. It is different from the wildcard? method
# because it includes the ancestors when determining if
# the current page has wildcards or not.
def has_wildcards?
self.wildcard? || !self.fullpath.try(:index, '*').nil?
# It returns a pretty output of the fullpath. The "*" characters
# are replaced by the following pattern ":<slug>" like the ones you can find
# in the Ruby on Rails routes.
def pretty_fullpath
return self.fullpath unless self.has_wildcards?
index = 0
self.fullpath.split('/').map do |segment|
if segment == '*'
":#{self.wildcards[index]}".tap { index += 1 }
# It returns the fullpath with wildcard segments replaced by the values
# specified in the first argument.
# @param [ Hash ] values The map assigning to a wildcard name its value
# @return [ String ] The compiled fullpath
def compiled_fullpath(values)
return self.fullpath unless self.has_wildcards?
index = 0
self.fullpath.split('/').map do |segment|
if segment == '*'
"#{values[self.wildcards[index]]}".tap { index += 1 }
# It builds the map associating the name of a wildcard
# with its value within the path.
# The map is also stored in the wildcards_hash attribute
# of the page.
# @param [ String ] path the path from the HTTP request
# @return [ Hash ] The map
def match_wildcards(path)
self.wildcards_hash, wildcard_index, segments = {}, 0, self.fullpath.split('/')
path.split('/').each_with_index do |segment, index|
if segments[index] == '*'
self.wildcards_hash[self.wildcards[wildcard_index].underscore] = segment
wildcard_index += 1
# def set_children_autosave
# @autosave_for_children = !must_propagate_fullpath_changes?
# true
# end
def get_wildcards_from_parent
return true if self.parent.nil?
if self.parent.has_wildcards?
# puts "[get_wildcards_from_parent] #{self.slug} - #{self.parent.wildcards.inspect}"
self.wildcards = self.parent.wildcards.clone
# puts "[get_wildcards_from_parent] #{self.slug} - reset wildcards"
self.wildcards = []
def add_slug_to_wildcards
# puts "[add_slug_to_wildcards] #{self.slug} / #{self.wildcard?}"
(self.wildcards ||= []) << self.slug if self.wildcard?
def build_fullpath
if self.index? || self.not_found?
self.fullpath = self.slug
segments = (self.parent.fullpath.try(:split, '/') || [nil]) + [self.wildcard? ? '*' : self.slug]
segments.shift if segments.first == 'index'
self.fullpath = File.join segments.compact
def propagate_fullpath_changes
if self.fullpath_changed? || self.wildcards_changed?
# def must_propagate_fullpath_changes?
# self.wildcard_changed? || self.slug_changed?
# end
# def propagate_fullpath_changes
# return true unless must_propagate_fullpath_changes?
# parent_identities = { self._id => self }
# Rails.logger.debug "[propagate_fullpath_changes] BEGIN page #{self.slug} #{self.fullpath} / #{self.wildcards.inspect} / #{self._parent.try(:has_wildcards?).inspect}"
# puts "[propagate_fullpath_changes] BEGIN page #{self.slug} #{self.fullpath} / #{self.wildcards.inspect} / #{self._parent.try(:has_wildcards?).inspect}"
# self.descendants.order_by([[:depth, :asc]]).each do |page|
# _parent = parent_identities[page.parent_id]
# _fullpath = {}
# _wildcards = nil
# puts "[propagate_fullpath_changes] #{page.fullpath} / #{page.wildcards.inspect} / #{page._parent.try(:has_wildcards?).inspect}"
# if _parent.has_wildcards?
# _wildcards = _parent.wildcards + (page.wildcard? ? [page.slug] : [])
# end
# do |locale|
# base_fullpath = _parent.fullpath_translations[locale]
# slug = page.wildcard? ? '*' : page.slug_translations[locale]
# next if base_fullpath.blank?
# _fullpath[locale] = File.join(base_fullpath, slug)
# end
# selector = { 'id' => page._id }
# operations = {
# '$set' => {
# 'wildcards' => _wildcards,
# 'fullpath' => _fullpath
# }
# }
# self.collection.update selector, operations
# parent_identities[page._id] = page
# end
# end

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module Locomotive
## scopes ##
scope :pages, lambda { |domain| { :any_in => { :domains => [*domain] } } }
scope :dependent_from, lambda { |id| { :where => { => [id] } } }
def template

View File

@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ module Locomotive
module ClassMethods
# Given both a site and a path, this method tries
# to get the matching page.
# If the page is templatized, the related content entry is
# associated to the page (page.content_entry stores the entry).
# If no page is found, then it returns the 404 one instead.
# Given both a site and a path, this method retrieves
# the matching page if it exists.
# If the found page owns wildcards in its fullpath, then
# assigns the value for each wildcard and store the result within the page.
# @param [ Site ] site The site where to find the page
# @param [ String ] path The fullpath got from the request
@ -33,17 +32,7 @@ module Locomotive
if !_page.published? && !logged_in
if _page.templatized?
%r(^#{_page.fullpath.gsub('content_type_template', '([^\/]+)')}$) =~ path
permalink = $1
_page.content_entry = _page.fetch_target_entry(permalink)
if _page.content_entry.nil? || (!_page.content_entry.visible? && !logged_in) # content instance not found or not visible
page = _page
@ -56,9 +45,7 @@ module Locomotive
# Calculate all the combinations possible based on the
# fact that one of the segment of the path could be
# a content type from a templatized page.
# We postulate that there is only one templatized page in a path
# (ie: no nested templatized pages)
# a wildcard.
# @param [ String ] path The path to the page
@ -69,13 +56,13 @@ module Locomotive
def _path_combinations(segments, can_include_template = true)
def _path_combinations(segments)
return nil if segments.empty?
segment = segments.shift
(can_include_template ? [segment, 'content_type_template'] : [segment]).map do |_segment|
if (_combinations = _path_combinations(segments.clone, can_include_template && _segment != 'content_type_template'))
[segment, '*'].map do |_segment|
if (_combinations = _path_combinations(segments.clone))
[*_combinations].map do |_combination|
File.join(_segment, _combination)

View File

@ -1,136 +1,136 @@
module Locomotive
module Extensions
module Page
module Templatized
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
## fields ##
field :templatized, :type => Boolean, :default => false
field :templatized_from_parent, :type => Boolean, :default => false
field :target_klass_name
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :target_klass_name, :if => :templatized?
validate :ensure_target_klass_name_security
## callbacks ##
before_validation :get_templatized_from_parent
before_validation :set_slug_if_templatized
before_validation :ensure_target_klass_name_security
after_save :propagate_templatized
## scopes ##
scope :templatized, :where => { :templatized => true }
## virtual attributes ##
attr_accessor :content_entry
# Returns the class specified by the target_klass_name property
# @example
# page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::Entry12345'
# page.target_klass = Locomotive::Entry12345
# @return [ Class ] The target class
def target_klass
# Gives the name which can be used in a liquid template in order
# to reference an entry. It uses the slug property if the target klass
# is a Locomotive content type or the class name itself for the other classes.
# @example
# page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::Entry12345' # related to the content type Articles
# page.target_entry_name = 'article'
# page.target_klass_name = 'OurProduct'
# page.target_entry_name = 'our_product'
# @return [ String ] The name in lowercase and underscored
def target_entry_name
if self.target_klass_name =~ /^Locomotive::Entry([a-z0-9]+)$/
@content_type ||=$1)
# Finds the entry both specified by the target klass and identified by the permalink
# @param [ String ] permalink The permalink of the entry
# @return [ Object ] The document
def fetch_target_entry(permalink)
def get_templatized_from_parent
return if self.parent.nil?
if self.parent.templatized?
self.templatized = self.templatized_from_parent = true
self.target_klass_name = self.parent.target_klass_name
elsif !self.templatized?
self.templatized = self.templatized_from_parent = false
self.target_klass_name = nil
def set_slug_if_templatized
self.slug = 'content_type_template' if self.templatized? && !self.templatized_from_parent?
# Makes sure the target_klass is owned by the site OR
# if it belongs to the models allowed by the application
# thanks to the models_for_templatization option.
def ensure_target_klass_name_security
return if !self.templatized? || self.target_klass_name.blank?
if self.target_klass_name =~ /^Locomotive::Entry([a-z0-9]+)$/
content_type = Locomotive::ContentType.find($1)
if content_type.site_id != self.site_id
self.errors.add :target_klass_name, :security
elsif !Locomotive.config.models_for_templatization.include?(self.target_klass_name)
self.errors.add :target_klass_name, :security
# Sets the templatized, templatized_from_parent properties of
# the children of the current page ONLY IF the templatized
# attribute got changed.
def propagate_templatized
return unless self.templatized_changed?
selector = { 'parent_ids' => { '$in' => [self._id] } }
operations = {
'$set' => {
'templatized' => self.templatized,
'templatized_from_parent' => self.templatized,
'target_klass_name' => self.target_klass_name
self.collection.update selector, operations, :multi => true
# module Locomotive
# module Extensions
# module Page
# module Templatized
# extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# included do
# ## fields ##
# field :templatized, :type => Boolean, :default => false
# field :templatized_from_parent, :type => Boolean, :default => false
# field :target_klass_name
# ## validations ##
# validates_presence_of :target_klass_name, :if => :templatized?
# validate :ensure_target_klass_name_security
# ## callbacks ##
# before_validation :get_templatized_from_parent
# before_validation :set_slug_if_templatized
# before_validation :ensure_target_klass_name_security
# after_save :propagate_templatized
# ## scopes ##
# scope :templatized, :where => { :templatized => true }
# ## virtual attributes ##
# attr_accessor :content_entry
# end
# # Returns the class specified by the target_klass_name property
# #
# # @example
# #
# # page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::Entry12345'
# # page.target_klass = Locomotive::Entry12345
# #
# # @return [ Class ] The target class
# #
# def target_klass
# target_klass_name.constantize
# end
# # Gives the name which can be used in a liquid template in order
# # to reference an entry. It uses the slug property if the target klass
# # is a Locomotive content type or the class name itself for the other classes.
# #
# # @example
# #
# # page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::Entry12345' # related to the content type Articles
# # page.target_entry_name = 'article'
# #
# # page.target_klass_name = 'OurProduct'
# # page.target_entry_name = 'our_product'
# #
# # @return [ String ] The name in lowercase and underscored
# #
# def target_entry_name
# if self.target_klass_name =~ /^Locomotive::Entry([a-z0-9]+)$/
# @content_type ||=$1)
# @content_type.slug.singularize
# else
# self.target_klass_name.underscore
# end
# end
# # Finds the entry both specified by the target klass and identified by the permalink
# #
# # @param [ String ] permalink The permalink of the entry
# #
# # @return [ Object ] The document
# #
# def fetch_target_entry(permalink)
# target_klass.find_by_permalink(permalink)
# end
# protected
# def get_templatized_from_parent
# return if self.parent.nil?
# if self.parent.templatized?
# self.templatized = self.templatized_from_parent = true
# self.target_klass_name = self.parent.target_klass_name
# elsif !self.templatized?
# self.templatized = self.templatized_from_parent = false
# self.target_klass_name = nil
# end
# end
# def set_slug_if_templatized
# self.slug = 'content_type_template' if self.templatized? && !self.templatized_from_parent?
# end
# # Makes sure the target_klass is owned by the site OR
# # if it belongs to the models allowed by the application
# # thanks to the models_for_templatization option.
# #
# def ensure_target_klass_name_security
# return if !self.templatized? || self.target_klass_name.blank?
# if self.target_klass_name =~ /^Locomotive::Entry([a-z0-9]+)$/
# content_type = Locomotive::ContentType.find($1)
# if content_type.site_id != self.site_id
# self.errors.add :target_klass_name, :security
# end
# elsif !Locomotive.config.models_for_templatization.include?(self.target_klass_name)
# self.errors.add :target_klass_name, :security
# end
# end
# # Sets the templatized, templatized_from_parent properties of
# # the children of the current page ONLY IF the templatized
# # attribute got changed.
# #
# def propagate_templatized
# return unless self.templatized_changed?
# selector = { 'parent_ids' => { '$in' => [self._id] } }
# operations = {
# '$set' => {
# 'templatized' => self.templatized,
# 'templatized_from_parent' => self.templatized,
# 'target_klass_name' => self.target_klass_name
# }
# }
# self.collection.update selector, operations, :multi => true
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end

View File

@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ module Locomotive
# def autosave_for_children?
# @autosave_for_children != false
# end
# Returns the children of this node but with the minimal set of required attributes
# @return [ Array ] The children pages ordered by their position

View File

@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ module Locomotive
self.locales_was.first || Locomotive.config.site_locales.first
def default_locale_changed?
self.default_locale != self.default_locale_was
def locale_fallbacks(locale)
[locale.to_s] + (locales - [locale.to_s])
@ -94,3 +98,21 @@ module Locomotive
# %w(index 404).each do |slug|
# page = self.pages.where("slug.#{self.default_locale}" => slug).first
# self.locales.each do |locale|
# if .blank?
# page.collection.update({ :_id => page._id }, { '$set' => { "slug.#{locale}" => slug } })
# end
# if page.attributes['title'][locale.to_s].blank?
# page.collection.update({ :_id => page._id }, {
# '$set' => { "title.#{locale}" => }
# })
# end
# end
# end
# end

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Locomotive
include Extensions::Page::EditableElements
include Extensions::Page::Parse
include Extensions::Page::Render
include Extensions::Page::Templatized
include Extensions::Page::Fullpath
include Extensions::Page::Redirect
include Extensions::Page::Listed
include Extensions::Shared::Seo
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Locomotive
## fields ##
field :title, :localize => true
field :slug, :localize => true
field :fullpath, :localize => true
field :handle
field :raw_template, :localize => true
field :locales, :type => Array
@ -35,14 +34,13 @@ module Locomotive
## callbacks ##
after_initialize :set_default_raw_template
before_validation :normalize_slug
before_save :build_fullpath
before_save :record_current_locale
before_destroy :do_not_remove_index_and_404_pages
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :site, :title, :slug
validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => [:site_id, :parent_id]
validates_uniqueness_of :handle, :allow_blank => true
validates_uniqueness_of :handle, :allow_blank => true, :scope => [:site_id]
validates_exclusion_of :slug, :in => Locomotive.config.reserved_slugs, :if => { |p| p.depth <= 1 }
## named scopes ##
@ -50,10 +48,8 @@ module Locomotive
scope :root, :where => { :slug => 'index', :depth => 0 }
scope :not_found, :where => { :slug => '404', :depth => 0 }
scope :published, :where => { :published => true }
scope :fullpath, lambda { |fullpath| { :where => { :fullpath => fullpath } } }
scope :handle, lambda { |handle| { :where => { :handle => handle } } }
scope :minimal_attributes, lambda { |attrs = []| { :only => (attrs || []) + %w(title slug fullpath position depth published templatized redirect listed response_type parent_id parent_ids site_id created_at updated_at) } }
scope :dependent_from, lambda { |id| { :where => { => [id] } } }
scope :minimal_attributes, lambda { |attrs = []| { :only => (attrs || []) + %w(title slug fullpath position depth published with_wildcards redirect listed wildcard response_type parent_id parent_ids site_id created_at updated_at) } }
## methods ##
@ -114,16 +110,6 @@ module Locomotive
self.raw_template ||= ::I18n.t('attributes.defaults.pages.other.body')
def build_fullpath
if self.index? || self.not_found?
self.fullpath = self.slug
slugs =
slugs.shift unless slugs.size == 1
self.fullpath = File.join slugs.compact
def record_current_locale
self.locales ||= []
self.locales << ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.locale

View File

@ -64,20 +64,21 @@ module Locomotive
# FIXME: Currently there is no t/translate method on the I18n module
# Extensions::Site::I18n which is breaking the testing. The
# namespaced ::I18n should be changed to just I18n when the t()
# method is available
# FIXME: Currently there is no t/translate method on the
# Extensions::Site::I18n module which is breaking the testing. The
# namespaced ::I18n should be replaced by simply I18n when the t()
# method will be available.
def create_default_pages!
::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.with_locale(self.default_locale) do
%w{index 404}.each do |slug|
:slug => slug,
:title => ::I18n.t("attributes.defaults.pages.#{slug}.title"),
:raw_template => ::I18n.t("attributes.defaults.pages.#{slug}.body"),
:published => true
%w(index 404).each do |slug|
page = => '', :slug => '', :raw_template => '', :published => true)
self.locales.each do |locale|
page.attributes['slug'][locale] = slug
page.attributes['title'][locale] = ::I18n.t("attributes.defaults.pages.#{slug}.title", :locale => locale)
page.attributes['raw_template'][locale] = ::I18n.t("attributes.defaults.pages.#{slug}.body", :locale => locale)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Locomotive
class PagePresenter < BasePresenter
delegate :title, :slug, :fullpath, :handle, :raw_template, :published, :listed, :templatized, :templatized_from_parent, :redirect, :redirect_url, :template_changed, :cache_strategy, :response_type, :to => :source
delegate :title, :slug, :fullpath, :handle, :raw_template, :published, :listed, :wildcard, :wildcards, :redirect, :redirect_url, :template_changed, :cache_strategy, :response_type, :to => :source
def escaped_raw_template
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Locomotive
def included_methods
super + %w(title slug fullpath handle raw_template published listed templatized templatized_from_parent redirect redirect_url cache_strategy response_type template_changed editable_elements localized_fullpaths)
super + %w(title slug fullpath handle raw_template published listed wildcard wildcards redirect redirect_url cache_strategy response_type template_changed editable_elements localized_fullpaths)
def localized_fullpaths

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- if not @page.index? and not @page.not_found?
= f.input :parent_id, :as => :select, :collection => parent_pages_options, :include_blank => false
= f.input :slug, :required => false, :hint => @page.slug.blank? ? t('.empty_slug') : public_page_url(@page), :input_html => { :'data-url' => get_path_pages_url, :disabled => @page.index? || @page.not_found? }, :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.templatized? && !@page.templatized_from_parent?};", :class => 'em-inline-hints' }
= f.input :slug, :required => false, :hint => @page.slug.blank? ? t('.empty_slug') : public_page_url(@page), :input_html => { :'data-url' => get_path_pages_url, :disabled => @page.index? || @page.not_found? }, :class => 'em-inline-hints'
= f.inputs :name => :seo, :class => "inputs foldable #{'folded' if inputs_folded?(@page)}" do
@ -34,15 +34,13 @@
= f.input :response_type, :as => :select, :collection => options_for_page_response_type, :include_blank => false
= f.input :templatized, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle', :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.redirect? || @page.templatized_from_parent?}"
= f.input :target_klass_name, :as => :select, :collection => options_for_target_klass_name, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if !@page.templatized? || @page.templatized_from_parent?}" }
= f.input :wildcard, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle', :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.redirect?}"
= f.input :published, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle'
= f.input :listed, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle'
= f.input :listed, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle', :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.has_wildcards?}" }
= f.input :redirect, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle', :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.templatized? || !@page.default_response_type?}" }
= f.input :redirect, :as => :'Locomotive::Toggle', :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if !@page.default_response_type? || @page.has_wildcards?}" }
= f.input :cache_strategy, :as => :select, :collection => options_for_page_cache_strategy, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.redirect?}" }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
%li{ :id => "item-#{}", :class => "page #{css_for_page(page)}" }
- children = can?(:manage, page) ? page.children : page.children.find_all { |p| !p.templatized? }
- children = page.children
- with_children = !children.empty?

View File

@ -8,14 +8,8 @@ xml.urlset "xmlns" => "" do
@pages.each do |page|
if not page.index_or_not_found?
if page.templatized?
page.content_type.entries.visible.each do |c|
xml.url do
xml.loc page_url(page, { :content => c, :host => true })
xml.lastmod c.updated_at.to_date.to_s('%Y-%m-%d')
xml.priority 0.9
if page.wildcard?
# FIXME (Didier L.) unable for now to generate all the pages
xml.url do
xml.loc page_url(page, { :host => true })

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ de:
title: Titel
parent: Parent
slug: Slug
templatized: Templatized
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Veröffentlicht
listed: Im Menü
redirect: Umleitung

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ es:
parent_id: Padre
slug: Enlace
listed: Menu
templatized: Templatizada
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Publicada
redirect: Redirección
redirect_url: Url de redirección

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ fr:
parent_id: Dossier parent
slug: Raccourci
listed: Menu
templatized: Templatisée
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Publiée
redirect: Redirection
redirect_url: Url de redirection

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ it:
parent_id: Pagina superiore
slug: Slug
listed: In menù
templatized: Templatized
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Pubblicata
redirect: Redirezione
redirect_url: Url di redirezione

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
parent: Tilhører
parent_id: Tilhører
slug: Slug
templatized: Templatized
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Publisert
listed: I meny
redirect: Videresending

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pt-BR:
title: Título
parent: Pai
slug: Slug
templatized: Template
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Publicado
cache_strategy: Cache

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ru:
title: Имя
parent: Родитель
slug: Ссылка
templatized: Шаблонизирована
wildcard: Wildcard
published: Опубликована
listed: Меню
redirect: Перенаправлена

View File

@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ de:
published: "Nur authentifizierte Accounts können nicht publizierte Seiten ansehen."
cache_strategy: "Cache die Seiten, um eine bessere Geschwindigkeit zu erzielen. Die 'Einfach' Option ist ein guter Kompromiss."
templatized: "Nutze diese Seite als Vorlage für einen Baustein, den du erstellt hast."
listed: "Regele, ob die Seite in den generierten Menüs angezeigt werden soll."
content_type_id: "Der Baustein für den diese Seite als Vorlage dienen soll."
seo_title: "Wähle einen Titel für den 'title' Tag im Seiten Header. Lass es leer, wenn der Seitentitel verwendet werden soll."
meta_keywords: "Meta-Schlagworte, die im HEAD-Bereich der Webseite genutzt werden. Die einzelnen Wörter werden durch eine Leertaste getrennt. Diese werden für die Suchmaschinen benötigt."
meta_description: "Meta-Beschreibung, die im HEAD-Bereich der Webseite genutzt wird. Diese wird für die Suchmaschinen benötigt."

View File

@ -57,9 +57,8 @@ en:
handle: "Unique identifier to retrieve this page within an external controller instance"
published: "Only authenticated accounts can view unpublished pages."
cache_strategy: "Cache the page for better performance. The 'Simple' choice is a good compromise."
templatized: "Use the page as a template for a model you defined."
wildcard: "Make the page have a wildcard segment in its path. Then the slug will be used as the name of the wildcard in the template"
listed: "Control whether to show the page from generated menus."
target_klass_name: "The type of content this page will be a template for."
seo_title: "Define a page title which should be used as the value for the title tag in the head section. Leave it empty if you want to use the default value from the site settings."
meta_keywords: "Overrides the site's meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma."
meta_description: "Overrides the site's meta description used within the head tag of the page."
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ en:
source: "The current file is available here %{url}"
_slug: "Property used to generate the url of a page working as a template for this content type (ex: \"template_page/{{ your_object._permalink }})\"."
seo_title: "The value you fill in will replace the SEO title of the templatized page related to your model."
seo_title: "The value you fill in can be used to replace the SEO title in any pages."
meta_keywords: "Overrides the site's meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separated by a comma."
meta_description: "Overrides the site's meta description used within the head tag of the page."

View File

@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ es:
published: "Las páginas no publicadas son únicamente visibles tras iniciar sesión."
cache_strategy: "Utilizar una caché de página para un mejor rendimiento. La opción 'Simple' es un buen compromiso."
templatized: "Usar la página como plantilla de un modelo."
listed: "Controla si la página se enseña o no en los menús."
content_type_id: "El modelo del cual será una plantilla esta página."
meta_keywords: "Reescribir las palabras clave SEO utilizadas en la cabecera de la página. Deben estar separadas por comas."
meta_description: "Reescribir la metadescripción que se utiliza en la cabecera de la página."

View File

@ -53,9 +53,8 @@ fr:
published: "Seuls les administrateurs authentifiés peuvent voir une page non publiée."
cache_strategy: "Cache la page pour de meilleure performance. L'option 'Simple' est le meilleur compromis."
templatized: "Utilise la page comme un template pour un modèle défini."
wildcard: "Détermine si la page aura la dernière partie de son URL dynamique. Si oui, le slug sera utilisé comme nom du segment dans le template."
listed: "Controle si la page doit être visible depuis les menus automatiquement générés."
target_klass_name: "Le type du contenu pour lequel cette page est un template."
seo_title: "Définit un titre de page à mettre dans la balise TITLE de la page. Laissez le blanc pour utiliser la valeur par défaut (voir configuration du site)."
meta_keywords: "Redéfinit les mots-clés du site. Utilisés à l'intérieur de la balise HEAD. Ils sont séparés par une virgule."
meta_description: "Redéfinit la description du site. Utilisée à l'intérieur de la balise HEAD."

View File

@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ it:
published: "Solo gli account autenticati possono visualizzare le pagine non pubblicate."
cache_strategy: "Attiva il cache della pagina per miglirare le prestazioni. L'opzione 'Semplice' è un buon compromesso."
templatized: "Utilizzare la pagina come template per un modello che hai definito."
listed: "Determina se la pagina deve essere mostrata nei menù generati."
content_type_id: "Il tipo di contenuto di cui questa pagina sarà il template."
seo_title: "Definisce il titolo della pagina inserito nel tag title della sezione head. Lascia vuoto se vuoi che venga utilizzato il titolo definito per il sito."
meta_keywords: "Sovrascrive per questa pagina le meta keywords definite per il sito all'interno del tag head della pagina. Sono separate da virgola."
meta_description: "Sovrascrive per questa pagina la meta description definita per il sito."

View File

@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ nl:
published: "Alleen geauthenticeerde accounts kunnen niet gepubliceerde pagina's zien."
cache_strategy: "Cache de pagina voor betere prestaties. De 'Simpele' keus is een goed compromis."
templatized: "Gebruik de pagina als template voor een door u gedefinieerd model."
listed: "Controleer of de pagina getoond wordt van de gegenereerde menu's."
content_type_id: "Het type inhoud waar deze pagina als template voor dient"
meta_keywords: "Overschrijft de meta keywords van de website in de head tag van deze pagina. Gescheiden door een komma"
meta_description: "Overschrijft de meta description van de website in de head tag van deze pagina."

View File

@ -55,9 +55,7 @@
published: "Kun autoriserte kontoer kan se ikke-publiserte sider"
cache_strategy: "Buffre siden for å bedre ytelsen. \"Enkel\" er et bra kompromiss."
templatized: "Bruk denne siden som mal for en modell."
listed: "Styr om siden skal vises i de genererte menyene."
content_type_id: "Innholdstypen denne siden skal være mal for."
seo_title: "Definer en egen tittel for siden. Denne blir benyttet av nettleseren. Hvis denne står tom blir standardverdien fra sideinnstillingene benyttet."
meta_keywords: "Overstyr søkemotor-metadata for denne siden. Separer med komma."
meta_description: "Overstyr søkemotorbeskrivelsen for denne siden."

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ pt-BR:
published: "Apenas contas autenticadas podem ver páginas não publicadas."
cache_strategy: 'Faça o Cache da página para obter melhor desempenho. A escolha do "Simples" é um bom compromisso'
templatized: "Utilize a página como template para o modelo definido."
slug: "Você precisa saber a ordem para inserir fragmentos dentro da página."

View File

@ -57,9 +57,7 @@ ru:
handle: "Уникальный идентификатор для поиска этой страницы из экземпляра внешнего rails-контроллера"
published: "Только аутентифицированным пользователям разрешается просматривать неопубликованные страницы."
cache_strategy: "Кэшировать страницу для лучшей производительности. Вариант 'Простое' является хорошим компромиссом."
templatized: "Используйте страницу в качестве шаблона для определенной вами модели."
listed: "Контролируйте возможность показа страницы из сгенерированных меню."
target_klass_name: "Тип контента (модели), для которого эта страница будет выступать в качестве шаблона."
seo_title: "Определите заголовок страницы, который будет использоваться как значение тэга title в секции head. Оставьте пустым, если вы хотите использовать значение по умолчанию из настроек сайта."
meta_keywords: "Переопределяет meta keywords сайта, используемые внутри тэга head страницы. Они разделены запятыми."
meta_description: "Переопределяет meta description сайта, используемые внутри тэга head страницы."

View File

@ -1,136 +1,14 @@
x namespace assets
x bugs:
x toggler
x advanced options (redirect url missing)
x locomotive_media (not animating on open)
x undefined method `_selector' for #<Locomotive::Page:0x00000107434768>
x editable_elements => view + handlebar template
x editable_short_text => tinymce
x editable_file =>
x backbone / handlebar
x new formtastic inputs
x menu / submenu in full css3 (no images)
x fix css in firefox
x update page in ajax
x edit my site
x css
x robots.txt
x domains
x roles
x save
x fix other sections
x edit my account
x create a new site
x create a new accounts
x theme assets
x polish the page
x snippets
x delete in ajax
x upload many files at once
x import/export
x export
x site picker
x content types
x move content instances into their own collection
x manage custom_fields
x automatic name
x required
x editable plugin: add class depending on the type => surrounding span instead
x position
x open the nested form
x remove an entry
x look n feel
x display errors
x slugify
x refactor highlighted_field (field id instead of name)
x other content type options
x show / hide options of a field based on its type
x select: add/edit/remove options
x text: formatting
x change in main menu
x manage contents
x list (highlighted field)
x slugify
x crud
x new
x date
x checkbox
x html
x file
x edit
x destroy
x public_form (previously api something)
x bug text formatting
x custom_fields: use the appropriate icon to drag select options
x bug ui with contents popup
x use list_or_group_entries instead of ordered_entries
x i18n
x add locales a site responds to
x locale switcher
x constraint: one locale at least
x front
x pages
x inline-editor
x back to default locale (if changed in settings) and when creating new pages / entries
- inline editor
x rack
x iframe
(- remove inline-editor tag)
x save editable elements
x notification (growl)
x change page
x i18n
- style the "ADMIN" button
- aloha:
x remove sidebar
- i18n
- insert image
x deployment
x fix integration problems
x pre-compile assets
x authentication from a token + controller to deliver a token
x api routes
x change api location
(- add a way to custom the as_json method within the presenters (by default as_json ?) + custom responder ?)
x REST actions:
x CRUD theme assets
x CRUD snippets
x CRUD content assets
x CRUD pages
x CRUD content types
x data ?
x script to migrate existing site
x i18n
x upgrade to rails 3.2 (
x missing custom_fields
x belongs_to
x has_many
x many_to_many
x simplify cells integration when modifying a menu from the main app
x heroku module for locomotive
x refactoring
x remove the import / export scripts
x remove the cross domain authentication (use auth_token instead)
x where to put Locomotive::InlineEditorMiddleware ?
x global regions: keyword in editable element (
x override sort for contents
- bugs / ui tweaks
x unable to toggle the "required" check_boxes for content types
x unable to sign out
x unable to remove a field
x "back to admin" link does not work if inline editor disabled
x unable to delete memberships
x disallow to click twice on the submit form button (spinner ?)
x weird behaviour when changing the default locale of a site
- editable_elements does not display the first time they get created (and if there are no existing ones)
- display by categories does not work when localized
- message to notify people if their browser is too old
? install a site by default at the first installation (without asking)
x page with regexp url => wildcards
- with_scope allowed for the find tag
- nested relationships (find tag)
- script to migrate from templatized to wildcard
- seo title (content_entry should be available)
- write more tests
- find_spec
- features
- clean code
@ -141,9 +19,6 @@ BACKLOG:
- html view in the aloha popup
- editable elements should wrap a tag: div, h1, ...etc (default span)
- edit images (upload new ones, ...etc) => wait for aloha or send them an email ?
- cucumber features for admin pages (in progress)
(- duostack/doutcloud version)
- write my first tutorial about locomotive
- upgrade warning if new version of locomotive (maybe based on the commit id)
- deploying workflow:
- roll back a bad update
@ -156,16 +31,6 @@ BACKLOG:
- tooltip to explain the difference between 1.) Admin 2.) Author 3.) Designer?
- [bushido] guiders / welcome page / devise cas authentication (SSO)
- move content_type and content_instances in the CustomFields plugin (much more appropriate)
x mode author: settings KO + editable elements non visibles
x locales pour le locomotive editor => KO
! impossible de sauvegarder une page
- export site
- super_finder
@ -176,249 +41,3 @@ NICE TO HAVE:
- page not found (front) => if logged in, link to create the page
- switch to list (theme assets / assets ?). delete all in once (with checkbox) or see details (updated_at, size, ...etc)
- code completion ?
x tiny mce or similar for custom field text type.
x refactor custom field types
x new custom field types
x boolean
x enable/disable text formatting
x custom fields for asset collections
x [BUG] impossible to remove many assets in an asset collection
x new custom field type: date
x missing key: en, admin, theme_assets, images, no_items
x new custom field type: file
x update custom_fields plugin
x locomotive ui
x liquid templates
x rss parser
x localize application in French
x default
x devise
x carrierwave
x localize devise emails
x admin
x change credits in the admin footer
x license
x textile filter
x [bug] varnish can not be refreshed in heroku so "max-age" has to be disabled => modify cache strategy
x "remember me" should always be enabled
x sitemap
x refactoring admin crud (pages + layouts + snippets)
x flash messages in French
x save layout / snippet / page / stylesheet / javascript with CMD + S (ajax)
x change action icons according to the right action [Sacha]
x publish event when saving form in ajax (for instance, in order to update account name or site name)
x page templatized (bound to a model)
x theme asset picker when editing layout / snippet
x templatized: do not display content with visible / active set to false
x theme assets: disable version if not image (handled by the new version of Carrierwave)
x rack app to map pretty asset url to S3 => shortcut urls instead
x site selector (cross domain authentication)
x nice error page
x nice 404 page (admin section)
x liquid inheritance
x bug editable_xxx disabled for nil block
! duplicated block name
x display liquid errors
x theme assets selector in page editor
x saving page in ajax
x editable_long_text tag
x blocking issue when modifying the parent of 2 templates => one of the 2 children has reference of the first child
x editable_file tag
x stylish file field
x remove not used editable element all in once
x default content from parent editable element
x unable to upload/remove editable file
x customize tinyMCE: no html popup => div popup, nice icons
x add images / files inside long text element (back-office side at first ?)
x create a repo for a tool "a la" vision
x asset collections => liquid
x images tag to write
! apply
x snippet dependencies => do not work correctly
? google analytics tag
x mask internal asset_collections
x refactor ui for the theme assets page
x fix assets liquid tags / filters
x upload and insert new images in a css or js from the ui is broken
x proxy for fonts (
x order yaml file (
x fix tests
x inline editing (
x spinner
x save automatically (callback) => store modifications
x admin buttons
x edit page
x save / cancel
x back to back-office => admin settings of the page
(- duplicate page ?)
(- super bonus statistics)
x locale
x store page toolbar status in cookie
x trim short text content
x namespace js functions
x import tool:
x select field (see custom fields and nocoffee theme) ?
x disable sub tasks by passing options
x exceptions
x page to import theme
x contents: group_by, oder_by, api_enabled
x folders for theme assets
x theme assets whitelist
x fonts
x asset collections
x rewrite the unzip process (for the import)
x bug with asset collections (assets disappear if we save the collection ?!)
x import tool:
x asset whitelist
x do not override existing site name
x add samples option
x content types
x asset collections
x page templatized (tied to content type)
x remove existing pages / contents option => reset
x give choice to reset site / add samples
x french translatations
x cosmetic / ui bugs / bugs:
x segmentation fault with with_scope
x paginate is not working
x redirection in dev does not work correctly for cross domain
x drag&drop for assets ('last' class issue)
x increase the input field width for domain names
x assets within custom contents are not deleted when the whole content type gets destroyed (after_destroy callback ?)
x api
x handle html request (for now, it's just json)
x installation guide
x detect if new installation
x no-site error redirects to the first step
x steps:
x welcome: domains, ...etc
x Create account
x Create new site (name, subdomain) / Import theme (worker or list of sites from fs)
x import:
x ordered pages ?
x order_by for content_types ? created_at, updated_at
x liquid:
x nav
x no_wrapper option
x regexp to get rid of some pages
x filters
x default_pagination: labels
x [content types] the "display column" selector should not include file types
x Worker => Heroku / S3 (not so sure finally)
x jammit-s3: assets
x copy assets.yml config file when using it as gem (
x import theme without delayed_job
x rspec 2.3
x ruby 1.9.2:
x DelayedJob not working
x new version of Aloha-Editor
x locomotive gem: test with staging
x nav tag:
x site | page | parent
x retrieve only important page information from mongodb
x published by default when importing pages
x page redirection
x notify accounts when new instance of models (opt): none, one or many accounts. Used for contact form.
x implementation
x emails
x tests
x fix bug issue about (custom fields)
x moving to mongoid 2.0.0 rc.6
x accepts_nested_attributes (javascript part)
x check the theme uploader
x release new version of CustomFields, ActsAsTree gems
x add metadata to sites
x pull requests #31 et #32
x password / new_password
x bugs
x custom_fields not deleted (doesn't use index anymore)
? editable_elements slug becomes nil
x editable_elements not updated (doesn't use index anymore)
x uploading videos
x custom fields: accepts_nested_attributes weird behaviour when creating new content type + adding random fields
x better icons for mime type (css3)
x validation for custom fields: required done
x pull request #44
x bug on dates (
x generated sitemaps are invalid (url + date)
x integrate new locomotivecms home
x seo section for the page form: seo title, seo keywords, seo description
x bugs: #50, #51
x 2 different sites on the same main domain (one in www, the other one in something else) (Raphael Costa)
! asset collections: custom resizing if image
x bushido version
x default template
~ editable_elements: inheritable: false (Mattias) => seems to be fixed by Dirk's last pull request (#44) => content tag
x resizing images on the fly
x locomedia tinyMCE plugin (Bernd)
x remove asset_collections
x site templates
x tinyMCE plugin
x vignette.rb
x code
x helpers
x ui
x rake task
x internal collection
x assign same _id
x pick up a theme_asset
x pull request locomedia
x refactor slugify method (use parameterize + create a module)
x contents permalink (UI)
x BUG: has_one / has_many. Delete an author
x bushido changes in the master
? edit sidebar (inline editor). Unable to reset it
x SEO: support and support/ should be 2 different pages. Remove trailing slash
x issue #91: httparty
x issue #90: seo metadata
x issue #57: seo page title
x issue #56
x tweak ui: form, quick link to edit a model in the popup menu
x Has_one => group by in the select
x better hints:
x notify the user that after changing the page title, they still have to click "update" for the change to be saved
x created_by ASC => "Creation date ascending"
x cancan: (authors / designers / admin)
x model
x ui
x controllers / views:
x page
x content / content type
x asset
x site
x account
x snippet
x theme asset
x features / specs
x enable rack-cache only for a specific url
x more cucumber tests for the content types
x check hosting:
x heroku
x unable to reach the console
x deploy => okay
x unable to set a new subdomain
x liquid tag: (now), add a test to compare 2 dates
? better ui: increase text field length (auto sizable ?) + refactor error message
- trigger refresh at startup
x bugs
x heroku: unable to upload a new file => okay
x import => okay
x delete an item => okay
x bug: duplicate fields (new entry) when errors in the content type form
x tinyMCE => fullscreen
x export site
x rake task to import a remote template
x remove withelist for assets since we've got now roles
x admin role is not correctly set when creating a new website
x the required star for file field is not shown
x Rights to set roles (ticket #104)
x export: problems with templatized pages (source => multi levels pages)
x do not rename files for fonts
x icon for redirection page in the pages section (back-office)
x installed on heroku with source
x test and/or convert existing templates (the 2 of the themes section)

View File

@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ Locomotive.configure do |config|
# follow the Dependency Injection pattern
# config.context_assign_extensions = {}
# add extra classes other than the defined content types among a site which will potentially used by the templatized pages.
# config.models_for_templatization = %w(Product)
# Rack-cache settings, mainly used for the inline resizing image module. Default options:
# config.rack_cache = {
# :verbose => true,

View File

@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ module Locomotive
def public_page_url(page, options = {})
if content = options.delete(:content)
File.join(current_site_public_url, page.fullpath.gsub('content_type_template', ''), content._slug)
if contents = options.delete(:contents)
File.join(current_site_public_url, page.compiled_fullpath(contents))
File.join(current_site_public_url, page.fullpath)
File.join(current_site_public_url, page.pretty_fullpath)

View File

@ -3,14 +3,18 @@ module Locomotive
module Drops
class Page < Base
delegate :seo_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, :to => '_source'
delegate :title, :seo_title, :meta_keywords, :meta_description, :to => '_source'
def title
self._source.templatized? ? @context['entry']._label : self._source.title
# self._source.templatized? ? @context['entry']._label : self._source.title
def slug
self._source.templatized? ? self._source.content_type.slug.singularize : self._source.slug
# self._source.templatized? ? self._source.content_type.slug.singularize : self._source.slug
def parent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module Locomotive
module Liquid
module Tags
class Find < ::Liquid::Tag
Syntax = /(#{::Liquid::Expression}+)?/
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens, context)
if markup =~ Syntax
@options = markup.scan(::Liquid::QuotedFragment)
syntax_error! if @options.size != 2
def render(context)
Rails.logger.debug "\n\n =>>>>>>> #{@options.inspect} / #{context['params'].inspect}"
permalink = context[@options.last]
site = context.registers[:site]
type = site.content_types.where(:slug => @options.first).first
entry = type.klass_with_custom_fields(:entries).find_by_permalink(permalink)
entry_name = @options.first.singularize
context.scopes.last['content_entry'] = entry
context.scopes.last[entry_name] = entry
def syntax_error!
raise"Syntax Error in 'find' - Valid syntax: find <content_type>, <permalink>")
::Liquid::Template.register_tag('find', Find)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Liquid
module Locomotive
module Locomotive
module Liquid
module Tags
class GoogleAnalytics < ::Liquid::Tag

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Liquid
module Locomotive
module Locomotive
module Liquid
module Tags
class InlineEditor < ::Liquid::Tag

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@ -42,11 +42,14 @@ module Locomotive
output += @site.locales.collect do |locale|
::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.with_locale(locale) do
fullpath = @site.localized_page_fullpath(@page, locale)
# fullpath = @site.localized_page_fullpath(@page, locale)
if @page.templatized?
fullpath.gsub!('content_type_template', context['entry']._permalink)
# if @page.templatized?
# fullpath.gsub!('content_type_template', context['entry']._permalink)
# end
fullpath = @page.compiled_fullpath(@page.wildcards_hash)
%(<a href="/#{fullpath}" class="#{locale} #{'current' if locale == context['current_locale']}">#{link_label(locale)}</a>)

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Locomotive
raise"Syntax Error in 'nav' - Valid syntax: nav <page|site> <options>")
raise"Syntax Error in 'nav' - Valid syntax: nav <page|site>, <options>")
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ module Locomotive
# Determines whether or not a page should be a part of the menu
def include_page?(page)
if !page.listed? || page.templatized? || !page.published?
if !page.listed? || page.has_wildcards? || !page.published?
elsif @options[:exclude]
(page.fullpath =~ @options[:exclude]).nil?

View File

@ -59,3 +59,5 @@ module Mongoid#:nodoc:

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@ -63,10 +63,7 @@ module Locomotive
assigns.merge!(flash.to_hash.stringify_keys) # data from public submissions
if @page.templatized? # add instance from content type
assigns['entry'] = @page.content_entry
assigns[@page.target_entry_name] = @page.content_entry # just here to help to write readable liquid code
assigns['params'].merge!(@page.wildcards_hash.stringify_keys) if @page.has_wildcards?
registers = {
:controller => self,

View File

@ -56,9 +56,6 @@ Locomotive.configure do |config|
# follow the Dependency Injection pattern
# config.context_assign_extensions = {}
# add extra classes other than the defined content types among a site which will potentially used by the templatized pages.
config.models_for_templatization = %w(Foo)
# Rack-cache settings, mainly used for the inline resizing image module. Default options:
# config.rack_cache = {
# :verbose => true,

View File

@ -71,13 +71,14 @@ describe Locomotive::Liquid::Drops::Page do
render_template('{{ home.title }}').should == 'Home page'
it 'renders the content instance highlighted field instead for a templatized page' do
templatized =, :title => 'Lorem ipsum template', :templatized => true)
entry ='entry', :_label => 'Locomotive rocks !'))
render_template('{{ page.title }}', 'page' => templatized, 'entry' => entry).should == 'Locomotive rocks !'
# it 'renders the content instance highlighted field instead for a templatized page' do
# templatized =, :title => 'Lorem ipsum template', :templatized => true)
# entry ='entry', :_label => 'Locomotive rocks !'))
# render_template('{{ page.title }}', 'page' => templatized, 'entry' => entry).should == 'Locomotive rocks !'
# end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Locomotive::Liquid::Tags::Find do
it 'is valid if the 2 arguments are present' do
lambda do'find', 'projects, params.permalink', [], {})
end.should_not raise_error
it 'is not valid if one of the 2 arguments is missing' do
lambda do'find', 'projects', [], {})
end.should raise_error
# it 'tests' do
# tag ='find', 'projects, params.permalink', [], {})
# puts tag.inspect
# # attributes = scope.send(:decode, scope.instance_variable_get(:@attributes),
# # attributes['active'].should == true
# # attributes['price'].should == 42
# # attributes['title'].should == 'foo'
# # attributes['hidden'].should == false
# end
# it 'decodes more complex options' do
# scope ='with_scope', '', ["{% endwith_scope %}"], {})
# attributes = scope.send(:decode, scope.instance_variable_get(:@attributes),
# attributes[''].should == 42.0
# attributes[''].should == 50
# end
# it 'decodes context variable' do
# scope ='with_scope', 'category: params.type', ["{% endwith_scope %}"], {})
# attributes = scope.send(:decode, scope.instance_variable_get(:@attributes),{ 'params' => { 'type' => 'posts' } }))
# attributes['category'].should == 'posts'
# end
# it 'allows order_by option' do
# scope ='with_scope', 'order_by:\'name DESC\'', ["{% endwith_scope %}"], {})
# attributes = scope.send(:decode, scope.instance_variable_get(:@attributes),
# attributes['order_by'].should == 'name DESC'
# end
# it 'stores attributes in the context' do
# template = ::Liquid::Template.parse("{% with_scope active:true title:'foo' %}{{ }}-{{ with_scope.title }}{% endwith_scope %}")
# text = template.render
# text.should == "true-foo"
# end

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe Locomotive::Liquid::Tags::Nav do => 'Child #2.1', :fullpath => 'child_2/sub_child_1', :slug => 'sub_child_1', :published => true), => 'Child #2.2', :fullpath => 'child_2/sub_child_2', :slug => 'sub_child_2', :published => true), => 'Unpublished #2.2', :fullpath => 'child_2/sub_child_unpublishd_2', :slug => 'sub_child_unpublished_2', :published => false), => 'Templatized #2.3', :fullpath => 'child_2/sub_child_template_3', :slug => 'sub_child_template_3', :published => true, :templatized => true), => 'Templatized #2.3', :fullpath => 'child_2/sub_child_template_3', :slug => 'sub_child_template_3', :published => true, :wildcard => true), => 'Unlisted #2.4', :fullpath => 'child_2/sub_child_unlisted_4', :slug => 'sub_child_unlisted_4', :published => true, :listed => false)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe Locomotive::Liquid::Tags::Nav do
output.should match /<\/a><\/li><\/ul><\/li><\/ul>/
it 'does not render templatized pages' do
it 'does not render pages with wildcards' do
output = render_nav('site', {}, 'depth: 2')
output.should_not match /sub-child-template-3/

View File

@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ describe 'Locomotive rendering system' do
context 'when retrieving page' do
before(:each) do
@page.fullpath = 'index' # we do not care if the fullpath is consistent or not.
it 'should retrieve the index page /' do
@controller.request.fullpath = '/'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 0, => %w{index}).returns([@page])
@ -95,13 +99,13 @@ describe 'Locomotive rendering system' do
it 'should retrieve it based on the full path' do
@controller.request.fullpath = '/about_us/team.html'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 2, => %w{about_us/team about_us/content_type_template content_type_template/team}).returns([@page])
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 2, => %w{about_us/team about_us/* */team */*}).returns([@page])
@controller.send(:locomotive_page).should_not be_nil
it 'does not include the query string' do
@controller.request.fullpath = '/about_us/team.html?some=params&we=use'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 2, => %w{about_us/team about_us/content_type_template content_type_template/team}).returns([@page])
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 2, => %w{about_us/team about_us/* */team */*}).returns([@page])
@controller.send(:locomotive_page).should_not be_nil
@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ describe 'Locomotive rendering system' do
@page.redirect = true
@page.redirect_url = ''
@controller.request.fullpath = '/contact'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 1, => %w{contact content_type_template}).returns([@page])
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 1, => %w{contact *}).returns([@page])
it 'redirects to the redirect_url' do
@ -128,37 +132,22 @@ describe 'Locomotive rendering system' do
context 'templatized page' do
context 'wildcards page' do
before(:each) do
@content_type =, :site => nil)
@content_entry = => true)
@page.templatized = true
@page.attributes = { 'wildcards' => %w(permalink), 'fullpath' => 'projects/*', 'wildcard' => true }
@controller.request.fullpath = '/projects/edeneo.html'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 2, => %w{projects/edeneo projects/content_type_template content_type_template/edeneo}).returns([@page])
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 2, => %w{projects/edeneo projects/* */edeneo */*}).returns([@page])
it 'sets the content_entry variable' do
it 'finds the page' do
page = @controller.send(:locomotive_page)
page.should_not be_nil
page.content_entry.should == @content_entry
it 'returns the 404 page if the instance does not exist' do
(klass = Locomotive::Page).expects(:published).returns([true])
@controller.send(:locomotive_page).should be_true
it 'returns the 404 page if the instance is not visible' do
@content_entry._visible = false
(klass = Locomotive::Page).expects(:published).returns([true])
@controller.send(:locomotive_page).should be_true
it 'assigns values to wildcards' do
page = @controller.send(:locomotive_page)
page.wildcards_hash.should == { 'permalink' => 'edeneo' }
@ -172,7 +161,7 @@ describe 'Locomotive rendering system' do
it 'should return the 404 page if the page has not been published yet' do
@controller.request.fullpath = '/contact'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 1, => %w{contact content_type_template}).returns([@page])
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 1, => %w{contact *}).returns([@page])
(klass = Locomotive::Page).expects(:published).returns([true])
@controller.send(:locomotive_page).should be_true
@ -181,7 +170,7 @@ describe 'Locomotive rendering system' do
it 'should not return the 404 page if the page has not been published yet and admin is logged in' do
@controller.current_locomotive_account = true
@controller.request.fullpath = '/contact'
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 1, => %w{contact content_type_template}).returns([@page])
@controller.current_site.pages.expects(:where).with(:depth => 1, => %w{contact *}).returns([@page])
@controller.send(:locomotive_page).should == @page

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ describe Locomotive::EditableShortText do
describe 'a simple case' do
before(:each) do
@site = FactoryGirl.create(:site)
@site = FactoryGirl.create(:site, :locales => %w(en fr))
@home = @site.pages.root.first
@home.update_attributes :raw_template => "{% block body %}{% editable_short_text 'body' %}Lorem ipsum{% endeditable_short_text %}{% endblock %}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# coding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
describe Locomotive::Page do
before(:each) do
describe 'wildcards' do
before(:each) do
@page =, :parent =>, :title => 'Project template', :slug => 'permalink', :wildcard => true)
it 'has a fullpath with wildcards' do
@page.wildcard?.should be_true
it 'returns a nice output of the fullpath' do
@page.fullpath = 'archives/*/projects/*'
@page.wildcards = %w(month permalink)
@page.pretty_fullpath.should == 'archives/:month/projects/:permalink'
it 'compiles a fullpath with wildcards' do
@page.fullpath = 'archives/*/projects/*'
@page.wildcards = %w(month permalink)
@page.compiled_fullpath('month' => 'june', 'permalink' => 'hello-world').should == 'archives/june/projects/hello-world'
describe 'building the fullpath' do
it 'returns "index" for the root page' do
@page =
@page.fullpath.should == 'index'
it 'returns "404" for the "page not found" page' do
@page =, :slug => '404')
@page.fullpath.should == '404'
it 'includes a single "*" if the page enables wildcards' do
@page.fullpath.should == '*'
it 'includes a single "*" if the page enables wildcards and if there are a lot of ancestors' do
@page.stubs(:parent).returns(, :fullpath => 'archives/projects'))
@page.fullpath.should == 'archives/projects/*'
it 'includes many "*" when there are ancestors enabling wildcards' do
@page.stubs(:parent).returns(, :fullpath => 'archives/*/projects'))
@page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/projects/*'
describe 'adding wildcards' do
it 'fills the array of wildcards' do
@page.wildcards.should == %w(permalink)
it 'fills the array of wildcards from ancestors' do
@page.parent.wildcards = %w(category month)
@page.wildcards.should == %w(category month permalink)
it 'contains a array of valid wildcards' do
@page.slug = 'another permalink'
@page.wildcards.should == %w(another-permalink)
describe 'propagating changes' do
before(:each) do
@home_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page)
@archives_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site =>, :parent => @home_page, :slug => 'archives')
@month_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site =>, :parent => @archives_page, :slug => 'month')
@projects_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site =>, :parent => @month_page, :slug => 'projects')
@project_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site =>, :parent => @projects_page, :slug => 'project', :wildcard => true)
@posts_page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site =>, :parent => @month_page, :slug => 'posts')
[@home_page, @archives_page, @month_page, @projects_page, @project_page, @posts_page].map(&:reload)
it 'keeps the wildcards as they were if we modify a slug of an ancestor' do
@archives_page.update_attributes :slug => 'my_archives'
@project_page.fullpath.should == 'my_archives/month/projects/*'
it 'modifies a wildcard' do
@month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => true
@month_page.update_attributes :slug => 'a_month'
@project_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/projects/*'
@project_page.wildcards.should == %w(a_month project)
it 'turns a page into a wildcards one' do
@month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => true
@project_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/projects/*'
@posts_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/*/posts'
it 'turns off the wildcard property of page' do
@month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => true
@month_page.update_attributes :wildcard => false
@project_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/month/projects/*'
@project_page.wildcards.should == %w(project)
@posts_page.fullpath.should == 'archives/month/posts'
@posts_page.wildcards.should == []
describe 'building the hash map asssociating a wildcard name with its value from a path' do
it 'returns an empty map for non wildcards fullpath' do
@page.fullpath = 'index'
@page.wildcards = nil
@page.match_wildcards('index').should be_empty
it 'underscores the wildcard name in the returned hash map' do
@page.fullpath = 'projects/*'
@page.wildcards = %w(my-permalink)
@page.match_wildcards('projects/hello-world').should == { 'my_permalink' => 'hello-world' }
it 'returns a map with one element if the fullpath contains a single wildcard' do
@page.fullpath = 'projects/*'
@page.wildcards = %w(permalink)
@page.match_wildcards('projects/hello-world').should == { 'permalink' => 'hello-world' }
it 'returns a map with as many elements as there are wildcards in the fullpath' do
@page.fullpath = 'archives/*/projects/*'
@page.wildcards = %w(month permalink)
@page.match_wildcards('archives/june/projects/hello-world').should == {
'month' => 'june',
'permalink' => 'hello-world'
it 'stores the map inside a virtual attribute' do
@page.fullpath = 'projects/*'
@page.wildcards = %w(permalink)
@page.wildcards_hash.should == { 'permalink' => 'hello-world' }

View File

@ -208,123 +208,123 @@ describe Locomotive::Page do
context '#path combinations' do
it 'generates them for a path depth equals to 1' do
Locomotive::Page.path_combinations('foo').should == ['foo', 'content_type_template']
Locomotive::Page.path_combinations('foo').should == ['foo', '*']
it 'generates them for a path depth equals to 2' do
Locomotive::Page.path_combinations('foo/bar').should == ['foo/bar', 'foo/content_type_template', 'content_type_template/bar']
Locomotive::Page.path_combinations('foo/bar').should == ['foo/bar', 'foo/*', '*/bar', '*/*']
it 'generates them for a path depth equals to 3' do
Locomotive::Page.path_combinations('foo/bar/baz').should == ['foo/bar/baz', 'foo/bar/content_type_template', 'foo/content_type_template/baz', 'content_type_template/bar/baz']
Locomotive::Page.path_combinations('foo/bar/baz').should == ['foo/bar/baz', 'foo/bar/*', 'foo/*/baz', 'foo/*/*', '*/bar/baz', '*/bar/*', '*/*/baz', '*/*/*']
describe 'templatized extension' do
before(:each) do
@page =, :parent =>, :templatized => false), :templatized => true, :target_klass_name => 'Foo')
it 'is considered as a templatized page' do
@page.templatized?.should be_true
it 'fills in the slug field' do
@page.slug.should == 'content_type_template'
it 'returns the target klass' do
@page.target_klass.should == Foo
it 'has a name for the target entry' do
@page.target_entry_name.should == 'foo'
it 'uses the find_by_permalink method when fetching the entry' do
context '#descendants' do
before(:each) do
@home = FactoryGirl.create(:page)
@page.attributes = { :parent_id => @home._id, :site => };!
@sub_page =, :title => 'Subpage', :slug => 'foo', :parent => @page, :site =>, :templatized => false)
it 'inherits the templatized property from its parent' do
@sub_page.templatized?.should be_true
@sub_page.templatized_from_parent?.should be_true
@sub_page.target_klass_name.should == 'Foo'
it 'gets templatized if its parent is' do
@page.attributes = { :templatized => false, :target_klass_name => nil };! be_true
@sub_page.templatized?.should be_false
@page.attributes = { :templatized => true, :target_klass_name => 'Foo' };!
@sub_page.templatized?.should be_true
@sub_page.templatized_from_parent?.should be_true
@sub_page.target_klass_name.should == 'Foo'
it 'is not templatized if its parent is no more a templatized page' do be_true
@page.templatized = false;!
@sub_page.templatized.should be_false
@sub_page.templatized_from_parent.should be_false
@sub_page.target_klass_name.should be_nil
context 'using a content type' do
before(:each) do
@site =
@content_type =, :slug => 'posts', :site => @site) = @site
@page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::Entry42'
it 'has a name for the target entry' do
@site.stubs(:content_types).returns(mock(:find => @content_type))
@page.target_entry_name.should == 'post'
context '#security' do
before(:each) do
it 'is valid if the content type belongs to the site' do
@page.errors.should be_empty
it 'does not valid the page if the content type does not belong to the site' do =
@page.errors[:target_klass_name].should == ['presents a security problem']
# describe 'templatized extension' do
# before(:each) do
# @page =, :parent =>, :templatized => false), :templatized => true, :target_klass_name => 'Foo')
# end
# it 'is considered as a templatized page' do
# @page.templatized?.should be_true
# end
# it 'fills in the slug field' do
# @page.valid?
# @page.slug.should == 'content_type_template'
# end
# it 'returns the target klass' do
# @page.target_klass.should == Foo
# end
# it 'has a name for the target entry' do
# @page.target_entry_name.should == 'foo'
# end
# it 'uses the find_by_permalink method when fetching the entry' do
# Foo.expects(:find_by_permalink)
# @page.fetch_target_entry('foo')
# end
# context '#descendants' do
# before(:each) do
# @home = FactoryGirl.create(:page)
# @page.attributes = { :parent_id => @home._id, :site => };!
# @sub_page =, :title => 'Subpage', :slug => 'foo', :parent => @page, :site =>, :templatized => false)
# end
# it 'inherits the templatized property from its parent' do
# @sub_page.valid?
# @sub_page.templatized?.should be_true
# @sub_page.templatized_from_parent?.should be_true
# @sub_page.target_klass_name.should == 'Foo'
# end
# it 'gets templatized if its parent is' do
# @page.attributes = { :templatized => false, :target_klass_name => nil };!
# be_true
# @sub_page.templatized?.should be_false
# @page.attributes = { :templatized => true, :target_klass_name => 'Foo' };!
# @sub_page.reload
# @sub_page.templatized?.should be_true
# @sub_page.templatized_from_parent?.should be_true
# @sub_page.target_klass_name.should == 'Foo'
# end
# it 'is not templatized if its parent is no more a templatized page' do
# be_true
# @page.templatized = false;!
# @sub_page.reload
# @sub_page.templatized.should be_false
# @sub_page.templatized_from_parent.should be_false
# @sub_page.target_klass_name.should be_nil
# end
# end
# context 'using a content type' do
# before(:each) do
# @site =
# @content_type =, :slug => 'posts', :site => @site)
# = @site
# @page.target_klass_name = 'Locomotive::Entry42'
# end
# it 'has a name for the target entry' do
# @site.stubs(:content_types).returns(mock(:find => @content_type))
# @page.target_entry_name.should == 'post'
# end
# context '#security' do
# before(:each) do
# Locomotive::ContentType.stubs(:find).returns(@content_type)
# end
# it 'is valid if the content type belongs to the site' do
# @page.send(:ensure_target_klass_name_security)
# @page.errors.should be_empty
# end
# it 'does not valid the page if the content type does not belong to the site' do
# =
# @page.send(:ensure_target_klass_name_security)
# @page.errors[:target_klass_name].should == ['presents a security problem']
# end
# end
# end
# end
describe 'listed extension' do

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ describe Locomotive::Site do
@site = FactoryGirl.create(:site)
it 'should create index and 404 pages' do
it 'creates index and 404 pages' do
@site.pages.size.should == 2 == %w{404 index}

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe Locomotive::Snippet do
context 'with a normal top level snippet' do
before :each do
@page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @site, :slug => 'my_page_here', :raw_template => "{% include 'my_test_snippet' %}")
@page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @site, :parent => @site.pages.root.first, :slug => 'my_page_here', :raw_template => "{% include 'my_test_snippet' %}")
it 'updates templates with the new snippet template' do
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ describe Locomotive::Snippet do
context 'for snippets inside of a block' do
before :each do
@page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @site, :slug => 'my_page_here', :raw_template => "{% block main %}{% include 'my_test_snippet' %}{% endblock %}")
@page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @site, :parent => @site.pages.root.first, :slug => 'my_page_here', :raw_template => "{% block main %}{% include 'my_test_snippet' %}{% endblock %}")
it 'updates templates with the new snippet template' do
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ describe Locomotive::Snippet do
before :each do
Mongoid::Fields::I18n.with_locale(:fr) do
@snippet = FactoryGirl.create(:snippet, :site => @site, :slug => 'my_localized_test_snippet', :template => 'a testing template')
@page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @site, :slug => 'my_localized_test_snippet', :raw_template => "{% block main %}{% include 'my_localized_test_snippet' %}{% endblock %}")
@page = FactoryGirl.create(:page, :site => @site, :parent => @site.pages.root.first, :slug => 'my_localized_test_snippet', :raw_template => "{% block main %}{% include 'my_localized_test_snippet' %}{% endblock %}")