new page tree ui + snippets crud + layout crud (in progress) + page parts (in progress)

This commit is contained in:
dinedine 2010-05-03 01:33:17 +02:00
parent ae20b51636
commit 3b847b2732
77 changed files with 6032 additions and 148 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
class Admin::LayoutsController < Admin::BaseController
sections 'settings'
def index
@layouts = current_site.layouts
def new
@layout =
def edit
@layout = current_site.layouts.find(params[:id])
def create
@layout =[:layout])
redirect_to edit_admin_layout_url(@layout)
render :action => 'new'
def update
@layout = current_site.layouts.find(params[:id])
if @layout.update_attributes(params[:layout])
redirect_to edit_admin_layout_url(@layout)
render :action => "edit"
def destroy
@layout = current_site.layouts.find(params[:id])
rescue Exception => e
flash[:error] = e.to_s
redirect_to admin_layouts_url

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class Admin::PagesController < Admin::BaseController
sections 'contents'
def index
@pages = Page.all
@pages = current_site.pages.roots
def new
@ -38,6 +38,19 @@ class Admin::PagesController < Admin::BaseController
def sort
@page = current_site.pages.find(params[:id])
render :json => { :message => translate_flash_msg(:successful) }
def get_path
page = => current_site.pages.find(params[:parent_id]), :slug => params[:slug].slugify)
render :json => { :url => page.url, :slug => page.slug }
def destroy
@page = current_site.pages.find(params[:id])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
class Admin::SnippetsController < Admin::BaseController
sections 'settings'
def index
@snippets = current_site.snippets
def new
@snippet =
def edit
@snippet = current_site.snippets.find(params[:id])
def create
@snippet =[:snippet])
redirect_to edit_admin_snippet_url(@snippet)
render :action => 'new'
def update
@snippet = current_site.snippets.find(params[:id])
if @snippet.update_attributes(params[:snippet])
redirect_to edit_admin_snippet_url(@snippet)
render :action => "edit"
def destroy
@snippet = current_site.snippets.find(params[:id])
rescue Exception => e
flash[:error] = e.to_s
redirect_to admin_snippets_url

View File

@ -12,4 +12,22 @@ module Admin::BaseHelper
def admin_submenu_item(name, url, options = {}, &block)
default_options = { :i18n => true, :css => '' }
css = "#{name.dasherize.downcase} #{'on' if name == sections(:sub)} #{'links' if block_given?} #{options[:css]}"
label_link = default_options[:i18n] ? t("{name}") : name
# if block_given?
# popup = content_tag(:div, capture(&block), :class => 'popup', :style => 'display: none')
# link = link_to(content_tag(:span, label_link + content_tag(:em)), url)
# concat(content_tag(:li, link + popup, :class => css))
# else
# html = content_tag(:li, link_to(content_tag(:span, label_link), url), :class => css)
# end
content_tag(:li, link_to(content_tag(:span, label_link), url), :class => css)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module Admin::PagesHelper
def parent_pages_options
roots = current_site.pages.roots.where( => '404').and( =>
puts roots.to_a.inspect
returning [] do |list|
roots.each do |page|
list = add_children_to_options(page, list)
def add_children_to_options(page, list)
return list if page.path.include?( || page == @page
offset = '- ' * (page.depth || 0) * 2
list << ["#{offset}#{page.title}",]
page.children.each { |child| add_children_to_options(child, list) }

app/models/layout.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
class Layout < LiquidTemplate
## associations ##
embeds_many :parts, :class_name => 'PagePart'
## callbacks ##
before_save :build_parts_from_value
## validations ##
validates_format_of :value, :with => Locomotive::Regexps::CONTENT_FOR_LAYOUT, :message => :missing_content_for_layout
## methods ##
def build_parts_from_value
if self.value_changed? || self.new_record? = []
(groups = self.value.scan(Locomotive::Regexps::CONTENT_FOR)).each do |part|
part[1] = nil if part[1].empty?
slug = part[0].strip.downcase
name = (if slug == 'layout'
(part[1] || slug).gsub("\"", '')
end) :slug => slug, :name => name

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
class LiquidTemplate
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
## fields ##
field :name
field :slug
field :value
## associations ##
belongs_to_related :site
## callbacks ##
before_validate :normalize_slug
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :site, :name, :slug, :value
validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => [:site_id, :_type]
def normalize_slug
self.slug = if self.slug.blank? &&
self.slug.slugify!(:without_extension => true, :downcase => true) if self.slug.present?

View File

@ -15,41 +15,99 @@ class Page
belongs_to_related :site
embeds_many :parts, :class_name => 'PagePart'
## callbacks ##
before_validate :reset_parent
before_validate :normalize_slug
before_save { |p| p.parent_id = nil if p.parent_id.blank? }
before_save :change_parent
before_create { |p| p.fix_position(false) }
before_create :add_to_list_bottom
before_create :add_body_part
before_destroy :remove_from_list
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :site, :title, :slug
validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => :site_id
validates_exclusion_of :slug, :in => Locomotive.config.reserved_slugs, :if => { |p| p.depth == 0 }
## callbacks ##
before_create :add_to_list_bottom
before_create :add_body_part
before_destroy :remove_from_list
before_validate :normalize_slug
## named scopes ##
## behaviours ##
acts_as_tree :order => ['position', 'asc']
## methods ##
def index?
self.slug == 'index' && self.depth.to_i == 0
def not_found?
self.slug == '404' && self.depth.to_i == 0
def add_body_part :name => 'body', :value => '---body here---'
def parent=(owner) # missing in acts_as_tree
self[self.parent_id_field] = owner._id
self[self.path_field] = owner[owner.path_field] + [owner._id]
self[self.depth_field] = owner[owner.depth_field] + 1
@_parent = owner
self.instance_variable_set :@_will_move, true
def sort_children!(ids)
ids.each_with_index do |id, position|
child = self.children.detect { |p| p._id == id }
child.position = position
def route
return self.slug if self.index? || self.not_found?
slugs =
File.join slugs
def url
def ancestors
return [] if root?
self.class.find(self.path.clone << nil) # bug in mongoid (it does not handle array with on element)
def change_parent
if self.parent_id_changed?
self.instance_variable_set :@_will_move, true
def fix_position(perform_save = true)
if parent.nil?
self[parent_id_field] = nil
self[path_field] = []
self[depth_field] = 0
self[parent_id_field] = parent._id
self[path_field] = parent[path_field] + [parent._id]
self[depth_field] = parent[depth_field] + 1 if perform_save
def reset_parent
if self.parent_id_changed?
@_parent = nil
def add_to_list_bottom
self.position = (Page.where( => self._id).and(:parent_id => self.parent_id).max(:position) || 0) + 1
@ -62,6 +120,7 @@ class Page
def normalize_slug
self.slug = self.title.clone if self.slug.blank? && self.title.present?
self.slug.slugify!(:without_extension => true) if self.slug.present?

View File

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ class PagePart
## associations ##
embedded_in :page, :inverse_of => :parts
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :name, :slug
## callbacks ##
before_validate { |p| p.slug ||= if }
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :name, :slug

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ class Site
## associations ##
has_many_related :pages
has_many_related :layouts
has_many_related :snippets
## validations ##
validates_presence_of :name, :subdomain

app/models/snippet.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
class Snippet < LiquidTemplate

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
= f.inputs :name => :information do
= f.input :name
= f.inputs :name => :code do
= f.custom_input :value, :css => 'full', :with_label => false do
%code{ :class => 'html' }
= f.text_area :value

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
%strong= link_to, edit_admin_layout_path(layout)
%span= t('.updated_at')
= l layout.updated_at, :format => :short
= link_to image_tag('admin/list/icons/trash.png'), admin_layout_path(layout), :class => 'remove', :confirm => t('admin.messages.confirm'), :method => :delete

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :head do
= javascript_include_tag 'admin/plugins/codemirror/codemirror'
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/menu/settings'
- content_for :buttons do
= admin_button_tag :new, new_admin_layout_url, :class => 'add'
%p= t('.help')
= semantic_form_for @layout, :url => admin_layout_url(@layout) do |form|
= render 'form', :f => form
= render 'admin/shared/form_actions', :back_url => admin_layouts_url, :button_label => :update

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/menu/settings'
- content_for :buttons do
= admin_button_tag :new, new_admin_layout_url, :class => 'add'
%p= t('.help')
- if @layouts.empty? t('.no_items', :url => new_admin_layout_url)
- else
= render @layouts

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :head do
= javascript_include_tag 'admin/plugins/codemirror/codemirror'
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/menu/settings'
%p= t('.help')
= semantic_form_for @layout, :url => admin_layouts_url do |form|
= render 'form', :f => form
= render 'admin/shared/form_actions', :back_url => admin_layouts_url, :button_label => :create

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
= f.input :title
= f.custom_input :path, :css => 'path' do
& /#{f.text_field :path}.html
- if not @page.index? and not @page.not_found?
= f.input :parent_id, :as => :select, :collection => parent_pages_options, :include_blank => false
= f.input :slug, :required => false, :hint => @page.slug.blank? ? '&nbsp;' : @page.url, :input_html => { :data_url => get_path_admin_pages_url, :disabled => @page.index? || @page.not_found? }
= f.custom_input :published, :css => 'toggle' do
= f.check_box :published

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
%li{ :id => "item-#{}", :class => "#{'not-found' if page.not_found? }"}
- if not page.index? and not page.children.empty?
= image_tag 'admin/list/icons/node_closed.png', :class => 'toggler'
%strong= link_to truncate(page.title, :length => 80), edit_admin_page_url(page)
%span= t('.updated_at')
= l page.updated_at, :format => :short
- if not page.index? and not page.not_found?
= link_to image_tag('admin/list/icons/trash.png'), admin_page_url(page), :class => 'remove', :confirm => t('admin.messages.confirm'), :method => :delete
- if not page.children.empty?
%ul{ :id => "folder-#{page._id}", :class => "folder depth-#{(page.depth || 0) + 1}", :data_url => sort_admin_page_url(page), :style => "display: #{cookies["folder-#{page._id}"] || 'block'}" }
= render page.children

View File

@ -1,52 +1,18 @@
- title link_to(@page.title.blank? ? @page.title_was : @page.title, '#', :rel => 'page_title', :title => t('.ask_for_title'), :class => 'editable')
- content_for :head do
= javascript_include_tag 'admin/pages'
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/contents_menu'
= render 'admin/shared/menu/contents'
- content_for :buttons do
= admin_button_tag :show, '#', :class => 'show'
%p= t('.help')
= semantic_form_for @page, :url => admin_page_url(@page), :html => { :class => 'shortcut-enabled' } do |form|
= semantic_form_for @page, :url => admin_page_url(@page) do |form|
= render 'form', :f => form
= render 'admin/shared/form_actions', :back_url => admin_pages_url, :button_label => :update
/ <% content_for :title do %>
/ <%= link_to @page.title.blank? ? @page.title_was : @page.title, '#', :class => 'editable' %>
/ <% end %>
/ <% content_for :buttons do %>
/ <% show_page_button(@page) %>
/ <% end %>
/ <p><%= t('') %></p>
/ <% semantic_form_for @page, :url => admin_page_url(@page), :html => { :class => 'save-shortcut' } do |form| %>
/ <%= render :partial => 'form', :locals => { :f => form } %>
/ <div class="actions">
/ <div class="span-12">
/ <p>
/ <%= link_to '&larr;&nbsp;' + t('admin.common.buttons.back'), admin_pages_url %>
/ </p>
/ </div>
/ <div class="span-12 last">
/ <p>
/ <button class="button light" type="submit">
/ <span><%= t('admin.common.buttons.update') %></span>
/ </button>
/ </p>
/ </div>
/ <div class="clear"></div>
/ </div>
/ <% end %>
/ <% content_for :submenu do %>
/ <%= render :partial => '/shared/admin/contents_menu' %>
/ <% end %>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :head do
= javascript_include_tag 'admin/pages'
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/contents_menu'
= render 'admin/shared/menu/contents'
- content_for :buttons do
= admin_button_tag :new, new_admin_page_url, :class => 'add'
@ -12,6 +15,4 @@ t('.no_items', :url => new_admin_page_url)
- else
- @pages.each do |page|
= link_to page.title, edit_admin_page_url(page)
= render @pages

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :head do
= javascript_include_tag 'admin/pages'
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/contents_menu'
= render 'admin/shared/menu/contents'
%p= t('.help')

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
= link_to find_and_preserve('<span>Pages <em>&nbsp;</em></span>'), '#'

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
= stylesheet_link_tag 'admin/layout', 'admin/plugins/toggle', 'admin/menu', 'admin/buttons', 'admin/formtastic', 'admin/formtastic_changes', 'admin/application', :media => 'screen', :cache => Rails.env.production?
= javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'jquery.ui', 'rails', 'admin/plugins/toggle', 'admin/plugins/growl', 'admin/application', :cache => Rails.env.production?
= javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'jquery.ui', 'rails', 'admin/plugins/toggle', 'admin/plugins/growl', 'admin/plugins/cookie', 'admin/application', :cache => Rails.env.production?
%script{ :type => 'text/javascript' }
= find_and_preserve(growl_message)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
= admin_menu_item('contents', admin_pages_url)
= admin_menu_item('assets', '#')
= admin_menu_item('settings', '#')
= admin_menu_item('settings', admin_layouts_url)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
= admin_submenu_item 'pages', admin_pages_url

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
= admin_submenu_item 'layouts', admin_layouts_url
= admin_submenu_item 'snippets', admin_snippets_url

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- content_for :head do
= javascript_include_tag 'admin/plugins/codemirror/codemirror', 'admin/snippets.js'
= f.inputs :name => :information do
= f.input :name
= f.input :slug, :required => false
= f.inputs :name => :code do
= f.custom_input :value, :css => 'full', :with_label => false do
%code{ :class => 'html' }
= f.text_area :value

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
%strong= link_to, edit_admin_snippet_path(snippet)
%span= t('.updated_at')
= l snippet.updated_at, :format => :short
= link_to image_tag('admin/list/icons/trash.png'), admin_snippet_path(snippet), :class => 'remove', :confirm => t('admin.messages.confirm'), :method => :delete

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/menu/settings'
- content_for :buttons do
= admin_button_tag t(''), new_admin_snippet_url, :class => 'add'
%p= t('.help')
= semantic_form_for @snippet, :url => admin_snippet_url(@snippet) do |form|
= render 'form', :f => form
= render 'admin/shared/form_actions', :back_url => admin_snippets_url, :button_label => :update

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/menu/settings'
- content_for :buttons do
= admin_button_tag :new, new_admin_snippet_url, :class => 'add'
%p= t('.help')
- if @snippets.empty? t('.no_items', :url => new_admin_snippet_url)
- else
= render @snippets

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- title t('.title')
- content_for :submenu do
= render 'admin/shared/menu/settings'
%p= t('.help')
= semantic_form_for @snippet, :url => admin_snippets_url do |form|
= render 'form', :f => form
= render 'admin/shared/form_actions', :back_url => admin_snippets_url, :button_label => :create

View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ en:
contents: Contents
assets: Assets
settings: Settings
pages: Pages
layouts: Layouts
snippets: Snippets
developed_by: Developed by
powered_by: and Powered by
@ -37,6 +40,8 @@ en:
back: Back without saving
create: Create
update: Update
body: Body
@ -44,14 +49,29 @@ en:
no_items: "There are no pages for now. Just click <a href=\"{{url}}\">here</a> to create the first one."
new: new page
title: Listing layouts
no_items: "There are no layouts for now. Just click <a href=\"{{url}}\">here</a> to create the first one."
new: new layout
title: Listing snippets
no_items: "There are no snippets for now. Just click <a href=\"{{url}}\">here</a> to create the first one."
new: new snippet
information: General information
meta: Meta
code: Code
keywords: "Meta keywords used within the head tag of the page. They are separeted by an empty space. Required for SEO."
description: "Meta description used within the head tag of the page. Required for SEO."
slug: "You need to know it in order to insert the snippet inside a page or a layout"
login: Log in

View File

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ en:
domain_taken: "{{value}} is already taken"
invalid_domain: "{{value}} is invalid"
missing_content_for_layout: "should contain 'content_for_layout' liquid tag"

View File

@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ fr:
even: "doit être pair"
domain_taken: "{{value}} a été déjà pris"
missing_content_for_layout: "doit contenir le tag liquid 'content_for_layout'"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ Locomotive::Application.routes.draw do |map|
namespace 'admin' do
root :to => 'pages#index'
resources :pages
resources :pages do
put :sort, :on => :member
get :get_path, :on => :collection
resources :layouts
resources :snippets
# get 'login' => 'sessions#new', :as => :new_account_session
# post 'login' => 'sessions#create', :as => :account_session

View File

@ -5,8 +5,24 @@ x admin layout
x logout button
x slugify page
x validation page slug
- sitemap
x update position when assigning a new parent
x remove all descendants
x slug from title
! update "path" when changing slug (new page too) ?
x mettre a jour le chemin dans _form si slug et/ou parent change
x slug for 404 and Index pages can not be modified
x store node closed or open in cookies
x snippets section
x menu items have to be translated
x layout needs at least content_for_layout
- validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => :id
- page parts
- can not delete index + 404 pages
- slug unique within a folder
- pages section (CRUD)
- refactoring page.rb => create module pagetree
- my account section (part of settings)
- snippets section
- layouts section
- create 404 + index pages once a site is created
- refactoring admin crud (pages + layouts + snippets)
- remove all pages, snippets, ...etc when destroying a website

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class String
# end
def slugify(options = {})
options = { :sep => '_', :without_extension => false }.merge(options)
options = { :sep => '_', :without_extension => false, :downcase => false }.merge(options)
# replace accented chars with ther ascii equivalents
s = ActiveSupport::Inflector.transliterate(self).to_s
# No more than one slash in a row
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ class String
s.gsub! /(^[\/]+)|([\/]+$)/, ''
# Remove extensions
s.gsub! /(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})/, '' if options[:without_extension]
# Downcase
s.downcase! if options[:downcase]
# Turn unwanted chars into the seperator
s.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_\+\/]+/i, options[:sep])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
module Locomotive
module Regexps
SUBDOMAIN = /^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9]{1}$/
DOMAIN = /^[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$/ix
CONTENT_FOR = /\{\{\s*content_for_([a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z_0-9]*)(\s+.*)?\s*\}\}/
CONTENT_FOR_LAYOUT = /\{\{\s*content_for_layout\s*\}\}/

View File

@ -1,29 +1,82 @@
module Locomotive
module SiteMap
class Sitemap
return if pages.empty?
attr_accessor :index, :children, :not_found
pages = pages.to_a.clone # make a secure copy
def initialize(site)
self.children = site.pages.roots.to_a
root = :root => pages.delete_if { |p| p.path == 'index' }
self.index = self.children.detect { |p| p.index? }
self.not_found = self.children.detect { |p| p.not_found? }
pages.each do |page|
class Folder
attr_accessor :root, :name, :children
def initialize(attributes = {})
self.root = attributes[:root] = attributes[:name]
def empty?
self.index.nil? && self.not_found.nil? && self.children.empty?
def;; end
# module Sitemap
# def
# return [] if pages.empty?
# # pages = pages.to_a.clone # make a secure copy
# dictionary = build_dictionary(pages)
# returning [] do |map|
# map << (index = pages.detect { |p| p.index? })
# pages.delete(index)
# not_found = pages.detect { |p| p.not_found? }
# pages.delete(not_found)
# add_children()
# map << not_found
# end
# end
# protected
# def self.add_children(map, children, dictionary)
# end
# def self.build_dictionary(pages)
# returning({}) do |hash|
# hash[] = pages
# end
# end
# # def
# # return if pages.empty?
# #
# # pages = pages.to_a.clone # make a secure copy
# #
# # root = :root => pages.delete_if { |p| p.path == 'index' }
# #
# # pages.each do |page|
# #
# # end
# # end
# #
# # class Folder
# # attr_accessor :root, :depth, :children
# #
# # def initialize(attributes = {})
# # self.root = attributes[:root]
# # self.depth = self.root.depth
# # end
# #
# # end
# end

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class MiscFormBuilder < Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder
html += template.capture(&block) || ''
html += self.errors_on(name) || ''
template.content_tag(:li, html, :class => "#{options[:css]} #{'error' unless @object.errors[name].empty?}")
template.content_tag(:li, template.find_and_preserve(html), :class => "#{options[:css]} #{'error' unless @object.errors[name].empty?}")

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 219 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.9 KiB

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
var I18nLocale = null;
var CodeMirrorEditors = [];
/* ___ growl ___ */
@ -15,6 +16,29 @@ $.growl.settings.dockCss = {
zIndex: 50000
/* ___ codemirror ___ */
var addCodeMirrorEditor = function(type, el, parser) {
var parserfile = "parse" + type + ".js";
if (parser != undefined) parserfile = parser;
if (type == 'liquid') type = 'xml';
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(el.attr('id'), {
height: "330px",
parserfile: parserfile,
stylesheet: ["/stylesheets/admin/plugins/codemirror/" + type + "colors.css", "/stylesheets/admin/plugins/codemirror/liquidcolors.css"],
path: "/javascripts/admin/plugins/codemirror/",
continuousScanning: 500,
reindentOnLoad: true,
initCallback: function(editor) {
jQuery(editor.frame.contentDocument).keypress(function(event) {
CodeMirrorEditors.push({ 'el': el, 'editor': editor });
/* ___ global ___ */
$(document).ready(function() {
@ -53,11 +77,14 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var parent = $(this).parent(), content = $(this).next();
if (parent.hasClass('folded')) {
content.slideDown(400, function() { });
content.slideDown('fast', function() { });
} else
content.slideUp(400, function() { parent.addClass('folded'); });
content.slideUp('fast', function() { parent.addClass('folded'); });
// nifty checkboxes
$('.formtastic li.toggle input[type=checkbox]').checkToggle();
// nifty code editor
$('code.html textarea').each(function() { addCodeMirrorEditor('liquid', $(this)); });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
$(document).ready(function() {
// open / close folder
$('#pages-list ul.folder img.toggler').click(function(e) {
var toggler = $(this);
var children = toggler.parent().find('> ul.folder');
if (':visible')) {
children.slideUp('fast', function() {
toggler.attr('src', toggler.attr('src').replace('open', 'closed'));
$.cookie(children.attr('id'), 'none');
} else {
children.slideDown('fast', function() {
toggler.attr('src', toggler.attr('src').replace('closed', 'open'));
$.cookie(children.attr('id'), 'block');
// sortable folder items
$('#pages-list ul.folder').sortable({
'handle': 'em',
'axis': 'y',
'update': function(event, ui) {
var params = $(this).sortable('serialize', { 'key': 'children[]' });
params += '&_method=put';
$.post($(this).attr('data_url'), params, function(data) {
$.growl('success', data.message);
}, 'json');
// automatic slug from page title
$('#page_title').keypress(function() {
var input = $(this);
var slug = $('#page_slug');
if (!slug.hasClass('filled')) {
setTimeout(function() {
slug.val(input.val().replace(' ', '_')).addClass('touched');
}, 50);
$('#page_slug').keypress(function() {
var lookForSlugAndUrl = function() {
params = 'parent_id=' + $('#page_parent_id').val() + "&slug=" + $('#page_slug').val();
$.get($('#page_slug').attr('data_url'), params, function(data) {
$('#page_slug_input .inline-hints').html(data.url).effect('highlight');
}, 'json');
setInterval(function() {
var slug = $('#page_slug');
if (slug.hasClass('touched')) {
}, 2000);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
/* CodeMirror main module
* Implements the CodeMirror constructor and prototype, which take care
* of initializing the editor frame, and providing the outside interface.
// The CodeMirrorConfig object is used to specify a default
// configuration. If you specify such an object before loading this
// file, the values you put into it will override the defaults given
// below. You can also assign to it after loading.
var CodeMirrorConfig = window.CodeMirrorConfig || {};
var CodeMirror = (function(){
function setDefaults(object, defaults) {
for (var option in defaults) {
if (!object.hasOwnProperty(option))
object[option] = defaults[option];
function forEach(array, action) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
// These default options can be overridden by passing a set of
// options to a specific CodeMirror constructor. See manual.html for
// their meaning.
setDefaults(CodeMirrorConfig, {
stylesheet: "",
path: "",
parserfile: [],
basefiles: ["util.js", "stringstream.js", "select.js", "undo.js", "editor.js", "tokenize.js"],
iframeClass: null,
passDelay: 200,
passTime: 50,
continuousScanning: false,
saveFunction: null,
onChange: null,
undoDepth: 50,
undoDelay: 800,
disableSpellcheck: true,
textWrapping: true,
readOnly: false,
width: "100%",
height: "300px",
autoMatchParens: false,
parserConfig: null,
tabMode: "indent", // or "spaces", "default", "shift"
reindentOnLoad: false,
activeTokens: null,
cursorActivity: null,
lineNumbers: false,
indentUnit: 2
function wrapLineNumberDiv(place) {
return function(node) {
var container = document.createElement("DIV"),
nums = document.createElement("DIV"),
scroller = document.createElement("DIV"); = "relative"; = "absolute"; = "100%";
if ( {
try {"height", "this.previousSibling.offsetHeight + 'px'");}
catch(e) {} // Seems to throw 'Not Implemented' on some IE8 versions
} = "0px"; = "hidden";
scroller.className = "CodeMirror-line-numbers";
function applyLineNumbers(frame) {
var win = frame.contentWindow, doc = win.document,
nums = frame.nextSibling, scroller = nums.firstChild;
var nextNum = 1, barWidth = null;
function sizeBar() {
if (!frame.offsetWidth || !win.Editor) {
for (var cur = frame; cur.parentNode; cur = cur.parentNode) {
if (cur != document) {
if (nums.offsetWidth != barWidth) {
barWidth = nums.offsetWidth; = "-" + ( = barWidth + "px");
function update() {
var diff = 20 + Math.max(doc.body.offsetHeight, frame.offsetHeight) - scroller.offsetHeight;
for (var n = Math.ceil(diff / 10); n > 0; n--) {
var div = document.createElement("DIV");
nums.scrollTop = doc.body.scrollTop || doc.documentElement.scrollTop || 0;
win.addEventHandler(win, "scroll", update);
win.addEventHandler(win, "resize", update);
var sizeInterval = setInterval(sizeBar, 500);
function CodeMirror(place, options) {
// Backward compatibility for deprecated options.
if (options.dumbTabs) options.tabMode = "spaces";
else if (options.normalTab) options.tabMode = "default";
// Use passed options, if any, to override defaults.
this.options = options = options || {};
setDefaults(options, CodeMirrorConfig);
var frame = this.frame = document.createElement("IFRAME");
if (options.iframeClass) frame.className = options.iframeClass;
frame.frameBorder = 0;
frame.src = "javascript:false;"; = "0"; = options.width; = options.height;
// display: block occasionally suppresses some Firefox bugs, so we
// always add it, redundant as it sounds. = "block";
if (place.appendChild) {
var node = place;
place = function(n){node.appendChild(n);};
if (options.lineNumbers) place = wrapLineNumberDiv(place);
// Link back to this object, so that the editor can fetch options
// and add a reference to itself.
frame.CodeMirror = this; = frame.contentWindow;
if (typeof options.parserfile == "string")
options.parserfile = [options.parserfile];
if (typeof options.stylesheet == "string")
options.stylesheet = [options.stylesheet];
var html = ["<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\"><html><head>"];
// Hack to work around a bunch of IE8-specific problems.
html.push("<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=EmulateIE7\"/>");
forEach(options.stylesheet, function(file) {
html.push("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + file + "\"/>");
forEach(options.basefiles.concat(options.parserfile), function(file) {
html.push("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + options.path + file + "\"></script>");
html.push("</head><body style=\"border-width: 0;\" class=\"editbox\" spellcheck=\"" +
(options.disableSpellcheck ? "false" : "true") + "\"></body></html>");
var doc =;;
CodeMirror.prototype = {
init: function() {
if (this.options.initCallback) this.options.initCallback(this);
if (this.options.lineNumbers) applyLineNumbers(this.frame);
if (this.options.reindentOnLoad) this.reindent();
getCode: function() {return this.editor.getCode();},
setCode: function(code) {this.editor.importCode(code);},
selection: function() {return this.editor.selectedText();},
reindent: function() {this.editor.reindent();},
reindentSelection: function() {this.editor.reindentSelection(null);},
focus: function() {;
if (this.editor.selectionSnapshot) // IE hack, this.editor.selectionSnapshot);
replaceSelection: function(text) {
return true;
replaceChars: function(text, start, end) {
this.editor.replaceChars(text, start, end);
getSearchCursor: function(string, fromCursor) {
return this.editor.getSearchCursor(string, fromCursor);
undo: function() {this.editor.history.undo();},
redo: function() {this.editor.history.redo();},
historySize: function() {return this.editor.history.historySize();},
clearHistory: function() {this.editor.history.clear();},
grabKeys: function(callback, filter) {this.editor.grabKeys(callback, filter);},
ungrabKeys: function() {this.editor.ungrabKeys();},
setParser: function(name) {this.editor.setParser(name);},
cursorPosition: function(start) {
if ( this.focus();
return this.editor.cursorPosition(start);
firstLine: function() {return this.editor.firstLine();},
lastLine: function() {return this.editor.lastLine();},
nextLine: function(line) {return this.editor.nextLine(line);},
prevLine: function(line) {return this.editor.prevLine(line);},
lineContent: function(line) {return this.editor.lineContent(line);},
setLineContent: function(line, content) {this.editor.setLineContent(line, content);},
insertIntoLine: function(line, position, content) {this.editor.insertIntoLine(line, position, content);},
selectLines: function(startLine, startOffset, endLine, endOffset) {;
this.editor.selectLines(startLine, startOffset, endLine, endOffset);
nthLine: function(n) {
var line = this.firstLine();
for (; n > 1 && line !== false; n--)
line = this.nextLine(line);
return line;
lineNumber: function(line) {
var num = 0;
while (line !== false) {
line = this.prevLine(line);
return num;
// Old number-based line interface
jumpToLine: function(n) {
this.selectLines(this.nthLine(n), 0);;
currentLine: function() {
return this.lineNumber(this.cursorPosition().line);
CodeMirror.InvalidLineHandle = {toString: function(){return "CodeMirror.InvalidLineHandle";}};
CodeMirror.replace = function(element) {
if (typeof element == "string")
element = document.getElementById(element);
return function(newElement) {
element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, element);
CodeMirror.fromTextArea = function(area, options) {
if (typeof area == "string")
area = document.getElementById(area);
options = options || {};
if ( && options.width == null)
options.width =;
if ( && options.height == null)
options.height =;
if (options.content == null) options.content = area.value;
if (area.form) {
function updateField() {
area.value = mirror.getCode();
if (typeof area.form.addEventListener == "function")
area.form.addEventListener("submit", updateField, false);
area.form.attachEvent("onsubmit", updateField);
function insert(frame) {
if (area.nextSibling)
area.parentNode.insertBefore(frame, area.nextSibling);
} = "none";
var mirror = new CodeMirror(insert, options);
return mirror;
CodeMirror.isProbablySupported = function() {
// This is rather awful, but can be useful.
var match;
if (window.opera)
return Number(window.opera.version()) >= 9.52;
else if (/Apple Computers, Inc/.test(navigator.vendor) && (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\./)))
return Number(match[1]) >= 3;
else if (document.selection && window.ActiveXObject && (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\b/)))
return Number(match[1]) >= 6;
else if (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/gecko\/(\d{8})/i))
return Number(match[1]) >= 20050901;
else if (match = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)/))
return Number(match[1]) >= 525;
return null;
return CodeMirror;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Minimal framing needed to use CodeMirror-style parsers to highlight
// code. Load this along with tokenize.js, stringstream.js, and your
// parser. Then call highlightText, passing a string as the first
// argument, and as the second argument either a callback function
// that will be called with an array of SPAN nodes for every line in
// the code, or a DOM node to which to append these spans, and
// optionally (not needed if you only loaded one parser) a parser
// object.
// Stuff from util.js that the parsers are using.
var StopIteration = {toString: function() {return "StopIteration"}};
var Editor = {};
var indentUnit = 2;
function normaliseString(string) {
var tab = "";
for (var i = 0; i < indentUnit; i++) tab += " ";
string = string.replace(/\t/g, tab).replace(/\u00a0/g, " ").replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n");
var pos = 0, parts = [], lines = string.split("\n");
for (var line = 0; line < lines.length; line++) {
if (line != 0) parts.push("\n");
return {
next: function() {
if (pos < parts.length) return parts[pos++];
else throw StopIteration;
window.highlightText = function(string, callback, parser) {
var parser = (parser || Editor.Parser).make(stringStream(normaliseString(string)));
var line = [];
if (callback.nodeType == 1) {
var node = callback;
callback = function(line) {
for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++)
try {
while (true) {
var token =;
if (token.value == "\n") {
line = [];
else {
var span = document.createElement("SPAN");
span.className =;
catch (e) {
if (e != StopIteration) throw e;
if (line.length) callback(line);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* Demonstration of embedding CodeMirror in a bigger application. The
* interface defined here is a mess of prompts and confirms, and
* should probably not be used in a real project.
function MirrorFrame(place, options) {
this.home = document.createElement("DIV");
if (place.appendChild)
var self = this;
function makeButton(name, action) {
var button = document.createElement("INPUT");
button.type = "button";
button.value = name;
button.onclick = function(){self[action].call(self);};
makeButton("Search", "search");
makeButton("Replace", "replace");
makeButton("Current line", "line");
makeButton("Jump to line", "jump");
makeButton("Insert constructor", "macro");
makeButton("Indent all", "reindent");
this.mirror = new CodeMirror(this.home, options);
MirrorFrame.prototype = {
search: function() {
var text = prompt("Enter search term:", "");
if (!text) return;
var first = true;
do {
var cursor = this.mirror.getSearchCursor(text, first);
first = false;
while (cursor.findNext()) {;
if (!confirm("Search again?"))
} while (confirm("End of document reached. Start over?"));
replace: function() {
// This is a replace-all, but it is possible to implement a
// prompting replace.
var from = prompt("Enter search string:", ""), to;
if (from) to = prompt("What should it be replaced with?", "");
if (to == null) return;
var cursor = this.mirror.getSearchCursor(from, false);
while (cursor.findNext())
jump: function() {
var line = prompt("Jump to line:", "");
if (line && !isNaN(Number(line)))
line: function() {
alert("The cursor is currently at line " + this.mirror.currentLine());
macro: function() {
var name = prompt("Name your constructor:", "");
if (name)
this.mirror.replaceSelection("function " + name + "() {\n \n}\n\n" + name + ".prototype = {\n \n};\n");
reindent: function() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
/* Simple parser for CSS */
var CSSParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
var tokenizeCSS = (function() {
function normal(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == "@") {
return "css-at";
else if (ch == "/" && source.equals("*")) {
return null;
else if (ch == "<" && source.equals("!")) {
return null;
else if (ch == "=") {
return "css-compare";
else if (source.equals("=") && (ch == "~" || ch == "|")) {;
return "css-compare";
else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") {
return null;
else if (ch == "#") {
return "css-hash";
else if (ch == "!") {
source.nextWhileMatches(/[ \t]/);
return "css-important";
else if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
return "css-unit";
else if (/[,.+>*\/]/.test(ch)) {
return "css-select-op";
else if (/[;{}:\[\]]/.test(ch)) {
return "css-punctuation";
else {
return "css-identifier";
function inCComment(source, setState) {
var maybeEnd = false;
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
var ch =;
if (maybeEnd && ch == "/") {
maybeEnd = (ch == "*");
return "css-comment";
function inSGMLComment(source, setState) {
var dashes = 0;
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
var ch =;
if (dashes >= 2 && ch == ">") {
dashes = (ch == "-") ? dashes + 1 : 0;
return "css-comment";
function inString(quote) {
return function(source, setState) {
var escaped = false;
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
var ch =;
if (ch == quote && !escaped)
escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
if (!escaped)
return "css-string";
return function(source, startState) {
return tokenizer(source, startState || normal);
function indentCSS(inBraces, inRule, base) {
return function(nextChars) {
if (!inBraces || /^\}/.test(nextChars)) return base;
else if (inRule) return base + indentUnit * 2;
else return base + indentUnit;
// This is a very simplistic parser -- since CSS does not really
// nest, it works acceptably well, but some nicer colouroing could
// be provided with a more complicated parser.
function parseCSS(source, basecolumn) {
basecolumn = basecolumn || 0;
var tokens = tokenizeCSS(source);
var inBraces = false, inRule = false;
var iter = {
next: function() {
var token =, style =, content = token.content;
if (style == "css-identifier" && inRule) = "css-value";
if (style == "css-hash") = inRule ? "css-colorcode" : "css-identifier";
if (content == "\n")
token.indentation = indentCSS(inBraces, inRule, basecolumn);
if (content == "{")
inBraces = true;
else if (content == "}")
inBraces = inRule = false;
else if (inBraces && content == ";")
inRule = false;
else if (inBraces && style != "css-comment" && style != "whitespace")
inRule = true;
return token;
copy: function() {
var _inBraces = inBraces, _inRule = inRule, _tokenState = tokens.state;
return function(source) {
tokens = tokenizeCSS(source, _tokenState);
inBraces = _inBraces;
inRule = _inRule;
return iter;
return iter;
return {make: parseCSS, electricChars: "}"};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
var DummyParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
function tokenizeDummy(source) {
while (!source.endOfLine());
return "text";
function parseDummy(source) {
function indentTo(n) {return function() {return n;}}
source = tokenizer(source, tokenizeDummy);
var space = 0;
var iter = {
next: function() {
var tok =;
if (tok.type == "whitespace") {
if (tok.value == "\n") tok.indentation = indentTo(space);
else space = tok.value.length;
return tok;
copy: function() {
var _space = space;
return function(_source) {
space = _space;
source = tokenizer(_source, tokenizeDummy);
return iter;
return iter;
return {make: parseDummy};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
var HTMLMixedParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
if (!(CSSParser && JSParser && XMLParser))
throw new Error("CSS, JS, and XML parsers must be loaded for HTML mixed mode to work.");
XMLParser.configure({useHTMLKludges: true});
function parseMixed(stream) {
var htmlParser = XMLParser.make(stream), localParser = null, inTag = false;
var iter = {next: top, copy: copy};
function top() {
var token =;
if (token.content == "<")
inTag = true;
else if ( == "xml-tagname" && inTag === true)
inTag = token.content.toLowerCase();
else if (token.content == ">") {
if (inTag == "script") = local(JSParser, "</script");
else if (inTag == "style") = local(CSSParser, "</style");
inTag = false;
return token;
function local(parser, tag) {
var baseIndent = htmlParser.indentation();
localParser = parser.make(stream, baseIndent + indentUnit);
return function() {
if (stream.lookAhead(tag, false, false, true)) {
localParser = null; = top;
return top();
var token =;
var lt = token.value.lastIndexOf("<"), sz = Math.min(token.value.length - lt, tag.length);
if (lt != -1 && token.value.slice(lt, lt + sz).toLowerCase() == tag.slice(0, sz) &&
stream.lookAhead(tag.slice(sz), false, false, true)) {
token.value = token.value.slice(0, lt);
if (token.indentation) {
var oldIndent = token.indentation;
token.indentation = function(chars) {
if (chars == "</")
return baseIndent;
return oldIndent(chars);
return token;
function copy() {
var _html = htmlParser.copy(), _local = localParser && localParser.copy(),
_next =, _inTag = inTag;
return function(_stream) {
stream = _stream;
htmlParser = _html(_stream);
localParser = _local && _local(_stream); = _next;
inTag = _inTag;
return iter;
return iter;
return {make: parseMixed, electricChars: "{}/:"};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
/* Parse function for JavaScript. Makes use of the tokenizer from
* tokenizejavascript.js. Note that your parsers do not have to be
* this complicated -- if you don't want to recognize local variables,
* in many languages it is enough to just look for braces, semicolons,
* parentheses, etc, and know when you are inside a string or comment.
* See manual.html for more info about the parser interface.
var JSParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
// Token types that can be considered to be atoms.
var atomicTypes = {"atom": true, "number": true, "variable": true, "string": true, "regexp": true};
// Constructor for the lexical context objects.
function JSLexical(indented, column, type, align, prev, info) {
// indentation at start of this line
this.indented = indented;
// column at which this scope was opened
this.column = column;
// type of scope ('vardef', 'stat' (statement), 'form' (special form), '[', '{', or '(')
this.type = type;
// '[', '{', or '(' blocks that have any text after their opening
// character are said to be 'aligned' -- any lines below are
// indented all the way to the opening character.
if (align != null)
this.align = align;
// Parent scope, if any.
this.prev = prev; = info;
// My favourite JavaScript indentation rules.
function indentJS(lexical) {
return function(firstChars) {
var firstChar = firstChars && firstChars.charAt(0), type = lexical.type;
var closing = firstChar == type;
if (type == "vardef")
return lexical.indented + 4;
else if (type == "form" && firstChar == "{")
return lexical.indented;
else if (type == "stat" || type == "form")
return lexical.indented + indentUnit;
else if ( == "switch" && !closing)
return lexical.indented + (/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(firstChars) ? indentUnit : 2 * indentUnit);
else if (lexical.align)
return lexical.column - (closing ? 1 : 0);
return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit);
// The parser-iterator-producing function itself.
function parseJS(input, basecolumn) {
// Wrap the input in a token stream
var tokens = tokenizeJavaScript(input);
// The parser state. cc is a stack of actions that have to be
// performed to finish the current statement. For example we might
// know that we still need to find a closing parenthesis and a
// semicolon. Actions at the end of the stack go first. It is
// initialized with an infinitely looping action that consumes
// whole statements.
var cc = [statements];
// Context contains information about the current local scope, the
// variables defined in that, and the scopes above it.
var context = null;
// The lexical scope, used mostly for indentation.
var lexical = new JSLexical((basecolumn || 0) - indentUnit, 0, "block", false);
// Current column, and the indentation at the start of the current
// line. Used to create lexical scope objects.
var column = 0;
var indented = 0;
// Variables which are used by the mark, cont, and pass functions
// below to communicate with the driver loop in the 'next'
// function.
var consume, marked;
// The iterator object.
var parser = {next: next, copy: copy};
function next(){
// Start by performing any 'lexical' actions (adjusting the
// lexical variable), or the operations below will be working
// with the wrong lexical state.
while(cc[cc.length - 1].lex)
// Fetch a token.
var token =;
// Adjust column and indented.
if (token.type == "whitespace" && column == 0)
indented = token.value.length;
column += token.value.length;
if (token.content == "\n"){
indented = column = 0;
// If the lexical scope's align property is still undefined at
// the end of the line, it is an un-aligned scope.
if (!("align" in lexical))
lexical.align = false;
// Newline tokens get an indentation function associated with
// them.
token.indentation = indentJS(lexical);
// No more processing for meaningless tokens.
if (token.type == "whitespace" || token.type == "comment")
return token;
// When a meaningful token is found and the lexical scope's
// align is undefined, it is an aligned scope.
if (!("align" in lexical))
lexical.align = true;
// Execute actions until one 'consumes' the token and we can
// return it.
while(true) {
consume = marked = false;
// Take and execute the topmost action.
cc.pop()(token.type, token.content);
if (consume){
// Marked is used to change the style of the current token.
if (marked) = marked;
// Here we differentiate between local and global variables.
else if (token.type == "variable" && inScope(token.content)) = "js-localvariable";
return token;
// This makes a copy of the parser state. It stores all the
// stateful variables in a closure, and returns a function that
// will restore them when called with a new input stream. Note
// that the cc array has to be copied, because it is contantly
// being modified. Lexical objects are not mutated, and context
// objects are not mutated in a harmful way, so they can be shared
// between runs of the parser.
function copy(){
var _context = context, _lexical = lexical, _cc = cc.concat([]), _tokenState = tokens.state;
return function copyParser(input){
context = _context;
lexical = _lexical;
cc = _cc.concat([]); // copies the array
column = indented = 0;
tokens = tokenizeJavaScript(input, _tokenState);
return parser;
// Helper function for pushing a number of actions onto the cc
// stack in reverse order.
function push(fs){
for (var i = fs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// cont and pass are used by the action functions to add other
// actions to the stack. cont will cause the current token to be
// consumed, pass will leave it for the next action.
function cont(){
consume = true;
function pass(){
consume = false;
// Used to change the style of the current token.
function mark(style){
marked = style;
// Push a new scope. Will automatically link the current scope.
function pushcontext(){
context = {prev: context, vars: {"this": true, "arguments": true}};
// Pop off the current scope.
function popcontext(){
context = context.prev;
// Register a variable in the current scope.
function register(varname){
if (context){
context.vars[varname] = true;
// Check whether a variable is defined in the current scope.
function inScope(varname){
var cursor = context;
while (cursor) {
if (cursor.vars[varname])
return true;
cursor = cursor.prev;
return false;
// Push a new lexical context of the given type.
function pushlex(type, info) {
var result = function(){
lexical = new JSLexical(indented, column, type, null, lexical, info)
result.lex = true;
return result;
// Pop off the current lexical context.
function poplex(){
lexical = lexical.prev;
poplex.lex = true;
// The 'lex' flag on these actions is used by the 'next' function
// to know they can (and have to) be ran before moving on to the
// next token.
// Creates an action that discards tokens until it finds one of
// the given type.
function expect(wanted){
return function expecting(type){
if (type == wanted) cont();
else cont(arguments.callee);
// Looks for a statement, and then calls itself.
function statements(type){
return pass(statement, statements);
// Dispatches various types of statements based on the type of the
// current token.
function statement(type){
if (type == "var") cont(pushlex("vardef"), vardef1, expect(";"), poplex);
else if (type == "keyword a") cont(pushlex("form"), expression, statement, poplex);
else if (type == "keyword b") cont(pushlex("form"), statement, poplex);
else if (type == "{") cont(pushlex("}"), block, poplex);
else if (type == "function") cont(functiondef);
else if (type == "for") cont(pushlex("form"), expect("("), pushlex(")"), forspec1, expect(")"), poplex, statement, poplex);
else if (type == "variable") cont(pushlex("stat"), maybelabel);
else if (type == "switch") cont(pushlex("form"), expression, pushlex("}", "switch"), expect("{"), block, poplex, poplex);
else if (type == "case") cont(expression, expect(":"));
else if (type == "default") cont(expect(":"));
else if (type == "catch") cont(pushlex("form"), pushcontext, expect("("), funarg, expect(")"), statement, poplex, popcontext);
else pass(pushlex("stat"), expression, expect(";"), poplex);
// Dispatch expression types.
function expression(type){
if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) cont(maybeoperator);
else if (type == "function") cont(functiondef);
else if (type == "keyword c") cont(expression);
else if (type == "(") cont(pushlex(")"), expression, expect(")"), poplex, maybeoperator);
else if (type == "operator") cont(expression);
else if (type == "[") cont(pushlex("]"), commasep(expression, "]"), poplex, maybeoperator);
else if (type == "{") cont(pushlex("}"), commasep(objprop, "}"), poplex, maybeoperator);
// Called for places where operators, function calls, or
// subscripts are valid. Will skip on to the next action if none
// is found.
function maybeoperator(type){
if (type == "operator") cont(expression);
else if (type == "(") cont(pushlex(")"), expression, commasep(expression, ")"), poplex, maybeoperator);
else if (type == ".") cont(property, maybeoperator);
else if (type == "[") cont(pushlex("]"), expression, expect("]"), poplex, maybeoperator);
// When a statement starts with a variable name, it might be a
// label. If no colon follows, it's a regular statement.
function maybelabel(type){
if (type == ":") cont(poplex, statement);
else pass(maybeoperator, expect(";"), poplex);
// Property names need to have their style adjusted -- the
// tokenizer thinks they are variables.
function property(type){
if (type == "variable") {mark("js-property"); cont();}
// This parses a property and its value in an object literal.
function objprop(type){
if (type == "variable") mark("js-property");
if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) cont(expect(":"), expression);
// Parses a comma-separated list of the things that are recognized
// by the 'what' argument.
function commasep(what, end){
function proceed(type) {
if (type == ",") cont(what, proceed);
else if (type == end) cont();
else cont(expect(end));
return function commaSeparated(type) {
if (type == end) cont();
else pass(what, proceed);
// Look for statements until a closing brace is found.
function block(type){
if (type == "}") cont();
else pass(statement, block);
// Variable definitions are split into two actions -- 1 looks for
// a name or the end of the definition, 2 looks for an '=' sign or
// a comma.
function vardef1(type, value){
if (type == "variable"){register(value); cont(vardef2);}
else cont();
function vardef2(type, value){
if (value == "=") cont(expression, vardef2);
else if (type == ",") cont(vardef1);
// For loops.
function forspec1(type){
if (type == "var") cont(vardef1, forspec2);
else if (type == ";") pass(forspec2);
else if (type == "variable") cont(formaybein);
else pass(forspec2);
function formaybein(type, value){
if (value == "in") cont(expression);
else cont(maybeoperator, forspec2);
function forspec2(type, value){
if (type == ";") cont(forspec3);
else if (value == "in") cont(expression);
else cont(expression, expect(";"), forspec3);
function forspec3(type) {
if (type == ")") pass();
else cont(expression);
// A function definition creates a new context, and the variables
// in its argument list have to be added to this context.
function functiondef(type, value){
if (type == "variable"){register(value); cont(functiondef);}
else if (type == "(") cont(pushcontext, commasep(funarg, ")"), statement, popcontext);
function funarg(type, value){
if (type == "variable"){register(value); cont();}
return parser;
return {make: parseJS, electricChars: "{}:"};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
/* This file defines an XML parser, with a few kludges to make it
* useable for HTML. autoSelfClosers defines a set of tag names that
* are expected to not have a closing tag, and doNotIndent specifies
* the tags inside of which no indentation should happen (see Config
* object). These can be disabled by passing the editor an object like
* {useHTMLKludges: false} as parserConfig option.
var LiquidParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
var Kludges = {
autoSelfClosers: {"br": true, "img": true, "hr": true, "link": true, "input": true,
"meta": true, "col": true, "frame": true, "base": true, "area": true},
doNotIndent: {"pre": true, "!cdata": true}
var NoKludges = {autoSelfClosers: {}, doNotIndent: {"!cdata": true}};
var UseKludges = Kludges;
var alignCDATA = false;
var isQuote = /[\'\"]/;
var isWordChar = /[\w\_]/
var isPunctuation = /[\.\|\=\:]/;
var keywords = {};
['in'].forEach(function(element, index, array) {
keywords[element] = true;
// Simple stateful tokenizer for XML documents. Returns a
// MochiKit-style iterator, with a state property that contains a
// function encapsulating the current state. See tokenize.js.
var tokenizeXML = (function() {
function inText(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == "<") {
if (source.equals("!")) {;
if (source.equals("[")) {
if (source.lookAhead("[CDATA[", true)) {
setState(inBlock("xml-cdata", "]]>"));
return null;
else {
return "xml-text";
else if (source.lookAhead("--", true)) {
setState(inBlock("xml-comment", "-->"));
return null;
else {
return "xml-text";
else if (source.equals("?")) {;
setState(inBlock("xml-processing", "?>"));
return "xml-processing";
else {
if (source.equals("/"));
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (ch == "{") {
if (source.equals("{")) {;
return 'liquid-punctuation';
if (source.equals("%")) {;
return 'liquid-punctuation';
else {
return "xml-text";
else if (ch == "&") {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if ( == ";")
return "xml-entity";
else {
return "xml-text";
function inTag(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == ">") {
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (/[?\/]/.test(ch) && source.equals(">")) {;
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (ch == "=") {
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) {
return null;
else {
return "xml-name";
function inLiquidOutput(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == "}") {
if(source.equals("}")) {;
return "liquid-punctuation";
else {
return "liquid-bad-punctuation";
else if (isQuote.test(ch)) {
setState(inLiquidString(ch, inLiquidOutput));
return null;
else if (isPunctuation.test(ch)) {
return "liquid-punctuation";
return "liquid-text";
function inLiquidTagName(source, setState) {
return "liquid-tag-name";
function inLiquidTag(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == "%") {
if(source.equals("}")) {;
return "liquid-punctuation";
else {
return "liquid-bad-punctuation";
else if (isQuote.test(ch)) {
setState(inLiquidString(ch, inLiquidTag));
return null;
else if (isPunctuation.test(ch)) {
return "liquid-punctuation";
else {
return readWord(source, keywords)
function readWord(source, keywords) {
var word = source.get();
if (keywords && keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) {
return {type: "string", style: "liquid-keyword", content: word};
else {
return {type: "string", style: "liquid-text", content: word};
function inLiquidString(quote, outer) {
return function(source, setState) {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if ( == quote) {
return "liquid-string";
function inAttribute(quote) {
return function(source, setState) {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if ( == quote) {
return "xml-attribute";
function inBlock(style, terminator) {
return function(source, setState) {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if (source.lookAhead(terminator, true)) {
return style;
return function(source, startState) {
return tokenizer(source, startState || inText);
// The parser. The structure of this function largely follows that of
// parseJavaScript in parsejavascript.js (there is actually a bit more
// shared code than I'd like), but it is quite a bit simpler.
function parseXML(source) {
var tokens = tokenizeXML(source);
var cc = [base];
var tokenNr = 0, indented = 0;
var currentTag = null, context = null;
var consume, marked;
function push(fs) {
for (var i = fs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
function cont() {
consume = true;
function pass() {
consume = false;
function mark(style) {
marked = style;
function expect(text) {
return function(style, content) {
if (content == text) cont();
else mark("xml-error") || cont(arguments.callee);
function pushContext(tagname, startOfLine) {
var noIndent = UseKludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagname) || (context && context.noIndent);
context = {prev: context, name: tagname, indent: indented, startOfLine: startOfLine, noIndent: noIndent};
function popContext() {
context = context.prev;
function computeIndentation(baseContext) {
return function(nextChars, current) {
var context = baseContext;
if (context && context.noIndent)
return current;
if (alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(nextChars))
return 0;
if (context && /^<\//.test(nextChars))
context = context.prev;
while (context && !context.startOfLine)
context = context.prev;
if (context)
return context.indent + indentUnit;
return 0;
function base() {
return pass(element, base);
var harmlessTokens = {"xml-text": true, "xml-entity": true, "xml-comment": true, "xml-processing": true};
var liquidTokens = {"liquid-punctuation": true, "liquid-bad-punctuation": true, "liquid-keyword": true, "liquid-tag-name": true, "liquid-variable": true, "liquid-text": true, "liquid-string": true};
function element(style, content) {
if (content == "<") cont(tagname, attributes, endtag(tokenNr == 1));
else if (content == "</") cont(closetagname, expect(">"));
else if (style == "xml-cdata") {
if (!context || != "!cdata") pushContext("!cdata");
if (/\]\]>$/.test(content)) popContext();
else if (harmlessTokens.hasOwnProperty(style)) cont();
else if (liquidTokens.hasOwnProperty(style)) cont();
else mark("xml-error") || cont();
function tagname(style, content) {
if (style == "xml-name") {
currentTag = content.toLowerCase();
else {
currentTag = null;
function closetagname(style, content) {
if (style == "xml-name" && context && content.toLowerCase() == {
else {
function closeliquidtagname(style, content) {
if (style == "liquid-tag-name" && context && content.toLowerCase() == {
else {
function endtag(startOfLine) {
return function(style, content) {
if (content == "/>" || (content == ">" && UseKludges.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(currentTag))) cont();
else if (content == ">") pushContext(currentTag, startOfLine) || cont();
else mark("xml-error") || cont(arguments.callee);
function attributes(style) {
if (style == "xml-name") mark("xml-attname") || cont(attribute, attributes);
else pass();
function attribute(style, content) {
if (content == "=") cont(value);
else if (content == ">" || content == "/>") pass(endtag);
else pass();
function value(style) {
if (style == "xml-attribute") cont(value);
else pass();
return {
indentation: function() {return indented;},
next: function(){
var token =;
if ( == "whitespace" && tokenNr == 0)
indented = token.value.length;
if (token.content == "\n") {
indented = tokenNr = 0;
token.indentation = computeIndentation(context);
if ( == "whitespace" || token.type == "xml-comment")
return token;
consume = marked = false;
cc.pop()(, token.content);
if (consume){
if (marked) = marked;
return token;
copy: function(){
var _cc = cc.concat([]), _tokenState = tokens.state, _context = context;
var parser = this;
return function(input){
cc = _cc.concat([]);
tokenNr = indented = 0;
context = _context;
tokens = tokenizeXML(input, _tokenState);
return parser;
return {
make: parseXML,
electricChars: "/",
configure: function(config) {
if (config.useHTMLKludges != null)
UseKludges = config.useHTMLKludges ? Kludges : NoKludges;
if (config.alignCDATA)
alignCDATA = config.alignCDATA;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
var SparqlParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
function wordRegexp(words) {
return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.join("|") + ")$", "i");
var ops = wordRegexp(["str", "lang", "langmatches", "datatype", "bound", "sameterm", "isiri", "isuri",
"isblank", "isliteral", "union", "a"]);
var keywords = wordRegexp(["base", "prefix", "select", "distinct", "reduced", "construct", "describe",
"ask", "from", "named", "where", "order", "limit", "offset", "filter", "optional",
"graph", "by", "asc", "desc", ]);
var operatorChars = /[*+\-<>=&|]/;
var tokenizeSparql = (function() {
function normal(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == "$" || ch == "?") {
return "sp-var";
else if (ch == "<" && !source.matches(/[\s\u00a0=]/)) {
if (source.equals(">"));
return "sp-uri";
else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") {
return null;
else if (/[{}\(\),\.;\[\]]/.test(ch)) {
return "sp-punc";
else if (ch == "#") {
while (!source.endOfLine());
return "sp-comment";
else if (operatorChars.test(ch)) {
return "sp-operator";
else if (ch == ":") {
return "sp-prefixed";
else {
if (source.equals(":")) {;
return "sp-prefixed";
var word = source.get(), type;
if (ops.test(word))
type = "sp-operator";
else if (keywords.test(word))
type = "sp-keyword";
type = "sp-word";
return {style: type, content: word};
function inLiteral(quote) {
return function(source, setState) {
var escaped = false;
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
var ch =;
if (ch == quote && !escaped) {
escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
return "sp-literal";
return function(source, startState) {
return tokenizer(source, startState || normal);
function indentSparql(context) {
return function(nextChars) {
var firstChar = nextChars && nextChars.charAt(0);
if (/[\]\}]/.test(firstChar))
while (context && context.type == "pattern") context = context.prev;
var closing = context && firstChar == matching[context.type];
if (!context)
return 0;
else if (context.type == "pattern")
return context.col;
else if (context.align)
return context.col - (closing ? context.width : 0);
return context.indent + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit);
function parseSparql(source) {
var tokens = tokenizeSparql(source);
var context = null, indent = 0, col = 0;
function pushContext(type, width) {
context = {prev: context, indent: indent, col: col, type: type, width: width};
function popContext() {
context = context.prev;
var iter = {
next: function() {
var token =, type =, content = token.content, width = token.value.length;
if (content == "\n") {
token.indentation = indentSparql(context);
indent = col = 0;
if (context && context.align == null) context.align = false;
else if (type == "whitespace" && col == 0) {
indent = width;
else if (type != "sp-comment" && context && context.align == null) {
context.align = true;
if (content != "\n") col += width;
if (/[\[\{\(]/.test(content)) {
pushContext(content, width);
else if (/[\]\}\)]/.test(content)) {
while (context && context.type == "pattern")
if (context && content == matching[context.type])
else if (content == "." && context && context.type == "pattern") {
else if ((type == "sp-word" || type == "sp-prefixed" || type == "sp-uri" || type == "sp-var" || type == "sp-literal") &&
context && /[\{\[]/.test(context.type)) {
pushContext("pattern", width);
return token;
copy: function() {
var _context = context, _indent = indent, _col = col, _tokenState = tokens.state;
return function(source) {
tokens = tokenizeSparql(source, _tokenState);
context = _context;
indent = _indent;
col = _col;
return iter;
return iter;
return {make: parseSparql, electricChars: "}]"};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
/* This file defines an XML parser, with a few kludges to make it
* useable for HTML. autoSelfClosers defines a set of tag names that
* are expected to not have a closing tag, and doNotIndent specifies
* the tags inside of which no indentation should happen (see Config
* object). These can be disabled by passing the editor an object like
* {useHTMLKludges: false} as parserConfig option.
var XMLParser = Editor.Parser = (function() {
var Kludges = {
autoSelfClosers: {"br": true, "img": true, "hr": true, "link": true, "input": true,
"meta": true, "col": true, "frame": true, "base": true, "area": true},
doNotIndent: {"pre": true, "!cdata": true}
var NoKludges = {autoSelfClosers: {}, doNotIndent: {"!cdata": true}};
var UseKludges = Kludges;
var alignCDATA = false;
// Simple stateful tokenizer for XML documents. Returns a
// MochiKit-style iterator, with a state property that contains a
// function encapsulating the current state. See tokenize.js.
var tokenizeXML = (function() {
function inText(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == "<") {
if (source.equals("!")) {;
if (source.equals("[")) {
if (source.lookAhead("[CDATA[", true)) {
setState(inBlock("xml-cdata", "]]>"));
return null;
else {
return "xml-text";
else if (source.lookAhead("--", true)) {
setState(inBlock("xml-comment", "-->"));
return null;
else {
return "xml-text";
else if (source.equals("?")) {;
setState(inBlock("xml-processing", "?>"));
return "xml-processing";
else {
if (source.equals("/"));
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (ch == "&") {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if ( == ";")
return "xml-entity";
else {
return "xml-text";
function inTag(source, setState) {
var ch =;
if (ch == ">") {
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (/[?\/]/.test(ch) && source.equals(">")) {;
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (ch == "=") {
return "xml-punctuation";
else if (/[\'\"]/.test(ch)) {
return null;
else {
return "xml-name";
function inAttribute(quote) {
return function(source, setState) {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if ( == quote) {
return "xml-attribute";
function inBlock(style, terminator) {
return function(source, setState) {
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
if (source.lookAhead(terminator, true)) {
return style;
return function(source, startState) {
return tokenizer(source, startState || inText);
// The parser. The structure of this function largely follows that of
// parseJavaScript in parsejavascript.js (there is actually a bit more
// shared code than I'd like), but it is quite a bit simpler.
function parseXML(source) {
var tokens = tokenizeXML(source);
var cc = [base];
var tokenNr = 0, indented = 0;
var currentTag = null, context = null;
var consume, marked;
function push(fs) {
for (var i = fs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
function cont() {
consume = true;
function pass() {
consume = false;
function mark(style) {
marked = style;
function expect(text) {
return function(style, content) {
if (content == text) cont();
else mark("xml-error") || cont(arguments.callee);
function pushContext(tagname, startOfLine) {
var noIndent = UseKludges.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(tagname) || (context && context.noIndent);
context = {prev: context, name: tagname, indent: indented, startOfLine: startOfLine, noIndent: noIndent};
function popContext() {
context = context.prev;
function computeIndentation(baseContext) {
return function(nextChars, current) {
var context = baseContext;
if (context && context.noIndent)
return current;
if (alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(nextChars))
return 0;
if (context && /^<\//.test(nextChars))
context = context.prev;
while (context && !context.startOfLine)
context = context.prev;
if (context)
return context.indent + indentUnit;
return 0;
function base() {
return pass(element, base);
var harmlessTokens = {"xml-text": true, "xml-entity": true, "xml-comment": true, "xml-processing": true};
function element(style, content) {
if (content == "<") cont(tagname, attributes, endtag(tokenNr == 1));
else if (content == "</") cont(closetagname, expect(">"));
else if (style == "xml-cdata") {
if (!context || != "!cdata") pushContext("!cdata");
if (/\]\]>$/.test(content)) popContext();
else if (harmlessTokens.hasOwnProperty(style)) cont();
else mark("xml-error") || cont();
function tagname(style, content) {
if (style == "xml-name") {
currentTag = content.toLowerCase();
else {
currentTag = null;
function closetagname(style, content) {
if (style == "xml-name" && context && content.toLowerCase() == {
else {
function endtag(startOfLine) {
return function(style, content) {
if (content == "/>" || (content == ">" && UseKludges.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(currentTag))) cont();
else if (content == ">") pushContext(currentTag, startOfLine) || cont();
else mark("xml-error") || cont(arguments.callee);
function attributes(style) {
if (style == "xml-name") mark("xml-attname") || cont(attribute, attributes);
else pass();
function attribute(style, content) {
if (content == "=") cont(value);
else if (content == ">" || content == "/>") pass(endtag);
else pass();
function value(style) {
if (style == "xml-attribute") cont(value);
else pass();
return {
indentation: function() {return indented;},
next: function(){
var token =;
if ( == "whitespace" && tokenNr == 0)
indented = token.value.length;
if (token.content == "\n") {
indented = tokenNr = 0;
token.indentation = computeIndentation(context);
if ( == "whitespace" || token.type == "xml-comment")
return token;
consume = marked = false;
cc.pop()(, token.content);
if (consume){
if (marked) = marked;
return token;
copy: function(){
var _cc = cc.concat([]), _tokenState = tokens.state, _context = context;
var parser = this;
return function(input){
cc = _cc.concat([]);
tokenNr = indented = 0;
context = _context;
tokens = tokenizeXML(input, _tokenState);
return parser;
return {
make: parseXML,
electricChars: "/",
configure: function(config) {
if (config.useHTMLKludges != null)
UseKludges = config.useHTMLKludges ? Kludges : NoKludges;
if (config.alignCDATA)
alignCDATA = config.alignCDATA;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
/* Functionality for finding, storing, and restoring selections
* This does not provide a generic API, just the minimal functionality
* required by the CodeMirror system.
// Namespace object.
var select = {};
(function() {
select.ie_selection = document.selection && document.selection.createRangeCollection;
// Find the 'top-level' (defined as 'a direct child of the node
// passed as the top argument') node that the given node is
// contained in. Return null if the given node is not inside the top
// node.
function topLevelNodeAt(node, top) {
while (node && node.parentNode != top)
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
// Find the top-level node that contains the node before this one.
function topLevelNodeBefore(node, top) {
while (!node.previousSibling && node.parentNode != top)
node = node.parentNode;
return topLevelNodeAt(node.previousSibling, top);
var fourSpaces = "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0";
select.scrollToNode = function(element) {
if (!element) return;
var doc = element.ownerDocument, body = doc.body,
win = (doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow),
html = doc.documentElement,
atEnd = !element.nextSibling || !element.nextSibling.nextSibling
|| !element.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;
// In Opera (and recent Webkit versions), BR elements *always*
// have a scrollTop property of zero.
var compensateHack = 0;
while (element && !element.offsetTop) {
element = element.previousSibling;
// atEnd is another kludge for these browsers -- if the cursor is
// at the end of the document, and the node doesn't have an
// offset, just scroll to the end.
if (compensateHack == 0) atEnd = false;
var y = compensateHack * (element ? element.offsetHeight : 0), x = 0, pos = element;
while (pos && pos.offsetParent) {
y += pos.offsetTop;
// Don't count X offset for <br> nodes
if (pos.nodeName != "BR")
x += pos.offsetLeft;
pos = pos.offsetParent;
var scroll_x = body.scrollLeft || html.scrollLeft || 0,
scroll_y = body.scrollTop || html.scrollTop || 0,
screen_x = x - scroll_x, screen_y = y - scroll_y, scroll = false;
if (screen_x < 0 || screen_x > (win.innerWidth || html.clientWidth || 0)) {
scroll_x = x;
scroll = true;
if (screen_y < 0 || atEnd || screen_y > (win.innerHeight || html.clientHeight || 0) - 50) {
scroll_y = atEnd ? 1e10 : y;
scroll = true;
if (scroll) win.scrollTo(scroll_x, scroll_y);
select.scrollToCursor = function(container) {
select.scrollToNode(select.selectionTopNode(container, true) || container.firstChild);
// Used to prevent restoring a selection when we do not need to.
var currentSelection = null;
select.snapshotChanged = function() {
if (currentSelection) currentSelection.changed = true;
// This is called by the code in editor.js whenever it is replacing
// a text node. The function sees whether the given oldNode is part
// of the current selection, and updates this selection if it is.
// Because nodes are often only partially replaced, the length of
// the part that gets replaced has to be taken into account -- the
// selection might stay in the oldNode if the newNode is smaller
// than the selection's offset. The offset argument is needed in
// case the selection does move to the new object, and the given
// length is not the whole length of the new node (part of it might
// have been used to replace another node).
select.snapshotReplaceNode = function(from, to, length, offset) {
if (!currentSelection) return;
function replace(point) {
if (from == point.node) {
currentSelection.changed = true;
if (length && point.offset > length) {
point.offset -= length;
else {
point.node = to;
point.offset += (offset || 0);
select.snapshotMove = function(from, to, distance, relative, ifAtStart) {
if (!currentSelection) return;
function move(point) {
if (from == point.node && (!ifAtStart || point.offset == 0)) {
currentSelection.changed = true;
point.node = to;
if (relative) point.offset = Math.max(0, point.offset + distance);
else point.offset = distance;
// Most functions are defined in two ways, one for the IE selection
// model, one for the W3C one.
if (select.ie_selection) {
function selectionNode(win, start) {
var range = win.document.selection.createRange();
function nodeAfter(node) {
var found = null;
while (!found && node) {
found = node.nextSibling;
node = node.parentNode;
return nodeAtStartOf(found);
function nodeAtStartOf(node) {
while (node && node.firstChild) node = node.firstChild;
return {node: node, offset: 0};
var containing = range.parentElement();
if (!isAncestor(win.document.body, containing)) return null;
if (!containing.firstChild) return nodeAtStartOf(containing);
var working = range.duplicate();
for (var cur = containing.firstChild; cur; cur = cur.nextSibling) {
if (cur.nodeType == 3) {
var size = cur.nodeValue.length;
working.move("character", size);
else {
var dir = range.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", working);
if (dir == 0) return nodeAfter(cur);
if (dir == 1) continue;
if (cur.nodeType != 3) return nodeAtStartOf(cur);
working.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", range);
return {node: cur, offset: size - working.text.length};
return nodeAfter(containing);
select.markSelection = function(win) {
currentSelection = null;
var sel = win.document.selection;
if (!sel) return;
var start = selectionNode(win, true),
end = selectionNode(win, false);
if (!start || !end) return;
currentSelection = {start: start, end: end, window: win, changed: false};
select.selectMarked = function() {
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.changed) return;
var win = currentSelection.window, doc = win.document;
function makeRange(point) {
var range = doc.body.createTextRange(),
node = point.node;
if (!node) {
else if (node.nodeType == 3) {
var offset = point.offset;
while (node.previousSibling) {
node = node.previousSibling;
offset += (node.innerText || "").length;
range.move("character", offset);
else {
return range;
var start = makeRange(currentSelection.start), end = makeRange(currentSelection.end);
start.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", end);;
// Get the top-level node that one end of the cursor is inside or
// after. Note that this returns false for 'no cursor', and null
// for 'start of document'.
select.selectionTopNode = function(container, start) {
var selection = container.ownerDocument.selection;
if (!selection) return false;
var range = selection.createRange(), range2 = range.duplicate();
var around = range.parentElement();
if (around && isAncestor(container, around)) {
// Only use this node if the selection is not at its start.
if (range.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", range2) == 1)
return topLevelNodeAt(around, container);
// Move the start of a range to the start of a node,
// compensating for the fact that you can't call
// moveToElementText with text nodes.
function moveToNodeStart(range, node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
var count = 0, cur = node.previousSibling;
while (cur && cur.nodeType == 3) {
count += cur.nodeValue.length;
cur = cur.previousSibling;
if (cur) {
else range.moveToElementText(node.parentNode);
if (count) range.move("character", count);
else range.moveToElementText(node);
// Do a binary search through the container object, comparing
// the start of each node to the selection
var start = 0, end = container.childNodes.length - 1;
while (start < end) {
var middle = Math.ceil((end + start) / 2), node = container.childNodes[middle];
if (!node) return false; // Don't ask. IE6 manages this sometimes.
moveToNodeStart(range2, node);
if (range.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", range2) == 1)
start = middle;
end = middle - 1;
return container.childNodes[start] || null;
// Place the cursor after this.start. This is only useful when
// manually moving the cursor instead of restoring it to its old
// position.
select.focusAfterNode = function(node, container) {
var range = container.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
range.moveToElementText(node || container);
select.somethingSelected = function(win) {
var sel = win.document.selection;
return sel && (sel.createRange().text != "");
function insertAtCursor(window, html) {
var selection = window.document.selection;
if (selection) {
var range = selection.createRange();
// Used to normalize the effect of the enter key, since browsers
// do widely different things when pressing enter in designMode.
select.insertNewlineAtCursor = function(window) {
insertAtCursor(window, "<br>");
select.insertTabAtCursor = function(window) {
insertAtCursor(window, fourSpaces);
// Get the BR node at the start of the line on which the cursor
// currently is, and the offset into the line. Returns null as
// node if cursor is on first line.
select.cursorPos = function(container, start) {
var selection = container.ownerDocument.selection;
if (!selection) return null;
var topNode = select.selectionTopNode(container, start);
while (topNode && topNode.nodeName != "BR")
topNode = topNode.previousSibling;
var range = selection.createRange(), range2 = range.duplicate();
if (topNode) {
else {
// When nothing is selected, we can get all kinds of funky errors here.
try { range2.moveToElementText(container); }
catch (e) { return null; }
range.setEndPoint("StartToStart", range2);
return {node: topNode, offset: range.text.length};
select.setCursorPos = function(container, from, to) {
function rangeAt(pos) {
var range = container.ownerDocument.body.createTextRange();
if (!pos.node) {
else {
range.move("character", pos.offset);
return range;
var range = rangeAt(from);
if (to && to != from)
range.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", rangeAt(to));;
// Some hacks for storing and re-storing the selection when the editor loses and regains focus.
select.selectionCoords = function (win) {
var selection = win.document.selection;
if (!selection) return null;
var start = selection.createRange(), end = start.duplicate();
var body = win.document.body;
return {start: {x: start.boundingLeft + body.scrollLeft - 1,
y: start.boundingTop + body.scrollTop},
end: {x: end.boundingLeft + body.scrollLeft - 1,
y: end.boundingTop + body.scrollTop}};
// Restore a stored selection.
select.selectCoords = function(win, coords) {
if (!coords) return;
var range1 = win.document.body.createTextRange(), range2 = range1.duplicate();
// This can fail for various hard-to-handle reasons.
try {
range1.moveToPoint(coords.start.x, coords.start.y);
range2.moveToPoint(coords.end.x, coords.end.y);
range1.setEndPoint("EndToStart", range2);;
} catch(e) {}
// W3C model
else {
// Store start and end nodes, and offsets within these, and refer
// back to the selection object from those nodes, so that this
// object can be updated when the nodes are replaced before the
// selection is restored.
select.markSelection = function (win) {
var selection = win.getSelection();
if (!selection || selection.rangeCount == 0)
return (currentSelection = null);
var range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
currentSelection = {
start: {node: range.startContainer, offset: range.startOffset},
end: {node: range.endContainer, offset: range.endOffset},
window: win,
changed: false
// We want the nodes right at the cursor, not one of their
// ancestors with a suitable offset. This goes down the DOM tree
// until a 'leaf' is reached (or is it *up* the DOM tree?).
function normalize(point){
while (point.node.nodeType != 3 && point.node.nodeName != "BR") {
var newNode = point.node.childNodes[point.offset] || point.node.nextSibling;
point.offset = 0;
while (!newNode && point.node.parentNode) {
point.node = point.node.parentNode;
newNode = point.node.nextSibling;
point.node = newNode;
if (!newNode)
select.selectMarked = function () {
if (!currentSelection || !currentSelection.changed) return;
var win = currentSelection.window, range = win.document.createRange();
function setPoint(point, which) {
if (point.node) {
// Some magic to generalize the setting of the start and end
// of a range.
if (point.offset == 0)
range["set" + which + "Before"](point.node);
range["set" + which](point.node, point.offset);
else {
range.setStartAfter(win.document.body.lastChild || win.document.body);
setPoint(currentSelection.end, "End");
setPoint(currentSelection.start, "Start");
selectRange(range, win);
// Helper for selecting a range object.
function selectRange(range, window) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
function selectionRange(window) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (!selection || selection.rangeCount == 0)
return false;
return selection.getRangeAt(0);
// Finding the top-level node at the cursor in the W3C is, as you
// can see, quite an involved process.
select.selectionTopNode = function(container, start) {
var range = selectionRange(container.ownerDocument.defaultView);
if (!range) return false;
var node = start ? range.startContainer : range.endContainer;
var offset = start ? range.startOffset : range.endOffset;
// Work around (yet another) bug in Opera's selection model.
if (window.opera && !start && range.endContainer == container && range.endOffset == range.startOffset + 1 &&
container.childNodes[range.startOffset] && container.childNodes[range.startOffset].nodeName == "BR")
// For text nodes, we look at the node itself if the cursor is
// inside, or at the node before it if the cursor is at the
// start.
if (node.nodeType == 3){
if (offset > 0)
return topLevelNodeAt(node, container);
return topLevelNodeBefore(node, container);
// Occasionally, browsers will return the HTML node as
// selection. If the offset is 0, we take the start of the frame
// ('after null'), otherwise, we take the last node.
else if (node.nodeName == "HTML") {
return (offset == 1 ? null : container.lastChild);
// If the given node is our 'container', we just look up the
// correct node by using the offset.
else if (node == container) {
return (offset == 0) ? null : node.childNodes[offset - 1];
// In any other case, we have a regular node. If the cursor is
// at the end of the node, we use the node itself, if it is at
// the start, we use the node before it, and in any other
// case, we look up the child before the cursor and use that.
else {
if (offset == node.childNodes.length)
return topLevelNodeAt(node, container);
else if (offset == 0)
return topLevelNodeBefore(node, container);
return topLevelNodeAt(node.childNodes[offset - 1], container);
select.focusAfterNode = function(node, container) {
var win = container.ownerDocument.defaultView,
range = win.document.createRange();
range.setStartBefore(container.firstChild || container);
// In Opera, setting the end of a range at the end of a line
// (before a BR) will cause the cursor to appear on the next
// line, so we set the end inside of the start node when
// possible.
if (node && !node.firstChild)
else if (node)
range.setEnd(node, node.childNodes.length);
range.setEndBefore(container.firstChild || container);
selectRange(range, win);
select.somethingSelected = function(win) {
var range = selectionRange(win);
return range && !range.collapsed;
function insertNodeAtCursor(window, node) {
var range = selectionRange(window);
if (!range) return;
range = window.document.createRange();
selectRange(range, window);
select.insertNewlineAtCursor = function(window) {
insertNodeAtCursor(window, window.document.createElement("BR"));
select.insertTabAtCursor = function(window) {
insertNodeAtCursor(window, window.document.createTextNode(fourSpaces));
select.cursorPos = function(container, start) {
var range = selectionRange(window);
if (!range) return;
var topNode = select.selectionTopNode(container, start);
while (topNode && topNode.nodeName != "BR")
topNode = topNode.previousSibling;
range = range.cloneRange();
if (topNode)
return {node: topNode, offset: range.toString().length};
select.setCursorPos = function(container, from, to) {
var win = container.ownerDocument.defaultView,
range = win.document.createRange();
function setPoint(node, offset, side) {
if (!node)
node = container.firstChild;
node = node.nextSibling;
if (!node)
if (offset == 0) {
range["set" + side + "Before"](node);
return true;
var backlog = []
function decompose(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 3)
forEach(node.childNodes, decompose);
while (true) {
while (node && !backlog.length) {
node = node.nextSibling;
var cur = backlog.shift();
if (!cur) return false;
var length = cur.nodeValue.length;
if (length >= offset) {
range["set" + side](cur, offset);
return true;
offset -= length;
to = to || from;
if (setPoint(to.node, to.offset, "End") && setPoint(from.node, from.offset, "Start"))
selectRange(range, win);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/* String streams are the things fed to parsers (which can feed them
* to a tokenizer if they want). They provide peek and next methods
* for looking at the current character (next 'consumes' this
* character, peek does not), and a get method for retrieving all the
* text that was consumed since the last time get was called.
* An easy mistake to make is to let a StopIteration exception finish
* the token stream while there are still characters pending in the
* string stream (hitting the end of the buffer while parsing a
* token). To make it easier to detect such errors, the stringstreams
* throw an exception when this happens.
// Make a stringstream stream out of an iterator that returns strings.
// This is applied to the result of traverseDOM (see codemirror.js),
// and the resulting stream is fed to the parser.
window.stringStream = function(source){
// String that's currently being iterated over.
var current = "";
// Position in that string.
var pos = 0;
// Accumulator for strings that have been iterated over but not
// get()-ed yet.
var accum = "";
// Make sure there are more characters ready, or throw
// StopIteration.
function ensureChars() {
while (pos == current.length) {
accum += current;
current = ""; // In case throws
pos = 0;
try {current =;}
catch (e) {
if (e != StopIteration) throw e;
else return false;
return true;
return {
// Return the next character in the stream.
peek: function() {
if (!ensureChars()) return null;
return current.charAt(pos);
// Get the next character, throw StopIteration if at end, check
// for unused content.
next: function() {
if (!ensureChars()) {
if (accum.length > 0)
throw "End of stringstream reached without emptying buffer ('" + accum + "').";
throw StopIteration;
return current.charAt(pos++);
// Return the characters iterated over since the last call to
// .get().
get: function() {
var temp = accum;
accum = "";
if (pos > 0){
temp += current.slice(0, pos);
current = current.slice(pos);
pos = 0;
return temp;
// Push a string back into the stream.
push: function(str) {
current = current.slice(0, pos) + str + current.slice(pos);
lookAhead: function(str, consume, skipSpaces, caseInsensitive) {
function cased(str) {return caseInsensitive ? str.toLowerCase() : str;}
str = cased(str);
var found = false;
var _accum = accum, _pos = pos;
if (skipSpaces) this.nextWhileMatches(/[\s\u00a0]/);
while (true) {
var end = pos + str.length, left = current.length - pos;
if (end <= current.length) {
found = str == cased(current.slice(pos, end));
pos = end;
else if (str.slice(0, left) == cased(current.slice(pos))) {
accum += current; current = "";
try {current =;}
catch (e) {break;}
pos = 0;
str = str.slice(left);
else {
if (!(found && consume)) {
current = accum.slice(_accum.length) + current;
pos = _pos;
accum = _accum;
return found;
// Utils built on top of the above
more: function() {
return this.peek() !== null;
applies: function(test) {
var next = this.peek();
return (next !== null && test(next));
nextWhile: function(test) {
var next;
while ((next = this.peek()) !== null && test(next));
matches: function(re) {
var next = this.peek();
return (next !== null && re.test(next));
nextWhileMatches: function(re) {
var next;
while ((next = this.peek()) !== null && re.test(next));
equals: function(ch) {
return ch === this.peek();
endOfLine: function() {
var next = this.peek();
return next == null || next == "\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
// A framework for simple tokenizers. Takes care of newlines and
// white-space, and of getting the text from the source stream into
// the token object. A state is a function of two arguments -- a
// string stream and a setState function. The second can be used to
// change the tokenizer's state, and can be ignored for stateless
// tokenizers. This function should advance the stream over a token
// and return a string or object containing information about the next
// token, or null to pass and have the (new) state be called to finish
// the token. When a string is given, it is wrapped in a {style, type}
// object. In the resulting object, the characters consumed are stored
// under the content property. Any whitespace following them is also
// automatically consumed, and added to the value property. (Thus,
// content is the actual meaningful part of the token, while value
// contains all the text it spans.)
function tokenizer(source, state) {
// Newlines are always a separate token.
function isWhiteSpace(ch) {
// The messy regexp is because IE's regexp matcher is of the
// opinion that non-breaking spaces are no whitespace.
return ch != "\n" && /^[\s\u00a0]*$/.test(ch);
var tokenizer = {
state: state,
take: function(type) {
if (typeof(type) == "string")
type = {style: type, type: type};
type.content = (type.content || "") + source.get();
if (!/\n$/.test(type.content))
type.value = type.content + source.get();
return type;
next: function () {
if (!source.more()) throw StopIteration;
var type;
if (source.equals("\n")) {;
return this.take("whitespace");
if (source.applies(isWhiteSpace))
type = "whitespace";
while (!type)
type = this.state(source, function(s) {tokenizer.state = s;});
return this.take(type);
return tokenizer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
/* Tokenizer for JavaScript code */
var tokenizeJavaScript = (function() {
// Advance the stream until the given character (not preceded by a
// backslash) is encountered, or the end of the line is reached.
function nextUntilUnescaped(source, end) {
var escaped = false;
var next;
while (!source.endOfLine()) {
var next =;
if (next == end && !escaped)
return false;
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
return escaped;
// A map of JavaScript's keywords. The a/b/c keyword distinction is
// very rough, but it gives the parser enough information to parse
// correct code correctly (we don't care that much how we parse
// incorrect code). The style information included in these objects
// is used by the highlighter to pick the correct CSS style for a
// token.
var keywords = function(){
function result(type, style){
return {type: type, style: "js-" + style};
// keywords that take a parenthised expression, and then a
// statement (if)
var keywordA = result("keyword a", "keyword");
// keywords that take just a statement (else)
var keywordB = result("keyword b", "keyword");
// keywords that optionally take an expression, and form a
// statement (return)
var keywordC = result("keyword c", "keyword");
var operator = result("operator", "keyword");
var atom = result("atom", "atom");
return {
"if": keywordA, "while": keywordA, "with": keywordA,
"else": keywordB, "do": keywordB, "try": keywordB, "finally": keywordB,
"return": keywordC, "break": keywordC, "continue": keywordC, "new": keywordC, "delete": keywordC, "throw": keywordC,
"in": operator, "typeof": operator, "instanceof": operator,
"var": result("var", "keyword"), "function": result("function", "keyword"), "catch": result("catch", "keyword"),
"for": result("for", "keyword"), "switch": result("switch", "keyword"),
"case": result("case", "keyword"), "default": result("default", "keyword"),
"true": atom, "false": atom, "null": atom, "undefined": atom, "NaN": atom, "Infinity": atom
// Some helper regexps
var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%\/=<>!?|]/;
var isHexDigit = /[0-9A-Fa-f]/;
var isWordChar = /[\w\$_]/;
// Wrapper around jsToken that helps maintain parser state (whether
// we are inside of a multi-line comment and whether the next token
// could be a regular expression).
function jsTokenState(inside, regexp) {
return function(source, setState) {
var newInside = inside;
var type = jsToken(inside, regexp, source, function(c) {newInside = c;});
var newRegexp = type.type == "operator" || type.type == "keyword c" || type.type.match(/^[\[{}\(,;:]$/);
if (newRegexp != regexp || newInside != inside)
setState(jsTokenState(newInside, newRegexp));
return type;
// The token reader, inteded to be used by the tokenizer from
// tokenize.js (through jsTokenState). Advances the source stream
// over a token, and returns an object containing the type and style
// of that token.
function jsToken(inside, regexp, source, setInside) {
function readHexNumber(){; // skip the 'x'
return {type: "number", style: "js-atom"};
function readNumber() {
if (source.equals(".")){;
if (source.equals("e") || source.equals("E")){;
if (source.equals("-"));
return {type: "number", style: "js-atom"};
// Read a word, look it up in keywords. If not found, it is a
// variable, otherwise it is a keyword of the type found.
function readWord() {
var word = source.get();
var known = keywords.hasOwnProperty(word) && keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word) && keywords[word];
return known ? {type: known.type, style:, content: word} :
{type: "variable", style: "js-variable", content: word};
function readRegexp() {
nextUntilUnescaped(source, "/");
return {type: "regexp", style: "js-string"};
// Mutli-line comments are tricky. We want to return the newlines
// embedded in them as regular newline tokens, and then continue
// returning a comment token for every line of the comment. So
// some state has to be saved (inside) to indicate whether we are
// inside a /* */ sequence.
function readMultilineComment(start){
var newInside = "/*";
var maybeEnd = (start == "*");
while (true) {
if (source.endOfLine())
var next =;
if (next == "/" && maybeEnd){
newInside = null;
maybeEnd = (next == "*");
return {type: "comment", style: "js-comment"};
function readOperator() {
return {type: "operator", style: "js-operator"};
function readString(quote) {
var endBackSlash = nextUntilUnescaped(source, quote);
setInside(endBackSlash ? quote : null);
return {type: "string", style: "js-string"};
// Fetch the next token. Dispatches on first character in the
// stream, or first two characters when the first is a slash.
if (inside == "\"" || inside == "'")
return readString(inside);
var ch =;
if (inside == "/*")
return readMultilineComment(ch);
else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'")
return readString(ch);
// with punctuation, the type of the token is the symbol itself
else if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch))
return {type: ch, style: "js-punctuation"};
else if (ch == "0" && (source.equals("x") || source.equals("X")))
return readHexNumber();
else if (/[0-9]/.test(ch))
return readNumber();
else if (ch == "/"){
if (source.equals("*"))
{; return readMultilineComment(ch); }
else if (source.equals("/"))
{ nextUntilUnescaped(source, null); return {type: "comment", style: "js-comment"};}
else if (regexp)
return readRegexp();
return readOperator();
else if (isOperatorChar.test(ch))
return readOperator();
return readWord();
// The external interface to the tokenizer.
return function(source, startState) {
return tokenizer(source, startState || jsTokenState(false, true));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
* Storage and control for undo information within a CodeMirror
* editor. 'Why on earth is such a complicated mess required for
* that?', I hear you ask. The goal, in implementing this, was to make
* the complexity of storing and reverting undo information depend
* only on the size of the edited or restored content, not on the size
* of the whole document. This makes it necessary to use a kind of
* 'diff' system, which, when applied to a DOM tree, causes some
* complexity and hackery.
* In short, the editor 'touches' BR elements as it parses them, and
* the History stores these. When nothing is touched in commitDelay
* milliseconds, the changes are committed: It goes over all touched
* nodes, throws out the ones that did not change since last commit or
* are no longer in the document, and assembles the rest into zero or
* more 'chains' -- arrays of adjacent lines. Links back to these
* chains are added to the BR nodes, while the chain that previously
* spanned these nodes is added to the undo history. Undoing a change
* means taking such a chain off the undo history, restoring its
* content (text is saved per line) and linking it back into the
* document.
// A history object needs to know about the DOM container holding the
// document, the maximum amount of undo levels it should store, the
// delay (of no input) after which it commits a set of changes, and,
// unfortunately, the 'parent' window -- a window that is not in
// designMode, and on which setTimeout works in every browser.
function History(container, maxDepth, commitDelay, editor, onChange) {
this.container = container;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.commitDelay = commitDelay;
this.editor = editor; this.parent = editor.parent;
this.onChange = onChange;
// This line object represents the initial, empty editor.
var initial = {text: "", from: null, to: null};
// As the borders between lines are represented by BR elements, the
// start of the first line and the end of the last one are
// represented by null. Since you can not store any properties
// (links to line objects) in null, these properties are used in
// those cases.
this.first = initial; this.last = initial;
// Similarly, a 'historyTouched' property is added to the BR in
// front of lines that have already been touched, and 'firstTouched'
// is used for the first line.
this.firstTouched = false;
// History is the set of committed changes, touched is the set of
// nodes touched since the last commit.
this.history = []; this.redoHistory = []; this.touched = [];
History.prototype = {
// Schedule a commit (if no other touches come in for commitDelay
// milliseconds).
scheduleCommit: function() {
var self = this;
this.commitTimeout = this.parent.setTimeout(function(){self.tryCommit();}, this.commitDelay);
// Mark a node as touched. Null is a valid argument.
touch: function(node) {
// Undo the last change.
undo: function() {
// Make sure pending changes have been committed.
if (this.history.length) {
// Take the top diff from the history, apply it, and store its
// shadow in the redo history.
var item = this.history.pop();
this.redoHistory.push(this.updateTo(item, "applyChain"));
if (this.onChange) this.onChange();
return this.chainNode(item);
// Redo the last undone change.
redo: function() {
if (this.redoHistory.length) {
// The inverse of undo, basically.
var item = this.redoHistory.pop();
this.addUndoLevel(this.updateTo(item, "applyChain"));
if (this.onChange) this.onChange();
return this.chainNode(item);
clear: function() {
this.history = [];
this.redoHistory = [];
// Ask for the size of the un/redo histories.
historySize: function() {
return {undo: this.history.length, redo: this.redoHistory.length};
// Push a changeset into the document.
push: function(from, to, lines) {
var chain = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var end = (i == lines.length - 1) ? to : this.container.ownerDocument.createElement("BR");
chain.push({from: from, to: end, text: cleanText(lines[i])});
from = end;
this.pushChains([chain], from == null && to == null);
pushChains: function(chains, doNotHighlight) {
this.addUndoLevel(this.updateTo(chains, "applyChain"));
this.redoHistory = [];
// Retrieve a DOM node from a chain (for scrolling to it after undo/redo).
chainNode: function(chains) {
for (var i = 0; i < chains.length; i++) {
var start = chains[i][0], node = start && (start.from ||;
if (node) return node;
// Clear the undo history, make the current document the start
// position.
reset: function() {
this.history = []; this.redoHistory = [];
textAfter: function(br) {
return this.after(br).text;
nodeAfter: function(br) {
return this.after(br).to;
nodeBefore: function(br) {
return this.before(br).from;
// Commit unless there are pending dirty nodes.
tryCommit: function() {
if (!window.History) return; // Stop when frame has been unloaded
if (this.editor.highlightDirty()) this.commit(true);
else this.scheduleCommit();
// Check whether the touched nodes hold any changes, if so, commit
// them.
commit: function(doNotHighlight) {
// Make sure there are no pending dirty nodes.
if (!doNotHighlight) this.editor.highlightDirty(true);
// Build set of chains.
var chains = this.touchedChains(), self = this;
if (chains.length) {
this.addUndoLevel(this.updateTo(chains, "linkChain"));
this.redoHistory = [];
if (this.onChange) this.onChange();
// [ end of public interface ]
// Update the document with a given set of chains, return its
// shadow. updateFunc should be "applyChain" or "linkChain". In the
// second case, the chains are taken to correspond the the current
// document, and only the state of the line data is updated. In the
// first case, the content of the chains is also pushed iinto the
// document.
updateTo: function(chains, updateFunc) {
var shadows = [], dirty = [];
for (var i = 0; i < chains.length; i++) {
if (updateFunc == "applyChain")
return shadows;
// Notify the editor that some nodes have changed.
notifyDirty: function(nodes) {
forEach(nodes, method(this.editor, "addDirtyNode"))
// Link a chain into the DOM nodes (or the first/last links for null
// nodes).
linkChain: function(chain) {
for (var i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) {
var line = chain[i];
if (line.from) line.from.historyAfter = line;
else this.first = line;
if ( = line;
else this.last = line;
// Get the line object after/before a given node.
after: function(node) {
return node ? node.historyAfter : this.first;
before: function(node) {
return node ? node.historyBefore : this.last;
// Mark a node as touched if it has not already been marked.
setTouched: function(node) {
if (node) {
if (!node.historyTouched) {
node.historyTouched = true;
else {
this.firstTouched = true;
// Store a new set of undo info, throw away info if there is more of
// it than allowed.
addUndoLevel: function(diffs) {
if (this.history.length > this.maxDepth)
// Build chains from a set of touched nodes.
touchedChains: function() {
var self = this;
// The temp system is a crummy hack to speed up determining
// whether a (currently touched) node has a line object associated
// with it. nullTemp is used to store the object for the first
// line, other nodes get it stored in their historyTemp property.
var nullTemp = null;
function temp(node) {return node ? node.historyTemp : nullTemp;}
function setTemp(node, line) {
if (node) node.historyTemp = line;
else nullTemp = line;
function buildLine(node) {
var text = [];
for (var cur = node ? node.nextSibling : self.container.firstChild;
cur && cur.nodeName != "BR"; cur = cur.nextSibling)
if (cur.currentText) text.push(cur.currentText);
return {from: node, to: cur, text: cleanText(text.join(""))};
// Filter out unchanged lines and nodes that are no longer in the
// document. Build up line objects for remaining nodes.
var lines = [];
if (self.firstTouched) self.touched.push(null);
forEach(self.touched, function(node) {
if (node && node.parentNode != self.container) return;
if (node) node.historyTouched = false;
else self.firstTouched = false;
var line = buildLine(node), shadow = self.after(node);
if (!shadow || shadow.text != line.text || != {
setTemp(node, line);
// Get the BR element after/before the given node.
function nextBR(node, dir) {
var link = dir + "Sibling", search = node[link];
while (search && search.nodeName != "BR")
search = search[link];
return search;
// Assemble line objects into chains by scanning the DOM tree
// around them.
var chains = []; self.touched = [];
forEach(lines, function(line) {
// Note that this makes the loop skip line objects that have
// been pulled into chains by lines before them.
if (!temp(line.from)) return;
var chain = [], curNode = line.from, safe = true;
// Put any line objects (referred to by temp info) before this
// one on the front of the array.
while (true) {
var curLine = temp(curNode);
if (!curLine) {
if (safe) break;
else curLine = buildLine(curNode);
setTemp(curNode, null);
if (!curNode) break;
safe = self.after(curNode);
curNode = nextBR(curNode, "previous");
curNode =; safe = self.before(line.from);
// Add lines after this one at end of array.
while (true) {
if (!curNode) break;
var curLine = temp(curNode);
if (!curLine) {
if (safe) break;
else curLine = buildLine(curNode);
setTemp(curNode, null);
safe = self.before(curNode);
curNode = nextBR(curNode, "next");
return chains;
// Find the 'shadow' of a given chain by following the links in the
// DOM nodes at its start and end.
shadowChain: function(chain) {
var shadows = [], next = this.after(chain[0].from), end = chain[chain.length - 1].to;
while (true) {
var nextNode =;
if (!nextNode || nextNode == end)
next = nextNode.historyAfter || this.before(end);
// (The this.before(end) is a hack -- FF sometimes removes
// properties from BR nodes, in which case the best we can hope
// for is to not break.)
return shadows;
// Update the DOM tree to contain the lines specified in a given
// chain, link this chain into the DOM nodes.
applyChain: function(chain) {
// Some attempt is made to prevent the cursor from jumping
// randomly when an undo or redo happens. It still behaves a bit
// strange sometimes.
var cursor = select.cursorPos(this.container, false), self = this;
// Remove all nodes in the DOM tree between from and to (null for
// start/end of container).
function removeRange(from, to) {
var pos = from ? from.nextSibling : self.container.firstChild;
while (pos != to) {
var temp = pos.nextSibling;
pos = temp;
var start = chain[0].from, end = chain[chain.length - 1].to;
// Clear the space where this change has to be made.
removeRange(start, end);
// Insert the content specified by the chain into the DOM tree.
for (var i = 0; i < chain.length; i++) {
var line = chain[i];
// The start and end of the space are already correct, but BR
// tags inside it have to be put back.
if (i > 0)
self.container.insertBefore(line.from, end);
// Add the text.
var node = makePartSpan(fixSpaces(line.text), this.container.ownerDocument);
self.container.insertBefore(node, end);
// See if the cursor was on this line. Put it back, adjusting
// for changed line length, if it was.
if (cursor && cursor.node == line.from) {
var cursordiff = 0;
var prev = this.after(line.from);
if (prev && i == chain.length - 1) {
// Only adjust if the cursor is after the unchanged part of
// the line.
for (var match = 0; match < cursor.offset &&
line.text.charAt(match) == prev.text.charAt(match); match++);
if (cursor.offset > match)
cursordiff = line.text.length - prev.text.length;
select.setCursorPos(this.container, {node: line.from, offset: Math.max(0, cursor.offset + cursordiff)});
// Cursor was in removed line, this is last new line.
else if (cursor && (i == chain.length - 1) && cursor.node && cursor.node.parentNode != this.container) {
select.setCursorPos(this.container, {node: line.from, offset: line.text.length});
// Anchor the chain in the DOM tree.
return start;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
/* A few useful utility functions. */
var internetExplorer = document.selection && window.ActiveXObject && /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var webkit = /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var safari = /Apple Computers, Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);
// Capture a method on an object.
function method(obj, name) {
return function() {obj[name].apply(obj, arguments);};
// The value used to signal the end of a sequence in iterators.
var StopIteration = {toString: function() {return "StopIteration"}};
// Apply a function to each element in a sequence.
function forEach(iter, f) {
if ( {
try {while (true) f(;}
catch (e) {if (e != StopIteration) throw e;}
else {
for (var i = 0; i < iter.length; i++)
// Map a function over a sequence, producing an array of results.
function map(iter, f) {
var accum = [];
forEach(iter, function(val) {accum.push(f(val));});
return accum;
// Create a predicate function that tests a string againsts a given
// regular expression. No longer used but might be used by 3rd party
// parsers.
function matcher(regexp){
return function(value){return regexp.test(value);};
// Test whether a DOM node has a certain CSS class. Much faster than
// the MochiKit equivalent, for some reason.
function hasClass(element, className){
var classes = element.className;
return classes && new RegExp("(^| )" + className + "($| )").test(classes);
// Insert a DOM node after another node.
function insertAfter(newNode, oldNode) {
var parent = oldNode.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(newNode, oldNode.nextSibling);
return newNode;
function removeElement(node) {
if (node.parentNode)
function clearElement(node) {
while (node.firstChild)
// Check whether a node is contained in another one.
function isAncestor(node, child) {
while (child = child.parentNode) {
if (node == child)
return true;
return false;
// The non-breaking space character.
var nbsp = "\u00a0";
var matching = {"{": "}", "[": "]", "(": ")",
"}": "{", "]": "[", ")": "("};
// Standardize a few unportable event properties.
function normalizeEvent(event) {
if (!event.stopPropagation) {
event.stopPropagation = function() {this.cancelBubble = true;};
event.preventDefault = function() {this.returnValue = false;};
if (!event.stop) {
event.stop = function() {
if (event.type == "keypress") {
event.code = (event.charCode == null) ? event.keyCode : event.charCode;
event.character = String.fromCharCode(event.code);
return event;
// Portably register event handlers.
function addEventHandler(node, type, handler, removeFunc) {
function wrapHandler(event) {
handler(normalizeEvent(event || window.event));
if (typeof node.addEventListener == "function") {
node.addEventListener(type, wrapHandler, false);
if (removeFunc) return function() {node.removeEventListener(type, wrapHandler, false);};
else {
node.attachEvent("on" + type, wrapHandler);
if (removeFunc) return function() {node.detachEvent("on" + type, wrapHandler);};
function nodeText(node) {
return node.innerText || node.textContent || node.nodeValue || "";
function nodeTop(node) {
var top = 0;
while (node.offsetParent) {
top += node.offsetTop;
node = node.offsetParent;
return top;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* Cookie plugin
* Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl (
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* Create a cookie with the given name and value and other optional parameters.
* @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value');
* @desc Set the value of a cookie.
* @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value', { expires: 7, path: '/', domain: '', secure: true });
* @desc Create a cookie with all available options.
* @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value');
* @desc Create a session cookie.
* @example $.cookie('the_cookie', null);
* @desc Delete a cookie by passing null as value. Keep in mind that you have to use the same path and domain
* used when the cookie was set.
* @param String name The name of the cookie.
* @param String value The value of the cookie.
* @param Object options An object literal containing key/value pairs to provide optional cookie attributes.
* @option Number|Date expires Either an integer specifying the expiration date from now on in days or a Date object.
* If a negative value is specified (e.g. a date in the past), the cookie will be deleted.
* If set to null or omitted, the cookie will be a session cookie and will not be retained
* when the the browser exits.
* @option String path The value of the path atribute of the cookie (default: path of page that created the cookie).
* @option String domain The value of the domain attribute of the cookie (default: domain of page that created the cookie).
* @option Boolean secure If true, the secure attribute of the cookie will be set and the cookie transmission will
* require a secure protocol (like HTTPS).
* @type undefined
* @name $.cookie
* @cat Plugins/Cookie
* @author Klaus Hartl/
* Get the value of a cookie with the given name.
* @example $.cookie('the_cookie');
* @desc Get the value of a cookie.
* @param String name The name of the cookie.
* @return The value of the cookie.
* @type String
* @name $.cookie
* @cat Plugins/Cookie
* @author Klaus Hartl/
jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) {
if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // name and value given, set cookie
options = options || {};
if (value === null) {
value = '';
options.expires = -1;
var expires = '';
if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) {
var date;
if (typeof options.expires == 'number') {
date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
} else {
date = options.expires;
expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
// CAUTION: Needed to parenthesize options.path and options.domain
// in the following expressions, otherwise they evaluate to undefined
// in the packed version for some reason...
var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : '';
var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : '';
var secure = ? '; secure' : '';
document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join('');
} else { // only name given, get cookie
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
$(document).ready(function() {
// automatic slug from snippet name
$('#snippet_name').keypress(function() {
var input = $(this);
var slug = $('#snippet_slug');
if (!slug.hasClass('filled')) {
setTimeout(function() {
slug.val(input.val().replace(' ', '_').toLowerCase());
}, 50);
$('#snippet_slug').keypress(function() { $(this).addClass('filled'); });

View File

@ -160,8 +160,9 @@ div#uploadAssetsInputQueue { display: none; }
background: white;
#pages-list ul { list-style: none; margin: 10px 0 10px 40px; padding: 0; }
#pages-list li {
height: 31px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
position: relative;
clear: both;
@ -175,6 +176,11 @@ div#uploadAssetsInputQueue { display: none; }
width: 18px;
#pages-list ul.folder li em {
background-position: left -31px;
cursor: move;
#pages-list li .toggler {
position: absolute;
top: 9px;
@ -217,24 +223,8 @@ div#uploadAssetsInputQueue { display: none; }
outline: none;
#pages-list li.error .more { top: 16px; }
#pages-list li.depth-1 { margin-left: 40px; }
#pages-list li.depth-1.index { margin-left: 0px; }
#pages-list li.depth-1.error { border-top: 1px dotted #bbbbbd; padding-top: 10px; margin-left: 0px; }
#pages-list li.depth-2 { margin-left: 80px; }
#pages-list li.depth-2.index { margin-left: 40px; }
#pages-list li.depth-3 { margin-left: 120px; }
#pages-list li.depth-3.index { margin-left: 80px; }
#pages-list li.depth-4 { margin-left: 160px; }
#pages-list li.depth-4.index { margin-left: 120px; }
#pages-list li.depth-5 { margin-left: 200px; }
#pages-list li.depth-5.index { margin-left: 160px; }
#pages-list li.not-found { border-top: 1px dotted #bbbbbd; padding-top: 10px; margin-left: 0px; }
#pages-list li.not-found .more { top: 16px; }
/* ___ Progress bar ___ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
.editbox {
margin: .4em;
padding: 0;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 10pt;
color: black;
background: white url(../../images/admin/form/field.png) repeat-x 0 0 !important;
pre.code, .editbox {
color: #666666;
.editbox p {
margin: 0;
span.css-at {
color: #770088;
span.css-unit {
color: #228811;
span.css-value {
color: #770088;
span.css-identifier {
color: black;
span.css-important {
color: #0000FF;
span.css-colorcode {
color: #004499;
span.css-comment {
color: #AA7700;
span.css-string {
color: #AA2222;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 3em 6em;
color: black;
max-width: 50em;
h1 {
font-size: 22pt;
.underline {
border-bottom: 3px solid #C44;
h2 {
font-size: 14pt;
p.rel {
padding-left: 2em;
text-indent: -2em;
div.border {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 3px;
code {
font-family: courier, monospace;
font-size: 90%;
color: #144;
pre.code {
margin: 1.1em 12px;
border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
color: black;
padding: .4em;
font-family: courier, monospace;
.warn {
color: #C00;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
.editbox {
margin: .4em;
padding: 0;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 10pt;
color: black;
background: white url(../../images/admin/form/field.png) repeat-x 0 0 !important;
pre.code, .editbox {
color: #666666;
.editbox p {
margin: 0;
span.js-punctuation {
color: #666666;
span.js-operator {
color: #666666;
span.js-keyword {
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span.js-variable {
color: black;
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color: #0000FF;
span.js-localvariable {
color: #004499;
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color: black;
span.js-comment {
color: #AA7700;
span.js-string {
color: #AA2222;

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
span.liquid-punctuation {
color: silver;
span.liquid-bad-punctuation {
color: red;
text-decoration: underline;
span.liquid-text {
color: black;
span.liquid-variable {
color: magenta;
span.liquid-string {
color: green;
span.liquid-tag-name {
color: green;
font-weight: bold;
span.liquid-keyword {
color: black;
font-weight: bold;
span.liquid-tag-name {
color: black;
font-weight: bold;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 14 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
.editbox {
margin: .4em;
padding: 0;
font-family: monospace;
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color: black;
.editbox p {
margin: 0;
span.sp-keyword {
color: #708;
span.sp-prefixed {
color: #5d1;
span.sp-var {
color: #00c;
span.sp-comment {
color: #a70;
span.sp-literal {
color: #a22;
span.sp-uri {
color: #292;
span.sp-operator {
color: #088;

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
.editbox {
margin: .4em;
padding: 0;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 10pt;
color: black;
background: white url(../../images/admin/form/field.png) repeat-x 0 0 !important;
.editbox p {
margin: 0;
span.xml-tagname {
color: #A0B;
span.xml-attribute {
color: #281;
span.xml-punctuation {
color: black;
span.xml-attname {
color: #00F;
span.xml-comment {
color: #A70;
span.xml-cdata {
color: #48A;
span.xml-processing {
color: #999;
span.xml-entity {
color: #A22;
span.xml-error {
color: #F00;
span.xml-text {
color: black;

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@ -20,3 +20,34 @@ Factory.define :page do |p|
p.title 'Home page'
p.slug 'index'
## Liquid templates ##
Factory.define :liquid_template do |t|
t.association :site, :factory => :site 'Simple one'
t.slug 'simple_one'
t.value %{simple liquid template}
## Layouts ##
Factory.define :layout do |l|
l.association :site, :factory => :site '1 main column + sidebar'
l.value %{<html>
<title>Hello world !</title>
<div id="main">\{\{ content_for_layout \}\}</div>
<div id="sidebar">\{\{ content_for_sidebar "Left Sidebar"\}\}</div>
## Snippets ##
Factory.define :snippet do |s|
s.association :site, :factory => :site 'My website title'
s.slug 'header'
s.value %{<title>Acme</title}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Layout do
it 'should have a valid factory' do be_valid
## validations ##
it 'should validate presence of content_for_layout in value' do
layout =, :value => 'without content_for_layout')
layout.should_not be_valid
layout.errors[:value].should == ["should contain 'content_for_layout' liquid tag"]
describe 'once created' do
before(:each) do
@layout = Factory(:layout)
it 'should have 2 parts' do == 2 == 'Body' == 'layout' == 'Left Sidebar' == 'sidebar'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe LiquidTemplate do
it 'should have a valid factory' do be_valid
# Validations ##
%w{site name slug value}.each do |field|
it "should validate presence of #{field}" do
template =, field.to_sym => nil)
template.should_not be_valid
template.errors[field.to_sym].should == ["can't be blank"]

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ describe Page do be_valid
## Validations ##
# Validations ##
%w{site title slug}.each do |field|
%w{site title}.each do |field|
it "should validate presence of #{field}" do
page =, field.to_sym => nil)
page.should_not be_valid
@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ describe Page do
it 'should validate presence of slug' do
page =, :title => nil, :slug => nil)
page.should_not be_valid
page.errors[:slug].should == ["can't be blank"]
it 'should validate uniqueness of slug' do
page = Factory(:page)
(page =, :site => be_valid
@ -30,14 +36,19 @@ describe Page do
## Named scopes ##
# Named scopes ##
## Associations ##
# Associations ##
## Methods ##
# Methods ##
describe 'once created' do
it 'should tell if the page is the index one' do, :slug => 'index', :site => nil).index?.should be_true, :slug => 'index', :depth => 1, :site => nil).index?.should be_false
it 'should add the body part' do
page = Factory(:page) be_empty
@ -48,6 +59,10 @@ describe Page do
page =, :slug => ' Valid ité.html ')
page.slug.should == 'Valid_ite'
page =, :title => ' Valid ité.html ', :slug => nil, :site =>
page.should be_valid
page.slug.should == 'Valid_ite'
@ -56,7 +71,7 @@ describe Page do
before(:each) do
@home = Factory(:page)
@child_1 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 1', :slug => 'foo', :parent => @home, :site =>
@child_1 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Subpage 1', :slug => 'foo', :parent_id => @home._id, :site =>
it 'should add root elements' do
@ -71,9 +86,39 @@ describe Page do
Page.first.children.should == [@child_1, child_2]
it 'should generate a route from parents' do
it 'should move its children accordingly' do
sub_child_1 = Factory(:page, :title => 'Sub Subpage 1', :slug => 'bar', :parent => @child_1, :site =>
archives = Factory(:page, :title => 'archives', :slug => 'archives', :parent => @home, :site =>
posts = Factory(:page, :title => 'posts', :slug => 'posts', :parent => archives, :site =>
@child_1.parent_id = archives._id
@child_1.position.should == 2
@home.reload.children.count.should == 1
archives.reload.children.count.should == 2
archives.children.last.depth.should == 2
archives.children.last.position.should == 2
archives.children.last.children.first.depth.should == 3
it 'should generate a route / url from parents' do
@home.route.should == 'index'
@home.url.should == ''
@child_1.route.should == 'foo'
@child_1.url.should == ''
nested_page = Factory(:page, :title => 'Sub sub page 1', :slug => 'bar', :parent => @child_1, :site =>
nested_page.route.should == 'index/foo/bar'
nested_page.route.should == 'foo/bar'
nested_page.url.should == ''
it 'should destroy descendants as well' do
Factory(:page, :title => 'Sub Subpage 1', :slug => 'bar', :parent_id => @child_1._id, :site =>
Page.where(:slug => 'bar').first.should be_nil
@ -98,5 +143,4 @@ describe Page do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Snippet do
it 'should have a valid factory' do be_valid