moved content type above the templated option to avoid content jumps, added some translations

This commit is contained in:
Dirk Kelly 2011-02-01 15:08:56 +08:00
parent 3160f10ec5
commit d672c0b946
2 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
= f.input :parent_id, :as => :select, :collection => parent_pages_options, :include_blank => false
= f.input :slug, :required => false, :hint => @page.slug.blank? ? ' ' : @page.url, :input_html => { :data_url => get_path_admin_pages_url, :disabled => @page.index? || @page.not_found? }, :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.templatized?}" }
= f.input :content_type_id, :as => :select, :collection => current_site.content_types.all.to_a, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' unless @page.templatized?}" }
= f.custom_input :templatized, :css => 'toggle', :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.redirect?}" do
= f.check_box :templatized
= f.input :content_type_id, :as => :select, :collection => current_site.content_types.all.to_a, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html => { :style => "#{'display: none' unless @page.templatized?}" }
= f.custom_input :published, :css => 'toggle' do
= f.check_box :published
= f.custom_input :unlisted, :css => 'toggle', :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.templatized?}" do
= f.custom_input :unlisted, :css => 'toggle', :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.templatized? || @page.redirect?}" do
= f.check_box :unlisted
= f.custom_input :redirect, :css => 'toggle', :style => "#{'display: none' if @page.templatized?}" do

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ en:
cache_strategy: "Cache the page for better performance. The 'Simple' choice is a good compromise."
templatized: "Use the page as a template for a model you defined."
unlisted: "Hide the page from any generated menus, it will still be accessible directly"
content_type_id: "The type of content this page will be a template for"
slug: "You need to know it in order to insert the snippet inside a page"